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Everything posted by tomasz86

  1. tomasz86

    Windows Updates

    I don't actually search particularly for new HBRs I just happen to find them when looking for other things For example, i found 983458 when browsing BWC's Legacy Update site. I also made a script to check version of files inside a hotfix (as sometimes it's different than listed in the KB article...). HFVER 0.0.1 (2.66 KB) Just copy the hotfixes you want to check to HF folder, run the script and check the HFVER folder (will be created when you run the script) for results. There will be a text file for each of them which will look like this: ? TEMP\HF\empty.cat 5.0.2195.6883 TEMP\HF\ipsec.sys 5.0.2195.6882 TEMP\HF\ipsecmon.exe 5.0.2195.6824 TEMP\HF\netdiag.exe 5.0.2195.6882 TEMP\HF\oakley.dll 5.0.2195.6882 TEMP\HF\polagent.dll 5.0.2195.6882 TEMP\HF\polstore.dll 5.0.2195.6872 TEMP\HF\rasmans.dll TEMP\HF\spmsg.dll TEMP\HF\spuninst.exe ? TEMP\HF\update You can check multiple hotfixes at once. Separate textfile will be created for each of them.
  2. tomasz86

    Windows Updates

    I thought you took them from the Gurgelmeyers' list. Would you mind sharing the source of these hotfixes then? Did you find all of them by yourself? I'm just interested what method you use to find these hotfixes
  3. Thank you I guess filever.exe from Win2k support tools is also OK Actually I compared w2k filever.exe and w2k3 filever.exe and the only difference is that there is no "/R" switch in the older one. I found a better tool
  4. I haven't had time yet to check all this information. For now I've just sorted and tidied the script up. I want to keep is as simple as possible. @ECHO OFF COLOR 1F IF EXIST HF\*.EXE ( IF EXIST HFMER RD/Q/S HFMER IF EXIST TEMP RD/Q/S TEMP MD HFMER TEMP DIR/B/A-D/OGN/ON HF\*.EXE>TEMP\HF.TXT SET HF= FOR /F %%I IN (TEMP\HF.TXT) DO (SET HF=%%I&IF DEFINED HF CALL :HFEXTRACT) DEL/Q/S TEMP\HF.TXT ) IF NOT EXIST HF\*.EXE ( ECHO HF folder is empty. ECHO. PAUSE EXIT ) :HFEXTRACT ECHO Unpacking %HF% MD TEMP\HF&START/WAIT HF\%HF% /Q /X:TEMP\HF ECHO. XCOPY/DEHRY TEMP\HF HFMER IF EXIST TEMP\HF\UPDATE\update.inf MOVE TEMP\HF\UPDATE\update.inf TEMP\%HF%.inf IF EXIST TEMP\HF\UPDATE\update_w2k.inf MOVE TEMP\HF\UPDATE\update_w2k.inf TEMP\%HF%.inf MOVE TEMP\HF\UPDATE\update.ver TEMP\%HF%.ver RD/Q/S TEMP\HF ECHO. IF NOT EXIST TEMP\HF.TXT ( FOR /F %%A IN ('dir /b TEMP\*.ver') DO ( FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=*" %%B IN (TEMP\%%A) DO ( ECHO Merging update.ver... ECHO TEMP\%%A -- %%B ECHO %%B >>TEMP\update.txt ) ) ECHO [SourceFileInfo] >HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver SORT TEMP\update.txt >>HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver DEL/Q/S HFMER\UPDATE\update.inf HFMER\createcab.cmd COPY TEMP\*.inf HFMER\UPDATE RD/Q/S TEMP )
  5. There were around 100 hotfixes added after May 17
  6. tomasz86

