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Posts posted by D.Draker

  1. 3 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

    Hmmm .. UGH!!!

    Just a search for old songs on the google (not the default) on 360 Chrome



    I didn't even notice until you mentioned it @D.Draker

    You're welcome ! Lot's of work should still be done with his version . 

  2. 4 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    I personally do not encourage anything NEWER than v13 build 2206

    Well , I remained silent , but since you asked . I'd use it .... but it still has hard-coded chinese search engines . Like 360 as the default provider !??! . Are you kiddin' ? Do we have chinese users ? Other searches are also pure junk . Would be nice to see Duck [even though we all now it's jewish] . Or , say Yahoo and Swisscows to replace the other chinese leftovers. The google search has telemetry attached  to it , right in the link it creates !!! sometimes it's just ?client=aff-cs-360se&ie=UTF-8&q= And sometimes with a unique identifier like 15734b93jka824ff2of. See for yourself.

    Also , you replaced many links with dots , but didn't brake them completely. The browser will still broadcast rubbish . 

  3. On 12/24/2021 at 9:06 AM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    Thanks.  Have not tried the  --no-sandbox parameter yet.

    I tried it with the other (newer) chrome browsers on Vista long time ago . I even tried Chrome 99 [recently] . No disappearing fonts ! Of course you would need to use the ex-krenel by @win32. But since extensions support on Vista is still not fixed , I'm remaining on this browser and have no use for the ex-kernel for now. If you don't know , there's something that prevents the extensions from being fixed in their position (not saving settings , etc).

  4. On 12/24/2021 at 7:09 AM, UCyborg said:


    Merry X-mass everyone ! Tried it , all the same. I think it's already activated by default , otherwise newer chrome wouldn't run on XP at all . I have absolutely no fonts [at all] on Nvidia website , except for the bold ones above , take a look at the pic . I 'm on Vista , not XP.



  5. Continuing the energy crisis topic :

    German energy policy baffles beyond belief ! As gas prices soar + Russia squeezes supply, Germany will close 3 of its remaining 6 nuclear plants before 2021 ends. The last three to be closed in 2022. In 2010 17 nuke stations = 25% German electricity. Now it’s 12%, soon to be zero ! And what’s filled the gap? The "marvellously" clean fossil fuel known as coa ! By H1 of this year coal = top source of German electricity - 25% v 22% from wind, 9% solar, 12% nukes. Now Germany intends to be much more reliant on Russian gas.

    Nuke-power France emits half CO2 emissions/capita than soon to be non-nuke Germany. One-year forward German electricity prices = €300/MWH. Average in last decade = €50. Really good idea to close remaining nuke capacity.

    In the meantime :

    Naftogaz CEO accuses Russia of using gas as a geopolitical weapon :


    Germany also cleared a medievil forrest to expand the biggest open cast coal mine in Europe and in the same month criticised Brazil for not stopping the rainforrest fires.


    Looks like Russia funded the lobbyists calling for the German government to close all their nuclear power stations after the Fukushima disaster. Russia knows exactly what it’s doing.

  6. And then boom, another wave of chip shortages..."but we have no clue why".


    "Intel is the latest—but not the first—tech company to threaten to suspend employees who aren't getting the vaccine as Omicron "rampages" across the U.S."

    ByBrianna Provenzano

    Yesterday 11:51AM

    "According to the Associated Press, which obtained a copy of the memo, Chief People Officer Christy Pambianchi informed employees..."



    Get ready for shortages and overpriced junk .

    Looks like a present from Santa Klaus Schwabe ...

  7. 3 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

    Ugh ... somehow I missed that about our browser. Presuming Serpent likely logs as well. Good grief, can't we catch a break. I think (guess) keeping browser sessions short and sweet is the key, but I honestly don't know what to think anymore. Nothing shocks me anymore. I'm glad you posted it again and I'll read it later when I can actually absorb it. Thank!

    It's NOT the browser that logs us ! It's this newly implemented function by MSFN (or by Invasion corp.) creates a keyloger . Not so newly , actually .

  8. 3 hours ago, msfntor said:

    SURE! Yes, I'm sure of this. I've alrerady mentionned  that I've NOT updated cetrificates, but no one answered about this....

    So say me where are this good info about in MSFN, please?


    I think, that certificates should be updated in the browser natively. Good browser must be good everywhere.


    No , you need to update them from time to time , here's the tool and instructions.


  9. 3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    There is a keylogger for the sake of restoring typed content.

    conspiracy theory

    And how do you know this ? Was there a statement from MSFN employees ? We have to assume the worse case scenario , until proven otherwise , agree ?

    "conspiracy theory" is a term invented by the FBI to mock people who tell the truth . I'm guessing in 2021 , when 99% of "conspiracy theories" became true you could just drop it , especially among us , privacy seekers , agree ?

    Chips under human's skin is no longer a "conspiracy theory" . Depopulation and all of the globalists' agendas are also no longer conspiracy theories. REDS taking over America , etc . 

    MSFN with their keylogger are just innocent lambs ....

  10. 3 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

    Hello there; D..

    I know this is off topic and I did a search 2 times on the search box to try to find relevant information using the search terms *revert dx* *revert direct x* and only very old threads. I've looked up information on the new and tried the reg trick to get the installer to think dx9 isn't installed so it will ask for the recovery disk - that didn't work at all.

