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Everything posted by myselfidem

  1. Inside configwizard.js On line 2481: Change: document.getElementById("cbocats").selectedIndex=document.getElementById("cbocats").length - 1; To: document.getElementById("cbocats").selectedIndex=document.getElementById("cbocats").length-1; Thanks to check if it's OK. Or maybe gives the same result? Thanks and regards *Edit: optFloat=[], is already inside globals_lang.js. It wasn't removed previously.
  2. Inside program.js On line 54 there is an unwanted space at last. Change: this.dflt=(dflt[idx]==null) ? ['no'] : [dflt[idx][0]] ; To: this.dflt=(dflt[idx]==null) ? ['no'] : [dflt[idx][0]]; On line 199: It seems it's needed to change the value 1 to the letter l: Change: textl[i+1]=programs[i].text1; To: textl[i+1]=programs[i].textl; Thanks to check if it's OK. Regards
  3. Inside themewizardtemplate_tooltips.htm missing on line 429: <option value="23"></option> Thanks and regards *Edit: Post updated
  4. Thank you very much mritter for your kind message. It is a pleasure to read you. Now I understand why there is this line inside WPI.hta. I was looking to add variables inside a javascript file .. But it's a hard job to do. This file name can be used for. I appreciate the WPI program and I use it since version 4. Thank you very much for all the daunting task you provided Kelsenellenelvian and you, mritter, and Francesco and all past developers. WPI is a powerful and very nice program. I am not a coder but I do my best to learn and try to give some help. Thank you very much for the encouragement.
  5. About selecting Operating System: {OS=Win8,Win7,Vista,XP} I suggest to change the comma (',') = (%comma%) to ('||') Inside configwizard.js We can change on line 796: case 'cmd_cond_operatingsystem': HandleCommandsSelectionMenu("{OS=Win8,Win7,Vista,XP} "); break; To: case 'cmd_cond_operatingsystem': HandleCommandsSelectionMenu("{OS=Win8 || Win7 || Vista || XP || 2K} "); break; And inside installer.js We can change on line 1029: Change: switch(statement) { case 'OS': var supportedOSes = statementArguments.split(','); To: switch(statement) { case 'OS': var supportedOSes = statementArguments.split('||'); Tested and works fine for me. WPI_Log.txt results on Windows 7 OS: config.js prog[pn]=['Ashampoo']; uid[pn]=['ASHAMPOO']; ordr[pn]=[2]; dflt[pn]=['yes']; forc[pn]=['no']; bit64[pn]=['no']; cat[pn]=['Applications']; pfro[pn]=['no']; cmds[pn]=['{SLEEP} 10','{OS=Win8 || Win7 || XP} "%wpipath%\\Install\\abs6_free.exe"']; cond[pn]=['getOSlang()=="FRS"']; pn++; WPI_Log.txt result (success): samedi 8 juin 2013 11:58:50 Programme: Ashampoo ID unique: ASHAMPOO Ordre: 000002 Catégorie: Applications samedi 8 juin 2013 11:59:01 - cmd1 Succès (Code de retour 0): "C:\WPI_v8.6.6\Tools\Sleep.exe" 10 samedi 8 juin 2013 11:59:22 - cmd2 Succès (Code de retour 0): "C:\WPI_v8.6.6\Install\abs6_free.exe" samedi 8 juin 2013 11:59:22 - Installation terminée. config.js: prog[pn]=['Ashampoo']; uid[pn]=['ASHAMPOO']; ordr[pn]=[2]; dflt[pn]=['yes']; forc[pn]=['no']; bit64[pn]=['no']; cat[pn]=['Applications']; pfro[pn]=['no']; cmds[pn]=['{SLEEP} 10','{OS=Win8 || Vista || XP} "%wpipath%\\Install\\abs6_free.exe"']; cond[pn]=['getOSlang()=="FRS"']; pn++; WPI_Log.txt warning (Fail): samedi 8 juin 2013 11:56:01 Programme: Ashampoo ID unique: ASHAMPOO Ordre: 000002 Catégorie: Applications samedi 8 juin 2013 11:56:11 - cmd1 Succès (Code de retour 0): "C:\WPI_v8.6.6\Tools\Sleep.exe" 10 samedi 8 juin 2013 11:56:11 - cmd2 *** Abandonné *** (Architecture incorrecte): {OS=Win8 || Vista || XP} "%wpipath%\Install\abs6_free.exe" samedi 8 juin 2013 11:56:12 - Installation terminée. Tested and works fine for me. Thanks to check if it's OK. Regards
  6. Inside themewizardtemplate_tooltips.htm We can add HandleShowToolTipsSelection() On lines 42 and 58: onChange="HandleShowToolTipsSelection(); ThemeUpdated();" To have the Alert window. Thanks and regards
