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Everything posted by pichi

  1. A proposal: I think this forum is to help us solve our problem, researching, communicating and providing useful information. 1 .- The new user can comment on the issue, stating the conditions under which it occurred, etc., but it is not necessary to repeat the same thing (by previous users). 2 .- Do not enlarge the size of the forum with useless comments, thanks, repetitions, and so on. 3 .- The "S/N list" grows exponentially the size of the forum (I think there are other methods to store a list). 4 .- I do not find this list useful because it will not help to solve the problem. I think it serves to Seagate as blacklists of warranties, and to recovery companies such as list of customers, offering services directly or indirectly through links to ACE or SD. These companies, in their forums have reduced the activity (and probably customers).
  2. I had the problem after reboot. This is important! Because the problem is written in EEPROM and don't in SDRAM. Most people have this problem, but someone can have other problems and symptoms. THIS PROBLEM IS 0GB PROBLEM (within or without BSY).
  3. http://www.salvationdata.com/faq/index.php...&artlang=en HD Doctor For Maxtor ID #1121 Maxtor Module 51 Error (generally p-list), how to deal? It's a common error for Maxtor drive, which has no influence on normal functionality of drive. Last update: 2008-08-05 21:30 Seagate bought Maxtor. I need confirm PList errors: F3 T>V10 Detail 1: Is 803 an overflow? Detail 2: When appear 80X the SFI value is 0x00400 lower than nearest neigbours. And User Slip Defect List: F3 T>V1 Head 0: entries 1 slips 0 <<<<------ IS IT POSSIBLE? If anybody can check this with a hdd that works, please post it. The primary list (P List) is written by manufacturer and the hdd's user don't write that list, only writes on grown list (G List). If the P List (or User Slip Defect List format) is wrong then there are three cases: 1.- The manufacturer wrote it intentionally. 2.- The firmware modified it intentionally. 3.- The programmers of Seagate don't know to program. If this is true, Seagate, please, solve it. Info of defect lists: http://www.mjmdatarecovery.co.uk/workings/...or-mapping.html
  4. Searching SD14 firmware. This firmware had 0MB cache problem, but it did works well. Date aprox.: January 2008 Update to firmware SD14 can be the solution? If anybody has the update, post it please.
  5. People has tried exchange PCBs, and that isn´t the solution. The PCB has a serial number, P list, Servo list, etc, and it only is valid for his own HDA. If you have bought a hdd, the better you can do is read the info of empty hdd and compare it with the wrongs hdds.
  6. Questions: Chronological firmwares: SD04 and SD14 -> I don't know if it has timebomb virus AD14 -> With timebomb virus SD15 -> With timebomb virus SD... -> With timebomb virus Is there anybody with a version before AD14? Is possible udate the firmware to SD04 or SD14? Why Seagate help to update from SD04 or SD14 to AD14 and dont help to solve ours problems? Are there anything important on SD04 or SD14? Have SD04 or SD14 0GB problems? (The smaller cache isn't a very important problem) http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/support/d...wnloads/cuda-fw See "drives with previous version of firmware (SD14) report no such failures" at: http://forums.ncix.com/forums/?mode=showth...roduct_id=26387
