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Everything posted by cyberthug
that sounds like a good option. aint tried it yet, but someone who has.. what happens then? when u click a file with no program association? how to u create an association? right click> open with option still there?
Hey all, I've finally managed to get the color's correctly displaced in my oemkrnl.exe file, but now, for some reason, it hangs after scrolling the proress bar about 2 times.. This is the last thing pending on my windows cd, and it's really beginning to p*ssin me off! lol. The size has reached 702MB and am trying my best to not change any more things! Could somebody PLEASE help me with this? If u know how to easily make one with a problem, would you be willing to make it for me? OR if anyone know's how to fix this, it'd be much appreciated. more info: i'm using boot editor, as it's easier dealing with the color palette. I'm leaving this country [with high speed internet] to a place that only has 33.6kbps which usually doesn't even run! I will be leaving in a week or two. So if someone could help me as fast as possible, it'd be the best. thanks alot! -Cyberthug.
thats gonna help me lots!! lol am in the states, goto to kenya. <<<------------flag!
hey all. +++should this post be moved to another forum? unattended?+++ [jus' checkin'] I've finally managed to get the color's correctly displaced in my oemkrnl.exe file, but now, for some reason, it hangs after scrolling the proress bar about 2 times.. This is the last thing pending on my windows cd, and it's really beginning to p*** me off! lol. The size has reacheed 702MB and am trying my best to not change any more things! Could somebody PLEASE help me with this? If u know how to easily make one with a problem, would you be willing to make it for me? OR if anyone know's how to fix this, it'd be much appreciated. more info: i'm using boot editor, as it's easier dealing with the color palette. I'm leaving this country [with high speed internet] to a place that only has 33.6kbps which usually doesn't even run! I will be leaving in a week or two. So if someone could help me as fast as possible, it'd be the best. thanks alot! -Cyberthug.
10%+ for WINDOWS ME?!?!? WWWWhhhooaaa!! did i miss something?!?! i've experienced it and agree with what i've heard mostly about it.... it's the worst windows yet!
where to put it: place ur custom theme in XPCD\$OEM$\$$\RESOURCES\THEMES the .theme with it's theme directory goes into there. how to apply it: place this in ur winnt.sif [Shell] CustomDefaultThemeFile="%Systemroot%\Resources\Themes\custom.THEME" i think that's all ya gotta do.. if i missed anything.. someone pls add it. have fun..
maybe you should read thru before asking questions.. and about when what happens.. it's at
1st boot into windows needs username entry
cyberthug replied to cyberthug's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=Yes TargetPath=\WINXP FileSystem=* unattendSwitch="yes" WaitForReboot="No" OEMSkipEULA=Yes DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore NonDriverSigningPolicy=Ignore OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\M;Drivers\M\A;Drivers\M\A\6280;Drivers\M\A\6290;Drivers\M\A\67160;Drivers\M\A\671x;Drivers\M\A\6880;Drivers\M\A\6890;Drivers\M\A\68x5;Drivers\M\AD;Drivers\M\AD\aA;Drivers\M\AD\aar1210;Drivers\M\AD\i2o;Drivers\M\AD\u160;Drivers\M\AD\u320;Drivers\M\AD\u320r;Drivers\M\AL;Drivers\M\AM;Drivers\M\H;Drivers\M\H\hpt366;Drivers\M\H\hpt371;Drivers\M\H\hpt374;Drivers\M\H\hpt3xx;Drivers\M\H\rr182x;DriversDrivers\M\I\u320r;Drivers\M\IT;Drivers\M\L;Drivers\M\L\megaide;Drivers\M\L\mraid35x;Drivers\M\L\mylex;Drivers\M\L\symmpi;Drivers\M\N;Drivers\M\P;Drivers\M\P\fasttrak;Drivers\M\P\fasttx2k;Drivers\M\P\sx4000;Drivers\M\P\sx6000;Drivers\M\P\ulsata;Drivers\M\P\ultra;Drivers\M\Q;Drivers\M\Q\12160;Drivers\M\S;Drivers\M\S\3112;Drivers\M\S\3112r;Drivers\M\S\3114;Drivers\M\S\3114r;Drivers\M\S\3124;Drivers\M\S\3124r;Drivers\M\S\649r;Drivers\M\S\680;Drivers\M\S\680r;Drivers\M\SI;Drivers\M\SI\eide;Drivers\M\SI\raid;Drivers\M\SI\raid2;Drivers\M\V;Drivers\M\V\eide;Drivers\M\V\raid;Drivers\L\3C\1;Drivers\L\3C\2;Drivers\L\3C\3;Drivers\L\BR\1;Drivers\L\BR\2;Drivers\L\BU\1;Drivers\L\BU\2;Drivers\L\BU\3;Drivers\L\D\1;Drivers\L\D\2;Drivers\L\D\3;Drivers\L\D\4;Drivers\L\D\5;Drivers\L\D\5;Drivers\L\D\6;Drivers\L\D\7;Drivers\L\I;Drivers\L\L\1;Drivers\L\L\2;Drivers\L\L\3;Drivers\L\L\4;Drivers\L\LI\1;Drivers\L\LI\2;Drivers\L\LI\3;Drivers\L\LI\4;Drivers\L\LI\5;Drivers\L\LI\6;Drivers\L\LI\7;Drivers\L\M;Drivers\L\N\1;Drivers\L\N\1;Drivers\L\N\2;Drivers\L\N\3;Drivers\L\N\4;Drivers\L\N\5;Drivers\L\N\6;Drivers\L\N\7;Drivers\L\NV;Drivers\L\O\1;Drivers\L\O\2;Drivers\L\O\3;Drivers\L\O\4;Drivers\L\O\5;Drivers\L\O\6;Drivers\L\O\7;Drivers\L\O\8;Drivers\L\R\1;Drivers\L\R\2;Drivers\L\S;Drivers\L\T;Drivers\L\V\1;Drivers\L\V\2;Drivers\L\V\3;Drivers\L\V\4;Drivers\L\V\5;Drivers\L\V\6;Drivers\S\A;Drivers\S\C;Drivers\S\CR;Drivers\S\CR\LS\Win2K_XP;Drivers\S\N;Drivers\S\R;Drivers\S\R\HD;Drivers\S\S;Drivers\SM\A;Drivers\SM\I;Drivers\S\T\A;Drivers\S\T\D;Drivers\S\V" [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=155 OemSkipWelcome=1 [userData] ProductKey=.... FullName="Owner" OrgName="" ComputerName=Computer [TapiLocation] CountryCode=254 AreaCode=57 [identification] JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [branding] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes [Components] msmsgs=off msnexplr=off freecell=off hearts=off minesweeper=off pinball=off solitaire=off spider=off zonegames=off [Proxy] Proxy_Enable=0 Use_Same_Proxy=0 [shell] CustomDefaultThemeFile="%Systemroot%\Resources\Themes\Silver.THEME" [GuiRunOnce] Command0=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Drivers\S\Sound_Control_Panels.cmd Command0=%systemdrive%\install\startcmd.cmd -
Hey all. I've nearly completed my XPCD... the ntoskrnl.exe modding is really p***ing me off! can't get it to work, weird colors on it always, even though the 2nd palette is set to black! dunno... asked about this before, no useful answers. [i HAVE read all tutorials on it!] anyways..the question i wanted to ask... after XP has installed itself, and XP boots 1st time into windows, I usually had my batch file to install software run straight away.. but now, i've got the old style login (not using the theme login) but the little input box, with Admitrater and passport boxes, after i enter that, THEN my batch file commences. I have changed a whole LOAD of things, and am not sure where/how i changed this, i AM using a new theme as default, do u guys think that might be the problem? or is there something else i should be checking? thanx for answer to any or both of my questions..
registering O&O Defrag Pro v.6
cyberthug replied to cyberthug's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
nah.. that didn't work.. dang it... -
registering O&O Defrag Pro v.6
cyberthug replied to cyberthug's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
thanx mate.. i didn't have the licences part on mine.. -
I've been looking for a way to register this unattendedly. The method of adding reg keys as given on isn't working. Anyone hav a method thhat works? Cheers.
i just made sure for another time that i've edited it correctly. I didn't know about the SP2 problem, yes, i am using sp2.... so guessing i should just forget editing msgina and leave it the way it is right? no way around this?
