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Everything posted by Raja

  1. Search for "Using RIS with Ghost" on www.symantec.com.
  2. Another option if u must use batch file, you can check for the file size or the date stamp. Below is the example for Notepad.exe which has file size of 69,120 bytes. dir %windir%\notepad.exe|find "69,120" if errorlevel 0 if not errorlevel 1 echo "Version is correct"
  3. Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strCompType = objShell.RegRead("HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Pcmcia\Start") If (strCompType = "0") Then Msgbox "PC is a laptop" Else Msgbox "PC is a desktop" End If This is based on the assumption that Laptops have PCMCIA slot hence the service is enabled.
  4. HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Psched!NonBestEffortLimit
  5. Use a vbscript to run the ping command. Copy and Paste the code below in a .vbs file. Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") objShell.Run "cmd /c ping -n 40", 0
  6. Daniel Below is what I have and works fine for me [RegionalSettings] Language = 0c09 LanguageGroup = 1 and a reg merge ; Remove Language Bar [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{540D8A8B-1C3F-4E32-8132-530F6A502090}] Do not have Messenger installed so am not sure of the results if enabled/installed. Cheers Raja
  7. Any particular reason that you are not considering a startup script which is applicable to computers and can be a simple batch file executing whatever u like.
  8. Check if this helps, you will have to expand on this as per your needs. Can help with any follow up ques u may have. Link
  9. Hi Using VB or Java script will give you the flexibility of getting the result the way you want it. Alternatively you can use net user command in a batch file. Try as below and see if u can use it successfully for ur need; Net user %USERNAME%|Find "*"|Find /v "Global Group" Cheers
  10. Hi Am not sure what error is being reported as is it not in English, translate in English and I may be able to help. In regards to compiling vbs to an .exe, for US $100 u can get AdminScriptEditor Cheers Raja
  11. The feature is built right in the notepad; Look for Go to.. under the Edit menu, or alternatively press Ctrl + G and enter the line no. Pressing Ctrl + G will display the current line no. Cheers Raja
  12. Hi Allan If you can afford to spend $99, then check ASI Editor at http://www.adminscripteditor.com/editor/. I am using this and is worth the small investment. Raja
  13. Change sliced = testpath.slice(0,2) To sliced = Left(testpath,3) Slice is for JScripts.
  14. 1. Create a .reg file with following and save it as C:\RunOnceEx.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\0001] "RunOnceEx"="Notepad.exe" 2. Create following String Value entry under RunOnce key: ValueName = RunOnceEx and its value as Regedit /s C:\RunOnceEx.reg OR Alternatively to achieve the same create another .reg file as below and run it by double clicking on it. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce] "RunOnceEx"="Regedit /s C:\\RunOnceEx.reg" The RunOnce reg entry when executed, after all RunOnceEx entries are executed(if any), will create entry to run Notepad in RunOnceEx and will not be initiated till next logon or reboot. At the next logon/reboot, RunOnceEx entries will be enumerated and as a result Notepad will fire up.
  15. Call a reg merge from RunOnce to create a RunOnceEx keys and it will be effective on the next logon or reboot. RunOnce entries are enumerated after RunOnceEx's are. Having the reg merge done from RunOnce will simply create the entries in RunOncex and as RunOnceEx aready had its turn, the entries will not be executed till next logon or Reboot. Good Luck!
  16. Hi U will have to overwrite the existing Default User profile with Domain Admins profile with xcopy.exe. You must be logged on as administrator to do so. Option 1: 1. Enable auto logon to log on domain admin. Note: Password is exposed in the registry till auto logon is disabled 2. Log of and auto logon as local admin. 3. Use Xcopy.exe from RunOnce to copy the domain admin profile to default user profile. 4. Disable auto logon and then Log Off. Option 2: 1. have a pre configured domain admin profile folder as part of your build. 2. At the first logon, use Xcopy.exe from RunOnce to copy the domain admin profile to default user profile
  17. The following will set a variable strCDROM to the CDROM drive letter in a vbscript. Modify to suit your need. Set objDrives = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").Drives For Each Drive In objDrives If Drive.DriveType = "4" Then strCDROM = Drive.DriveLetter & ":" Next Provide more details on what you are trying to accomplish, may be able to help you.