  7. Inside configwizard.js We can add from line 186, to activate the Alert window if we use Exit without saving the selected options: 1 - function CreateNavigation() NavGrid.attachEvent("onDrop",ConfigUpdated); NavGrid.attachEvent("onAfterSorting",ConfigUpdated); 2 - function CreateConfigurations() Change: ConfigurationsGrid.enableDragAndDrop(true); To: ConfigurationsGrid.enableDragAndDrop(false); 3 - function CreateSortOrder() We can add: SortOrderGrid.attachEvent("onSelectionChange",ConfigUpdated); To activate the Alert window when we use the Exit button without saving the changes. Thanks and regards
  8. I suggest to restore the option AppearanceBehavior Float for Tooltips: 1 - Inside themewizard.js (on line 271): Change: with (getElementById("AppearanceBehavior")) { options[0].text=getText(optNormal); options[1].text=getText(optStatic); options[2].text=getText(optVisible); options[3].text=getText(optSticky); options[4].text=getText(optKeep); } To: with (getElementById("AppearanceBehavior")) { options[0].text=getText(optNormal); options[1].text=getText(optStatic); options[2].text=getText(optVisible); options[3].text=getText(optSticky); options[4].text=getText(optFloat); } Only optKeep is replaced with optFloat ! 2 - Inside lang_en.js: Remove the line 719: optKeep[lang] = ['Keep']; Add the line 713: optFloat[lang] = ['Float']; 3 - Inside globals_lang.js: Remove optKeep=[], * optFloat=[], is already inside globals_lang.js! Tested and works fine for me. Thanks to check if it's OK. Here is the new lang_fr.js Thanks and regards Floating window Image *Edit: post updated
  9. Inside tips.js about: function qdh(t,d,s) On line 49: function qdh(t,d,s) { position="main.js"; whatfunc="qdh()"; We can change (position) to : function qdh(t,d,s) { position="tips.js"; whatfunc="qdh()"; Inside optionswizardtemplate_window.htm (values also inside api.js): Errors on lines 199 and 200: <option value="12802">1280x768</option> <option value="12803">1280x800</option> Change to: <option value="12803">1280x768</option> <option value="12804">1280x800</option> Inside WPI.hta I think we can remove the line 9, because this file doesn't exist. <script type="text/javascript" src="../WPIScripts/userfunctions.js" application="yes"></script> Inside themewizard.js On line 681. We can change: SkinPreset to Theme function UserThemeDefaults() { position="themewizard.js"; whatfunc="UserThemeDefaults()"; SkinPreset='Classic'; Change to: To: function UserThemeDefaults() { position="themewizard.js"; whatfunc="UserThemeDefaults()"; Theme='Win7'; Tested and works fine for me. Thanks and regards
  10. Tested with Windows 7 and works fine. Example using the function JSCRIPT Create Shortcut inside Configuration wizard: config.js prog[pn]=['Ashampoo']; uid[pn]=['ASHAMPOO']; ordr[pn]=[2]; dflt[pn]=['yes']; forc[pn]=['no']; bit64[pn]=['no']; cat[pn]=['Applications']; pfro[pn]=['no']; cmds[pn]=['"%wpipath%\\Install\\abs6_free.exe"','{JSCRIPT}=CreateShortcut("Raccourci vers "%comma%"C:\\WPI_v8.6.6\\Graphics\\WPI.ico"%comma%""%comma%"C:\\Program Files\\Ashampoo\\Ashampoo Burning Studio 6\\burningstudio.exe"%comma%""%comma%"AllUsersStartMenu"%comma%"")']; cond[pn]=['getOSlang()=="FRS"']; pn++; WPI_Log.txt lundi 3 juin 2013 09:58:47 Programme: Ashampoo ID unique: ASHAMPOO Ordre: 000002 Catégorie: Applications lundi 3 juin 2013 09:59:40 - cmd1 Succès (Code de retour 0): "C:\WPI_v8.6.6\Install\abs6_free.exe" lundi 3 juin 2013 09:59:40 - cmd2 Succès (Code de retour true): CreateShortcut("Raccourci vers ","C:\WPI_v8.6.6\Graphics\WPI.ico","","C:\Program Files\Ashampoo\Ashampoo Burning Studio 6\burningstudio.exe","","AllUsersStartMenu","") lundi 3 juin 2013 09:59:41 - Installation terminée. Select carefully the path to launch the program and to set the icon file !
