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Everything posted by laddanator

  1. I would be glad to give you guys a complete summary. cdob, might want to. If cdob, doesn't mind, I will post one here?
  2. Problem solved Some how when I left map --mem off and the ISOimage.ini was permanently written this was deleted ;directory and name of ISO image to mount ; ; So when I put everything back to stock paths in the ISOimage.ini, I left the above out. Added the above back to my mounted v5 IMA and presto MCE2005.ISO has now reappeared!
  3. ran the test like this title debug MCE2005.ISO map --mem /XP/Floppy/XP_Inst.ima (fd0) map --hook write --offset=0 (fd0)/setup/EMPTY512.LST \\XP\\ISO\\MCE2005.ISO\r\n;\r\n; cat (fd0)/setup/EMPTY512.LST pause and got this. Same as you
  4. I will try this tomorrow. Left all my boot stuff at work. Needed a break tonight! Thanks, cdob. I will report back tomorrow afternoon. By the way, cdob, did you say you had a V6?
  5. Using the untouched one that's in your new 5v. Since you updated the firadisk and Imdisk, I felt no need for me to mod anything in your IMA.
  6. Still a no go and no O. How many characters can be written? I count 19 in that line counting \ and . If I changed the name to MCE.ISO, all is well @cdob, not sure why it worked for you. If it was a character limit. Should have not worked for you. I been using the add to source method so I can't stress about this. but again, why in the F@#k doesn't MCE2005.ISO name work!!
  7. I am using 0.4.5c 2012-01-17 I Will try this again
  8. Ok Used this write --offset=0 (fd0)/setup/ISOimage.ini \\XP\\ISO\\MCE2005.ISO\r\n;\r\n cat (fd0)/setup/ISOimage.ini pause Results \XP\ISO\MCE2005.IS Just a cursor after the S and no O
  9. Not sure what you mean by this? My ISO are labeled as following HOME.ISO PRO.ISO MCE2005.ISO if I remove the (in bold) write --offset=0 (fd0)/setup/ISOimage.ini \\ISO\\MCE2005.ISO\n;\n;\n; write --offset=0 (fd1)/setup/ISOimage.ini \\ISO\\MCE2005.ISO\n;\n;\n; MCE2005.ISO is found and loads fine but HOME AND PRO get errors cant find ISO so I have to put back the \n;\n;\n; Ok once I put the \n;\n;\n; back for HOME and PRO to be found, I have to relabel MCE2005 TO MCE and all three are found no problem. Been meaning to post this a week or so back but been busy so last night I had some free time and thought I would post this I will try this today
  10. If I write MCE2005.ISO like this write --offset=0 (fd0)/setup/ISOimage.ini \\ISO\\MCE2005.ISO\n;\n;\n; write --offset=0 (fd1)/setup/ISOimage.ini \\ISO\\MCE2005.ISO\n;\n;\n; I get setup error Can not find iso as the O is left off so its MCE2005.IS search ISO file "C:\XP\ISO\MCE2005.IS" search ISO file "D:\XP\ISO\MCE2005.IS" search ISO file "E:\XP\ISO\MCE2005.IS" can not find iso and if I do just MCE.ISO all is well search ISO file "C:\XP\ISO\MCE.ISO" search ISO file "D:\XP\ISO\MCE.ISO" search ISO file "E:\XP\ISO\MCE.ISO" found ISOfile E:\XP\ISO\MCE.ISO
  11. Write the path on the fly write --offset=0 (fd0)/setup/ISOimage.ini \\pathhere\\isoname\n;\n;\n; write --offset=0 (fd1)/setup/ISOimage.ini \\pathhere\\isoname\n;\n;\n;
  12. Thanks, cdob. Just load XP home with the method below. Works good! I like no floppy. I am going to write a Windows script script that will add all the lines to txtsetup, copy the firadisk files to I386 and create and write MIGRATE.INF all in one click from Windows
  13. When I get to work tomorrow, I will post what Dell Machines we have I do like the idea of using one drive and I kinda threw this together for testing to delete firadisk drivers at first login. Very simple but has worked so far (echo. &echo XPSetup Log %date% %time% &echo.)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log if not exist %WinDir%\system32\drivers\firadisk.sys goto Barn ;(echo. Firadisk Driver Found.)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log ;devcon remove *\firadisk ;IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (echo. Firadisk Driver Removed 1)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log ;del %WinDir%\system32\drivers\firadi*.sys ;IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (echo. Firadisk Driver Removed 2)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log ;REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Firadisk" /VA /f ;IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (echo. Firadisk Value "services" was Deleted)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log ;REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FiraDisk" /VA /f ;IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (echo. Firadisk Value "Control" was Deleted)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log ;RD /S /Q %WinDir%\OemDir ;(echo. OemDir Removed)>> %systemdrive%\XPSetup.log But I like the idea of not having to map a floppy but haven't figured a way around this? How to get XP to find the txtsetup.oem file is the issue .Didn't realize this was a gz file...no file extension and by the way I notice the new 7zip doesn't do gz compression anymore
  14. Tried to open RUN batch with Notepad++ and noting is readable, that's why I was wondering if I downloaded the right thing or if the download was broken What do you need in order to test, may can help? Would you say using IMA V5 with firadisk is "safer" than just using firadisk? Like this idea and have tried this but how would XP load from txtsetup.oem if it's not in a 'floppy" Do you mean the actually ISO or creating a small ISO with firadisk stuff? I slipstream the firadisk drivers into my XP source but could never get registry entry to find ISO on reboot to work.
