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Posts posted by MilkChan

  1. 11 hours ago, Zorba the Geek said:

    MilkChan I noticed that you released an updated version of YumeYao's WMP11 addon at My Digital Life and you list some corrections of errors in the original version 3.4.5.  Could you clarify some points for me so that these corrections can be incorporated into my addon?

    • In the registry the build date of KB973540 is shown as 14/07/2009, while the build date shown in the properties of wmpdxm.dll is shown as 13/07/2009.  Is this the build date error you were referring to?
    • What is the missing security catalog.  There were no errors shown in setuperr.log.
    • What is the fix for ptbusb.inf required for Windows 2003
    • wpd.inf is not included with WMP9 or WMP11.  Why was it supplied as a dummy INF file with only the header?
    • wmp11.cat appears in OnePiece's AIO update pack and the YumeYao WMP11 addon.  Is this the .cat file conflict you were referring to?  Is the resolution to rename wmp11.inf?
    • mpg4ds32.ax_ and msadds32.ax_ would have the effect of removing these decoders from the system.  Is there a reason for this?
    • What are the files essential to the system that were deleted in YumeYao's WMP11 addon?
    • What was the KB973540 string not working properly?
    • What was the issue in version 3.4.1 that prevented mp3 files from playing?

    1 Yes

    2.I lost a file during creation.

    3 I fixed it because It makes the phone When sharing the file folder to Server 2003, it will detect only the camera. 

     also kept the file in my OnePiece addon and
     I deleted the version YumeYao a long time ago.

    4.wpd.inf is a file in Server 2003.
    which installs usermode
    I don't know why YumeYao deleted it.

    5 During the renovation
    Just try to keep the file from being overwritten. Because I'm using the Creator's Update's WMP11 Remove. And now it's useless.

    6 I still don't understand why YumeYao removed it.
    It is a MPEG-4 component and
    Windows Media Audio version 1.2
    I try not to delete it. because of my fear It will affect other programs

    7.KB973540 It was just my mistake to update.

    8.I recommend you to download Server 2003 web DataCenter.
    x86 version
    Because I still don't understand the fixed from YumeYao.
    How did he do it
    Because these two versions have direct problems from Microsoft.
    I've known this for years but I still haven't been able to fix the problem.

    I tried to solve the problem in x64 as well.

  2. On 5/29/2024 at 12:24 AM, slackingfred said:

    Hi there, I'm installing win2k server in a VMware machine. It booted okay, but when I tried to install VMware Tools, it says Update Rollup 1 is required.

    The installation is in Chinese, but when I searched M$ official website -- https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=891861, the only available download is English.

    Where can I get other languages of this rollup (or other workaround like a bunch of standalone patches)? A quick Googling returned nothing. Thanks---

    Check DM

  3. 8 hours ago, Zorba the Geek said:

    The download links for the YumeYao addon at Wincert and the archived ryanvm.net forum are dead, but after after much Googling I found this live link for YumeYao_WMP11_Addon_ENU_V3_4_5.7z

    This addon was last updated in 2011, although there was a version 3.5.1 which I cannot find.  I suppose I ought to start a new thread inviting XP diehards to upload their ryanvm.net addons which could act as an archive to ensure that they are not lost from the internet.

    It may be useful to update this addon because according to the Wincert thread it does offer features not found in the onepiece addon.  Rather than allow automatic updates offer the updates it might be possible to search for them on Microsoft Update catalog.


    You're right, there are some extras that can fixed bug the Web and DataCenter versions of Windows Server 2003.
    These two versions cannot read MP3 files.
    Can you check?
    Because I updated OnePiece and ported it to Server 2003.
    I can't add fix same YumeYao.

