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Posts posted by msfntor

  1. 7 hours ago, D.Draker said:

    Thank you ! Do you know a solid, trusted extension that has an auto setting to delete cookies upon each exit ?

    Haha DéDé, I see you are in a good mood today, you always had to get out of bed with a good foot! To answer your pertinent (still!) question: NO! Because my preferred browsers already delete those cookies on exit...:whistle:-here you see these cookies that lift the browser while running...

    I use Referer Control ext. - To test its presence, click on : ADS-B Exchange - track traffic livehttps://globe.adsbexchange.com/ - if there are no airplanes, it means that this extension works well ! (you will see the window: "Problem fetching data from the server: 403")
    Tell me rather do you know, do you check some of these extensions I posted links... do you know other efficient and light extensions about "privacy" and "security" worthy to be used by me, please?

  2. On 3/26/2023 at 3:41 PM, UCyborg said:

    My thoughts are that I visit so few websites and whatever they get from my browser, what will they do with it? They must know I'm a hopeless case and they can't sell me anything.

    Yes, these are my impressions as well... But I like to play with new extensions to see if they can improve this crazy world... 
    So, to increase your curiosity about the extensions that take care of your "privacy" and "security", here are some things that might interest you; checked by me and secure (sorry if you already know them):

     No History (this with Size 33.09 KiB): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/no-history/hdifnhiliocdiomkphonngpedadhinof?hl=en-US

    Referer Controlhttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/referer-control/hnkcfpcejkafcihlgbojoidoihckciin?hl=en-US

    Reject Service Worker (Size12.63KiB): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/reject-service-worker/falajmifjcihbmlokgomiklbfmgmnopd?hl=en-US


    CSS Exfil Protection mike gualtieri

    Clear This Page


  3. Fingerprinting TESTS:

    LIVE DEMO (of Fingerprint PRO): See Fingerprint in Action, YOUR VISITOR IDhttps://fingerprint.com/

    ....the other links from Fp PRO abovehttps://eun1.fptls.com/  https://eun1.fptls2.com/ https://eun1.fptls3.com/

    hidester BROWSER FINGERPRINT TESThttps://hidester.com/browser-fingerprint/

    Scroll down and look for "Your browser fingerprint": http://valve.github.io/fingerprintjs/


    No-JS fingerprintinghttps://noscriptfingerprint.com/  - that's all, thank you!


    AudioContext Fingerprint Test Page: https://audiofingerprint.openwpm.com/

    Bromite fingerprinting mitigations testhttps://www.bromite.org/detect

    CreepJShttps://abrahamjuliot.github.io/creepjs/ - this one don't work in my machine?...

    amiunique.org: My browser fingerprinthttps://amiunique.org/ -or better with fp: https://www.amiunique.org/fp

    Cover Your Trackshttps://coveryourtracks.eff.org/


    - All this is to finish you off...LOL :thumbup

    Unique doesn’t necessarily mean identifiable...

  4. Web Fingerprinting Gets Frighteningly Good: Sees Through VPNs and Incognito Modehttps://www.ghacks.net/2023/03/21/web-fingerprinting-gets-frighteningly-good-sees-through-vpns-and-incognito-mode/

    Look on fingerprinting online tests...

    Use JShelter now? What are your thoughts on this idea?

    JShelter extension on Web Store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jshelter/ammoloihpcbognfddfjcljgembpibcmb?hl=en-US


  5. Generate or modify URL of Chrome Web Store item - CRXViewer Chrome extension source viewer

    Enter the URL of a Chrome Extension, Firefox addon, zip file, or the page in the Chrome Web Store, Firefox addon gallery, Edge Addons Store or Opera addon gallery here: CRXViewerhttps://robwu.nl/crxviewer/

    Chrome extension here: CRXViewerhttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrome-extension-source-v/jifpbeccnghkjeaalbbjmodiffmgedin?hl=en-US

  6. 9 hours ago, UCyborg said:


    "Amazon develops browser... "Yay! Yet another Chrom* browser, with guts controlled by Google but twisted to also serve Amazon. How wonderful."

    This quote is from the comments section on Slashdot website here: https://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=22806347

    Article (nothing new) here: Is Amazon Building a New AI-Powered Web Browser? (gizmodo.com): https://yro.slashdot.org/story/23/03/18/0223249/is-amazon-building-a-new-ai-powered-web-browser

    Gizmodo article link: on the first post above...

    - so MAYBE Chromium based...

