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Posts posted by Gouki

  1. Well, it all depends on what you want to do with your profissional life.

    The path I choose for me was:

    Microsoft (I had classes for MCSE), CompTIA (home study only), CWNP (wireless technologies certifications - home study) and I plan on taking Cisco after Im done with the 3 previous areas (CCNA and CCDA home study only. CCNP, CCDP and CCSP with classes).

    I would problably go with Microsoft after your done with CompTIA. It's easyer than Cisco if your going to the long run (MCSE +S vs CCNP or CCSP).

  2. A+ and Network+ are *easy*! If you have a little background, you'll have those done with no problems.

    As for the Security+ exam, I'll have to say that has nothing to do with A+ and Network+ in terms of difficulty. It's a harder area by 'default', however, if you have a little bit of knowleadge of Information Security and study for 2 or 3 different books, there will be no problem.

    About the Server+ and Linux+.

    Server+, wich I wanted to do, is VERY hardware based. I even bought the book from ExamCram, but I sould it after 2 day's of study. Not my thing. If you into Hardware, go for it. It's a certifications that has not been very famous, and maybe because of that, can be good to your curriculum.

    Linux+ is a tottaly different thing. I am Windows Fanboy and I never really liked Linux (old distros at least) and I am currently studying for that certification.

    Linux is getting more into bussiness the last couple of years, and because of that, having a certain level of knowleadge about it, wich will be provided by your study for the exam, can be a good thing.

    Remember that the Linux+ is very hard. I heard people that have been working with Linux for a couple of years and failed the first time that they took the exam. So if your going for it, study allot.

    About how to study for certifications, I have to remember you that BRAINDUMPS WILL NOT HELP YOU IN ANYWAY!

    Do allot of exam simulators and study for 2 or 3 different books. This way you will not be limited to a authors point of view and will get you better prepared for the exam.

    P.S: I am currently adding 100 more question to the Security+ simulator over at MCMCSE.com. I'm still writting them, but I think I'll be over in a week. Check it out :)

  3. But a precomputed hash table (such as governments use ATM) *does* need to be calculated at least once...

    And remember, as long as it takes to make ONE table today, with this method, the government will need to spend 12,086,781x10^5 times LONGER to make a new one.... that is a hell of a long time :blink:

    Yes. You are correct. What I was thinking was somehow 'getting' a table already done from somewhere. Getting the Government one would be cool. :yes:

  4. Thanks for the tip, it did worked, a little bit ... LOL

    The ASCII art moved a little bit to the right, it did not get centered tho.

    This is what I have now:

    <Table Align="Center"><TD>

    ________ __ __ ___ ___ ________
    / _____/ ____ __ __| | _|__|/ | \\_____ \
    / \ ___ / _ \| | \ |/ / / ~ \/ / \ \ ___ ___ ___
    \ \_\ ( <_> ) | / <| \ Y / \_/. \ _ | . | _| . |
    \______ /\____/|____/|__|_ \__|\___|_ /\_____\ \_/ |_||___|_| |_ |
    \/ \/ \/ \__> |___|


  5. when I say everyone, I mean everyone. Simple as going to a website and doing a simple name search.

    I read about this on a Digg submission, ComputerWorld was an article giving more information about this serious security hole in County.

    I found this comic statetment a Broward County website:

    The Archives Section is a secured internal function which allows County agencies to send or retrieve records to/from the County Records Center.

    Yah. Really safe, and internal too.

    Can this type of holes be forgiven? Isn't this reason enough to fire and prosecute the responsable for the security of that website?

    A DoS is possibly taking place, since they (County) has made a e-Mail address so that citizens can ask them to remove their information from the Internet.

    If your name is listed there, and if you don't like the idea, mail them:


    ... back to searching some known people! :)

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