    I can rebuild it if you want an updated version for Windows XP.
    But most of them are already included in UpdatePacks.
    I will keep this YumeYao file YumeYao_WMP10_Addon_ENU_V3_4_5

  4. 3 hours ago, Zorba the Geek said:

    I am sorry I retained these errors in 5erPOSUp.inf which did not seem to have a harmful effect when installed on my C drive.  You could correct the registry post install to be on the safe side.  Just search the registry for D:\Windows and change it to C:\Windows.  The errors occurred because the 5erPOSUp.inf entries were based on logging the changes to the registry after installing each update, and I must have been using an XP installation on a second partition.  I have since corrected 5erPOSUp.inf by replacing all instances of D:\Windows with %SystemRoot% and re-uploaded the XPSP3 QFE POSReady Addons.

    The file lines are correct now. Great. Are you interested in updating YumeYao's Windows Media Player Update Addon?
    Because I already have One Piece.
    I used to Trying to update But I think I have my own.
    So I don't think it's necessary for me.

  5. 25 minutes ago, luweitest said:

    I could remember that post. I should have run all the three command:

    regsvr32 MSI.DLL
    regsvr32 MSIHND.DLL
    regsvr32 MSISIP.DLL 

    To be sure I run them again, but still not work.

    Do I have  to replace the NTDLL.dll?

    I'll fixed it for you and I'll send it in a DM and I'll upload it to archive.org.

  6. 58 minutes ago, luweitest said:

    As https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/System_Requirements stated the last version for WinXP should be, but after I installed it, run any application would give a "use CTRL+C to exit" error:


    The error is like those which do not support WinXP.

    Is my system have any problem, or the official statement could be wrong?

    I suspect that's a problem in the Posready update.
    Microsoft causes message boxes to break in ntdll.dll and not display properly.
    I am solving this problem for all languages.
    Have you installed the posready 2009 update as well?

  7. 7 hours ago, pappyN4 said:

    I note that the same byte sequence occurs several times throughout the file.. how does one know which instance specifically requires patching?

    The example you posted for x86 5512 had some extra bytes shown as well.  So if you do a search with that, then its usually unique enough to only have one.  That way, to update it for a newer file, you can usually get away with using the same search even if the byte sequence is in a different position.  

    To get the x64, I looked up the x86 in IDA at the byte position to see what was actually being changed, in this case pSetupVerifyFile.  So with the x64 file having the exact same logic it was simple to make the same change.  Unlike syssetup.dll where the difference between XP (5.1) and XP64 (5.2) was large.

    In this case it looks like x64 3959 change is in the same position.  byte search 505DC3909090909090904881EC9800

    I'll also mention the post SP2 updates that are available for XP64 if you want to use the latest version.  https://www.mediafire.com/folder/x6qqeye5y0a0x/x64

    It's better to use my latest version. That was the old version that had the problem and I deleted the file. There is all the Source Files Update Packs that I uploaded.


  8. On 2/24/2024 at 8:04 AM, AstroSkipper said:

    I have again tested my new release uBlock Origin Legacy regarding how effective the filter lists selected by me and some self-created filters are. Here are my results in New Moon 28 on two adblocker test sites without using any other content blockers:



    The release uBlock Origin Legacy is fully working, and its performance is great from what I could see so far. ssuper5sur5.gif

    Cheers, AstroSkipper matrix.gif

    Thank you for your update.
    I really like your UBO update.
    Now I use Windows XP to mainly watch movies, listen to music and YouTube.
    I immediately clicked to see. where you have updates

  9. On 2/18/2024 at 12:04 AM, assenort said:

    Hi guys,

    I am in an urgent need to find this hotfix:


    however my search on the Internets was futile.

    Please help me out. Thanks much in advance.

    Best :-)

    PS. Never mind this request, I managed to finally find the damn thing; in case it is needed by someone else, here is the link:


    Hello, the words seem a bit wrong.
    I'm the current UpdatePacks developer.
    You can find the files you need here.

  10. 8 hours ago, LoneCrusader said:

    Thanks, I looked over the updated .htm file. Looks like a lot of new additions. I assume a bunch of these came from the NT5.x Updates URL drop by abbodi1406.

