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Posts posted by VistaLover

  1. 2 hours ago, Mark-XP said:

    and what I finally found was this comprehensive abstract
    (sorry, qwant search engine strictly refuses to give me a link for the English version).

    ... Well then, here you go :P :


    A SSUAO for "intel.com" might be needed - YMMV :dubbio:...

    OT: "Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection" is the one my 2008 Vista x86 (then OEM) laptop came with...

  2. 3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    Firefox 52.9 was released June of 2018.  52.0 was March 2017.  To a "user agent sniff", they see something FIVE AND A HALF YEARS OLD, not "one month old"

    Actually, the default (global) UA string of St52 does NOT advertise it as Fx52, but as Fx102 (the previous ESR branch/channel, current being 115); this UA string does contain an end "Basilisk/52.9.0" slice but, judging from past experience using the browser ;) , UA-sniffers either silently ignore it or outright block it altogether (not the case with "www.intel.de"; the block stays put :angry: if I remove the Bk slice) ...

  3. On 12/11/2023 at 11:43 PM, Mark-XP said:

    A strange error here on many intel sites with NM28 and St52 (in Win7 environment btw) see below...

    No problems in contrast with Pale Moon and Basilisk. Probably some ua related junk...

    ... Yes, it's an arbitrary, unjustifiable, artificial block imposed by © Intel, based solely on UA-sniffing :realmad: ; I'm still on St52 v52.9.0 (2023-11-10) (32-bit), i.e. only one month old, and I, too, get the "Access Denied" (Web Console reports: [HTTP/2.0 403 Forbidden]) block at the door :angry: :( ; guess what? Create a SSUAO with just the string "Chrome" in it and... you're in: 



    ... This has gotten ridiculous, if you ask me :realmad: ...

  4. 16 hours ago, Dave-H said:


    With version 2036 it appears to briefly load fine, then crashes.

    6 hours ago, Skorpios said:

    1030 Redux: crash + loop "restoring"
    1030 Redux Open link in incognito window: crash and burn


    Festive greetings Dave :wub: ; I can reproduce the initial loading and subsequent (tab) crash :( of the referenced TrendMicro link with my 360EEv13 (Ch86-based) copy (NOT a build made by NHTPG, BTW :whistle:) ; the error generated is identical to the screengrab posted by Skorpios :thumbup ; however, I have more to report, see below: 

    6 hours ago, Skorpios said:

    MiniBrowser: crash and burn
    MiniBrowser Open link in incognito window: crash and burn

    Somehow :dubbio:, I'm not able to reproduce here; my Kafan MiniBrowser (Ch87-based) "dirty" profile is able to load in a "rock-steady" fashion Dave's link, both in a "normal": 


    as well as in a private window (with uBO enabled): 


    Proof of browser used (Greek locale): 


    uBO-v1.54.1b9+Privacy Badger v2023.12.1 installed; plus, several "experimental" flags enabled (inside chrome://flags ;) ) ; FWIW, that same link loads OK in the UXP-based browsers (NM28/St52) and even in FxESR 52.9.x, so XP users aren't left without options beyond 360EE :sneaky: ...

    Cheers :) !

  5. On 12/8/2023 at 8:15 PM, DrWho3000 said:

    1) The last MV2 release of "Who Deleted Me" Chromium extension is v2.0.16, from 2020/04/09: 


    2) The last MV2 release of "Fluff Busting Purity" Chromium extension is v35.0.0.0, from 2022/10/08:


    In both cases, click the links labelled: "Download Crx File from Crx4Chrome" and save the .crx files to disk; 
    open the chrome://extensions (or chrome://myextensions) tab in 360EE, enable developer mode and then drag-n-drop there one of the .crx files; a prompt should appear, asking you whether you want to proceed with the extension installation, etc. - do the same with the second of the downloaded .crx files...

    DISCLAIMER: While these older extension versions are compatible with/will install in Chrome < 88.0, their actual functionality might be impaired and/or flawed :dubbio:(as subsequent, MV3, versions were released after them, "presumably" to fix bugs/add more features) ...

