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About charly

  • Birthday 01/11/1945

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  1. With the new rpXbeta2 dr watson is now running all the time, can't find how it is getting loaded to shut it down on startup. Doesn't work with System Tool, and can't find in registry where its loaded? Thanks,Charlie Yeah, the last beta2 is unstable, more so than beta1. So... use rpXbeta1. Your right,thanks
  2. With the new rpXbeta2 dr watson is now running all the time, can't find how it is getting loaded to shut it down on startup. Doesn't work with System Tool, and can't find in registry where its loaded? Thanks,Charlie
  3. Please let me know if there is a copy of WAN.TSP [37200 bytes] in C:\9!M [it should be, it is installed by 98SE2ME.EXE].When you 1st run 98SE2ME, even if you don't install any options, WAN.TSP should be copied into %windir%\SYSTEM from within 98SE2ME.BAT: ECHO A | IF EXIST %windir%\SYSTEM\WAN.TSP C:\9!M\ATTRIB.COM/B +A -H -R -S %windir%\SYSTEM\WAN.TSP>NUL IF EXIST C:\9!M\WAN.TSP COPY/Y/Z C:\9!M\WAN.TSP %windir%\SYSTEM>NUL When you install option 1 or 2, WAN.TSP is copied to the temp install folder [C:\9S2M] from C:\9!M, and to %windir%\SYSTEM [from O2.BAT and from 2G.INF], just to make sure. O2.BAT: IF EXIST C:\9!M\WAN.TSP COPY/Y/Z C:\9!M\WAN.TSP C:\9S2M\SYSTEM>NUL ECHO A | IF EXIST %windir%\SYSTEM\WAN.TSP C:\9!M\ATTRIB.COM/B +A -H -R -S %windir%\SYSTEM\WAN.TSP>NUL IF EXIST C:\9!M\WAN.TSP COPY/Y/Z C:\9!M\WAN.TSP %windir%\SYSTEM>NUL2G.INF: [s][INO] CopyFiles=WAN [WAN] WAN.TSP,,,4 [DestinationDirs] WAN=11[/s]And just to be sure, I uploaded 98SE2ME.EXE again... Please download it and try 1 more time [4.2 MB]: http://www.mdgx.com/4 Thanks for your time + concern. Best, MDGx Edit: Removed backup installation of WAN.TSP from 2G.INF, because WAN.TSP may be %windir%\SYSTEM after being copied to %windir%\SYSTEM . [This is a limitation if INF files CopyFiles directive. ] Yes it did put a copy in C:\9!M, and I just move it to %windir%\SYSTEM - so it was not deleted from 9!M. Have not run new 98SE2ME.EXE , because I move it manualy. Thanks for the reply
  4. Ran option 2 and it did not replace the ME wan.tsp with the 98, but did replace IRPROPS.CPL + IRFTP.EXE 4.90.3000. Had to replace manually out of 98! folder.
  5. Thanks Steven, Just what I needed - Works perfectly - Best conversion of .DOCX I've seen.
  6. What's the bump for? Dencorso gave the link in post#3 to Docx2Rtf v3.8. It does exactly what the OP was asking for. Docx2Rtf v3.8===Text in col. was bad and in wrong places for the images, some backgrounds not quite right. Only this online web site(free) has worked for me, and only really right in a .PDF file for proper looks. Hoping this thread would continue and maybe find a better solution in the form of an apps. for a DOC. file. Didn't mean to upset anybody - sorry.
  7. bump
  8. Sounds more like video card is over heating, this will freeze screen and mouse. Try cleaning your tower - dust and lint on fans and video card. Check on a utility software to read temp. on card and or CPU.
  9. If you trying to read DVD recorded in UDF 2.x format then it impossible, because maximal version of UDF what Windows 98 support is 1.01. I haved this problem too earlier, but after long searches i found working driver for 9x named ReadDVD! from Software Architects. Look for that in Google. Good luck. Thanks, Charlie
  10. After benchmarking my drives with Norton apps, using all combination of numbers, smaller was better. Highest reading was with ----- ================================================== REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem] "ReadAheadThreshold"=hex:00,20,00,00 "PathCache"=hex:ff,00,00,00 "NameCache"=hex:00,ff,00,00 ================================================== ReadAheadThreshold ended up being really small ---- 8 KB Pathcache and Namecache also affected speed of read/write to drive ---- set to max.
  11. Yea, but they only let you go to 512!
  12. The registry setting is ---- [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem] "ReadAheadThreshold"=hex:00,00,16,00 ----------- This is the best setting for my machine, maybe to high for you. 16 = 1024 just change "00 00 01 00" to "00 00 16 00" other settings are --- 64 = 4096 32 = 2048 16 = 1024 ------ this is my best setting 8 = 512 4 = 264 2 = 128 1 = 64 Hope this helps you, Charlie
  13. This one is the best!!!!! http://www.xnview.com/
  14. I have the same entry and have used hijackthis for along time. Never found this entry as a problem in the log file.
  15. The only problem in this is that you must open the box to unplug/plug every new HD. I wonder if there is any procedure to keep the master HD out of the box while using it, so that the change may be done easily, or if it is possible to use any existing device to switch from outside the connection of two main HD into the motherboard, as it happens in many other fields, i.e. in Sat-tv to switch between external parabole antennas. I think what you want is a "Nicklock" if you can still find one, or build it yourself--here http://www.dvhardware.net/modules.php?name...cle&artid=4 I have a Nicklock installed for years and love it. Charlie
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