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Everything posted by a06lp

  1. I totally understand. If this leads to every release being 'stable', then I'm all for it. On the flip side, when you release a build of it, more people can test it out with their various configs and systems. This leads to more stability as whatever errors are found can be fixed.
  2. i'm afraid i do not understand the suggestion. is the suggestion to have one long column? or something else?
  3. First of all, thank you for reconsidering. Second, if you want to cater to the 'unexperienced' crowd, i think (at least in v.3.3.2 - the last one i downloaded) it still works. Unexperienced users have a choice between default and vaio. Experienced users can edit the theme as they wish. However, the 'columns don't work' error, I do not understand what that means...is this about the new feature you implemented about not breaking up a category? as for the resolution problem- it was clearly stated, when you wrote that the vaio theme was only for 1024x768. If there's a problem with the new theme on other resolutions, users can switch back to default theme, or learn how to set their U-CDs to default to 1024x768 (really not that hard). That said, if you want to remove themes altogether, I understand. Just leave some instructions on how those of us who still like em can apply them (manually, of course) to the regular WPI.
  4. this thread is somewhat limited right now, as the future of WPI is in question. If themes are left out, the method I posted should work. If themes are put back in, (but font installation is not), the method I posted above will be fine. If themes are put back in, and font installation is also put back in, then its the method hasi posted.
  5. @dlevens: I disagree. I think WPI has needed a facelift. The themes don't do much in terms of slowing down, and there's no requirement to use them. I think they are a great addition, and a welcome one. If they 'must' be removed (ie - hasi decides they're not worth the effort), then I'll just hope he somehow allows us to still implement them by replacing a few files. Once again, I am a fan of the themes. My problem was with installing custom fonts which aren't so necessary.
  6. nonononononono! please don't misunderstand! No one had problems with themes - that was an EXCELLENT addition to WPI. I was just saying the whole 'install your own font' thing was unneccesary. But I LOVE the theme idea, don't remove it. Just the new font. PS - the skript thing was a joke, don't take it personally.
  7. Remember when you said you didn't even want to include wpi.cmd, and wpi.reg? Now you've included an additional file?? (what exactly is a wsf file, anyway?) Don't you think this is going a bit further than the intended use of the program? I mean, how important is a font to a theme anyway? Use default fonts, or if it bothers you that much, use graphics instead... I'm not so sure I'm willing to make this upgrade. PS - as for everyone complaining about the CMDOW, just have it REM by default, and those of us who want it can uncomment it. PPS - it's "script" not "skript" (WPI.cmd, line 3) [edit] after re-reading my post it sounds a little mean/harsh. i do not intend it that way, i am just saying it seems like a long way around just to get a font installed. Sorry for the wording!
  8. my bad, i have to dl the new version and check it out. but i assume its mostly the same idea...
  9. @dlevens: I totally agree. I am wary of every new change (not bugfix related). However, I always ask hasi, and so far he has complied, to allow for the 'basic' WPI to remain. You dont have to use themes, the default settings are still in there. You dont have to use the wizards, the js files are always editable.
  10. there's already a post on calling WPI from cd.. [edit] here's how I do it: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...ndpost&p=246892
  11. I used this code, but it doesn't work... it says it cannot find the file. however, i checked a million times, that is the correct path. can autoit use %systemdrive%? or maybe the problem is the space between 'Program' and 'Files'?? Here is a screenshot of the error, as well as the Program directory to show the file exists.
  12. Hi, I am trying to auto-associate mIRC with irc:// links. the only way to accomplish this seems to be to open mIRC, and then close it. can anyone make a AutoIt Script (exe) to open: "%systemdrive%\Program Files\sysreset\mirc.exe", and then close it once it loads?
  13. you mean to say this: the cmd file is looking for CDROM, for the use of the term 'CDROM' anywhere within the cmd file. But WPI has its own method of looking for the CDROM drive, which it uses. the above fix is to fix the WPI scanning method. correct?
  14. hmm... im going to cancel my previous comment. Seems the "limewirepro.msi" file you sent me will work, as long as i install the "isscript.msi" (which you also sent me) first. maybe others want it though.
  15. no. this code in cmdlines.txt is NOT running immediatly - it is adding it to RunOnceEx, which runs later (at first logon). if your code said "start wpi.hta" then it would run. (if it is even possible for it to run at that point). but the code is ADDING IT TO RUNONCEEX, so it won't run till later. for me, it runs at 1024x768, but that's because i set my resolution.
  16. if anyone else has this problem, the solution was, indeed, to install "isscript.msi" first. (although, the right version is needed. ) thanks for all your help.
  17. i'm going to bump this back up, because i still need a good solution. anyone have ANYTHING to do this? msi, autoit, vbs? anything!?
  18. the version i am using is an msi edited by someone (i forgot who) so that it is truly silent. the standard limewire is not silent, hence the need for this... [edit] found the original post: here this is the guy who gave me the msi.
  19. ok, just pointing it out because it seems from the changelog that it was fixed. just wanted you to know that it isnt.
  20. whoa, i didn't even look that far. i just assumed it was a problem with the searched file. this is strange... what is in your e: drive? isnt it possible that by scanning for the file wpi.ico it finds it in e:, and then the current dir is still e: because it stopped looking there? and therefore, the wpi.hta that starts is looking for the programs in e: ?? of course, this all assumes there is a wpi.ico in e:
  21. i downloaded the file from that site "ISScript8.Msi". I ran it, and then tried installing limewirepro.msi, still the same error. i tried putting it in the same dir as limewirepro, same error. i tried renaming it to "ISScript.Msi", same error. what now? [edit] also, i'd like to know why this is the only program with this problem?
  22. It says: PS - is there a better way to copy from a cmd window than actually typing it out?
  23. any way to test that? also, maybe you can verify that it isn't just my machine thats having this problem - if you include it in your 1386 and then apply the regtweak i posted, does it work for you?
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