    Regards ;) ...

  6. On 12/8/2023 at 3:53 AM, anton12 said:

    If that Web Console error message is the consequence of a CPU
    without at least SSE2 is beyond my knowledge.
    What do you think ?

    Top of the morning to you :P ; I'll be traveling soon 400km away from home, won't be back until Monday ;) ; I had only a cursory look at your posted details (thanks!), it is now evident your CPU lacks the SSE2 instruction set by the mere fact you've installed the "-ia32" & "-sse" variants of the UXP browsers (I presume the default "-xpmod" varieties can't run on your setup :whistle:...).

    Success reports thus far had to do with the "normal" SSE2+-capable NM28/St52 builds, on at least WinXP SP3 32-bit systems; your system is indeed quite old, TBH (and I have 0 experience with a Win2k+KEx system) ...

    On 12/8/2023 at 3:53 AM, anton12 said:

    The Web Console of  palemoon-28.10.7a1.win32-git-20231202-xpmod-sse
    gives the following error message:

    WebGL errors aside, I think the crux of your predicament is:


    FriendlyCaptcha failed to initialize WebAssembly, falling back to Javascript solver: ReferenceError: WebAssembly is not defined

    Given that you have already tried fresh profiles, the about:config pref below should be at its default value of true:


    It is my belief/educated guess that the WASM code inside the Anti-Bot-Verification test emits SSE2 instructions, that your very old CPU (P3) is incapable of executing :( ; am afraid nothing can be done to mitigate this; I must go now, forum experts like @roytam1 or even @UCyborg are free to chime in with additional info/details, if known to them ;) ...

    Kind regards :) ...

  7. 23 minutes ago, mina7601 said:

    That isn't the latest NM28. The latest NM28 is [28.10.7a1 (32-bit) (2023-11-30)] (with the filename having 20231202 in it),

    ... Of course you're correct ;) , I mis-pasted :blushing: the version details of the latest NM28 release, its package filename being


    In fact, "(2023-11-17)" was the version prior to me updating to the "true latest" one, (2023-11-30), for the sake of testing; my daily UXP-based "driver" is St52, I update my NM28 copy less frequently; actual test mentioned in my previous post was performed on the (2023-11-30) build :whistle: ; I don't expect noteworthy differences in the test results across recent NM28 builds ;) - as the relevant discussion has revealed already, the deciding factor here seems to be H/W (how powerful your CPU is) ...

    43 minutes ago, mina7601 said:

    and it took exactly the same time it took in St52.

    Am not surprised, the underlying platform being common :P; and you do possess a powerful recent machine, so, just like UCyborg reported, you achieved < 10s in test completion time...

    However, we've not heard back from @anton12 yet :dubbio:...

  8. 1 hour ago, sonyu said:

    Supermium portable 119 without additional flags.

    Hi :) ; are you just referring to the "zipped" distributions:



    or is it you are employing some kind of portable launcher with these :dubbio:?

    AFAIAA, even the "zipped" version would write its profile (aka "User Data") in %LOCALAPPDATA%, is this not the case?

    FTR, I'm on Vista SP2 32-bit and would like to test the freshly implemented Vista x86 support, but am not really comfortable with a "proper" installation :whistle:...


  9. On 12/5/2023 at 8:02 PM, anton12 said:

    After entering the e-mail address and password,
    the next step is the anti-robot-verification:

    Hier klicken   (click here)

    This anti-robot-verification seems to be an endless loop
    with the latest versions of NM28 and St52.

    And SSUAO does not help.

    Any ideas how to solve this (unfriendly) friendlyCaptcha problem ?

    Returning, hopefully, on topic :P , I tried your "problem" in a quasi-fresh profile in latest NM28 [28.10.7a1 (32-bit) (2023-11-30)]; only extension installed is uBO-legacy v1.16.4.31b2 ; I first disabled it fully and then acquired a German IP address via VPN; when I accessed


    an overlay appeared that asked me to consent to their cookie-setting in my browser (I didn't read it all, I just pressed the "Zustimmen" blue button), then the "Registrierung" page loaded; as soon as I accessed with my cursor the "E-Mail-Adresse" input field, the "Anti-Roboter-Verifizierung" process auto-kicked-in :dubbio:(alternatively, I guess, you can skip the two input fields and go straight to the "Hier klicken" button); in NM28 it took ca. 85s for the process to complete successfully and yield the "Ich bin ein Mensch" result...

