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Posts posted by lost_packet

  1. I'm using the free version of Windows 7 Firewall Control (link below) on my system, which lets you create rules for outbound connections using the inbuilt MS firewall. It works in Vista and W7. Once installed, you'll see notifications for applications wanting to connect and can deny or allow them. The paid version has more versatility in this, but if you just want to see what's connecting to the outside, the freebie's good enough.


  2. Windows Seven is what Vista might have turned out to be if the MS coders hadn't been pressured to get Vista released under the increasingly-tight schedule which publicity about WOW demanded. I haven't had much experience with Vista, having being deterred by the generally negative publicity. High resource usage was one such sticking point. Win 7 uses only slightly more RAM on my system than XP, and if I were to go in there and start closing unneeded services like I've done in XP, I could probably get them almost on a par with each other.

    For those of us using quite old but still speedy systems (my nVidia board needs nForce2 drivers - I could never manage to get all functions firing with Vista-Server 2008), the drivers issue was the decider. When I installed Win 7, most of the drivers were on the install DVD itself; I needed only to tweak an integrated 3Com LAN device for the entire package to be working. Nearly as impressive as an install of Ubuntu!

    Currently I'm dual booting on this machine and as it recently had a fresh XP reinstall, won't be mainlining with 7 soon, but I find myself spending more and more time in the Windows Seven OS.

  3. Sometimes these companies realize the error of their ways and reverse course, and apologize to their customers. Both GetRight and CuteFTP did just this, and they are now safe. I do not know if HACE has done such a mea culpa recently, but I remember going back there a year or two ago and seeing that spyware was still available in some downloads.

    These rumours start so easily. CuteFTP was never spyware. Do a search or check here http://kb.globalscape.com/article.aspx?id=10193

    So can you tell me exactly the evidence you have that HACE's Mmm is/was spyware?

  4. http://www.webhostingtalk.com is the definitive forum for web hosting matters. Have a look at their 'offers' section, then do a search to see what users have reported about the host in question.

    Stay away from the overselling hosts ('100GB space and unlimited bandwidth on a shared server with free domain name, and all for only $3.99 a month!!!').

    As the poster above says, there are many other good hosts, just do your homework first. Avoid the many 'review' sites out there which are mostly untrustworthy, as they receive commission from click-throughs. It's best to sign up for a monthly plan to start with, so you can try the new host out. If it's not quite as advertised you can move on without losing a lot of money.

    I switched over to Hawk Host when time came to move from MSFN, and have been very happy with my choice. :thumbup

  5. Yes, it's true - notifications went out a month before the closedown. If you didn't get one, blame your spam filter.

    I guess it just wasn't profitable reselling space on The Planet. Or maybe there were other issues. It was good while it lasted, though.

    Now, can we please finally remove the ">>MSFN Hosting...<<" notice on the forum login template, Mr. xper admin person?

  6. "American Solutions"? Sure we know all about those...

    This is really very shallow and not at all joined-up thinking - "I want to use my vehicle, have low-price gasoline and screw everyone else."

    Read something that gives more perspective on the crisis we now face; as Matt Savinar says, "Deal with reality or it will deal with you":


    A point from the site -

    Q- What about the oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Preserve (ANWR)? If the environmentalists got out of the way, couldn't we just drill for oil


    A- At current rates of oil consumption, the ANWR contains enough oil to power the US for only six months*. The fact that it is being touted as a "huge" source of oil underscores how serious our problem really is.

    * http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/..._recession.html

  7. I have Windows 2003 Server (my favourite OS) on one computer with bootpart (http://www.winimage.com/bootpart.htm) giving me double-boot to Linux CentOS 5.1;

    On another box there is an n-lited WinXP (I detest that virus-like Windows Media Player, plus I slimmed down some other components);

    A third machine runs pure Windows XP, which until very recently was double-booted for testing with Windows Server 2008 (removed due to hardware incompatibilities, although it was nice and speedy).

    I also run Knoppix from time to time...

  8. I know that MSFN forum is hosted at The Planet Internet Services in Texas. A fire at The Planet's H1 data centre in Houston, Texas on Saturday took out 9,000 servers and thousands of websites.

    In messages posted on the Planet's forum, the company blamed a faulty transformer for the explosion and fire. No servers or networking equipment were damaged, but the data centre remains without power, after The Planet shut down all generators "as instructed by the fire department." So the "failsafe" UPS backup failed in this case.

    A statement from Douglas J. Erwin, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, on Monday June 2nd:

    As previously committed, I would like to provide an update on where we stand following yesterday's explosion in our H1 data center. First, I would like to extend my sincere thanks for your patience during the past 28 hours. We are acutely aware that uptime is critical to your business, and you have my personal commitment that The Planet team will continue to work around the clock to restore your service. As you have read, we have begun receiving some of the equipment required to start repairs. While no customer servers have been damaged or lost, we have new information that damage to our H1 data center is worse than initially expected. Three walls of the electrical equipment room on the first floor blew several feet from their original position, and the underground cabling that powers the first floor of H1 was destroyed. There is some good news, however. We have found a way to get power to Phase 2 (upstairs, second floor) of the data center and to restore network connectivity...

    More information on the restoration at The Planet's network status forum here:


  9. (Forum Rule #12): Very often we see meaningless subjects in topic title. They give no clue of what the posts are all about. For example:

    - Oh no!

    - Help

    - I'm mad

    - Please help

    - Question

    - I need your help

    - Hmmmm ....

    This should be avoided. Users should enter something more specific in topic title so that it is easier for others to help.

    Adding: "what the cluck is this?"

  10. I wouldn't bother with FP 2003 - it doesn't write standards-compliant (W3C) code and barely works with CSS. It's alright for a touch of fast editing, no more.

    MS Expression Web Designer (which is actually Front Page 12) is much, much better (better than Adobe Dreamweaver in my experience), but I think you'll have to pay for a manual or eBook download for it.

  11. Excellent work, there, easy! Thanks very much for your work.

    Some (requested) corrections:

    product key as two words;

    would you like to convert to N edition? (not "will you");

    would you like to burn again? (not "do you want burn again?);

    I guess "Yes I' lovin' massproduction" derives from McDonald's (bad grammar, worse food). If you want to keep it so, then

    mass production as two words. If not, then I love is correct;

    do you really want to burn? (not "do you want really burn?").

    I see this as a really useful tool, especially given its ability to remove Media Player. Your few minor English slips are nothing, especially as I hear Vorarlbergers also have trouble with High German! ;)

  12. See me, hear me, touch me, heal me...

    Mozilla SeaMonkey 1.1.9

    This is definitely a bug for me, which I had for some time after an upgrade before but didn't report. Clearing temp files and cookies does not help.

  13. I'm getting the "redirect to login page after login" problem again, xper. I can see that I'm logged in, but the page I land on after clicking Log me in is not the list of forums but the same


    page. This happened after an upgrade before, I believe.

  14. I am the administrator but can't not access anything on the internet time tab in Date and Time properties

    Check that your Windows Time Service is running. Run > type: "services.msc" and hit enter. Make sure the Windows Time entry is set to Automatic (double-click on it; look at "startup type" and then click the "Start" button underneath).

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