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Posts posted by Snoop

  1. Also, what's better having a higher multiplier or higher fsb?

    a low multiplier and really high fsb like 160+ mhz would be better than a high multiplier if all your other components can handle it but u really need a mother board which can lock the speeds of your pci slots.

  2. As reported by USA Today...record sales are taking their first loss since tracking of sales began in 1990. The RIAA obviously blames file sharing for the problem but the bottom line is that people just aren't buying the music like they used to.

    they arent making music, bands or lyrics like they used to either hmmm :)

    anyway havent they ever thought that people might not listen to as much music these days they might spend there money on console and pc games instead which is obviously a hell of alot more entertaining than half the tripe they release especially at this time of year when cover versions are at an all time high *sigh*

  3. i never tried to do the jumps.

    i couldnt collect there weapons either i hope its not like that in the actual game i did find some bullets on a desk upstairs though.

    btw, did u like how u shoot with the pistol even when u have been aiming for 3 seconds if u fire a few shots in a row almost everyone will miss the guy?

  4. i thought the whole idea of a demo was to show off the game and leaving u wanting more not to give u a 15minute demo with only 7 or 8 people to kill even some kind of weapons training tutorial would have been better

    btw heres all the movements taken from the official splinter cell forum

    1. Changing Movement Speed:

    -Go into "Settings" and look for "ZoomIn/Accelerate"

    and "ZoomOut/Decelerate" under the crouch

    configuration. Mine is set to the middle mouse scroll

    button, so when I want to run faster I move the scroll

    button forward, and when I want to slow down, I move

    the scroll button backward. This changes your upright

    as well as stealth movement speed.

    2. Rolling:

    -First, increase your movement speed (refer to previous

    instruction if you don't know how). If you want to

    roll while in an upright position, run forward and hold

    your crouch key for a short period of time, until you

    begin rolling. The same is true for rolling from a

    "Stealth Position". While crouched over move forward

    and hold the crouch key for a short period of time

    until you begin your roll.

    3. Wall Jump:

    -Stand next to a wall and face forward. Make sure your

    body is perpendicular to the wall. Then, jump upward

    with the jump key and wait until you are at the

    maximum height of your jump, and tap your jump key


    4. Split Jump:

    -First you have to repeat the steps of the Wall Jump,

    but with one slight adjustment. Instead of tapping

    your jump key as you gain maximum height on your first

    vertical jump, hold your jump key until your Split Jump

    is completed.

    5. Drop Attack:

    -Get into the split jump position and wait until an

    enemy walks under you. Then tap your jump key again

    to drop onto them, which knocks them unconscious.

    6. Quiet Landing:

    -Drop from your Split Jump by tapping your jump key

    but hold down your Crouch Key until you hit the ground.

    7. Door Peek:

    -Move to a door and hold down your Interact Key instead

    of just releasing it. The game will pause somewhat as

    long as you are holding down the Interact key. Then,

    with the key being held down tap your backwards

    movement key until you see "Open Door Stealth"

    highlighted. Then release the interact key and you

    crack the door to peek in.

    8. Split Jump Shooting:

    -Get into Split Jump position and tap your draw weapon


    9. Hanging Shooting:

    -Same as above but hang from a pipe instead of the split


    10. Back to Wall Shooting:

    -Press your back to the wall key and move towards a

    corner. Hold the movement key that moves you in

    the direction of the open hallway/room. Then draw

    your weapon (while holding your movement key).

    11. Hostage Taking:

    -Sneak up behind an unsuspecting baddie until you see

    the "Grab Character" option. Then simply hit your

    interact button.

    12. Body Shield:

    -First take a character hostage like above, and while

    you are holding the character hit your draw weapon

    key. This uses the person you have as a hostage

    like a shield while you can shoot at any other enemies

    in sight.

    13. Moving Bodies:

    -Move up to an unconscious body until you see the

    interact option, then tap the interact key to pick the

    body up. Tap the interact key again to drop the body.

  5. when installing in the bottom of the screen it should say press f3 if u need to install any third party drivers or something along those lines if u have onboard raid or are using a hardrive controller card give win2k the drivers just b4 the install process starts (u should have a floppy disk that came with the motherboard or hardrive controller /raid card if thats the case)

  6. 500ghz sounds good to me :rolleyes:

    i once read an article about how silicon can only go so far due to resistance i think it was and some weirdo at a uni was saying how bird feathers can be moulded together to make a base with far less resistance do to the air inside them :)

    /me looks confused

    you could probably find the article if u did a search on google for "bird feather cpu" or something like that

  7. http://www.nextgame.it/html/articolo.php?id=3086

    u might wanna read that interview with the devlopers aswell

    Nextgame.it: Multiplayer is nowadays kind of a "required" feature. It's strange to consider that for years the most interesting multiplayer feature, cooperative play, has been forgotten by developers. Now something is moving, mainly thank to teams from the eastern Europe like Croteam... and you are putting a coop mode in the game as well. Will the players be able to complete the game main campaign together?

    GSC: Yes, there will be cooperative mode of play in Stalker and you'll be able to play through the game with your buddies. The multiplayer will basically, provide all the modes popular today - Deathmatch, CTF, Team Match, Cooperative. We plan some original multiplayer modes too.

    sounds like its gonna be sweet!

    a demo should be available around feburary which is likely to be a beta demo with the devlopers wanting feedback about how the game can be improved and new features fans would like implemented then the game should be availabled around Q3/Q4 2003

    cant wait to play this on my what will be 1337 pc when it comes out :)

    btw, the game is gonna be kind of a morrowind type game set in modern times with you going exploring the ZONE looking for artifacts and stuff to sell to traders and scientists there are also vehicles in the game you can drive one of which is seen in one of the movies im also pretty sure you can fly the russian hind helicopter once you have enough money or atleast it looks that way from some screenshots i have saw.

  8. 2k pro XP is bloated with noob like features u dont need and would probably turn off anyway only thing good about it is the nice looking GUI but overall 2k seems faster and more stable dont let any fool try and tell u games and stuff run faster in xp they run about the same give or take 3 or so frames per second.

    btw hello dazza :)

  9. The UK government insists, though, that Britain enjoys a competitive broadband market.

    it depends on what the goverment calls competition if competition is ADSL vs CABLE and not telewest (cable) VS NTL (cable) then we have competition i dont see how in cable enabled areas you cant choose which cable isp u want instead each areas is designated to one of the companys so they dont have to COMPETE.

    BTW BT should go bankrupt there the worst company i have ever dealed with in my life!

    + we would all be on 1337 connection threw a fibre optic network stretching across the whole of britiain if it wasnt for margret thatcher! :)

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