    All I can tell you is that the process is CPU/RAM-intensive, for the duration the bar moves to the right (towards completion), my CPU was constantly at 100% (2009-era Intel Core2 Duo); I conducted several additional tests and by exiting all unneeded running applications and having only this one tab open in NM28, I achieved a completion time of just 39s :P ... What you need to concentrate on here is the fact the anti-robot-verification did complete successfully!

    How old exactly is your CPU? Does it support the SSE2 instruction set?
    How much RAM do you have available for the browser?

    If the process does require an SSE2 CPU, then you'd be out of luck if your CPU can't cope :(... In your initial post you said


    This anti-robot-verification seems to be an endless loop

    i.e. you did not say "it started but takes an awful lot to finish" - as AstroSkipper wrote, even with a very old CPU, the process would ultimately finish (though I do agree 5-6min is way too much :realmad: ) ; my advice to you is to try again with a fresh NM28 profile (I assume you have updated to the latest NM28 release ;) ) - give it the 5min reported here and see how it goes...

    On 12/5/2023 at 11:29 PM, mina7601 said:

    This is what it gave me when I accessed your link (to try to replicate your issue) through the latest version of St52. :dubbio:

    On 12/6/2023 at 10:32 PM, mina7601 said:

    the link to the website in your post doesn't load for me at all, it just says to me: "Registrierung aktuell nicht möglich". And it says that message regardless of the browser I use, so it's not St52-exclusive.

    I, too, ended up on that "Registration is currently not possible" webpage during my testing; clearing browser cookies and trying anew several times did finally yield the proper "Registration" page (the one inside AstroSkipper's post) - however, for the sake of just this test, you can click on the "Zur Anmeldung" label and be served another page which also contains the ""Anti-Roboter-Verifizierung" test/button ;) ...

  10. 33 minutes ago, nicolaasjan said:

    since my default search when using Google goes via "Advanced Search", I'm afraid this script will not be useful in my case... :(

    As I stated in my previous post, there page 2 and onward lead to search results for "null" (obviously not what I'm looking for). :o

    2 minutes ago, AstroSkipper said:

    There is a problem with the script "Restored Pagination for Google" when using the advanced search, even in Mypal 68.

    Both of you are GitHub account owners :P , there's a comment section at the bottom of the userscript's homepage (it's being hosted on GitHub Gist), so, perhaps, if the author was made aware, he could investigate and, hopefully, accommodate it for Google's Advanced Search :dubbio:... Just saying :P ... 

  11. 1 hour ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:
            #restored-pagination .YyVfkd {
                color: ${isDarkMode ? "#bdc1c6" : "#202124"};
                font-weight: normal;
    +       .T7sFge {
    +           display: none;
    +       }

    Many thanks for this :thumbup ; in the end, I used your hint and integrated there (inside the userscript) the uBO cosmetic filter I posted earlier ;) ; it saves slightly more vertical pixels than your code alone; since I'm on a small laptop screen, any vertical space saved counts! :P

            #restored-pagination .YyVfkd {
                color: ${isDarkMode ? "#bdc1c6" : "#202124"};
                font-weight: normal;
    +       #cc, .w7LJsc.WZH4jc {
    +           display: none !important;
    +       }
  12. 5 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

    Do you see any advantages in using Violentmonkey instead of Tampermonkey? Maybe, in terms of script compatibility? Or is it just a personal preference in the end?

    ... The short version of it is both :P ; long version below:

    Having originally been a Mozilla Firefox fan only, my first acquaintance to Userscript Managers was via the XUL/legacy version of Greasemonkey ; at some point in time, this was converted to the much restrictive WE format :(, to which I did never migrate...

