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Everything posted by totoymola

  1. I have AS6, but I don't have Nero 7.
  2. The ISScript only exists if the installer is built with the InstallScript MSI technology. It doesn't work on a normal msi.
  3. Hehehe.. That's what I did several months ago. Although I must admit that ACDSee has more features than this.. But I don't use all of them, thats why Picasa is good enough for me.
  4. I had the same problem weeks ago. Maybe they did that on purpose to make the people download the version with iTunes. Hehehe..
  5. Hi. I don't have the Nero MSI, but I can give you some tips. Try opening the MSI with the editor, and look at the property table. Look for something that says LAUNCH_FROM_SETUP_EXE -- YES or whatever similar to that, and change the property value to NO.
  6. Hahahahaha!!! When I saw the topic title of this thread, I thought it was something about software piracy. Anyways, I don't have those softwares, but I think most of them use InstallShield.
  7. This is a strange error that I get when running my WPI during RunOnce. I don't get this when running WPI directly (executing the wpi.hta).
  8. Cool. Thanks! But the links are down at the moment.
  9. WONDERFUL!! I'M SPEACHLESS! Thanks for the script buddy! I'll be using it as a reference.
  10. Nope, that isn't a problem. If you are performing a clean installation, Internet Explorer is your default browser until the first time you run Firefox and set it as your default browser. Anyway, just to make sure, you can also try this AutoIt script. [code]#cs AutoIt Version : v3.1.0 / v3.1.1.76 Beta Author : TotoyMola [TotoyMola8@gmail.com] Description : Wait for the existence of "iexplore.exe" or "firefox.exe", then terminates it. #ce #NoTrayIcon $IE = "iexplore.exe" $FF = "firefox.exe" While 1 If ProcessExists($IE) Then ProcessClose($IE) Exit ElseIf ProcessExists($FF) Then ProcessClose($FF) Exit EndIf WEnd[/code] MHz is the AutoIt master here. Maybe he has a dirrerent method of doing this. Alternatively, you can try the MSI on my sig. Is there a new version of Picasa2? Because I'm not sure if the MSI is still the latest version. If not, I will try to create a new one when I get the chance.
  11. Hey MHz! We basically, the registry modification is called the Image File Execution Options. For example, the registry entry [code][HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\iexplore.exe] "debugger"="help"[/code] executes the "HELP" executable (the CMD HELP) everytime you launch Internet Explorer. Since the "HELP" executable needs a command interpreter, it will execute but it will terminate right away. You can acutally use other executables. For example, create dummy executable. Either an AutoIt executable that does nothing, or a Winrar SFX that extracts a 0 byte file to the %temp% dir. This method is used by hackers. For example, they will modify your registry so everytime you launch NOTEPAD, their keylogger or other hacking files will execute. I have sin to confess.. When I was mad at my cuz, I hijacked her registry so everytime she launches notepad, paint, and calc, her computer will force-shutdown. Hahahahaha!! But I changed it back after a day. Hehehehe.. About the link, this is a good one. But it doesn't explain the other settings that much. [url="http://blogs.msdn.com/junfeng/archive/2004/04/28/121871.aspx"]http://blogs.msdn.com/junfeng/archive/2004/04/28/121871.aspx[/url]
  12. [quote name='a06lp' date='Sep 27 2005, 06:45 PM']the /S worked great - except one thing - the program opens and also an internet window opens after the install. any way to stop these? [right][post="396030"][/post][/right][/quote] You can use my trick for all programs that launch an unwanted program after installation. It's pretty easy, and it is a neat way of avoiding the unwanted program's execution. I call it the [b]"Image Hijack Installation"[/b] All you need to do is to identify the name of the unwanted process. In your case, I assume it is [b]iexplore.exe[/b]. I'm using a batch file for this example. Just modify it if you use different method of installing softwares. [code]@CLS & @ECHO OFF :: THIS IMPORTS THE "HIJACK" REGEDIT /S HIJACK.REG :: THIS INSTALLS YOUR PROGRAM THAT HAS AN ANNOYING PROGRAM EXECUTION START /W picasa2-current.exe /S :: SLEEP IS OPTIONAL SLEEP 3 :: THIS REMOVES IMAGE THE IMAGE HIJACK REGEDIT /S DELHIJACK.REG[/code] This is the HIJACK.REG [code]Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\iexplore.exe] "debugger"="help"[/code] DELHIJACK.REG [code]Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\iexplore.exe][/code] You can apply this on other applications too. There are a lot of ways to do this. Just be creative!
  13. Hi. Which MSI are you referring to? The one on my sig?
  14. Wowowee!!! This is really really great!!!
  15. MHZ, I was actually planning to use Inno for this small application. But I figured out that I'm not that familiar with it. Thats why I created an MSI instead. But I'm pretty sure that the output installer created with Inno is smaller compared to an MSI because of its 7Zip compression.
  16. No dude. It should be associated with PDF files. Try it again. It works pretty good on my machine. Please try it again, preferably on a clean machine. Or uninstall your existing default PDF reader first.
  17. Dude, I can't find the Foxit PDF installer. Anyways, I created my own installer. Feel free to use it. Get it from HERE. Just run it without any switch, and it should install silently.
  18. I will look at the latest release when I get home later.
  19. Ayt.. Here is my most recent rebuild of this **** program. http://tinyurl.com/b25wk Nothing new.. Just made a few settings on the default configuration.. And you can run the program by typing "****" in the "Run" dialog box. Enjoy the fast download!
  20. Surprisingly, this method works for silent installation. QuickTimeInstaller.exe /s No additional switches required, and no need to extract the two embeded msi's YOu can also use INSTALL_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=FALSE if you don't want the desktop shortcut.
  21. I remember installing a previous version of the PhotoAlbum.. I had to remove/modify a custom property of the msi or use an mst for the installation to succeed.
  22. No problem friend. It happens to me too all the time. I'm very glad to hear its working now. Another suggestion: If you want to make everything simple, try making an sfx.
  23. Hi. How many files are you trying to copy? If I'm not mistaken, you only need to copy the main foxit executable, right? Then, why do you have use XCOPY when you can simply use the COPY command? Anyway, try this: (you can skip the md "%programfiles%\pdfreader") xcopy /s /i "%cdrom%\software\BasicSoft\pdfreader" "%programfiles%\pdfreader" You can try different combinations of switches. (ex: /e /i ) Please post your results.
  24. if you are using xpe plug-in, there is a command to execute a program before explorer loads (like runonce). Or you can make a shortcut to your program in the "startup".
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