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Posts posted by vinifera

  1. when talking about android, to me this is very grey area...

    I always thought, as per wikipedia, and per rooting my device as it looks, that "Android OS"
    is nothing more than Linux as core and I guess Java as shell ?

    but if its Linux at core, then how can it be prone to malwares that brick the system ?
    wouldn't it be just voulnerable to java part and just screw the UI and maybe gadget behaviour ?

    then comes the "antivirus" part
    on the online "markets", there are so many of them, even brand ones (avira, avast, sophos, norton, nod32....)
    and all are free, but, do they even work ? , some of what I have read on net, they don't do much, except scanning
    for "potential threats", but supposedly they don't detect trojans and such...


  2. that wasn't port
    that was vista with 2k3 recompiled kernel
    you can see bunch of his "builds" just being server 03 with different kernel number stiffed with some vista beta files
    while he used true transparency and simmiliar emulating visuals

    nobody ever yet ported DWM to XP
    the closest was Stardock with winblinds 6 that actually used GPU for transparency and blur
    but that wasn't compositor, just their own com object for skinning shell

    every other imitation apps used brute CPU power which lagged the shizzle of the OS

  3. nope
    fully dunctional DWM works with XP drivers on early vista versions
    it relies on .net 2 and DirectX 9

    //samuka can't do nothing, he's using leaked WRK which is not x64 and uses butchered parts of alchi components and some reactOS ... things
    he never even managed to port DWM, all he does is some compatibility layer for vista apps to work on "XP"

  4. On 26.11.2016. at 9:27 AM, Dibya said:

    Is any one think that there is any profit from upgrading from visual studio 2010 to 2013/15?

    yes, losing compatibility support for previous system (apps for xp)
    yes, you'll get auto telemetry code embeded in VS '15 projects

  5. the incompatibility will be solved when you do it "run as vista" via properties
    if it works on your current vista, it will work on 7

    drivers should work from vista (even xp if i'm not mistaken)
    but usually you'll get generic ones, so again if it works on vista, it will work on 7

    since you aim for 7 RTM, SP1 installation is a must

    unsupported ?
    win 7 will come to same phase very soon ...
    you ain't gonna miss anything, except garbage updates -_-

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