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Posts posted by hasi001
Now I see. So you'd like to define for example 3 different office suites, but the user should be able to choose only one of them.
Sorry - that's not implemented by now. And will not be for the near future.
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That's what I called categories. Already built in.I also wish to have the utilities grouped in sections....... setting to use selection buttons in oder to select between alternate software ...I don't understand your question. This app is about choosing applications for install. You do this by selecting them via checkboxes. So if you configure two different offfice suites, you can select one, both or none. Have you ever looked at the screenshots (follow the link in my signature) ?
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Hi guys , i'm using wpi ... dont know the version ..., the problem is that after the wpi's application choosing screen the installation is continuing to install but its reachs to windows desktop ... and its making all sort of problems .... ( the picture is below )
what can i do?
Where's the prob. Everything runs fine, I think- The ballon's coming from XP's security center - ignore that for now and let the installation process come to an end.
Oh, yes - your version of WPI seems to be a very old one, when I look at the config.
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... the programs that I wanted are selected, so I go to bed, and let WPI do his thing. And see the next morning the same window with a simple message, and I must click OK
Ok. If you want it to run really unattended then edit generate.js, Line 142:
Either delete the line completely or comment it like this:
No alert is shown. You're happy.
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If the heights of the categories change, you must also change the column handling (when to start a new column). Look at boxes.js, Lines 210ff:
if ( (winheight == 600) && ((pi+cats)>=(col*19))) {
if (col<cols) { txt += ('</td><td width="' + colwidth + '%" valign="top" nowrap>'); col++; }
else {txt += backnext(lasti,colwidth,true); cats=0; pages++; col=1; pi=0; }
if ( (winheight >= 768) && ((pi+cats)>=(col*(winheight/30.72)))) {
if (col<cols) { txt += ('</td><td width="' + colwidth + '%" valign="top" nowrap>'); col++; }
else { txt += backnext(lasti,colwidth,true); cats=0; pages++; col=1; pi=0; }
}the thing you have to change (according to what resolution you are using are the 2nd constraint of the ifs saying winheight=...
Especially the second value - 30.72 (used for resolutions of 1024 and above) - could be the one to change for you. Try to increase/decrease the value and see what happens.
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Have you tried WPI ? Does the same, but has a nice GUI, there's a central configuration file and ist multilingual.
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Upped a new version 2.9.8a. Try this one. Internal (re)numbering reworked. New languages.
Note: if you use the ordr parameter in only some of your progs, the ones that don't have it, will be installed at the end.
dunno, if this is working. you surely have tried just to use that batch file as a prog's cmd. if that didn't work, then nothing else will. if you haven't tried yet, do so. WPI and RunOnceEx are designed to wait for every process's end. Since a batch script should also run in a separate cmd-process the only thing you should have to do it to use the start /wait mechanism inside the .cmd
Post an excerpt of you .cmd file. Perhaps others do have another / better idea.
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I've got a strange error using tha last wpi version (2.9.8).
I am trying to test my last entry, and therefore I click on Select none and then I select what I want to install (one application). Then I hit Begin Install only to see 6 or 7 seven applications, that I never selected, getting installed.
If this helps I am running it on 1152x864, and the last entry is the first one on the second row.
I've just noticed that this happens only if I have two rows. If I reduce the number of applications and they fit to one row - everything works just fine.
By the way Hasi - very usefull application!
send me a pm with your config.js. i'll see, what's the problem and fix it.
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WPI uses the following:
rs = rs.replace("%cdrom%", cddrv);
rs = rs.replace("%systemdrive%",sysdrv);
rs = rs.replace("%windir%", windir);
rs = rs.replace("%programfiles%",programfiles);these get replaced by windows environment variables (e.g. %programfiles% would get substituted by "C:\Program Files" (en,us) or "C:\Programme" (de) ...). you've got to write them in small letters.
other default variables are supported in the cmds, but wont't get substituted through WPI (e.g. %USERNAME% stays the same, but has its corresponding environment variable - so it's useable)
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In the help you say that the drive letter which WPI checks is given in the Registry.
Yes, but that's the least option.
Please do the following:
Edit config.js and enable debug-outputs
var debugOn = 1; // (0/1) for testing purposes only.