  11. Inside themewizard.js We can add some changes to have the Alert window when we change Background SkinZone or Background ProgressBarSkin without saving: On line 72: InstallBgsSkinCombo.attachEvent("onSelectionChange",OptionsUpdated); Change to: InstallBgsSkinCombo.attachEvent("onSelectionChange",ThemeUpdated); Add on line 80: ProgBarsSkinCombo.attachEvent("onSelectionChange",ThemeUpdated); Thanks and regards *Edit: Inside themewizard.js we can also add for: function HandleReadTheme() (line 625) some code to activate the button Read (for Style and Tooltip) Changing to: function HandleReadTheme() { position="themewizard.js"; whatfunc="HandleReadTheme()"; if (!isThemeSaved) { if (!Alert("",getText(txtDiscardChangesContinue),getText(lblOK)+"|"+getText(lblCancel),"",5,0,0,0)) return; } themeClearReadBrowse(); //Added document.all.themeReadBrowse.click(); //Added if (document.getElementById("themeReadBrowse").value != "") //Added { isThemeSaved=true; SetThemePath(false); ReadTheme(); } } Thanks and regards
  12. Thanks Kels! Last post updated. Regards *Edit: Inside optionswizard.js, a little error typo (line: 1388): document.getElementById("InstallerWindowX").value=InstallerWindowY; Change to: document.getElementById("InstallerWindowY").value=InstallerWindowY; Regards
  13. Inside themes.js missing (on line 216): return true; Change to: function InstallThemeFonts() { position="themes.js"; whatfunc="InstallThemeFonts()"; return true; } Inside themewizard.js missing (on line 304): return true; Change to: function HandleSkinSelection() { position="themewizard.js"; whatfunc="HandleSkinSelection()"; return true; } Thanks to check if it's OK! Regards
  14. To solve some trouble about the blue window at startup and to resize this one, we can try to make changes inside wpi.htm. Browse to: WPI\Common\Themes\Windows\wpi.htm Add inside wpi.htm (was on some previous versions); below this script: <div id="TipLayer" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute; z-index:1000; top:-100;"> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> sizer(); if (top.status != "") winheight = top.status; cols = Math.round((winheight/3*4)/320,0); if (!maxentries) { switch (winheight) { case '600': maxentries=24; break; case '768': maxentries=30; break; case '1024': maxentries=42; break; case '1200': maxentries=48; break; default: maxentries=31; break; } } </script> Works fine for me. Thanks to check if it's OK! Regards
  15. Thanks! Tip: to save time for the process, we can disable internet connection and antivirus!
  16. Because you have only one product key matching the Windows 7 Professional to install inside your Autounattend.xml file! However you can try to integrate default keys inside your images using SetProductKey.rar on my signature below and you will be able to choose the Edition you want install with your customized Autounattend.xml removing the sting for the key; and the last line about Windows 7 Ultimate: <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="wim:/sources/install.wim#Windows 7 ULTIMATE" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" />
  17. Inside program.js About function CheckCatIfAllChecked(): Change: function CheckCatIfAllChecked() { position="program.js"; whatfunc="CheckCatIfAllSelected()"; To: function CheckCatIfAllChecked() { position="program.js"; whatfunc="CheckCatIfAllChecked()"; Thanks and regards
  18. The idea was to add the function {MSI}, because if a msi file is customized USSFStrings can't detect the silent switches: msiexec.exe /i "%Path_To_Program%" /qb If we want use other switches, I suggest to add those manually! But I think it's possible...Maybe for an other release? Thanks and cheers.