  7. Interesting V lists: V1, V2, V4, V8, V10, V20, V40, V80, V100 If anybody can obtain V lists of goods hdds or differents V lists, please post the results. To compare files I use "Total Commander": http://www.ghisler.com/download.htm Common V lists of wrongs hdd (and similars): ------------------------------------------------------------ F3 T>V1 (identical) User Slip Defect List log log log phys phys LBA span cumm cyl hd sctr zn cyl sctr SFI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 (or 7) Head 0: entries 1 slips 0 Head 1: entries 0 slips 0 Head 2: entries 0 slips 0 Head 3: entries 0 slips 0 Total Entries 1 Total Slips 0 ------------------------------------------------------------ F3 T>V2 (similar, except *) System Slip Defect List log log log phys phys LBA span cumm cyl hd sctr zn cyl sctr SFI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2**** 0 FFFFFFFF ***** 39C 39C 0 1 0 1 2**** 0 FFFFFFFF ***** 39C 738 0 2 0 2 2**** 0 FFFFFFFF ***** 39C AD4 0 3 0 3 2**** 0 FFFFFFFF ***** 39C E70 ** 0 0 4 2**** 0 FFFFFFFF ***** 39C 120C ** 1 0 5 2**** 0 FFFFFFFF ***** 39C 15A8 ** 2 0 6 2**** 0 FFFFFFFF ***** 39C 1944 ** 3 0 7 2**** 0 FFFFFFFF Head 0: entries 2 slips 39C (why only the middle of 738?) Head 1: entries 2 slips 738 Head 2: entries 2 slips 738 Head 3: entries 2 slips 738 Total Entries 8 Total Slips 1944 ------------------------------------------------------------ F3 T>V4 (identical) Reassigned Sectors List Original New log log log phy phy LBA PBA cyl hd sctr zn cyl sctr SFI hours msec Alt Pending Total Alted Total Entries Entries Entries Alts Alts Head 0 0 Head 1 0 Head 2 0 Head 3 0 Total 0 0 0 0 0 Total Alt Removals: 0 Checksum = 0000 ------------------------------------------------------------ F3 T>V8 (identical) Servo Flaws List Log head 0: entries 0 Log head 1: entries 0 Log head 2: entries 0 Log head 3: entries 0 Total Entries 0 ------------------------------------------------------------ F3 T>V10 (differents, but there are two details) P List log log phy length head cyl cyl in symb SFI flags 0 0 0 ** ***** 80 scr fill 1 *** *** 3 E1BA6 80 scr fill 1 *** *** 803 E17A6 80 scr fill 1 *** *** 3 E1BA6 80 scr fill ... Detail 1: Is 803 an overflow? Detail 2: When appear 80X the SFI value is 0x00400 lower than nearest neigbours. ------------------------------------------------------------ F3 T>V20 (differents) Servo Flaws List log log phy head cyl cyl wedge status 0 0 0 ** 1 **** **** ** ... ------------------------------------------------------------ F3 T>V40 (identical) Nonresident GList 0 entries returned Total entries available: 0 PBA Len Flags Phy Cyl Hd PhySctr SFI ------------------------------------------------------------ F3 T>V80 (identical) Resident GList 0 entries returned Total entries available: 0 PBA Len Flags Phy Cyl Hd PhySctr SFI ------------------------------------------------------------ F3 T>V100 (similar, except *) Primary DST List 0 entries returned Total entries available: *** PBA Len Flags Phy Cyl Hd PhySctr SFI ------------------------------------------------------------
  8. I each list had a flag, them would have 10 possible lists: V001, V002, V004, V008, V010, V020, V040, V080, V100 Try it. Some others lists have parts, merges, etc. A lot of lists are reapeted on other indexes. I don't know if only there are 10 lists or more.
