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Everything posted by nicolaasjan

  1. Hmm... Strange. Here it updated without errors with the addon updater in Serpent 52.
  2. Not exactly a close analogue, but do you have uBlock-for-firefox-legacy installed? This extension should take care of a lot of these issues when you have the "uBlock filters – Annoyances" list enabled (and try "AdGuard Annoyances" as well). If you encounter a site where it doesn't work, you can just open an issue at: https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin. (you should mention that you're using the Legacy version and hope that someone will answer) P.S. Don't use together with Pale Moon's ad blocker!
  3. (offtopic) For your sister; have a look at this extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/behind/
  4. (offtopic) There is still the preference "browser.menu.showViewImageInfo", which you can set to "true". And the interface can be changed with userChrome.css and userContent.css. See e.g. : https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix. (adds back icons to the "hamburger menu" as well) Screenshot:
  5. Do you have this part in "install.rdf" in the xpi files: <em:targetApplication> <Description> <em:id>{8de7fcbb-c55c-4fbe-bfc5-fc555c87dbc4}</em:id> <em:minVersion>27.0.0</em:minVersion> <em:maxVersion>29.*</em:maxVersion> </Description> </em:targetApplication> Note the "<em:maxVersion>29.*</em:maxVersion>" line.
  6. Since recently, Pale Moon blocks extensions that do not comply with their new standards... Try this under Preferences ---> Security:
  7. Not exactly what you're looking for, but you can make a bookmarklet like this: Name: "Wayback Archive" Location: javascript:void(window.open('https://web.archive.org/web/*/'+location.href)); (will work in any browser) Try for example with: https://www.ghacks.net/
  8. In my my case this is not of any concern, because Windows XP is a Virtual Machine, with only read access to a shared folder on a Linux partition. In case something goes terribly wrong, I just replace it with a backup. This is nothing compared to the vulnerabilities in Windows XP itself. I've tried that, but it only gave me a headache, haha.
  9. (offtopic) I don't have MailNews, so I can't answer that unfortunately. But you might consider using Notepad++ for viewing/editing complex text files, like source code. Version 7.9.2 is the last version that runs on Windows XP. Comes with Italian language file as well. :
  10. Ah, sorry, you're right of course, I wasn't fully awake I guess, haha.
  11. There is no .NET Framework installed here, so I really can't tell... Besides, In Vista I install the Server 2008 updates, not the Server 2008 SP2 ones (I thought these were not applicable?). (stupid mistake)
  12. You can do this with each new IE9 update, just make sure to specify the correct KB number and name for package_2_/package_3_
  13. 32bit: http://download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/software/secu/2021/04/windows6.0-kb5003165-x86_6934e71bbdd55abf9d13b4c1799463e7c8e66f49.msu 64bit: http://download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/software/secu/2021/04/windows6.0-kb5003165-x64_f1d972f3a9fbdc5fbfefbfdb0a67e86e5d8dde6e.msu For the x64 update, you can install the IE part of it with a workaround: - start cmd as administrator - change location to the folder that contains the msu file, example cd /d C:\updates - copy/paste and execute these commands (preferably one by one) mkdir .\tmp expand.exe -f:*Windows*.cab *kb5003165-x64*.msu . >nul expand.exe -f:* *kb5003165-x64*.cab .\tmp >nul start /w PkgMgr.exe /ip /m:"%cd%\tmp\package_2_for_kb5003165~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~" /quiet /norestart start /w PkgMgr.exe /ip /m:"%cd%\tmp\package_3_for_kb5003165~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~" /quiet /norestart del /f /q *kb5003165-x64*.cab rd /s /q tmp
  14. That's what I understood from that thread I linked to. See also here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1076445 Don't be pedantic. I don't care. My days here are numbered. I wish them success with their data after that, haha.
  15. There is an old thread about this on the Pale Moon forum: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?t=14617 The technology involved a NPAPI plugin that could be set to "Never activate".
  16. My Serpent gave the same result as Pale Moon (stuck in the middle): Yes, but there are a lot of Android and ChromeOS users, so fingerprinting will become useless over time, when more and more people visit such sites. If the script is first party and the site doesn't work properly without it, what then? I think because 1069 people didn't have any of these apps installed (or the apps couldn't be detected)?
  17. It didn't work in Pale Moon. See also: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=26860 Chrome 90 (Windows 10, macOS Big Sur) Ubuntu: Only Firefox and Tor browser.
  18. That's probably because Android has a Linux kernel. https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/docs/linux/sandboxing.md Type: chrome://sandbox/ in Chrome/Chromium and I saw this:
  19. It doesn't work in Chromium on Linux (it "detected" all 24 apps ,haha)
  20. @Sampei.Nihira This vulnerability has already been brought to the attention of Firefox developers: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1711084
  21. They discovered Teamviewer, even in the Tor browser...
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