    But I also am interested in the process (how and why) of what has changed; for example if one of the new updates completely supersedes/replaces a previous update that was in a previous version of the Update Pack. An old example from 5eraph's thread at RyanVM:

    Keeping track of all these things can be a pain.. I know all too well from doing my own slipstreamed builds of earlier Windows versions. But it's nice to be able to follow all the steps that lead to the finished product.

    Also, what do you mean by this? What was the limitation and what was the solution?

    Thanks! :thumbup


    If you find files with the same name by checking the version and comparing them to the files in the UpdatePacks.
    If so, I'd delete the old .cat and replace it with the new file.

    and make improvements by getting the registry (checksum)
    From HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates
    I have to thank ramsey for the tip.

    And it has a bug when I try to add WDF WIC and USB 2.0 Update.
    When I try to add the services section to the registry from what I did in x86
    Unable to start service
    I've fixed it.

    If you're interested in the script for 5eraph's UpdatePacks, I uploaded it in Github.


  11. 11 hours ago, Zorba the Geek said:

    Here are the Spanish versions of the XPSP3 QFE Update Pack and the POSready 2009 Addon that I promised.

    XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack for Windows XP Post-SP3 Combined (Spanish)

    File: XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack_20231213_ES.7z (One Drive)
    File: XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack_20231213_ES.7z (4Shared)
    MD5: 16d754c9e434ae181007b561592d6950
    SHA-1: 7a6d66f62f4e2093238fb47df45464f07e20ca12
    Release date:13/12/2023
    Size: 67.2 MB

    XPSP3 QFE POSReady Updates Addon Combined (Spanish)

    File: XPSP3_QFE_POSReady_Addon_20231213_ESN.7z (One Drive)
    File: XPSP3_QFE_POSReady_Addon_20231213_ESN.7z (4Shared)
    MD5: fec168f42b828f0e6b9e76995127fca8
    SHA-1: 5a69aec94ad94ad338e8eaf63e390efd4ef5736a
    Build date: 13/12/2023
    Size: 34.7 MB

    The update pack will cause setuperr.log to show dpcdll.dll, wowfax.dll and wowfaxui.dll to be unsigned.  I have been unable to remedy this, but a SFC scan does not show any errors.  The addon works flawlessly when integrated into a professional edition source, but when integrated into a home edition source setuperr.log shows several OLE controls are unregistered.  When you log into Windows there is a message about srclient.dll not found and the following error message is displayed:

    API error NTCREATEFILE. This error should never be returned by an application; it is a place holder for the Windows Lan Manager Redirector to use in its internal error mapping routines.

    I am baffled by the errors when the addon is integrated into a home edition source and would appreciate some insight into how to remedy this.

    Spanish POSReady 2009 Updates Archived

    File: Spanish POSReady 2009 Updates.7z (One Drive)
    MD5: dba804337e0510bf3df2e30879be0b83
    SHA-1: 1820e9e4b8eb2b37e08fa7f13502179524e4aa76
    Build date: 16/12/2023
    Size: 39.1 MB

    For KB4034775
    Microsoft Jet has its own language text strings.
    And I also noticed you forgot to edit the DLL file location.
    It's better to use a number, such as %11% = System32.

    This is my file in Server 2003.


  12. 1 hour ago, Zorba the Geek said:

    Ricktendo's Spanish XPSP3 update pack was released in 2015, and can be obtained here. I cannot see any modules dated later than 2014.  To update it I assume that I would have to integrate it into a Spanish ISO then install XP using this ISO, and wait for Automatic Update to produce a list of pending updates which I could install one by one while logging the changes. Of course the XP update server has long been decommissioned and an offline update is not possible because no-one has produced a Spanish version of an XP WSUS Offline ISO . 

    I think my approach would be to collect all the last Windows XP and embedded updates, including those with Spanish versions, and use  DXUAPC to automatically produce a Spanish XPSP3 update pack and embedded addon.  The registry entries in sp3updck.inf would be taken from each of the update installer's inf files so they could be incomplete.  Therefore I would copy over the Spanish modules into the extracted user_hidden XPSP3 QFE Update pack and retain all the registry entries in his qfe_updpck.inf except for the time zone entries which would have to be revised.

