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Everything posted by TRuLLi

  1. Thanks for the reply. tested ant it worked
  2. Hi Guys, I've got a dutch office 2007 enterprise disk and i've made an adminfile with the options: - display level=none - suppress modal - no cancel - accept eula+serial - organization name now when i launch the process with setup.exe /adminfile office2007enterprise.msp i get prompted to select the version of office i want to install ( e.g. enterprise or just visio only ). When i select "enterprise" and hit "Doorgaan"(translated:continue), the setup screen freezes but the install continues with the values located in the MSP file. When the setup is done, the frozen screen disappears. I've read this topic/forum but haven't found someone with the same problem.. Anybody got a clue? Thank you in advance!
  3. there seem to be some speculations about "Nero7.Premium.Reloaded.v. mui". does any1 have a clue about an official release? //edit RELEASE DATE: 15.09.2006 ; APTK Burst ; AudiopluginMgr ; InCD ; Nero 3D Studio ; Nero Burning ROM ; Nero BackItUp BURST ; Nero Burn ( for MCE ) ; Nero BurnRights ; Nero CoverDesigner ; Nero Fast CD-Burning Plug-in ; Nero Home ; Nero Imagedrive ; Nero Installer Burst ; Nero MediaHome ; Nero MediaStreaming ( for MCE ) ; Nero ShowTime ; Nero PhotoSnap ; Nero Recode ; Nero ShowTime ; Nero SoundTrax BURST ; Nero StartSmart 3.5 BURST ; Nero Toolkit CD-DVD Speed ; Nero Toolkit DriveSpeed ; Nero Toolkit InfoTool ; Nero Vision Express ; Nero WaveEditor BURST ; Shared Multimedia Components ; Sipps //edit2 @mrQQ read up at hp38's site, http://www.updatepack.nl/
  4. then i'd say you suggest that the next version of wpi uses reg.exe instead of regedit /S no, i haven't looked into it yet, got a strange bug in my wpi. had no time to look into it yet, but after it adds this registry value (it's noting irregular in there), it suddenly reboots. dunno what the cause of this is yet..
  5. I just used the "regb" option from wpi, which uses regedit.. so this code isnt a normal code?
  6. I was just browsing my wpi.log to check if everything went ok, most "returned codes" were 0 or -1, but with 1 .regfile i saw the following return code: ----- donderdag 10 augustus 2006 19:40:23 Program: Add Open with Notepad UID: ADDNOTEPAD Order: 900003 Category: Shortcuts & Cleanup donderdag 10 augustus 2006 19:40:25 Reg Before Success (returned code -1073741502): "RegEdit /S D:\SETUP\WPI\registry\ennotepadrightclick.reg" donderdag 10 augustus 2006 19:40:25 Finished installation could anybody explain me what this return code means?
  7. great news, the bug posted in #10 is gone with the new release of wpi (5.3). i'm installing apps from it atm in vmware
  8. @ #22, i've applied the fixes but all my %systemdrive% %cdrom% vars were working from guirunonce, from cmdlines.txt/RunOnceEx.cmd i'm still getting the same problem as posted in #10. i'll wait for 5.3 i guess. p.s. u've got a pm
  9. Then could you please explain why i don't have any troubles regarding files or variables when i install it through guirunonce....... thnx for your info i'll upgrade as soon as the new ver is out
  10. i'm using 5.1.... //edit as i said, the .zip works from guirunonce, only pops up the explorer somewhere when installing...
  11. see attachment, i've removed some programms though not allowed to attach zips? http://www.trul.nl/wpi.zip
  12. are u running wpi from hdd or cd? //offtopic, there is no ok button //edit1 i've just downloaded wpi5.2 and copied my config.js/useroptions.js into it, and i've got the same error when loading from cd, works fine if i launch it from hdd, didn't look into it though. will do that now //edit2 ok, it's a typo in the header probably "With" should be "Width" if you ask me
  13. email notification+behind pc+it student?
  14. sure, it's no problem, i'll wait for the new release. i'm editing some files myself atm though
  15. the strange thing is, everything worked (except for the explorer popping up during install). then i followed sadicq advice to change to cmdlines.txt and now i get the error posted in post #10. no files got changed, wpi starts smooth from cd-rom, as it did before... i don't get that.. none of the current bugfixes in the thread changed anything to the problem, or were not relevant
  16. i'm reading through the topic and trying some modifications for generate.js/installer.js. i'll keep ya posted
  17. thnx for the fast help, i'm gonna try it right away . will keep you posted. //edit edited the files of all installations and now i'm getting the following error, after clicking the start button in wpi.hta generate.js.png
  18. It's part of a multi-boot dvd with 4 different standalone wpi's ( nl/nl-oem/en/en-oem, with all different stuff in it ) I'm launching wpi through a cmd in winnt.sif [GUIRunOnce] "%systemdrive%\temp\wpi-nl.cmd" wpi-nl.cmd: @ECHO OFF REM Looking for CD-ROM for %%i in (D E F G H I J K L M) do if exist %%i:\BOOTCD.IMG set CDROM=%%i: REM Hide this command window. %CDROM%\SETUP\TOOLS\cmdow.exe @ /hid REM Default Registry tweaks REGEDIT.EXE /S "%systemdrive%\temp\regtweaks.reg" REM Start WPI start /wait %windir%\system32\mshta.exe "%CDROM%\SETUP\wpi\wpi-nl\wpi.hta" REM Remove Default Autostarts REGEDIT.EXE /S "%CDROM%\SETUP\WPI\registry\disstartups.reg" REM Run Cleanup Script %CDROM%\SETUP\WPI\cleanup\cleanup.cmd EXIT //edit, could it be related to the nlited winxp install. it seems to start some kind of "apply settings box", which applies settings for windows media player, internet explorer and stuff, and after this, it launches the explorer.
  19. I bet that he reads his own forum Pliek, so that's why i'm posting here
  20. No, if DoNotLoadDesktop is true, it sets the reboot time to 5 seconds, that's all it does. code from installer.js if (RestartComputer) { if (DoNotLoadDesktop) RestartSeconds=5;
  21. I think the topic title says it all. Since i've updated my WPI to 5.x, clean install ofcourse. the windows explorer is loading the desktop during the wpi installation process. I've got no command or whatsoever loading explorer.exe anywhere. I am using wpi version 5.1 at the moment. i tested a bit with the settings, it doesnt matter what settings i use. restartcomputer/donotloaddesktop are set to false at the moment, since i'm running scripts after the wpi installation has finished. donotloaddesktop only shortens the reboot time if im right? i've checked the logfile but couldn't find anything strange, just 'success' installations. any clue where i should start looking? thnx in advance.
  22. If you only want the license to be copied (and not all the settings): 1. install it on your own machine; 2. enter in your own license; 3. copy %programfiles%\serv-u\ServUDaemon.ini to your unattended setup; 4. add a line that copies this file to the installation directory after silent installation; 5. don't forget to kill ServUAdmin.exe after installation, it pops up. //edit if you want the wizard to popup the next time you run serv-u, make a file named "ServUAdmin.ini" which contains the following: [GLOBAL] FirstTime=1 copy this file together with ServUDaemon.ini to the destination directory after installing serv-u silent //edit2 i'm sorry for digging up such an old thread
  23. i would like to thank you for this great program, started using it today.. ( been on holiday for a long time )
  24. about the activation link that should be removed, i used "noRunReg=1" in custom.ini for version 6.0 and it worked properly.
  25. thnx for this great tutorial again. gonna try it right away, never edited a msi file before.. will wait for the answer though
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