  7. 3 hours ago, Milkinis said:

    vertical scroll bar is missing on 360 chrome v11 and other old browsers

    I checked it with the rebuild 7 and there's no issue



    Simple (in DCBrowser...) with the PopUpOff extension I use... Even in moderate mode the scrollbar appears instantly... in Aggressive mode too...
    PopUpOff link to download: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/popupoff-popup-and-overla/ifnkdbpmgkdbfklnbfidaackdenlmhgh?hl=en-US

    - "Powered by Discourse" , that's why...

  8. "No EU legislation exists concerning the welfare of dogs, and the Spanish authorities are unwilling to address this matter in any way. In February 2023, a new animal welfare bill was passed in Spain, but hunting dogs were excluded. Without a massive international movement the situation is not likely to change, and these noble, beautiful and gentle dogs are deemed to continue their terrible suffering."

  9. A Spanish hunting dog's (Galgos, Podenco...) fate

    The plight of the Spanish Galgos: on galgoamigo.com: https://www.galgoamigo.com/the-plight-of-the-spanish-galgos.html


    The image ”An adopted Spanish Galgo” by OmarCurrosSimón is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported 


    Each year, approximately 60,000 Spanish galgos (hunting dogs) are abandoned or tortured to death in Spain, especially in the communities of Castile and Leon, Extremadura and Andalusia.
    The galgos are primarily used by hunters (galgueros) to hunt hares. The dogs live their lives in atrocious circumstances cramped together in dirty tiny sheds without daylight and possibility to move, ill and on the brink of starvation, deprived of human care and affection. The galgos are often trained by tying them to a motor vehicle forcing them to run at high speed, which often causes them injuries. Before the galgos are used for hunting, they can be starved for days to make them 'better' at hunting.
    After the end of the hunting season, the hunters get rid of most of their dogs by abandoning them or by destroying them in the most horrendous ways. Massive and uncontrolled overbreeding makes it less costly to buy new galgos each year than to keep the old ones. 
    By tradition, the dogs are often killed by hanging them by their necks with their feet just touching the ground, swaying back and forth causing the dogs extreme pain and agony for several days until they die. Other traditional ways to murder the dogs are to throw them into abandoned wells covering them with burning wood, beat them with rocks or bury or burn them alive. The hunters believe that the more the dogs suffer, the more successful the following hunting season will be.

    The abandoned dogs often die of starvation or injuries, and if they are caught they are mostly brought to municipal killing stations, where they are kept in horrendous conditions and mostly killed after a while. A few are rescued by private shelters where they are rehabilitated after which they have a chance to find a forever home. Unfortunately many Spaniards consider galgos to be unsuitable as companion animals, so most of the galgos are adopted abroad.
    No EU legislation exists concerning the welfare of dogs, and the Spanish authorities are unwilling to address this matter in any way. In February 2023, a new animal welfare bill was passed in Spain, but hunting dogs were excluded. Without a massive international movement the situation is not likely to change, and these noble, beautiful and gentle dogs are deemed to continue their terrible suffering.


    Galgo News - Save the Galgo - Stop the suffering: on galgonews.comhttps://www.galgonews.com/ 

    'From Heaven to Hell - The Story of the Galgo Espanol'

    From Heaven to Hell is the definitive guide to the story of the Galgo Espagnol, from its history, character, diseases, European law, Spanish law and much more. A must-have book for all those passionate about the galgo.

    The book has been translated into Spanish, Italian and French. All print copies are sold out.

    To order a copy

    English version, Link here: https://leanpub.com/fromheaventohell




    Hunting dogs - Spain

    Galgos, Podencos and other hunting breeds ..... there is only one word in the Spanish hunters vocabulary about hunting dogs ..... TOOLS ..... this is a hidden widespread and culturally inherited cruelty that many tourists and Western Europeans do not know about.

    The Spanish hunting dogs live their entire lives on the brink of starvation, unstimulated, in cramped dark spaces or are tied in short chains - isolated places in hidden rural areas is typical location. Hardly any human contact and no affection.The Spanish hunting dogs seen only as a useful tool that can be replaced and discarded when no longer needed. Galgos, Podencos and other hunting dogs in Spain is used as disposable tools. 

    Between hunting season, the dogs are living in very poor conditions and living barely at the brink of starvation. The food consists mostly of old food from restaurants or bakeries, often moldy bread that is given once a week. 

    Cruel superstitions and old traditions are still very common in Spain and the hunters trying to convince themselves that the dogs hunt better when they're starved. The dogs are neglected and rarely receive veterinary care. Many dogs do not survive this gross neglect but starve/dehydrate slowly to death or die of untreated disease, injuries or severe tick infestation. 

    It is also very common that dogs are killed after a finished hunting season by being hung in trees or drowned in wells, shot or left behind .....abandoned. This is dogs that the hunter (owner) no longer have use for. They may be old, sick or hunting bad. This cruelty continues year in and year out without the Spanish government doing anything to stop it. Many hunters who gets caught in the act, get no penalties. 