    This is the source used for DXUAPC

    I included POSReady as well.

    Hope it can help you.


  13. 22 minutes ago, R1600 said:

    For a complete and correct localization, you will need to replace the image base address and resources of about 100 files with those of your language version. - https://win2k.org/blog/2019/10/07/1989811/

    นั่นหมายความว่าการแปลเป็นภาษาท้องถิ่นจำเป็นต้องรวบรวมไฟล์จากการอัปเดตต่างๆ เช่น KB891861, XP SP3, SV2003 SP2, การอัปเดตที่ไม่ใช่แบบสาธารณะ ฯลฯ ฉันกำลังติดตามสิ่งที่ฉันต้องการจริงๆ

    My final plan is making auto localization python script which download, extract, modify, and re-compress everything automatically.


    A little spoiler -


    You could check out my Source file here for creating UpdatePacks, it might be helpful for you

    It may help you a little.
    I collect every language.
    Some improvements I don't have it in every language.


  14. On 10/26/2023 at 6:27 PM, Zorba the Geek said:

    So far no-one has requested a language specific version of the XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack for Windows XP Post-SP3 addon, and the XPSP3 QFE POSReady Update Pack, so I need not give this any attention until they do.  On reflection I think I would have to obtain an XP installation ISO in their language, identify all the Windows updates required for the above addon and update pack that include language options, then install them one by one while logging the changes made to the registry and file system.  I could then use these logs to edit the entries.ini and inf file of my releases of the addon and update pack.  This would be a lot of work, so I hope they request a popular language like Spanish rather than Maori for instance.

    If you are interested in ricktendo's UpdatePacks
    Ricks_XPsp3esUpdatePack2.0.6 7z that has not been further developed
    I can share it with you.
    Only Spanish (ESN) and I have ISO Home Edition in all languages.

  15. I've made another update. I've added files that were missing from v2017, files that 5eraph didn't add, and they're only used in the server And I moved it to archive.org.
    + Includes official version and Source Files size 8.3GB

    New Update Final Version



    Roots Certificate Update 08.23.2023

  16. On 10/22/2023 at 3:06 AM, pcalvert said:


    I used Onepiece's Windows 2000 postSP4 Update Pack and integrated it using the RyanVM Integrator. I could have used nLite, but I had never used the RyanVM Integrator before and was curious to see how it compared with nLite.

    For more information, see:

    Onepiece Win2k postSP4 UpdatePack v5.0.3 FINAL


    Only one download link for that update pack still works, which is this one:



    Hi, I'm the current developer.
    I oversee all Onepiece's work.
    and 5eraph  x64
    The new version has removed Flash Player because it is not compatible with Windows 2000.
    There are no plans to add Windows 2000 ESU updates to UpdatePacks.


    If you want to use this program besides nLite
    https://github.com/XPMilkChan/Dev-for-UpdatesPacks/blob/main/RVM Integrator 1.6.1b2.1.zip

  17. 38 minutes ago, VistaLover said:

    Personally, I avoid Discord with a passion, because it really is unsuitable for old/under-resourced H/W like the one I'm currently on :( ... Additionally, all these Chrome-targeting chat services run sub-optimally on UXP, even on recent/supported H/W...

    Your main query has been answered here many a times, and (besides Discord) also encompasses similar services - Discord uses WebRTC for its audio and/or video features:


    but WebRTC, since the very beginning, was never supported by upstream in their PM browser (the same stands true for NM28); Serpent 52/55 do come with WebRTC enabled but, the last time I heard, their implementation is still eons behind the current iteration Discord etc. feel comfortable with... TL;DR: Discord are right from the start: Unsupported browser :( (you can still use text-based functionality, though) ...

    Since you appear to be on Win11, plenty of "workarounds" are available to you, just not for a UXP-based browser...

    This is the main computer. which I use to write patches for xp/2k/2003/x64
    Thank you for your help.

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