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  • Birthday 03/02/1976

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  1. you could always move the call to the registry file to the CMDLINES.TXT and use "regedit /s A:\RegistryModifier.reg" there. of course you will then have to a) put the reg file on your cd/dvd and B) change the A:\ to point to the new location
  2. maybe....this is just a maybe....but maybe you need to have your hardware driver's installed in order for it to work properly, such as intel (or whatever) inf files that tell windows how to communicate with the motherboard or some other drive. On my sony laptop the sound driver and some other driver wouldn't work unless i installed certain drivers beforehand...so... maybe copy all your drivers to a dvd using your friends computer, and then instert it in and install everything...reboot and then check the usb drive again...
  3. Ahhhh this took me awhile to iron out as well but it finally works perfect everytime... First off, the command.txt seems to like it if you call a batch file instead of running straight from the file, therefore you should try making a file called MUI-setup.cmd and use the following code in it... FOR /F "TOKENS=3" %%1 IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "SourcePath" ^| FINDSTR "SourcePath"') DO SET INSTALLCD=%%~dI %INSTALLCD%\_MUI-SETUP\MUISETUP.exe /i 0401 /d 0401 /l /f /r /s exit Your next step should be to put everythign you need in to the _MUI-Setup folder _MUI-Setup\ | XXX.MUI\ <-- This should be your MUI Language File | | I386\ | | (All the files in this directory) | | EULA.TXT | MUI.INF | MUI.tx_ | MUISETUP.EXE | MUISETUP.GID | MUISETUP.HLP | README.TXT | RELNOTES.TXT |___ Now reference your MUI-Setup.cmd file in to cmdlines.txt as the first thing to be installed [COMMANDS] "MUI-SETUP.cmd" (anythign else) Now when you nLite the CD, make sure that you you take special note as there are two thing that should not be uninstalled if you are goign to use an MUI...I believe one of them is the CHM files and maybe the help files.....sorry I can't remember off the top of my head, but I do know there is a note of it when you select the item (says somethign along the lines of do not install if you plan to use a MUI) Anyway, you can remove pretty much everything out of the LANG folder except for your language or any other files that might be needed in there by you. After that it should install ok for you....I have done this with nlite+RyanVM 2.0.1+xpsize with no problems thus far.
  4. Ahhhh I think I understand... As for the firefox folder, it is locked until you reboot....you just have to delete it when you log back in to windows for the 2nd time, or set up a script to do it for you...
  5. I'm a little bit confused here...but most of the files in %systemdrive% will be read only anyway...are you trying to say you are adding new files that are being copies from your cd/dvd as read-only and you don't want them to be or that you want to make all the files in the %systemdrive% read-only...
  6. i usually use (I think...don't have access to my UA dvd right now...) if %processor_revision% equ [B]0d08[/B] ( compname.exe /c Anzu ) if %processor_revision% equ [B]09q5[/B] ( compname.exe /c Beta ) etc... you get the idea.... now to find the bolded vriable: go to start --> run and type in cmd then type echo %processor_revision% to get the variable this works so long as the processors on each machine are different...you can also try using different variables such as mac address (unlikely to find two that are alike) etc if the machines you install to are all the same....
  7. how about calling a simple format d: /q (or no q if you prefer) before starting your programs installation program using a .cmd file? That way your drive is formatted before you install to it (might require the start /wait command...but I believe it wouldn't...some correct me if I am wrong) or if you want to be fancy about it, you could do a for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\format.txt set FDrive=%%i: format %Fdrive% /q so that you don't have to define the drive ahead of time, again just make sure the file format.txt (or anything you decide is relevant) be placed in the root of that drive ahead of time from http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;302686in other words, the only real difference is if the disc has chkdsk run on it....(and I believe that the first time you format a drive to a new file system, it can't be run with the /q option....then again I might be having NT4/2k flashbacks)
  8. ooops...sorry I got so hung up on the Arabic... just either delete the UserLocale line or (to be safer) change it to UserLocale=00000409
  9. bacd


    perfect!!! that"s what I was definately looking for!!! Thank you for your hard work!!!
  10. [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1,13 SystemLocale=00000401 UserLocale=00000401 InputLocale=0409:00000409,0401:00000401 InputLocale_DefaultUser=0409:00000409 Try that...sorry there was a slight error in the config I did before..... Let me know if it works... yes nlite is a good tool, but it can not set default languages and such as far as i know....but I do know it can be used to remove the excess langauges to shrink your install....
  11. What I do is quite simple... If all the fonts I will be reloading are already installed on a machine, I compress them all in to a WinRAR SFX and run it from either [GUIRunOnce] (if you do this make sure it is compressed with the DOS.SFX and not the default one) or when my UA programs (Office, Nero, etc.) starts. You will also need to navigate to this key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] and make a .reg file of its contents (of course do this before you redo your machine) and then just import the reg with commands.txt and/or during the cleanup.cmd after everythign else has installed.. the only downside to this, is if you add fonts regularly you must update the sfx package as well as the reg file you will be using... The reason I make an SFX is that it takes less room and less time to copy over
  12. Try this code....you shouldn't have to specify any language groups because you are not installing the language itself [RegionalSettings] UserLocale=0401 but if this doesn't work, try [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=13 UserLocale=0401 as this will install support for complex script langauges and/or east asian languages SystemLocale= allows programs that can't use unicode to run in their localized language (programs coded in another language, such as Japanese that come out garbled when the unicode is set to english) UserLocale= These are the settings you want to you to change the currency, time, etc. values for the primary user. UserLocale_DefaultUser= These are the settings you want to you to change the currency, time, etc. values, but are system wide for all new users InputLocale= designates keyboard layouts, useful for working in various langues and using IME or its equivalent. (first value is the default unless designated by InputLocale_DefaultUser) LanguageGroup= langauge groups that will be available on your computer, if available on your install cd (provides the default settings for the InputLocale, SystemLocale, and UserLocale settings) Language= the main language to be installed (usually also defined depending on what country you bought your OS in). This value will cause all other valuse for this section to be ignored. more info here Regional Settings and as for the locale ids you will need, try here Locale IDs because there are many variations of arabic....
  13. bacd


    I am unsure exactly, of the request? A good editor can help with clipping to suit, with search and replace, regular expressions etc. I have not used xplode... Sorry for the confusion....the explode coment was there as an example of why I like this feature... For example, say you are in an Explorer window and you have a file you want to add to your UAXPCD....usually you have to copy the path and then the file name seperately...but using a program called clipname you an copy them both with one click the extention can be found here for a better clarification...Clipname
  14. bacd


    definately great tool... one suggestion I would like to see added though would be the ability to clip the name of the file, or clip the name with the path.. would definately save time adding new files to xplode... thanks again for the tool!
  15. Ok...after much searching and only finding stuff about making your own installer, it seems that the following switches work /S /V"/QN ALLUSERS=1" It seems as if it is an install shild package, but the ALLUSERS is needed for it to install correctly.....weird...
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