    Do you by any chance know how to revert back to older direct x? Oh, and, things actually just got worse when some posready patches were done to dx9. Ugh

    Thank you in advance.

    PS: This does not work.




    Hello there; X..


    There's a tool provided, if you can't do it manually . I didn't use it myself , I don't usually install DX redist at all . 99% of games that I play run without it . It's because I'm on Vista.


  11. 7 hours ago, UCyborg said:

    1 - Wow, and I thought I was crazy when I re-installed XP maybe a bit over 5 times

    2 - There are countless games from the era that work with DX9. 

    1 - Yesterday it was 452 , YES , 452 !!! Then he edited the post . Why ? Don't want to make any assumptions , but it looks like someone's just seeking for attention .

    But for quite some time MSFN logs our activity with a new keylogger (yes!) , so it's all in their logs forever.

    2 - Doesn't mean they work on XP . For example, DOA 5 wants DX9.0C but still won't start on XP.

  12. 18 hours ago, msfntor said:

    What Happened to Liberty and Justice for All?

    So I've been reading a lot about how many cancers THRIVE in low oxygen environments.

    These masks are changing how we breathe. It's time to hold these people accountable. 

    Their sick fetish is causing real illness. The armed govt agents calling themselves "police" are NOT on the side of the people. Not even close. The only reason you think they are is because of non-stop brainwashing. Open you mind people. See what is right in front of you.

  13. 7 hours ago, msfntor said:

    So nothing to do? We let nitter drop in its bad state?

    I think you need to update your certificates . There's a good info about it on MSFN. Nitter works fine for me on Vista SP0. (RTM). Don't listen to him , you don't need a win 10 PC . Nonsense !

    Though, I have a huge annoying problem with MSFN . Their damn keylogger slows dowm my replies !!! I'm starting to feel I'll soon may be off of this website for good.

  14. 4 hours ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

    I was also wondering did OP actually bought core i7 and cheaped out gpu for 1050? Feels like buying ferrari with fiat punto engine.

    Not enough Euros ?

    4 hours ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

    1050 was multimedia card. And any cards under 1070 kinda felt lame to me. There was better ones in older gen that worked with XP and vista offically. 980ti swept floor with 1060, 970 or 980 were faster than 1050 or 1050ti with same vram (outside 970 ram bug). 960 and 950 are comparable to 1050ti and 1050 but like said work on older windows too.

    For free those cards are very good but if you paid from 1000 series under 1070 was waste of money

    I was also wondering did OP actually bought core i7 and cheaped out gpu for 1050? Feels like buying ferrari with fiat punto engine.

    You're absolutely right ! I'd say GTX780 Ti is even faster and it overclocked like hell ! All that new "low power" junk stuff is simply not made for good overclocking ! My prev. GTX780Ti was way more powerful than 980 , so my advice to the OP is to find it in a good condition to replace his GT1050 .

  15. 14 hours ago, Wunderbar98 said:

    Re-watched Tomorrow Never Dies (Bond, 1997)
    Estimating Windows 9x era total game title count seems difficult. The Ar...


    Honestly , the article is garbage ! How could they dare to miss SpellForce ?!?!??! I'm sure you know this game is iconic .

    The first playable beta came out in 2002. The famous beautiful two-cd retail package released in 2003 worldwide, being version 1.01. 

    It officially runs on Windows 98 , Windows ME , I even heard of people running it on '95 ! At that time I was running Windows ME and it was just fantastic !

    SpellForce + Windows ME !!!! Try it on Win 98 , yes on vanilla windows 98, it's really very cool !

    Keep in mind , I'm talking about SF 1 , Spellforce 2 from 2005 is pure garbage and only for XP and up. Tomorrow Never Dies 1997, always thought it was one the lamest Bonds , but I tried to give it a chance (a couple of times), since it's from our favourite 90s. Just no , sorry still looked lame . But comparing to the Bond films with the later "actor" it's just a masterpiece ! 

    Anyways, I think any good Bond films ceased to exist after Goldeneye 1995 . The 1999's film seemed to have some potential , but alas ... 

  16. 9 hours ago, Win10-Hater said:

    You said that Linux doesn't click in for you, but I'd recommend you to give Zorin OS 16 Core/Pro a try. I have been using it as my main OS for 3 months now and it is quite faster than Windows, safe, easy to use, easy to customize as per your liking, does not disturb you, while still being compatible with most Windows apps and games.  I use Office 2010, Adobe Audition 1.5, Adobe Flash CS6 Portable, Photoshop CS5 Full and Open Rails, all of which work near-perfectly. Check this video made by Christopher Barnatt from ExplainingComputers who reviews Zorin OS.

    These thick fonts are for partially blind people ? 

  17. 4 hours ago, Gansangriff said:

    Brand new killer game performances

    New games are simply not possible with his current hardware. I read the OP has GTX 1050 , which was too weak , even at launch . So I'd say win 7 is the max OS that could make sense.

    His 6 year old low budget card , very similar to GT950 . Even GTX960 would be faster , esp. 4GB vesrions . And I have GTX980 , new titles don't run well . Poor FPS. Not pleasant at all.

    Hell , not only new , I started to notice poor FPS in 2017-2018.

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