    When I started using the UXP-based browsers, NM28 initially, I migrated to the UXP-fork Greasemonkey for Pale Moon (now an abandonware :(), which was also kept when I decided to move over from NM28 to Serpent 52 (because the latter had kept support for WE - I needed to use Stylus there, because many of my preferred userstyles had migrated over to the "user.css" format, which Stylem doesn't support :() ...

    While in St52, I explored the availability of actively maintained WE userscript managers, the two more prominent choices were Tampermonkey and Violentmonkey; TBH, I was quite miffed :realmad: that TM had already dropped support for Fx52-level platforms, with only a much older version being installable in St52 (I have v4.11.6120beta archived on disk) ; additionally, while TM was in the past open-source, it had already moved by then to closed-source development...

    OTOH, Violentmonkey was, and still is, open-source and actively supported Fx52/St52, so I chose to install VM in St52 and have kept it ever since :); when I started experimenting with the Chromium derivatives that support Vista SP2 32-bit, I installed VM there, too, because I had grown accustomed to it ;) ... 

    As far as script compatibility is concerned, it's true that most userscript authors first target TM, because it's more popular I guess; but VM should also do the job in the 99% of cases; incidentally, the "Restored Pagination for Google" userscript works better in VM than TM, it says so in its code: 

    // @match only allows wildcards for the TLD in ViolentMonkey, not in TamperMonkey or other alternatives

    Ultimately, it's down to the English saying: "whatever tickles your fancy" :whistle:and for me it's VM...

    Kindest greetings (in the hope you're not under 2m of snow there ;) ) ...

  13. 11 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    I like the sp00n version better but I did have to modify it slightly but only to remove the "More results" at the bottom of only page 1.

    9 hours ago, nicolaasjan said:

    Can you share what you modified, please?

    ... I noticed that, too, myself ;) ; having no JS knowledge :blushing: , my "dirty hack" was to use "cosmetic filtering" in uBO and hide the "More results" button at the bottom of results page no. 1


    However, a "proper" fix inside the userscript itself would also be much appreciated here :whistle: ...

  14. 21 hours ago, nicolaasjan said:

    It persists here on Pale Moon. But I also protect some cookies with the extension CookieKeeper

    20 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

    In Mypal 68, it persists, too. BTW, no cookie protection here

    Thanks you two for your input :thumbup ; after deeper troubleshooting, it appears my inability to permanently disable "continuous scroll" inside the "modern" GS settings in my browser profile(s) was indeed due to some protected Google cookies, specifically the CONSENT and NID ones :P ; I had to un-protect them, delete ALL Google-related cookies in my browser profile, then

    a) disable uBO,
    b) disable ALL Google-related userscripts inside Violentmonkey (some of them affect G-cookies) 
    c) load "www.google.com" and consent to them setting browser cookies,
    d) access the GS settings page(s) and configure GS how I see fit - now the (disable) "continuous scroll" slider position would stick :cheerleader:
    e) protect anew the NID+CONSENT cookies
    f) re-enable uBO
    g) re-enable the Google targeting userscripts inside VM

    I was then able to enable and successfully use the 


    userscript posted by nicolaasjan :


    Should be applicable to St52/St55 able to run Violentmonkey (a WE); likewise to the Chromium derivatives known to the retrocomputing communities here ;) ; FWIW, I, too, use CookieKeeper to protect cookies in UXP-based browsers, while in the Chromium-based ones I use the excellent MILK extension...

  15. 22 hours ago, nicolaasjan said:


    This second one does not work well on Pale Moon with Greasemonkey...

    Ditto for the rest of the UXP-based browsers (I tried it on St52/St55), 360EEv13.x and KafanMB, with Violentmonkey as the userscript manager :( ; it's because of its dependency on: 


    It also requires that the "Continuous scrolling" in the Google Search settings is turned off

     which I haven't been able to make it persist on ALL of the aforementioned browsers :realmad: ; I do move the slider to the left, 


    but it doesn't stick :( ; reload the tab and the slider gets reset to the right :dubbio:; that's the only slider that does this, AFAICT...

    Edit: Issue finally resolved :P ; read below ...