Start WPI. There are now many outputs in the upper part of the screen. Select, copy and send these outputs to me via PM. Perhaps I can find the prob.
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I've got a single-cdrom system. You seem to have 3 of then (H,I,J). Never tested that. Could you give me a detaileed system-layout (Floppy,hdd,cdroms and their drive letters) for your system (at the time the failure happens)?When I use %cdrom% for installing my apps and drivers from CD WPI always wants to have disk in drive H: But my WinXP Cd is in Drive J:How do you know it wants drive H: ? Error message or registry lookup ?
It works if I change the drive letter in the registry like you eplained on the WPI HP.Where did I write that ? Changing drive letters in registry ?
Does the engine of WPI search for the WIN51 file in all drives???Findig the CDROM algorithm is explained on the HP - Help. Did you mean that with changing drive letters in registry ?
If the Appswitch itself needs a " you've got to write \". You're right with that.
ApplicationSwitches and questions are in the Application Switches forum.
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Done. Version 2.9.8.
German and english predefined in lang.js. If you add a language (easy!), I'd like you to send me a PM.
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Sorry. I alwas forget to remove my debug entries
Version 2.9.7b. Install starts again !
You can use the config.js from 2.9.7a
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BTW, SIDE Q: how did you manage to use quotes without causing an error? Doesn't it have to be \", not just " ??
In javascript doube quotes can be used inside single quotes (and vice versa) without using a backslash. So a
document.write('Hello "sweet" user')
would show up as
Hello "sweet" user
If you want to use backslashes you can. Won't matter.
oh, i'm still using 2.9.5 - does that matter?Yes, that could be the reason. Please upgrade to 2.9.7a since there were many bugs in former versions.
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Just started my WPI but i dont want to intergrate it into my unattended XPCD. I want to install the software i need after i install XP. So if i make WPI on a DVD will the following autorun.inf file work?
icon=WPI.icoI will modify it if the WPI.hta and WPI.ico are in a different folder than the autorun.inf file.
Yes. It should. But there must be a file called WIN51 in the dvd's root (it can even be an empty textfile, al long as it's called WIN51)
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hi hasi001 tnx for your work on wpi i have a problem maybe u can help i'm use Version 2.9.7 it work ok but when i install the programs i dont see the name of the program thet i install like "Flash,Bsplayer,Media Player" all the program name 'ProgramName' can u help? thanks
Sorry it's my fault. Fixed the wrong version on my hdd.
Download 2.9.7a and move your progs from your old version to the delivered config.js (delete the sample entries)
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I see there are grave errors in the last version. Do not use it in production. Errors will be fixed withing a few hours. Sorry.
Bugs fixed. New Version 2.9.7
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cmd1[pn]=['msiexec.exe /qb /i %cdrom%\\Applications\\Winamp\\Winamp505.msi INI="%cdrom%\\Applications\\Winamp\\setup.ini" ']
cmd2[pn]=['XCOPY %cdrom%\\Applications\\winamp\\Winamp.ini "%systemdrive%\\Program Files\\Winamp\\" /E /Y']0 -
Sorry, can't help you with that. Try the app switches forum. **** the guys at InstallShield Corp.
It was such a nice question for the FAQ. Don't feel offended.
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ok, so i downloaded 2.9.5
i am trying to move all my files to run from CD (instead of waiting for everything to be copied over to HDD).
Here's my basic setup:
.....| i386
.....| Applications
.....| $OEM$
..........| Install
...............| WPI
However, I cannot test my installers anymore. I thought I read (in this thread somewhere) that this setup would work, and WPI would install the apps from "XPCD" dir as if the whole "XPCD" dir was the root of the CD???
What's wrong?
The error message I always get is "Windows cannot find D:\...."
But why is it looking in D:\ (my CD-Rom drive)??? I thought it is supposed to look WHEREVER wpi is?
Is the Windows CD in the CDROM's tray ? If yes, remove it for testing purposes.
