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Status Replies posted by jaclaz

  1. The web is anything but innovative. Once one site comes up with an idea, the rest follow like sheep and copy it. How is it innovative when all sites look and feel the same?

  2. The web is anything but innovative. Once one site comes up with an idea, the rest follow like sheep and copy it. How is it innovative when all sites look and feel the same?

    1. jaclaz


      You mean once one site comes up with an original idea ...

      ... which happens not so frequently ...


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. Laughing at my self for installing the wrong version of Windows 7 on the laptop I am working on. Wish I caught that sooner lol.

    1. jaclaz


      Did you install that wrong version called "Windows 10"? :w00t::ph34r:




    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Hi jaclaz. Sorry I haven't responded to your last PM, I've been locked out of the whole of MSFN since the site "upgrade".

    It seems to be geoblocked in Europe, which I assume is a fault they're not aware of as it's been like it now for several days!

    I've managed to get to it finally by spoofing that I'm in the States, but it's crawlingly slow via the virtual VPN, and keeps losing connection if I do anything like trying to look at the forum personal messages.

    I have managed to message the site owners, so I hope it's fixed soon. I'll be in touch again then.

    Cheers, Dave.

    1. jaclaz


      Unrelated, and hoping that your current issue will soon be solved, *somehow* during the board update the "country" flags of many members seemingly were shifted/mixed/whatever, I found myself with the Denmark flag on my profile, and right now you have an USA one, I guess you'd better reset it to the Union Jack, unless you are trying to be coherent with your spoofing ...



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hi jaclaz. Sorry I haven't responded to your last PM, I've been locked out of the whole of MSFN since the site "upgrade".

    It seems to be geoblocked in Europe, which I assume is a fault they're not aware of as it's been like it now for several days!

    I've managed to get to it finally by spoofing that I'm in the States, but it's crawlingly slow via the virtual VPN, and keeps losing connection if I do anything like trying to look at the forum personal messages.

    I have managed to message the site owners, so I hope it's fixed soon. I'll be in touch again then.

    Cheers, Dave.

  6. Hi jaclaz. Sorry I haven't responded to your last PM, I've been locked out of the whole of MSFN since the site "upgrade".

    It seems to be geoblocked in Europe, which I assume is a fault they're not aware of as it's been like it now for several days!

    I've managed to get to it finally by spoofing that I'm in the States, but it's crawlingly slow via the virtual VPN, and keeps losing connection if I do anything like trying to look at the forum personal messages.

    I have managed to message the site owners, so I hope it's fixed soon. I'll be in touch again then.

    Cheers, Dave.

    1. jaclaz


      And you didn't manage to PM me even now. :(

      *whatever* you did it came out inside a "Status" (*whatever* a "Status" is), and f course I am in Europe (Italy) and had no issues whatsoever (related to the connection only) in the last few days, so it is either your local ISP or your friends at GCHQ :w00t:  messing with your connection.

      Please take note that a "Status" - very UNLIKE a PM (Private Message or Personal Message) is PUBLIC, so EVERYONE can see that on my profile page:





    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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