  16. 5 hours ago, nicolaasjan said:

    Thanks :P ; I had set preferred page locale to Greek in my browser, so GF loaded the "el" edition of the userscript page: 


    My post above will be edited to a "locale-free" userscript URI, so that GF will load the default (en-US) or user-specified locale of that page (if it exists on GF, that is) ;) ...

  17. 18 hours ago, loblolly986 said:

    Here's a screenshot of the popup I was getting (it contained more content accessible with the mouse wheel, but a "cached" link/button was nowhere to be found).

    ... That's the exact popup I'm being served with Kafan MiniBrowser (Ch87-based) :dubbio:...

    18 hours ago, loblolly986 said:

    and its regular interface doesn't split the results into separate pages either (though like Google, it does at least currently allow one to switch off the dreadful automatic loading/"infinite scroll"); its "HTML" and "Lite" interfaces do, but are also stripped-down in functionality.

    For anyone interested in getting back "traditional pagination" in the search results generated by the "modern" GS GUI, there's a userscript that attempts to emulate it (not fully, read the details in its description ;) )


  18. 15 hours ago, loblolly986 said:

    (Though as of right now, I'm still not seeing any link to the "cached" version of a result in its "about this result" popup,
    while Mypal 68 gets a different popup that does have such a link.)

    ... Not all Google Search results offer the "cached" version feature :no: ; as for NM28 with "the" SSUAO, I did a test right now and can't confirm your finding :whistle:...

    The "modern" GS GUI loaded alright, I searched for "xenon fluoride": the "about this result" popup to the right (for the first result) has a footer with a "cached version" button, that leads to, er, a cached version of the result, with the proviso it hasn't expired by the time you asked for it (the specific example in the screenshot now returns a 404 :( ...):


    FWIW, in NM28 I've noticed that the popup has the word "beta" in its header, whereas in Kafan MiniBrowser (I'm writing this on :P) the popup is quite different, supposedly it's the one you yourself get with Mypal68 :dubbio:... 

    15 hours ago, loblolly986 said:

    Any particular reason such an override isn't part of the default configuration?

    ... As you said, the "legacy" format is much more lenient to older, under-resourced, H/W XP users are likely to be running the UXP browser(s) on ;) ; one thing I still like about the old format is that it's kept the "pagination" feature in result pages (look for it at the bottom of the page, i.e. "Next" -> "< Page 2 >" -> "<<  < Page 3 >" etc.), while the "modern" format has now permanently switched to "more results/infinite scrolling" :angry:; BTW, while the true UXP-based browsers have no issue with that, Serpent 55 is BROKEN in this regard :(; STR

    in St55, apply the SSUAO that enables the "modern" GS GUI;
    search for a term that is likely to generate a lot of results; 
    as you scroll the results page down and have almost reached its end, a rotating circle will briefly appear but no additional results will be displayed; thus, in St55, you are limited to the first 10 results the "modern" GUI will offer :realmad: ; pinging @Mathwiz :whistle: and @roytam1 ...

  19. 17 hours ago, j7n said:

    I can't do the middle-click in New Moon. It might be specific to the application or mouse drivers

    ... I just tested latest NM28 32-bit on two different household laptops; one has Vista SP2 x86 as the OS and a recent-ish wireless (non-bluetooth) Logitech mouse; the second one has Windows 7 SP1 x64 as the OS and an old USB (wired) Microsoft mouse; on both machines, middle-clicking and wheel-scrolling work as intended in NM28 - so I'd say it's something specific to your setup/configuration...

  20. 9 hours ago, Mark-XP said:

    that vertical scrolling is indeed possible on those sites by using the arrow-up/down and page-up/down keys (at least in St.52 , be sure to click on the canvas first to ensure it gets the focus)?

    ... Yes, it is :P ; so does middle-clicking my mouse inside the page and moving its wheel up/down:


    But my point isn't limited to just being able to scroll ; if one doesn't thwart discourse's browser-detection scripts, one will just get the dumbed-down version of the discourse-based forum, with limited functionality - and a top banner:


    Unfortunately, your browser is unsupported. Please switch to a supported browser to view rich content, log in and reply.

    which needs further actions to be removed (cosmetic filtering, if you use a content blocker :whistle:, or a userstyle), if not just ignored...