    Windows Updates

    I just want to thank you bristols for all your work to keep the list as updated and complete as possible Are the new updates also taken from the Gurgelmeyer's list?
  7. Thank you for all your input. I really appreciate it 1. As for file version checking, I know it would be the ultimate way to be sure that only newest files are copied but even now with xcopy it's not a big problem. I did a test and compared Win2k UR2 beta1 which I created 100% manually with the same hotfixes merged by this script. The results were identical. Dates may change when copying files but here they are taken from inside the hotfixes. I'll show you some screen shots: 2. Removing duplicates automatically may be tough. For example, let's say in the merged update.ver we have: agentdpv.dll=1673840A5FDD52DB9A60D8B61AAB0FCE,0002000000000D62,53008 agentdpv.dll=3D8249606BED3456A36A1F3069BAE2A3,0002000000000D60,53008 As file size is the same, determining the correct file would require md5 checking... but as such instances are not many it's probably easier to just check it manually and remove the unnecessary lines As for the update.inf the problem with duplicates is that the same entry is used many times, ex: [System32.Files] ipsecmon.exe,,,8 oakley.dll,,,8 polagent.dll,,,8 polstore.dll,,,8 rasmans.dll,,,8 [Cache.Files] ipsecmon.exe,,,8 oakley.dll,,,8 polagent.dll,,,8 polstore.dll,,,8 rasmans.dll,,,8 Removing duplicates would require checking only files under each heading ([...]) separately. What I was saying about not caring about such duplicates meant that even if the final update.inf looks like this: [System32.Files] ipsecmon.exe,,,8 ipsecmon.exe,,,8 ipsecmon.exe,,,8 polagent.dll,,,8 polagent.dll,,,8 [Cache.Files] ipsecmon.exe,,,8 ipsecmon.exe,,,8 ipsecmon.exe,,,8 polagent.dll,,,8 polagent.dll,,,8 I could just use Notepad++ and sort each list manually which is quite easy to be done and would also remove the duplicates automatically. Also, what about something like this? sp3res.dll sp3res.dll,,,8 3. Anyway, I'll have a look at all these scripts and try to use them. Thanks once again for all your help B)
  8. By the way, I checked the Beyond Compare program recommended by dencorso but I found something else which, while quite similar to the above, is simpler and I find it more suitable for the task of merging the update.inf files (unless there is a tool that can do the task I mentioned in the previous post...). http://kdiff3.sourceforge.net/ It's GPL. The other tool I had already known and have been using is WinMerge but WinMerge can compare only 2 files at once while Kdiff and Beyond Compare can compare 3 files. What I like the most about KDiff is its interface which is sooooo simple that comparing and merging files is very easy and can be done quicker then Beyond Compare for example (and without the need to memorise tens of keyboard shortuts ).
  9. It works Thank you. FOR /F %%A IN ('dir /b .\TEMP2\*.ver') DO ( FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=*" %%B IN (.\TEMP2\%%A) DO ( ECHO .\TEMP2\%%A -- %%B ECHO %%B >>.\TEMP2\update.txt ) ) ECHO [SourceFileInfo] >.\HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver SORT .\TEMP2\update.txt >>.\HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver RD /Q/S TEMP2 ECHO. MORE .\HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver Generally, (as allen2 already pointed out) what I want to do here is to make a script for merging hotfixes(updates) for Windows 2000/XP/2003. It's code-name is HFMER (Hotfix Merger). I asked about copying files and checking their file versions in an another thread but it seems to be too complicated to do now. Until I learn how to write such a script I'll stick to xcopy as it's the same way as HFSLIP uses when slipstreaming hotfixes. It may not be ideal but still such cases when the older file has newer version are quite rare so it's not such a big problem. Anyway, by using this script I'm able to almost do everything to prepare the folders, files and the update.ver file containing the information from all of the merged hotfixes. Of course there will be duplicates in it but not that many so I can just remove them manually. Update.ver is not used by HFSLIP anyway. The main problem lies in combining update.inf files. What I'm thinking about now is this. It's just an example. Let's say I have two update.inf files. After doing copy update1.inf+update2.inf update3.inf I get [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" [SourceDisksFiles] ipsecmon.exe=1 [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" [SourceDisksFiles] remotesp.tsp=1 It would really help me if I could get from it this: [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Signature = "$Windows NT$" [SourceDisksFiles] ipsecmon.exe=1 remotesp.tsp=1 I don't care for duplicates now but is there any program that would do such a sorting automatically?
