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About gsilvap

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    Windows 8 x64

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  1. I think that I have found a bug, but don't know what is the cause of that. My startmenu is like: But some times it opens like: I have lots of programs fixed in the menu and the number of recent programs to display are six. I use two screens with different resolutions. If you need more information of that, please send me a message. Thanks in advance.
  2. It works now!!! Keep the good work!!! Just more one improvement, apply the transparency in search?
  3. Appears which It's cut.
  4. I have the same issue of idbirch2. When I do the click in the corner of the button, Star menu appear and not startisback menu. Furthermore, I have another issue: When I search something: Keep the good work Tihiy!!!! If you need more info about how this issues happen, feel free to contact me.
  5. Hello Tihiy, I have installed today the aeroglass in windows 10, build 10240. And now I have problems with startisback: - out of memory when I open properties - orb disappeared How can I fix this problem?
  6. Someone already tested the startisback in the latest build of Windows 10?
  7. Hello BigMuscle. I have bought aeroGlass a long time ago. I have done last installation at 2015-02-18. But today I have some problem, the log says: [2015-04-24 13:38:16][0xB70:0xC84] Donation.key: invalid signature. What happens? How I can fix that? Edit: I generate one new key and work now. I dont know I my machine ID was changed.... Regards Gonçalo Silva Pereira
  8. Thanks for the fixing!!! It's working great now!!! Keep the good work!!!
  9. Hello, I'm using English US too. With the search pane I got:
  10. Hello Tihiy, I'm trying to understand the cases where this error occurs, but sometimes search give me different results for the same word. Some screenshots below: If you need some more tests, feel free to contact me... Thanks for your good work!!!
  11. Anyone know why windows update don't appear in this search? Greetings gsilvap
  12. Hello BigMuscle... You are doing a great work with this, keep that!!! I have a problem with my installation, I have donated an amount to you a long time ago, but not used areo glass. Now I want to put aero glass in the same machine. I have the license.key, but I obtain that: How I can fix this? Thanks
  13. What is the latest release with windows 10 TP compatibility? Keep the good work!!!
  14. hi Tihiy, how are you? for when a new beta for windows 10? i have one bug with lastest release: any suggestions? Keep the good work!!! PS.: If you need help with translation to Portuguese of Portugal send me a PM.
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