  9. Handle the program with care (for programmers only). The program may stop the computer for 1 minute (DELAYTIMEOUT1 = 60). Wait until you see the message and the mouse works. This is due to sync buffer problems of Tera Term. I have repeated the process to verifier each Vxxx.dat Some Vxxx.dat had small missing strings (due to pauses). IDXBEGIN = $001 (the first index to read) IDXEND = $200 (the last+1 index to read) This read from V001 to V1FF. Copy the post text to read_V.ttl created file. Copy read_V.ttl file into a empty directory. Download and install: http://cvs.sourceforge.jp/cgi-bin/viewcvs....tic/English.lng http://sourceforge.jp/projects/ttssh2/down...raterm-4.61.exe Exec read_V.ttl You must have ttl association correctly. To hide log windows try: showtt 6 More info: http://ttssh2.sourceforge.jp/
  10. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PROGRAM FOR READ ALL V LIST (about 4h at 38400) ; read_V.ttl: Version 0.01, Author: pichi, 09/01/2009 ; ; Download and install: ; http://cvs.sourceforge.jp/cgi-bin/viewcvs....tic/English.lng ; http://sourceforge.jp/projects/ttssh2/down...raterm-4.61.exe ; In installation mark: Associate .ttl file to ttpmacro ; Info: http://ttssh2.sourceforge.jp/manual/en/macro/ ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; COMPORT = '1' ; CHANGE IF YOU USE DIFFERENT PORT OF COM1 ; VARS TITLE = "ST3500320AS 0GB" ;code2str CRLF $0A0D code2str CRLF $0D ; CRLF Send (from PC to HDD) ; HDD receive correctly CR($0D) ; HDD send CR($0D) + LF($0A) DELAYTIMEOUT0 = 1 DELAYTIMEOUT1 = 60 IDXBEGIN = $001 IDXEND = $200 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PORT (COMn) CMD_COMPORT = '/C=' strconcat CMD_COMPORT COMPORT connect CMD_COMPORT ; BAUDRATE: ; 7=9600, 10=38400, 12=115200 setbaud 10 ; Power supply on of some adapters (RTS and DTR). setrts 1 setdtr 1 ; Pause of 200ms to stabilize powers. mpause 200 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; PROGRAM INIT ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Clear VT screen and scroll clearscreen 1 ; Clear buffer RX flushrecv ; Disable keyboard is more secure enablekeyb 0 ; echo is turned on. setecho 1 ; Title of windows: settitle "READ V PARAMS" ; ------------------------ ; ------------------------ ; SEND Ctrl+z send $1A ; ------------------------ ; ------------------------ ; RECEIVE: F3 T> ; enter the asynchronous mode (low receiver speed, buffer 1K) setsync 0 ; Clear the received buffer. flushrecv ; Delay time max timeout = DELAYTIMEOUT0 wait "F3 T>" if result==0 then errornum = 0 goto error endif ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; READ LIST FROM V1 TO V1FF ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ index = IDXBEGIN INDEXSTR = "" :read_next_V ; Pause of 200ms to empty buffer. mpause 200 TXMSG = "" varint = index call int2hex strconcat TXMSG 'V' strconcat TXMSG hexstr send TXMSG ; ------------------------ ; ------------------------ ; Create file Vxxx.dat FILEPATH = "" getdir FILEPATH strconcat FILEPATH '\\' strconcat FILEPATH TXMSG strconcat FILEPATH ".dat" ; Pause of 200ms to empty buffer. mpause 200 ; START LOG logopen FILEPATH 1 0 ; ------------------------ ; ------------------------ ; Send CR+LF logging input TXMSG = CRLF send TXMSG ; Delete duplicated files will be easy. ; ------------------------ ; enter the synchronous mode (high receiver speed, buffer 16K) ;setsync 1 ; enter the asynchronous mode (low receiver speed, buffer 1K) setsync 0 ; Clear the received buffer. flushrecv :rcv_loop ; Delay time max timeout = DELAYTIMEOUT1 wait "F3 T>" '\t' '0' '1' '2' 'f' ',' 'a' 'A' if result==0 then errornum = 1 goto error endif if result>1 goto rcv_loop ; BUG TERA TERM: wait doesn't work with '\n' #$0D or #$0A ; ------------------------ ; Close file Vxxx.bin logclose ; ------------------------ index = index+1 if index<IDXEND goto read_next_V ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ****************************************************************************** ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; End of program: close port and go out. ; Without messages to let make batch processing if all are OK. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :end ; Pause of 200ms for sync buffers mpause 200 ; Go out disconnect ; Power supply off of some adapters (RTS and DTR). setdtr 0 setrts 0 ; Pause of 200ms for discharge capacitors of power supply. mpause 200 ; Close Tera Term closett goto eof ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :error ERRMSG = "ERROR: " ERRN = "" int2str ERRN errornum strconcat ERRMSG ERRN strconcat ERRMSG "\n" if errornum==0 then strconcat ERRMSG "Verify connection or hdd power reset:\nFirst F3 T> not received after Ctrl+z" elseif errornum==1 then strconcat ERRMSG "Verify connection or hdd power reset:\nIntermediate F3 T> not received" else strconcat ERRMSG "UNKNOWN ERROR" endif messagebox ERRMSG TITLE goto end ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Convert varint into a hexadecimal string of characteres hexstr (max FFFF) ; call int2hex :int2hex int2hexflag = 0 hexstr = "" tmp0 = varint/4096 tmp = varint%4096 tmp1 = tmp/256 tmp = tmp%256 tmp2 = tmp/16 tmp3 = tmp%16 ; '0'=48 ; 'A'=65 if tmp0<10 then tmp0 = tmp0+48 else tmp0 = tmp0+55 endif if tmp1<10 then tmp1 = tmp1+48 else tmp1 = tmp1+55 endif if tmp2<10 then tmp2 = tmp2+48 else tmp2 = tmp2+55 endif if tmp3<10 then tmp3 = tmp3+48 else tmp3 = tmp3+55 endif if (tmp0<>48)||(int2hexflag<>0) then int2hexflag = 1 code2str tmptmp tmp0 strconcat hexstr tmptmp endif ; IN THIS CASE EVER OBTAIN 3 DIGITS (for good filenames order) int2hexflag = 1 if (tmp1<>48)||(int2hexflag<>0) then int2hexflag = 1 code2str tmptmp tmp1 strconcat hexstr tmptmp endif if (tmp2<>48)||(int2hexflag<>0) then int2hexflag = 1 code2str tmptmp tmp2 strconcat hexstr tmptmp endif code2str tmptmp tmp3 strconcat hexstr tmptmp return ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :eof exit
  11. Is there any developer or programmer here? I want develope tools for obtain drive info and parameters through serial port.
  12. I think that wont works. HDD Capacity restore tools change current HPA to factory NPHA, as setmax, hdat2, taft or victoria too. The problem is the translator that convert 28 bits CHS to 48 bits LBA. This translator is in the Host Protected Area (HPA). In this case (ST3500320AS on x86 computers) this area is at end of the hdd (last 2113 sectors). There are 1081856 hiddens bytes. HPA detected: current 976771055, native 976773168 Modify HPA is a littel dangerous (HPA can pass from 48 bits to 28 bits and after that HPA of 28 bits cannot pass to 48 bits). DiscWizard is the only tool of the manufacturer that works correctly with the translator (inside of HPA).
  13. I use my own 3.3V RS232 adapter with MAX3232 (and 2 in series resistances of 1K for protection). Other people uses 5V power supply with general purpose MAX232, ADM202, etc. SOME RS232 ADAPTERS ON EBAY (there are a lot of RS232 converters): 1.- 3.3V or 5.0V compatible, with MAX3232 http://cgi.ebay.es/RS232-Serial-Port-To-TT...A1%7C240%3A1318 http://cgi.ebay.es/RS232-232-Serial-Port-t...A1%7C240%3A1318 http://cgi.ebay.es/RS232-Serial-Port-To-TT...A1%7C240%3A1318 http://cgi.ebay.es/MAX3232-RS232-to-TTL-mo...A1%7C240%3A1318 2.- MAX232 and 5V: http://cgi.ebay.es/MAX232-RS232-To-TTL-Con...A1%7C240%3A1318 http://cgi.ebay.es/MAX232-RS232-Serial-to-...A1%7C240%3A1318 Good searching methods on ebay: MAX3232 MAX232 And order by lower price first
  14. Stay classy seagate The problem continue:
  15. You can see all commands of your 7200.11 disc with this: Ctrl+z F3 T>/C F3 C>Q (List all commands of your hdd) My test from BSY to RDY: ------------------------ (Unscrew screws) Ctrl+z F3 T>/2 F3 2>Z Spin Down Complete Elapsed Time 0.158 msecs F3 2> (Hold power on and screw screws) F3 2>U Spin Up Complete Elapsed Time 6.777 secs F3 2>/1 F3 1>N1 F3 1> (Power off) If you was BSY you now are READY. The next steps would be: 1.- SMART erase. 2.- Clear G list. 3.- Check traslator. 4.- User Partition Format repair. 5.- Translator regeneration. 6.- SetMax capacity (check NHPA and HPA). See SMART List and G-List relation on: http://www.hdddoctor.com/ (Show some problems) With the list of commands and this webpage: http://forum.hddguru.com/seagate-terminal-...ands-t6411.html I can try a lot of commands, but I don't know the correct commands that I have to put. Some commands can be trough SATA controller: ATA commands or SCSI commands. SOFTWARE: --------- For do all secure, download a PC emulator: http://mobalivecd.mobatek.net/en/MobaLiveCD_v2.0.exe It not need install, it is a standalone executable. Tera Term windows terminal, it has log. http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002416/ttermp23.zip Victoria for Windows 4.46b: http://hdd-911.com/index.php?option=com_do...mp;ascdesc=DESC MHDD (for boot diskette or CD): http://hddguru.com/download/software/mhdd/...32ver4.6iso.zip Smartmontools: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/smartmont...mp;big_mirror=0 TAFT (for boot diskette or CD): http://www.vidstrom.net/stools/taft/ HDAT2 (for boot diskette or CD): http://www.dat2.com/ DISCWIZARD (English or Spanish): http://www.seagate.com/support/discwizard/...ardSetup.en.exe http://www.seagate.com/support/discwizard/...ardSetup.es.exe HELP! HELP! Two or three months ago: I remember that DiscWizard wrote in my unformattable hard disc the first time. Later, it appeared with 500 GB, one partition and formattable. Can anybody say the previous parameters of a "totally new HDD" without DiscWizard? I do not remember if it appeared with 0GB or not? Is DiscWizard the traslator that writes SA? Does DW format the HDD?, or only writes SA and MBR to create the partition? (Seagate DiscWizard and Maxtor MaxBlast 5 are essentially same piece of software which is an OEM version of Acronis True Image 10 Home edition version Is there anybody that remember exactly these steps?
  16. You can see all commands of your 7200.11 disc with this: Ctrl+z F3 T>/C F3 C>Q (List all commands of your hdd) I have made all steps for pass from BUSY state to READY state, but I think that I haven't the BSY problem. Before it, I haven't BSY flags. You can test this flags with Victoria for windows 4.46f or MHDD boot iso. Non destructive test that I have made: Ctrl+z F3 T>V F3 T>V001 F3 T>V002 ... F3 T>V1FF Some of these list are P List, GList, Primary DST, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------- I use Tera Term too because it has log. http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002416/ttermp23.zip It is freeware, install and use: COM1 Setup->Serial Port-> COM1 38400 8 N 1 File->Log->Unmark append and create a file Log all received bytes. To finish log pushbuttom "Close"
  17. Awesome : Let me know if you find anything useful, I've already got a list of commands and a good idea on which ones to use, but without an actual terminal I can't be certain. Tell me about it! I looked up the RS232 on there and their search showed me a serial cable... FOR £13!! They're con-men I tell you! Haha If you want a cheap adapter, you have a soldering station and you understand electronics circuits: http://cgi.ebay.es/Brand-New-USB-to-RS232-...emZ110332604457 Only cost 2.80$, plus two 1K resistances 0.10$ and two or three weeks lead time. Cut rubber of RS232 adapter, soldering the 1K resistance extreme between 2 chips on RX line (and TX line to), cut a track with a cutter.
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