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Everything posted by Tseng

  1. No, it is not possible. You can only trim the un-wanted components before installation. Even you do not care about the HD space being used, and you can stop some services. Still the best way to make your Win7 runs faster is to "lite" it!
  2. I am able to use vLite to trip down the Vista SP2 ISO. Both x86 and x64 verions work just fine. You do not need the WAIK for Win7. The Vista one would do.
  3. Found out the cause of this case. Should not have removed Manual Install (setup.exe). By keeping this component, the files are staying where they should now.
  4. No. I am using the original Vista to do the trim.
  5. Hi all, I am encountering a really weird behavior while using vLite. I had the vLite successfully trim the Vista SP2 DVD. But due to a component is missing, so I had to re-vLite again. The 2nd time I use vLite, some how all files missing from root\sources Only 2 files left: boot.wim & install.wim I re-install AIK and vLite. But this issues remains. I even re-install the Vista and AIK and vLite. This issue still remains. Any idea what happened? I had a normal vLite DVD and suddently it stops working. Help!
  6. Tseng

    vLite is dead?

    I sure hope the vLite is alive and well. Because the Vista SP2 Release Candidate was just published by Microsoft. Would be really nice to have vLite to do the shirinking Vista SP2.
  7. Speaking from experiences, I am able to use nLite in Vista Ultimate x64 to work with WinXP x86 & x64.
  8. Tried again with 1.2 RC. Same result!
  9. My OS is Vista Ultimate SP1 x64, running on lenovo ThinkPad T61. The issue I encountered is I have Dell Vista Ultimate x86. After the slipstreaming of SP1, the WLAN support is simply missing. I was not aware of this until I installed it on my wife's Latitude D420. The wireless LAN did not work, so I traced my steps back and found this issue. Am I the only one or anyone else had this bug? TIA
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