  19. Inside themes.js (on line 297) about function HandleSelectMultiDefaults() function HandleSelectMultiDefaults() { position="api.js"; whatfunc="SetupWPI()"; Maybe we can change to: function HandleSelectMultiDefaults() { position="themes.js"; whatfunc="HandleSelectMultiDefaults()"; Thanks to check if it's OK! Regards
  20. Inside optionswizard.js about functions: On line 691: function HandlePlayInstallAudioSelection() { position="optionswizard.js"; whatfunc="HandlePlayInstallSelection()"; Change to: function HandlePlayInstallAudioSelection() { position="optionswizard.js"; whatfunc="HandlePlayInstallAudioSelection()"; On line 751: function AudioDelete() { position="optionswizard.js"; whatfunc="CommandDelete()"; Change to: function AudioDelete() { position="optionswizard.js"; whatfunc="AudioDelete()"; Inside main.js function HideManual() function HideManual() { position="main.js"; whatfunc="HideMain()"; Change to: function HideManual() { position="main.js"; whatfunc="HideManual()"; Inside networkwizard.js a little typo error on line: 2053 whatfunc="SaveDefaultNetwrokOptions()"; Change to: whatfunc="SaveDefaultNetworkOptions()"; Thanks to check if it's OK! Regards
  21. Inside check.js missing letter 's' with: function CountChecks() (line 670: whatfunc="CountCheck()") Change to: function CountChecks() { position="check.js"; whatfunc="CountChecks()"; Thanks and regards
  22. Inside configwizard.js a little error about: function DefaultCatValues() Letter 's' missing Change to: function DefaultCatsValues() { position="configwizard.js"; whatfunc="DefaultCatsValues()"; On line 2545, 3062 and 3094: DefaultCatValues(); Change to: DefaultCatsValues(); Thanks and regards
  23. Inside configwizard.js a little typo error (letter s missing): function onClickHandlerConditionsMenus(itemId,itemValue) { position="configwizard.js"; whatfunc="onClickHandlerConditionsMenu()"; Change to: function onClickHandlerConditionsMenus(itemId,itemValue) { position="configwizard.js"; whatfunc="onClickHandlerConditionsMenus()"; Thanks and regards
  24. Inside WPI.hta Maybe we can change the lines 432 and 446: strFile=ReplacePath('"%sysdir%\\mshta.exe" "'+wpipath+'\\Common\\Installer.hta"'); Changing to: strFile=ReplacePath('"'+sysdir+'\\mshta.exe" "'+wpipath+'\\Common\\Installer.hta"'); Thanks to check if it's OK! Regards
  25. I suggest to add a new command inside installer.js (line 1209) using: msiexec.exe /i %WPIPath%\Program.msi /qn case 'MSI': var src, splits; src=cmd; if (cmd.indexOf('" "') != -1) { splits=cmd.split('" "'); src=splits[0]; } else { if (src.substr(0,1)=='"') { splits=cmd.split('" '); src=splits[0]; } else { splits=cmd.split(' '); src=splits[0]; } } src=src.replace(/\"/g,""); cmd='msiexec.exe /i "'+src+'" /qn'; fsoCmd=true; break; } Adding inside configwizard.js On line 372: CommandsMenuBar.addNewChild("cmd_system", 5, "dos_msi", "Msi", false, "", ""); On line 643: case 'dos_msi': HandleCommandsSelectionMenu("{MSI} "); break; Tested and works fine for me. Example with SkypeSetup.msi: config.js prog[pn]=['Skype']; uid[pn]=['SKYPE']; ordr[pn]=[5]; dflt[pn]=['yes']; forc[pn]=['no']; bit64[pn]=['no']; cat[pn]=['Applications']; pfro[pn]=['no']; cmds[pn]=['{MSI} "%wpipath%\\Install\\SkypeSetup.msi"']; desc[pn]=['Skype']; pn++; Result inside WPI_Log.txt: Thanks and regards *Edit: post updated Thanks to check if it's OK *Edit2: However I see this option already exists using USSFStrings: "Switches" : 'msiexec.exe /i %s /qb',
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