Searching for the %cdrom% path works the following way:
Get all the systems drive letters and their types (eg A=Floppy, C=Hdd, D=Cdrom, E=Cdrom, X=Network)
From these, take only Cdroms (D,E)
On the resulting drives, look for a file called WIN51 (D:\WIN51 if Windows-CD in drive)
If the file is found, then set %cdrom% = the resulting drive letter (%cdrom%=D:\), and exit
If not exited before, search the current directory for a file called WIN51
While WIN51 is NOT found, set current directory = parent directory and search again, until WIN51 is found or current directory=root directory.
If WIN51 is found then set %cdrom% = current directory (C:\XPCD in your case), and exit
If not exited before set %cdrom%=registry entry (HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\SourcePath)
So please remove the cd from its tray and try again.
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BTW - what does this mean, in your new 2.9.6 changelog?"WPI waits, until all progs are installed."
In former versions (2.7.x, 2.8.x) WPI wrote the registry entries and ended at the beginning of the installation process. I you called a cleanup script after the wpi script, it happened that it ran parralel to the installations. This is not the case anymore. WPI waits until the runonceex process has finished.
Also, your other item in there:"You can now set the installation order in config.js. Progs get displayed sorted by name (if sorting=true), but will be installed according to their definition or ordr-parameter in config.js"I thought this was already the case...?
No it wasn't. Think of the following:
prog[1] = "Microsoft Outlook plugin"
cat[1] = "Office"
prog[2]= "Office 2003"
cat[2] = "Office"
sorting=truethis would display the "Microsoft Outlook Plugin" first, and "Office 2003" second (since M<O in the sort algorithm)
the plugin would be installed prior to Office. You don't want that. So now, you give
ordr[1]=2 and ordr[2]=1. The display would be the same (1st plugin then office), but the installation order would change to 1st office, 2nd plugin. Got the idea ? ( As I write this it comes to my mind, that it would be fine to sort according to installation order inside the categories, so that display and install don't differ that much)
Also, you're getting awfully close to v3.0, which is coolsights... maybe make a new name (and a new thread! - you can link to this one and the original WPI for reference) so there isnt much confusion.Yes. that's a problem. Luckily coolsights opened a new thread, so there won't be too much confusion. I won't open a new one, as long as I do not change the design completely (as coolsights did). So we'll stay in Version 2.9.xx (there could be many x's) as long as there's no really new functions or a design change.
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The script error's gone now. I had a small typo in my own config.js. Sorry.
Hi Whimsy. As I understand it, WPI was your idea - and it was a wonderful one. Thanks for this cool piece of soft.
The readme and the docs were removed from the ZIP. You're right - they were outdated after all the changes. Doc is now online and contributions to you others given.
I'll try to put an up-to-date version of the docs (including my changes) on the WPI page, but it takes a lot of time, so please be patient. I'm still working on the code (a little messy by now, due to my quickfixes) and commenting it. I think the docs may have to wait 'til I finished the cleanup. If you like to work on the docs I could send you a zipped version of the WPI homepage sources (just plain (d)html, stylesheets and a few pics). Just send me a PM.
In the near future, I plan to make it possible to create windows user accounts through WPI, but as I'm working on my diploma thesis (it's about software maintenance btw) right now, there's not much time left for development.
And there's still an open change request to make it possible to select/omit progs by windows version... (You'll see proprietary work, if you browse through boxes.js)
So much to do ... so little time ...
If you have any further ideas please tell me. I'll put it on the list. It's real fun to work on that thing.
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Version 2.9.6 is out, which adds the possibility to set the installation order of programs and waits, until all installations have finished.
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Yes, there's 2 ways to set a program's command-line.
1st has 2 paramters (e.g.['cdrom','path\\prog'],
2nd only 1 parameter ['%cdrom%\\path\\prog']
Both call the same prog, but only the 2nd (new style) works with my extensions. So you better change your config.js to the new style. The old style is just for compatibility for <=2.7 versions.
I'll remove that type of commands in one of the next versions.
Looking for a specific font.
in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Hi all. Perhaps the community can help me. I'm looking for the font used for the string 'UNATTENDED XP CD' on unattended.msfn.org
See here:
Can't find this font, cause I don't know the name. I need it for the WPI-Homepage (see my sig). To change the string of it's title image
Anyone have the name, or even better - a link ?