  15. I been test installing XP ISO using the menu below with path tweaks and such title Setup Windows XP from ISO : \nBoot once from USB set myISO=/images/XP_PRO_HP_OEM.iso #ilko_t http://www.msfn.org/...post__p__988093 /boot/shifthd.bat find --set-root --devices=h %myISO% map %myISO% (222) map --mem /images/FIRADISK.IMG (fd0) #map --mem /images/FIRADISK.IMG (fd1) map --rehook #chenall's ntboot cat --locate=###### --number=1 (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM > nul || call :error firadisk.img file error.. set offset=%?% set fira.opt=cdrom,vmem=find:%myISO%; write --offset=%offset% (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM value=Parameters,StartOptions,REG_SZ,"%fira.opt%"\r\n cat --skip=%offset% --locate=/ --replace=\\ (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM cat (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM pause press a key root (222) chainloader (222)/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN And yesterday I started getting this error Uploaded with ImageShack.us What I did was make two fresh HOME.ISO and TPC.ISO because I had altered my other Home and TPC so much trying to get this and that to work with firadisk (slipstream the friadisk drivers with nlite but was not needed so instead I made fresh ISO). I slipstream latest updates and DriverPacks as usually. Install both through VM no problem, then made sure neither were fragmented after copying to USB drive. The error in the pic is usually a bad burn or CD Drive. So after I got the error, I burned both ISO to separate DVD RW and both installed fine and no errors. I always use UltraISO to make my ISO. Not sure if the firadisk emulation is getting corrupt some how. I did finally get the HOME.ISO to install with just firadisk but not sure what I did to do so. The TPC.ISO is still giving me the error in the pic but will install fine any other way including cdobs, IMA v05 UPDATE So today I am able to load my TPC.ISO with no errors using just firadisk. I really think all the testing and mapping stuff to memory causes this error. Maybe some left over stuff stored in memory and until the memory is cleared, you may hit random errors
  16. Works like a charm. Thanks, ilko_t
  17. Ok finally got it to work. Was using FireFox and had to use IE9 (weird). Extracted the file and the RUN has no file extension.
  18. Thanks, wimb, but still cannot download. Below is the exact error I am getting I got the new grub4dos. I check that site once a week. Them new grldr rolling out faster these day's.
  19. Will not let me download. Keeps taking me to a "sorry can't download and something about translated forum.
  20. Funny you say this but mine is a little different. I used this in test on my Asus with 3 internal HD #calculate max HDD set /a hdN=*0x475&0xff + 0x80 - 1 echo max HDD (%hdN%) geometry (hd9) && map (hd9) (hd8) && echo map (hd9) (hd8) && echo geometry (hd8) && map (hd8) (hd7) && echo map (hd8) (hd7) && echo geometry (hd7) && map (hd7) (hd6) && echo map (hd7) (hd6) && echo geometry (hd6) && map (hd6) (hd5) && echo map (hd6) (hd5) && echo geometry (hd5) && map (hd5) (hd4) && echo map (hd5) (hd4) && echo geometry (hd4) && map (hd4) (hd3) && echo map (hd4) (hd3) && echo geometry (hd3) && map (hd3) (hd2) && echo map (hd3) (hd2) && echo geometry (hd2) && map (hd2) (hd1) && echo map (hd2) (hd1) && echo geometry (hd1) && map (hd1) (hd0) && echo map (hd1) (hd0) && echo geometry (hd0) && map (hd0) (%hdN%) && echo map (hd0) (%hdN%) && echo And my Windows 7 complaining about wrong boot configuration also and I had to use my Windows 7 DVD to repair because if I tried to boot any repair stuff that required bootmgr from USB, got the same wrong boot configuration error as if the system was confused.
  21. Not sure if it's just my luck but the last few newer Asus I have tested on including mine...will not work with (fd0) but is fine with (fd1)
  22. Cool. I was going to remove it an test. I kinda figured it wasn't need but I didn't want to stray of the path til I made sure it worked without editing. Now I did hit one small thing on my Asus M4A88TD-M/USB machine, I loaded MCE with slipstreamed updates and all DriverPacks (not in ISO, on root of USB drive and they get copied to HD right before GUI starts) and when the computer booted up the first time before I removed the firadisk.cmd which ask do you want to delete firadisk and I typed 'n' and the computer blue screened with a firadisk driver error, so I rebooted and all was fine. On the next test when I was ask to delete, I typed 'y' this time and the computer did not blue screen. I will have to list the specifics on the actual drivers loaded later.