    Other typical tourist countries where this occurs are in France and Portugal.


    Dogs that are discarded by Spanish hunters each year - can be counted in tens of thousands.

    MORE: https://www.esdaw.eu/hunting-dogs---spain.html


    - So what are you thinking about?

  10. Ah it's here rebuild 8 topic... so I make copy/paste of my post posted in rebuilt 7 topic, sorry:


    In my build: 360Chrome 13.5.1030r8r webgl-e_tr-d_w10-skin - on Chrome Web Store No way to download an extension; I get little window: 

    "An error has occurred

    Could not move extension directory into profile."

    AND another inscription at the top of extension page: "Could not move extension directory into profile." + OK button...

    - I've seen many answers to this problem on the web, but... maybe it's a Windows10 skin implementation problem?

  11. Delete Android app immediately: Smartphone application clears account

    3/22/2023, 7:58:29 PM


    Android users should now pay particular attention. An app has a Trojan in tow that can automatically empty your bank accounts.

    Android users should now pay particular attention.

    An app has a Trojan in tow that can automatically empty your bank accounts.

    Dortmund – Looking at your own bank account can spoil your mood.

    But if all the money is suddenly gone through no fault of your own, all the alarm bells should really go off among consumers.

    Maybe an Android app is to blame.

    Android Trojan "Xenomorph" clears bank accounts - all money is at stake

    The warning about the dangerous Xenomorph Trojan is only partially new.

    After all, the malware has been spreading to Android smartphones since the beginning of 2022.

    But now it's getting really dangerous (more warnings at RUHR24).

    Previously, the Trojan was only able to read the bank details of smartphone users.

    After an update, however, the dangerous software can automatically make transfers - even tricking and bypassing multi-factor authentication.

    Thus, the victims' money is quickly gone, as reported by RUHR24.

    Danger for Android smartphones: "Most advanced and dangerous banking Trojans"

    Researchers from ThraetFabric, a computer and network security company, have discovered the latest version of Xenomorph.

    According to them, the malware with the new update is one of the "most advanced and dangerous banking Trojans".

    Meanwhile, the scammers behind the malware can sit back and relax.

    Because Xenomorph is designed in such a way that everything runs automatically, from the installation of the software to the transfer (more digital topics at RUHR24).

    Dangerous Trojan horse hiding behind smartphone app – application still in the app store

    Xenomorph hides behind an app that is currently also available in the Google Play Store (as of March 16).

    According to


    this should be the “CoinCalc” app from the manufacturer Sam Ruston.

    The dangerous Trojan is then installed via an alleged update for the app.

    Users who have installed the CoinCalc app should urgently delete the app and never update it.


    Warning about a current trojan spreading on Android smartphones.

    © Westend61/Imago

    Targeting bank customers from ING Diba, Commerzbank, Postbank, Deutsche Bank and Sparda

    The scammers behind the Trojan are targeting victims worldwide.

    They are targeting a total of 400 banks, mainly from the United States, Spain, Turkey, Poland, Australia, Canada, Italy, Portugal, France and Germany.

    Xenomorph is aimed at bank apps from ING Diba, Norisbank, Comdirect, Commerzbank, Consorsbank, N26, Postbank, Deutsche Bank and Sparda-Bank, as



    List of rubrics: © Westend61/Imago

    Source: merkur

    Here: https://newsrnd.com/life/2023-03-22-delete-android-app-immediately--smartphone-application-clears-account.Hye0AJCug2.html



    I've very old phone without apps or games - so I'm safe, thanks!

    - and rarely phoning, I prefer to speak directly to living people who are in front of me.:hello:

  12. @ArcticFoxie, you can download this image from: https://postimg.cc/BtqXcc2L - click on "Download original image" button, 1091x9609 - JPG 1.9 MB - or zoom it in MiniBrowser, or 360Chrome build of your choice...

    This works here...

    @hidao, you could demand the moderator to delete your superfluous posts "Click the picture again..."... source page could NOT zoom it in DCBrowser (culprit are one of my extensions... in uBlock, after allowed expressly postimgs.org - this zoom works good now!), but download is OK., zoom from this source page is OK in MiniBrowser or 360Chrome builds...  very complicated to me, your postimg.cc;)

  13. 13 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    This would be telemetry by Fifth Third Bank and not by 360Chrome.

    Have you tried in any other browser, both Chrome-based and Mozilla-based?

    Yes, in DCBrowser, MiniBrowser too, this same, if I allow scripts.

    No problem in Basilisk Moebius55, nor in New Moon... but the small window of the login dialog is only displayed for a second...


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