I have edited myy original msgina.dll and saved it under a differnet name. Used a reg key to point to the new one. It is worrking. But now XP starts up with the (classic?) logon style, with the two text boxes of Administrator, and password. (basically, not the logonui.exe screen) and when i try switching the way "users log on/off" from control panel, it says that it's been disallowed due to (and it also names) my new msgina.dll. Have i made a mistake while creating my new msgina? if so, anyone know my mistake??
hey.. i tried that... but it still replaces deleted files?!!? dang.. Any other ideas?
i use this "start taskkill.exe /F /IM" to kill my winamp registration during installation... you mite wanna try " start taskkill.exe /F /IM c:\docs...\progs\progA* " and it mite also help if u'd let us know what program ur tryin to kill. g'luck
thanks... yep.. that does make sence... set size to 0, so it has nothing to replace! wonderful! hope it works here too... i wonder why i haven't seen tweak before! cheerz anywayz.
I have placed the hacked SFC_OS.DLL into my i386 folder. AND i'm applying the resistry key to change the SFC value. (sfc_os.dll got from mantra software...) BUT when i delete a system file, windows stilll replaces it! it's not working! Anything else i need to do to disable SFC?
Hey all... I just finally read the whole thing on editing palette's... I have completely built the ntoskrnl.exe > oemkrnl.exe While testing though, (my oemkrnl.exe has a blue-ish wallpaper to it) after displaying the booott graphic for about 1second PERFECTLY, it flashes, then becomes a weird color, THEN it floods my screen with a blue color(NOT BSOD) and hangs there! Anyone have a clue to what the %$!! goin on?? EDIT: DISREGARD INFO ON TOP! Since i'm playing around with TWO **** versions of winXP pro at the same time, i managed to mess up their ntoskrnl's! lool.. NEW PROBLEM: boot display perfect for a second, flashes, and comes up with a decent, but not as good as before the flash. Looks as if ONE(or so) hex value was entered badly. Checked three times already, hex values seem fine. Anyone know what i've missed out? Thanx.
VMware should have plenty of RAM to use up.. BUT make sure that the host OS(your real windows) isn't left with too little RAM.
Hi ppl. I've been having problems understanding how to change the palette which is custom to a screen that i've made. The problem is that from the bitmap i create, i can save a palette, but how do i get hex values from there to be able to edit the ntoskrnl.exe? Could someone pls make me an SP2 ntoskrnl.exe using a bitmap i give? Or would someone be kind enough to walk me thru it.. Cheers.
this is really p***in me off! I'm not sure what i've done, and whatt the problem could be... My installation freezes at T-31 minutes when it says "insalling network" I've tried it a bunch of times, I've replaced ALL the files in teh I386 folder with the original ones and tried again, but same thing over again! The only thing I haven't tried is completely deleting the VMware files, and starting a virtual OS from scratch. ( during installation, I have also tried deleting the virtual partitions and also full formatting..but no luck) I'm going to delete the files of VMware in a bit, but just wanted to know if anyone has had this problem before and what they think it could be. Another thing, I wanted to know how ppl have edited their kernel files.. the one's used in HyperThreaded machines... the ntkrnlpa.exe etc... and if I could get a copy of their's if it's more complicated than editing the ntoskrnl.exe/oemkrnl.exe Thank you.
My Error: [During bootup, before logo scrn.] Windows could not start because "System32/Drivers/Ntfs.sys" is corrupt or missing. I got most of my unattended running. I'm using the OEMKrnl.exe method for the start up logo change. I haven't placed it in theh autorunning yet, so after a good installation, i'm running the bootlogo.cmd which does: ------------ bootcfg /RAW /A /Kernel=OEMKrnl.exe /ID 1 bootcfg /Timeout 0 ------------ I have the OEMkrnl.exe placed in the /system32/ folder. As far as I know, this used to work when I was using SP1a. I have the modded file to disable SFC if that has anything to do with it (doubtfully) Anyone have an idea of what's wrong? Thanks.