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About leveltrauma

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    Windows 10 x64

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  1. Did you try to play with the Settings: appearance White/Silver_Grey for the bo 22:H2ttom shell? I agree with @CKyHC it runs like usual @ 22H2
  2. Aerolight can be activated with Winaero Tweaker ( for example )
  3. yep confirmed - switched already to curtains which is less overloaded as window blinds. Runs very well - transparency effects available and someone said it use the microsoft design engine not a third party one. It is not Glass8 but it's a welcome fresh alternative. Well I hope the author of glass8 is well - I also bought a couple of keys in the past but hell DWM hooking vs. Microsoft is a lost fight and more earlier then later a programmer get depressed about it.
  4. Well, thanks for the tip - I will spend the 4 dollars to see it live. Thanks to the forum and this thread I already bought curtains which is less resource hungrier then windows blinds. I think to work with fully glassed windows is not productive the same with the use of the tool "System transparency" it makes everything transparent at the grade you want it.
  5. Offtopic but you're right - maybe i'm oldschool but I don't think that it should be the right way to distribute a update which blocks the symptom with the knowledge that I sacrifice other working parts of the main os. If you read the changelog ( or better to talk about the issue log ) its like a medicament supply document: "For risks and side effects ask the programmer or Microsoft" Yes, it was only for example but I think it is. I tried ( in the past ) to learn how to build myown Shellextention there are so many different handles etc pp. which also change partially from windows to windows. Look at Ave's WSB there is great guy who need to update every stupid windows version the shellhack scripts that they work with the new windows 1903 - or make themes compatible with it. In the frontend of a design you wont the the difference but behind things changed. Try out mach2 and search the web about the complete list of windows features and you will see how much dead or sleeping stuff/features are already there much of it changes or modified the ui itself.
  6. I hope to understand your question the right way: Because it's beeing harder and harder for BigMuscle to keep Aeroglass working on Major Windows 10 releases. With every Windows Release Microsoft changed a couple of things which broke Aeroglass. Most of Aeroglass users keep waiting or stay the version which is working with Aeroglass.
  7. Yes I have a NVIDIA Card. Thanks for the tip!
  8. Hi there, I use Aeroglass 1.5.1 with donation and sometimes it wont work properly. I checked the debug logfile and found that something went wrong with the D3D11CreateDevice: ::D3D11CreateDevice(NULL, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE, 0, D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT, NULL, 0, D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &pD3DDevice, &featureLevel, &pD3DContext) failed with 0x887A0004 Is there a way to fix this? Thanks in advance for help
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