    Kindest regards :) !

  21. 21 minutes ago, j7n said:

    I don't use a complex adblock to avoid slowing down the browser.

    ... As I have explained already, without blocking those "browser-detect" discourse scripts, you won't be able to get this working; what is the "less complex" type of adblock that you currently use (because I can't believe there exist people "here" browsing the web of 2023 without any type of adblock) ?

    FWIW, you can always use a new St52 profile with just uBO (or other script blocker), specifically for Discourse-based forums (in any case, you can at least try this to verify my solution really works ;) ) ...

    PS: It is my experience that content blockers do not slow down browsers, at least not to a perceivable extent (unless, ofc, you load too many filter lists in them); blocking all those third-party resources, i.e. scripts (especially miners), ad video, ad images, etc., results in quicker page loads and reduced bandwidth usage, if anything - YMMV, ofc :P ...

    PS2: Are you familiar with the English adage "You can't have your cake and eat it, too" ?
    You come here and ask for solution to a problem, an offered, proven, one involves slightly modifying "your" workflow (i.e. employing a script blocker), with minimal or zero risks, yet you remain reluctant to apply the proposed solution - while I do indeed respect your choices, often times the key to success is simple compromises ;) ...

  22. On 11/20/2023 at 7:10 AM, j7n said:

    Many websites seem to be switching to Discourse for the forum.
    .... where the page can't be scrolled in either New Moon or Serpent.

    A user-agent hack doesn't seem like a good solution if I need to add it for each website I have entered from search.

    @j7n: UXP-based browsers have all the necessary mechanics (I'd say 99.9% of them) to properly display ALL discourse-based forums; the real issue is discourse's  stupid/overzealous :realmad: browser-feature sniffing scripts, which are BLOCKING the UXP-based browsers because they can't detect support for certain features (no doubt present in recent Chromium/Firefox) which are not indispensable for these forums to function as expected...

    My own solution in St52 since months ago involves:

    1. A SSUAO for discourse-based assets (not even sure this is still needed today):

    general.useragent.override.discourse-cdn.com;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0

    2. Blocking those overzealous scripts in your content blocker of choice :sneaky: ; I simply use uBlock Origin "legacy" and in the "My Filters" tab I've added this filter:

    ! Discourse-based forums

    After that, ALL discourse-based forums display correctly (and this includes vertical scrolling :yes: ), e.g. :



  23. On 11/11/2023 at 5:28 AM, DanR20 said:

    FWIW, it looks like Microsoft did away with the previous usable Hotmail format,
    so now the default string in 52.0 and 55.0 will take you to the bare minimum format similar to gmail's.

    ... Apparently, even gmail's :angry: bare minimum format lies on its deathbed:


    :realmad: :angry:  :realmad: ...


  24. 21 hours ago, schwups said:

    are broken since versions 20230318 here.

    The (mediamarkt|saturn).de rendering issue has been already reported here in this thread in late July, by your compatriot @lh2500 :


    The discussion that followed dissected the problem and the cause was found to be no support for "CSS revert" in UXP ...

    These two German websites mostly work with the userscript kindly posted by @UCyborg (and linked to above by @nicolaasjan) ; if you want them to display exactly as they were meant, you'd have to use Kafan Minibrowser (Chromium 87-based) with "experimental-web-platform-features" turned on - this supposes you can at least use XP SP3 x86 :dubbio:...

    If you don't want to use a userscript in St52/NM28 or can't run KafanMiniBrowser, the UXP "hacks" I posted already do still apply: 

    On 7/30/2023 at 5:28 AM, VistaLover said:

    "Dirty" workaround in Serpent 52:

    Pick only one (doesn't matter which) on the list of below four "about:config" prefs:


    ... and toggle its value; then the sites will render OK:

    The same route will render


    mostly operational... And @Mathwiz was quick to post :sneaky: as I was composing mine, so congrats to him! :P

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