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Posts posted by Milkinis

  1. 37 minutes ago, VistaLover said:

    the "Sub System Version" value inside the EXE's PE Header has been set (by the compiler)

    it's not software developer's fault if the compiler doesn't support W7 anymore. 

  2. 2 hours ago, UCyborg said:

    Second edit: Similarly to Gecko, it appears WebKit also doesn't adopt everything Google thinks should be in the web browser.

    Firefox has two different browsers one for IPAD based on Webkit and the other one for IPHONE based on Gecko (thanks to UE DMA rules)

    https://www.macrumors.com/2024/01/26/mozilla-on-apple-eu-browser-engine-change/#:~:text=iPad Air-,Mozilla is 'Extremely Disappointed' With Implementation of,Apple's EU Browser Engine Change&text=In iOS 17.4%2C Apple is,Act in the European Union.

  3. 6 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    And yes, I have Chrome versions v92, v108, and v115 that all run on XP!

    v92 and v108 are corporate versions, and NO, I cannot and WILL NOT distribute them !!!

    is this an ongoing project or will the 108 not be upgraded anymore ? how does it perform in comparison to Supermium 122 ? 

  4. 25 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    hate hate HATE not having a real TITLE BAR in any browser running on real XP.  Just personal preference, of course.

    your beloved W10 windows do miss a true title bar too

    btw W11 lost a 3% global market share in favor of W10



  5. 3 minutes ago, 66cats said:

    A mere 4 years without security updates. You win.

    I would say security updates to the public because the large corps still pay for security updates up until 2025 at least for WinXP

    you can't believe how much I hate the crap W7 not only because they removed essential XP functions but there are things that get me angry :realmad:


  6. 14 minutes ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

    Yes you are right but I use considerable accouterments in my Huawei smartphone.

    isn't Huawei a black listed brand ? are you using Android or the new Harmony OS ?

    I prefer a Samsung phone with a weak speaker than a chinese phone to be honest


  7. 1 hour ago, Dixel said:

    But Firefox and all the forks (to this date) are one of the most notorious trackers, and they are nowhere near Ungoogled. 

    Librewolf appears to be a little better in that regard but I could not care less so long as they have no access to my bank $$$

    Some people suffer from a notorious paranoia with google and other trackers LOL.


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