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Posts posted by msfntor

  1. 3 hours ago, ArcticFoxie said:

    I haven't been able to connect my x86 SP2 to the internet (haven't focused much time to it)

    "with SP2, you have to know that there is a super firewall pre-installed on the system, which is pretty cool!
    - to use your connection you have to configure this firewall!"

    - or turn off windows firewall?..

    Found these 3 links, maybe some utility for your problem:




  2. 1 hour ago, ArcticFoxie said:

    I had high hopes for v13.5 but the very first launch each and every morning after turning on the computer always results in a lockup requiring a Task Manager end-process.


    1 hour ago, ArcticFoxie said:

    Quite annoying how first launch after reboot or return from hibernate/sleep is always such an issue.

    I don't have such issue ... v 13.5 works always flawlessly here. NEVER seen such issue.

    Windows x86 SP2 here...



  3. 15 hours ago, Humming Owl said:
    On 11/2/2021 at 5:19 PM, msfntor said:

    360Chrome 13 2250 M - Youtube video is CRASHING the browser, if watch on Youtube

    Play with the options of this extension. If the YouTube video player is the issue then this extension might be a workaround.

    Thank you @Humming Owl, but always sound stuttering and browser crashes...

    - but it doesn't matter, we have the other builds, hopefully, and you developers work, so hope is here!:worship:

  4. 17 hours ago, ArcticFoxie said:

    So your extensions are using 33,300 K in NORMAL mode even when they are disabled?

    Sounds to me like your crashes are related to your extensions.

    To test, you kinda need to uninstall them and not just disable them.

    Made edit to my precedent post, sorry:

    "No, I made a mistake with the tab (I must have been in the bad mood), if extensions are disabled in normal mode, then no memory footprint of extensions, nothing!"

    If my 9 extensions are ENABLED in NORMAL mode, all in one process have approx 33,300 K memory footprint here.

    The crashing builds are 360Chrome 13.0.2206 r 6 and 360Chrome 13 2250 M only.

    Maybe the culprit could be the plugins... (which are disabled in incognito mode).


    Builds 11 r, 12 r, 11 M, 12 M and 360Chrome 13.5.1030_r 3 - NOT crashing here.


  5. 19 hours ago, ArcticFoxie said:

    When you hit Shift+Esc to bring up 360Chrome/Chromium Task Manager (as opposed to Operating System Task Manager), do the "disabled" extensions still consume memory?

    Yes, 33,300 K, but none extensions/icons at the right of search bar in the incognito window, of course... because incognito window works without extensions, here. None of my extensions is notched "Allow in incognito" in the extensions page.

    "Incognito Mode automatically disables all your browser extensions."



    No, I made a mistake with the tab (I must have been in the bad mood), if extensions are disabled in normal mode, then no memory footprint of extensions, nothing!

  6. EDIT to my precedent post:


    In normal window, with all my 9 (for now) extensions disabled, this browser crashes.
    In incognito window browser do NOT crash...

    I think that in incognito window this browser has time to "strengthen" after the start of Youtube page, with google consent also giving a little time. I think it's not a problem of extensions, but browser is still weak after the start of Youtube page with video ... and regains strength to play after a little time.



    360Chrome 13.0.2206 r 6 crash.

    360Chrome 13.5.1030_r 3 does NOT crash.

  7. 360Chrome 13 2250 M - Youtube video is CRASHING the browser, if watch on Youtube

    Example: The Best of Rally Crash | Part 2 | @JR-Rallye - YouTube: 


    Warning window:

    360chrome.exe - erreur d'application

    "L'instruction à "0x13135473" emploie l'adresse mémoire "0x0000001b". La mémoire ne peux pas être "read".

    Cliquez sur OK pour terminer le programme.


    - Sound stuttering, jerky... but I'm able to play under warning window.

    If pause the video after start, then play - itS OK., NO crash.

    I can give you more examples of videos crashing browser...

  8. 21 hours ago, msfntor said:

    With hovering the link (which is in fact the redirect), could we have the redirect address (= real address) in the status bar, please?

    Example here: https://communities.ca.com/thread/241769658-how-to-execute-the-autoit-script-through-action

    - so could we have the redirect address (= real address) in the status bar, in this case: https://community.broadcom.com/ ... - with hovering the mouse pointer over a questionable link, in this case communities.ca.com/...