  18. SetAcl.exe will do the job. Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=69165 Examples: http://setacl.sourceforge.net/html/examples.html
  19. Batch: Use in cmd file @Echo Off Set /p NewUser="Please enter the name of the user: " Net User %NewUser% password /Add vb script: Use in vbs file Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") NewUser = InputBox("Please enter the name of the user:") objShell.Run "Net User " & NewUser & " password /Add"
  20. Dennise I will try again to share my thought on the subject. With what I am suggesting you will have one master image only and no sysprep image. The solution involves a bit of scripting. 1. Have a computer build the way you want it to be. 2. Add the driver folders as discussed previously. 3. Enable the auto logon and have a script executed through RunOnce key 4. Shutdown the computer and take the image of it. 5. This image become your master image. What will your script have? 1. Ability to auto detect the model and use that information to get the right drivers copied to C:\Drivers. (As discussed in the first reply). If you do not want to put the effort in working on the auto detect code then you can get the script to prompt you for the model name. 2. Execute Sysprep.exe with reboot option. What will you see on ghosting the image on new PC? 1. On powering ON the PC, auto logon is executed followed by running of the script from RunOnce key. 2. PC restarts again as a result of sysprep command from the script. 3. On restart Mini setup wizard starts as per settings in Sysprep.inf. Note: The sysprep.inf and cmdlines.txt could be customised for each model on the fly by the above discussed script. 4. PC reboots ready for user logon. The concerns... 1. You need to have some knowledge on scripting(plenty of help available in forums and newsgroups) 2. At the first auto logon you will be seeing New Hardware Found wizard popping up, but is not a worry as Sysprep.exe will kick in soon enough and restart the PC. I hope this all makes some sense so that you can benefit from this. If still not clear, ask me specific questions so that I can help further. Cheers Raja
  21. Hi Dennise There is a guide available at the following link. See if this gets you going, write to me if you have any specific questions will be more than glad to help. Cheers Raja http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/downloads.htm
  22. Hi Dennise This will work for "one image for all" solution. Could you point out where do you see this failing in your scheme of things so that I can assist you further. If I am guessing it right you are using ghost to dump the image after you have done the Sysprep. If true, then prepare your master image before the sysprep and integrate the above suggestion into your solution. I am hoping that you can take it on from here, otherwise feel free to write to me directly (rkohli@energy.com.au) and will provide you the detailed steps to accomplish what you want. Unless I am missing something, what you want is how I do my images so am confident of it working for your needs. Hope to hear soon from you. Cheers Raja
  23. Hi Annita Hold the Alt key on the keyboard and use numeric keypad to enter 163, then release the Alt key. ú will be printed. I am not sure if this helps, if not, provide more information about your problem. Regards Raja
  24. Hi Dennis Try this; Create unique driver folders for each hardware model with a common prefix and have all the folders available as part of the image in the root of C: drive. Copy all the driver files for each device (audio, video, network..etc) of each model to the root of each driver folder for that model. Example: D_e3400 - Copy all device drivers for e3400 to the root of this folder D_T22 - Copy all device drivers for T22 to the root of this folder D_8183 - Copy all device drivers for 8183 to the root of this folder Have oempnpdriverspath set to C:\Drivers Edit (create if you do not have one) the batch file which runs the sysprep.exe to add these line before the sysprep is executed. Move C:\D_%1 C:\Drivers For /F "Tokens=*" %%A IN ('Dir /B /AD /S C:\D_*') DO RD /S /Q %%A Call the batch file with the hardware model as the argument so as to replace the value of %1 with that models driver folder. Example: If your batch file is called ABC.bat then run it as ABC.bat T22 for T22 model. The batch file will first rename the C:\D_T22 folder to C:\Drivers folder and then delete all the other folders starting with D_ in the root of the C: drive. Also do you realise that having installed all your apps on a FAT32 partition and then converting it to NTFS you have missed the opportunity to benefit from the default security settings these apps would have applied during their installation had the NTFS be available at the time of installation. Regards Raja
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