  10. Unfortunately the best way is probably to check the updates from bristols' page one by one
  11. Thank you very much I changed it like this: @ECHO OFF FOR /F %%A IN ('dir /b *.ver') DO ( FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=*" %%B IN (%%A) DO ( ECHO %%A -- %%B ECHO %%B >>TEMP2\update.txt ) ) ECHO [SourceFileInfo] >HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver SORT TEMP2\update.txt >>HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver DEL TEMP2\update.txt ECHO. MORE HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver but I can't set the folder for '*.ver' files to be 'TEMP2\*.ver'. How should I edit this line? FOR /F %%A IN ('dir /b *.ver') DO (
  12. It's getting a little bit complicated for me as I'm just a beginner when it comes to scripting Anyway, I'll try to get the above script to work.
  13. I see. Any way to do it for a larger number of files automatically, ex. 50 text files in one directory?
  14. How should I use this command grep -vi "\[SourceFileInfo\]" 1.txt >>2.txt when there are multiple files? I tried something like this: grep -vi "\[SourceFileInfo\]" *.txt >>3.txt but it doesn't work. Also tried doing copy 1.txt+2.txt 3.txt grep -vi "\[SourceFileInfo\]" 3.txt >>3.txt but after doing this there is no longer [sourceFileInfo] in the final file.
  15. I think I found a SUPER EASY way to make Rollups. Fully automated. What's the catch? It cannot be manually installed. So what for? Slipstreaming works The problem with making Rollups manually is that in order to make it work update.inf files from all of the updates have to be merged into one. If done manually, it takes a LOT of time to do it. But HFSLIP doesn't need the merged update.inf I need to do more tests but if everything works as expected Update Rollup 2 and the new HBR Mini Rollup will be ready much sooner than planned @edit I was too optimistic Merging update.inf files is required for HFSLIP as it doesn't take more than one *.inf file from each update... and my script can only make update rollups with multiple update.infs :/
  16. I've managed to overcome it: IF EXIST HF\*.EXE ( MD HFMER TEMP2 DIR/B/A-D/OGN/ON HF\*.EXE>HF.TXT SET HF= FOR /F %%I IN (HF.TXT) DO (SET HF=%%I&IF DEFINED HF CALL :HFEXTRACT) DEL/Q/S HF.TXT CALL :HFCS ) REM ======================TYPE 1 HOTFIXES================================================= :HFEXTRACT TITLE %T1% - Processing %HF% ECHO %HF% MD TEMP&START/WAIT HF\%HF% /Q /X:TEMP XCOPY/DEHRY TEMP HFMER MOVE TEMP\UPDATE\update.inf HFMER\UPDATE\%HF%.inf MOVE TEMP\UPDATE\update_w2k.inf HFMER\UPDATE\%HF%.inf MOVE TEMP\UPDATE\update.ver TEMP2\%HF%.ver DEL/Q/S HFMER\UPDATE\update*.inf HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver RD/Q/S TEMP IF NOT EXIST HF.TXT ( COPY/B TEMP2\*.ver HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver SORT HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver /O HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver RD/Q/S TEMP2 ) REM ====================================================================================== I have a question about this Unix tool called grep. When I have only two files: 1.ver [SourceFileInfo] basesrv.dll=7F87C84D34813197A2360CEA800A7464,0005000008931B27,46352 cmd.exe=7705AED861C7FDBD919E771A1B42B5AA,0005000008931AA8,236304 2.ver [SourceFileInfo] clusapi.dll=B95AC82B54FE4359C3453264F848509A,0005000008931AA8,55568 clusnet.sys=A0610690266ED57A2D04EA5D7EC8084C,0005000008931AA8,67760 after "grep -vi "\[sourceFileInfo\]" 1.ver >>2.ver" [SourceFileInfo] clusapi.dll=B95AC82B54FE4359C3453264F848509A,0005000008931AA8,55568 clusnet.sys=A0610690266ED57A2D04EA5D7EC8084C,0005000008931AA8,67760 basesrv.dll=7F87C84D34813197A2360CEA800A7464,0005000008931B27,46352 cmd.exe=7705AED861C7FDBD919E771A1B42B5AA,0005000008931AA8,236304 Everything is OK. What about more than two files? Is it possible to use grep with multiple files? Also an another question (2 questions ): Can the list be sorted alphabetically? Is there a way to remove duplicates?
  17. Thank you very much I'll check them for sure. I'm especially interested in this unix one as it could be used in a batch script. By the way, could anyone help me with this script? MD HFMER TEMP2 DIR/B/A-D/OGN/ON HF\*.EXE>HF.TXT SET HF= FOR /F %%I IN (HF.TXT) DO (SET HF=%%I&IF DEFINED HF CALL :HFEXTRACT) DEL/Q/S HF.TXT REM ======================TYPE 1 HOTFIXES================================================= :HFEXTRACT TITLE %T1% - Processing %HF% ECHO %HF% MD TEMP&START/WAIT HF\%HF% /Q /X:TEMP XCOPY/DEHRY TEMP HFMER MOVE TEMP\UPDATE\update.inf HFMER\UPDATE\%HF%.inf MOVE TEMP\UPDATE\update_w2k.inf HFMER\UPDATE\%HF%.inf MOVE TEMP\UPDATE\update.ver TEMP2\%HF%.ver DEL/Q/S HFMER\UPDATE\update*.inf HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver RD/Q/S TEMP CLS REM ===================================================================================== COPY/B TEMP2\*.ver HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver SORT HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver /O HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver RD/Q/S TEMP2 This is a mix of strings taken from HFSLIP and my own but the problem is that I need the last three lines to go after the rest of the script is finished. It work correctly if I remove the last line but the folder TEMP2 is not deleted then.
  18. There are two files: 1.txt [SourceFileInfo] clusapi.dll=B95AC82B54FE4359C3453264F848509A,0005000008931AA8,55568 2.txt [SourceFileInfo] clusnet.sys=A0610690266ED57A2D04EA5D7EC8084C,0005000008931AA8,67760 If I do "copy 1.txt+2.txt 3.txt" I get this: [SourceFileInfo] clusapi.dll=B95AC82B54FE4359C3453264F848509A,0005000008931AA8,55568 [SourceFileInfo] clusnet.sys=A0610690266ED57A2D04EA5D7EC8084C,0005000008931AA8,67760 but I would like to get something similar to this: [SourceFileInfo] clusapi.dll=B95AC82B54FE4359C3453264F848509A,0005000008931AA8,55568 clusnet.sys=A0610690266ED57A2D04EA5D7EC8084C,0005000008931AA8,67760 Is it possible?
  19. By using xcopy with /d swich it's possible to copy only files that are newer. I wonder if it is possible to copy only files whose version is newer even though their date of creation may be older. Is there any program than can do it from a command line?
  20. I think I've become addicted to this By the way, some time ago I found some interesting things and possible issues concerning the unofficial updates and the superseded official ones. I've attached some parts of a conversation I had with bristols about it: while 2079403 doesn't. I don't know if it makes any difference but it is kind of suspicious. There are also many other differences between those update.infs. An another example: 955069 2079403 does not contain these strings.
  21. Today's news: There are more than 70 HBRs (hotfixes by request) newly added to the bristols' page so it'll probably take some time to make a new version of the HBR Mini Rollup. V3 is 100% stable so if you want to slipstream all HBRs, you can just use HBR MR v3 and download the rest of not included HBRs separately. As for the UR2 beta1, it also seems to be stable. I found just one cosmetic issue but it doesn't have any influence on the process of slipstreaming so it doesn't really matter. I want to add the few remaining updates to make it complete. The hardest one is Windows Installer. I need more time in order to finish it. I'm also going to make a UU Mini Rollup which will include all unofficial updates. Why doing a separate Rollup and not include them in UR2? I think it's better to have two separate Rollups - one containing only official M$ updates and the other one for UUs. Some people may hesitate installing the unofficial updates and if I include them in UR2 then they won't use it. If there are two Rollups, everyone can make a choice to install the UUs or not
  22. I made a complete update of Web Folders. It combines 892211, 907306 and 956790 together. 907306 & 956790 normally are not available for Windows 2000. Webfldrs-KB892211-v2-ENU.exe Install only if you use Web Folders.
  23. Absolutely sure. TommyP mentioned it somewhere but I cannot find it now HFSLIP uses "XCOPY/DY".
  24. That's true but downloading HBRs is a pain so it's better to download only the ones that we know for sure contain newer files HFSLIP installs the newest files but it doesn't check the file version - as a batch script it determines which files are newer basing on the date when they were created. Anyway, now everything should be OK I'm going to include the newly added HBRs to the HBR Mini Rollup.
  25. v8 of 2479628 is ready: Windows2000-KB2479628-v8-x86-ENU.exe Changelog: - added the catalog from 923191 (as 2479628 replaces 2296011 which supersedes 923191) - suitable for both IE5- and IE6-based systems* - fixed compatibility with FDV fileset** * requires the newest beta (J v5) of HFSLIP (available to download at Mim0's site) when using with FDV fileset (thanks Mim0 for applying the fixes) ** IE6 files are slipstreamed correctly when using FDV & IE6 and also can be installed manually in a system which used FDV fileset (thanks BlackWingCat because I learnt how to do it by analising your KB989898)
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