    Interesting article to read: https://askleo.com/hover-over-a-link/


  9. On 10/29/2021 at 2:16 PM, ArcticFoxie said:

    Several AutoIt .exe files will be contained within the same folder that contains the 360Loader .exe/.ini.

    These AutoIt files are run-when-needed files for the end user to change between various file structures.

    Would it be possible for eventual hackers to take advantage of these AutoIt .exe scripts and change their destination for an executable of their choice? Convert your scripts into their standalone .exe files?..
    I hope this would not be possible...:dubbio:

  10. Downloaded today 360Chrome 13.5.1030_r 3 Ungoogled build too... And I have the impression, that the regular version goes a bit faster...

    Personally I'm not too afraid of google, after all my efforts to ban it with the help of uBlock O.
    Look: www.google.com and www.gstatic.com I've banned them first (so they are in red in the uBlock window). 
    Then in "My filters" section of uBlock, I have a LOT of bans for google...YouTube...twitter etc.

    In the uBlock settings, "Block remote fonts" is notched.

    My google search page is purified to the max: at the top, I've search bar and search button only, that's all.

    Then I rarely search by google, to do the search I've many other search engines.


  11. 4 hours ago, UCyborg said:

    Should've said when you go to the actual content, eg. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-createwindowexa where index is missing on the left, missing styling in the content in the main part etc.


    In 360Chrome 13 2250 M build I had half of docs.microsoft.com denied (one+ and one -), and after fully allowing this, the page is OK. So in this page all is here, if in uBlock: docs.microsoft.com you make fully allowed (green), so you see too (after first restarting this link only?..) wpcstatic.microsoft.com, allowed.

    In 13 5 1030 r1 all is good on the page, yet I didn't change anything in uBlock, docs.microsoft.com has two + and one -. And wpcstatic.microsoft.com is allowed, in green.

    But in 12 1247 r 8 build, in uBlock I've only one "+" under docs.microsoft.com, no wpcstatic.microsoft.com, and I'm not able to see correctly this page, like you... in Incognito window (= without any extensions) - this same...

    In Serpent 55 MOEBIUS, New Moon 28.10, Centaury: "This browser is no longer supported. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge blabla..."  - I could not improve the partial rendering of the page... This same in (chrome 49) Iron, Slimjet, Cent browsers of course.


  12. 1 hour ago, Leifman said:

    it does work in v12 tho...

    Hello @Leifman... I'm able to reach discord website in v 11 and v 12 builds, by stripping your original address to: https://discord.com - but after click on login link - we have a blank page...

    (... and it was me who advised, in an earlier post, to press ESC keyboard to get rid of this nag window for extensions running in developer mode...)

  13. 9 hours ago, dmiranda said:

    Hi there. I've been testing 13.5

    I've noticed that connecting to two services that use dx (say youtube and a movie provider such as most movie sites -ok.ru for example) end in error, even if run in different browsers.  My system being tweaked beyond recognition may be it.

    All is good here with ok.ru, example of this cat: https://ok.ru/parkkulturyiotdykha/topic/154112388609486  :buehehe:

  14. 8 hours ago, ArcticFoxie said:
    12 hours ago, msfntor said:

    in "Modified" builds - hidester.com found 26 fonts here; so why hidester.com doesn't found these 26 fonts in "rebuild" builds?

    I remove four embedded Google API's in both the "regular" and the "ungoogled".

    The "ungoogled" goes one step further and breaks Google's cookie policy violation.

    I do not know if this is the difference in your "font count" or not.

    If you still have alpha_10 (it still contains all embedded Google API's), does it have the same "font count" as rebuild_1 or rebuild_2 (both have the embedded Google API's removed) ?

    It's GOOD to remove four embedded Google API's - much preferable than to make hidester work better...of course!

    (between us, it's not a big deal at all that hidester can't count the fonts in your builds anymore, I just wanted to understand why and give you the idea to improve your builds only).

    Sadly, I don't have alpha_10 build ... maybe someone else has kept this build?


    7 hours ago, ArcticFoxie said:

    I've said it a hundred times, what's one more  --  WHITELIST JAVASCRIPT !!!  Period, end of story!

    Of course, and in this regard I use Script Blocker Ultimate:  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/script-blocker-ultimate-n/onedokhafbakmhkblnokgjcliehfognj?hl=en-US  - with "Block all but whitelist" option notched here (to block JS on all sites by default). It is lighter and less mind-boggling than NoScript.

    And in the back pocket I hold ready the One-Click JavaScript Toggle...:cool:

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