  23. I just downloaded the NTBOOT_DPMS.iso from extracted the firadisk.img and use a modded menu.lst from the one cdob posted title Setup Windows from ISO set XPISO=XP.ISO set fira.opt=cdrom,vmem=find:/images/%XPISO%; map /images/%XPISO% (222) map --mem /images/firadisk.IMG (fd0) map (hd0) (hd1) map (hd1) (hd0) map --hook #chenall's ntboot http://chenall.net/post/ntboot/ cat --locate=###### --number=1 (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM > nul || call :error firadisk.img file error.. set offset=%?% write --offset=%offset% (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM value=Parameters,StartOptions,REG_SZ,"%fira.opt%"\r\n cat --skip=%offset% --locate=/ --replace=\\ (fd0)/%ISO_TYPE%/TXTSETUP.OEM chainloader (222)/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN And made changes. My menu.lst #PRO SP3 ISO iftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP PRO SP3 Install From ISO From %USBRoot%\nDec 11 With Most Drivers\nThis Is A Little Slower Method password --md5 $1$A$hzYlFap3SLNNQ/tA7c3.S. find --set-root --ignore-cd --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag clear set /p /u Answer=ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO INSTALL XP PRO SP3...Y or N : if /i "%Answer%"=="n" echo Back To Main Menu! && configfile %USBRoot%/Menu/xpiso.lst set XPISO=PRO.ISO set Map=%USBRoot%/BOOTWS/FULLISO set fira.opt=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/ISO/%XPISO%; if not exist %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/%XPISO% echo Can Not Find XP %XPISO%. Please Contact Superman && pause --wait=10 Going Back To Main Menu && configfile %USBRoot%/menu.lst clear map --unmap=0:0xff map --unhook checkrange 8 calc *0x475 & 0xFF && configfile %Map%/8.lst checkrange 7 calc *0x475 & 0xFF && configfile %Map%/7.lst checkrange 6 calc *0x475 & 0xFF && configfile %Map%/6.lst checkrange 5 calc *0x475 & 0xFF && configfile %Map%/5.lst checkrange 4 calc *0x475 & 0xFF && configfile %Map%/4.lst checkrange 3 calc *0x475 & 0xFF && configfile %Map%/3.lst checkrange 2 calc *0x475 & 0xFF && configfile %Map%/2.lst boot And I used my Asus with 3 internal drives so my BOOTWS/FULLISO/4.LST set List4=4.lst map %USBRoot%/XP/ISO/%XPISO% (222) map --mem %USBRoot%/XP/Floppy/firadisk.img (fd0) map --mem %USBRoot%/XP/Floppy/firadisk.img (fd1) map --e820cycles=3 || map --e820cycles=0 clear checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd3) checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0) checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd2) (hd1) checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd3) (hd2) map --hook clear cat --locate=###### --number=1 (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM > nul || call :error firadisk.img file error.. cat --locate=###### --number=1 (fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM > nul || call :error firadisk.img file error.. set offset=%?% write --offset=%offset% (fd0)/TXTSETUP.OEM value=Parameters,StartOptions,REG_SZ,"%fira.opt%"\r\n cat --skip=%offset% --locate=/ --replace=\\ (fd0)/%ISO_TYPE%/TXTSETUP.OEM write --offset=%offset% (fd1)/TXTSETUP.OEM value=Parameters,StartOptions,REG_SZ,"%fira.opt%"\r\n cat --skip=%offset% --locate=/ --replace=\\ (fd1)/%ISO_TYPE%/TXTSETUP.OEM echo %List4% echo %XPISO% echo %fira.opt% pause --wait=10 Making Sure Paths Exist...Hit Enter Key At AnyTime chainloader (222)/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN And I just installed PRO and MCE with one boot to USB and did not use the XP_INST_v05.7z . Same mods in the ISO...updates and DriverPacks(No USB Drivers) I deleted the firadisk.cmd (this allows you to keep firadisk after install or delete) from the img and the setting to copy the firadisk.cmd from the txtsetup.oem and added the delete commands from the firadisk.cmd to me runone program installer .cmd if not exist %WinDir%\system32\drivers\firadisk.sys goto Barn ;set /p del=ÊÇ·ñɾ³ýFiradiskÇý¶¯?(Y/N)y ;if /i not "%del%"=="y" goto :next ;devcon remove *\firadisk ;del %WinDir%\system32\drivers\firadi*.sys >>%~f0 echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Firadisk] >>%~f0 echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FiraDisk] >>%~f0 echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\FIRADISK] ;pause ;goto Barn
  24. Will do someone stole my variable. I have a patten on that variable! JK What exactly does this do or mean? where is this variable set in the above menu.lst?
  25. Old P3 with gig of ram. CD install of text mode setup doesn't go any faster (I timed it) No USB 2. USB 1.0 so of course this will be slower. I must like making more work for myself Haven't got that far. I will stick with what's working and leave the small ISO out of the mix for now. About 3 min or so to run first txt setup part (same as CD on this machine) . Coping the files is faster (didn't time that part) Some how after the small iso being mapped to (oxff) and when text setup part1 finishes..loads files from the mapped big ISO (222). Sounds crazy but I have done crazier!
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