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Posts posted by My2GirlsDad
Thank you for the new version MimO!
The update function doesn't work because your old website is used in your script.
Just thought you'd like to know.
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For all who are interested again:
Comodo issued their new version 6.1.276867.2813 today.
From their website:
Version 6.1.276867.2813
28 April / 2013 Fixes
Firewall slows down internet connection under some conditions
Memory leak when firewall blocks the packets
Antivirus does not detect some packed samples
Windows XP boots very slowly
Blank message boxes appear during program updates
I just installed it on XP SP3 system and it booted right up as normal.
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The latest version of CIS v6.1 has an issue with XP.
See the post at the Comodo Forum here.
Their recommendation is to reinstall v6.0 in XP.
Would you please quote the info about the issue here? TIA.
For dencorso and others who are interested, this is from Comodo Forum,
"From what I see on the forum you are not alone who face this type of behavior.
Best wait the next update that will be out next week. Again is a small update
that will fix the network issue, but who knows, you should try it. If you experience
the same issue, return to 6.0."
"I too observed the same problem on 3 XP machines. None of them have any
other Secuirty or Virtualisation suites installed. Uninstallers/registry cleaners did not help.
Besides, reverting back to 6.0.2708 completely eliminates the problem.
For now, I suggest to all those who are facing this problem to uninstall CIS6.1, install 6.0
and disable "automatic program updates", wait for a fixed build..."
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There seems to me there is not any particular issue in the log.
I see that you have Comodo installed, maybe it's part of the issue?
Right you are jaclaz!
The latest version of CIS v6.1 has an issue with XP.
See the post at the Comodo Forum here.
Their recommendation is to reinstall v6.0 in XP.
Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the update MimO!!!!!
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I've just uploaded two new daily versions - one of UURollup-v11 and one of UURollup-v10e. I removed a file called "normaliz.dll" from both of them. It was the culprit which prevented new versions of Skype (>5.9) from sending text messages.
I been trying to test your new versions of UURollups. I continue to have an issue with v10 when slipstreaming with HFSLIP. The issue is with WMP9 and the error below.
I only have the following in HF nothing in the other folders (HFCABS, HFSVCPACK, HFSVCPACK_SW1, and HFSVCPACK_SW2):
I can hit ok and setup finishes and WMP9 is installed. I run unattended installs so would like it error free.
I have no issues with v11 as that installs fine. It only happens with v10.
Any thoughts? Appreciate your help.
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Thanks for testing If it's not a problem I'd also like to have a look at the "NETFX101120303540.log" file from your %windir% folder.
If you still need to see log file for .net I have one I can send you.
I've just uploaded a new .NET Framework package and also a new daily release of UURollup-v11. The latter is a major update because I've added MS VC++ 2012 libraries. I've also removed several IE6 SP3 files which I added some time ago as M$ keeps releasing official updates for Windows 2000 including IE6 Cumulative ones so there's no need to use XP files in this case.
A new daily release of UURollup-v11 is ready. I've replaced the Japanese file (urlmon.dll) with the previous version which is in English.
I just tested your newest versions of .net framework and UURollup-v11 with no issues and everything is in English. Thank you.
A final question. What is the difference between your hfslip-1.7.10_beta_J_v10_modified_by_tomasz86 and Mimo's hfslip-1.7.10_beta_J_v11?
Which one is the correct one to use?
As always I appreciate all the help you give me.
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@My2GirlsDad Already updated Check #323.
I'm sorry tomasz86 I missed that one. Going to get it right now.
Thanks as always.
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It's because of urlmon.dll and it seems that blackwingcat by mistake has added a Japanese version of the file to his latest kernel.
Edit: By the way, here you can download a whole HFSLIP package prepared for slipstreaming with the newest weekly version of UURollup-v11. It's originally for Win2k (Advanced) Server so you may want to remote the few server-only updates. To use it you just need to copy your Windows source files into SOURCE and then run the HFSLIP script.
Hi tomasz86,
Thanks for the updated HFSLIP package as I had some old updates that needed new versions and some that needed to be deleted. I just installed it with no apparent issues. I was wondering if you had any plans to update your .net package with the newest updates from January or have you shelved that for now? If so, I totally understand, I'm just inquiring.
As always I appreciate all the work you put into this project.
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I have uploaded a new weekly version of UURollup. It's almost exactly the same as the last daily except for one fix for IE6. There was a bug in the "Save file" window (thanks ). The other difference between weekly and daily releases is that weeklies come as SFXCAB packages so you can install / slipstream them directly without repacking.
Thanks, tomasz, I just slipstreamed it with no issues.
Appreciate all the time and work you put into this.
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I have just uploaded a new daily of UURollup-v11 and also a new version of the .NET Framework merged installer.
There are a lot of changes in this daily release. I had to implement some tricky and "brutal" workarounds to make it slipstreamable. In the end it's possible to integrate it directly from HF (after repacking of course). In case of the .NET Framework installer I fixed some bugs in the .NET 4.0 installation process.
Thanks for the new version of the UURollup and all your determination to make it work correctly. I was able to slipstream it without incident.
I ran the .NET Framework installer and it passed the Net Verify tool also. Is it possible to slipstream it or do we need to wait until SP5.2?
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Same with Vista !!!!!
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Welcome back as always thanks a lot for testing.
I myself haven't tested slipstreaming yet. If possible, could you try to slipstream the newest daily version of UURollup (d120911) but put only USP5.1 and UR2 with it (no other packages). This way we can track the issue more easily.
Which folder is the daily versions of UURollup go into when slipstreaming with HFSLIP now that it's a 7z file? Does it still go in HF?
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I noticed you removed Windows2000-UU-KB968006-x86-Global.exe from your site.
Is it buggy?
But it still shows under A guide to a fully updated Windows 2000 Complete method (easy) section on your website(which by the way looks great!!!!). It is also included in the HFDownloader.txt (URL list).
So should it be included or not?
Just wondering..
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Hi guys,
I published a new HFSLIP on my little web-site with the hint from tomasz86 regarding USP/W2K, Thx to him!!!
But... ths problem described here and it's solution (previous posting) needs at least some tests. Unfortunately I have the next days no time for this.
If anyone could test this (and probably also regarding this : nLite misses a registry entry when integrating KB2641653 (XP x86) ) it would help me. Otherwise I will test it later.
CU, Mimo
I can't find the new HFSLIP on your page. Did you forget to upload it?
Thank you.
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I have just uploaded a merged installer for .NET Frameworks 1.0-1.1-2.0-3.0-3.5. It requires UURollup-v10 (ENU) or newer.
I'll fix the uninstaller problem... but I don't think you installed UURollup before trying netfx1011203035
Edit: Something must've gone wrong. This is how it should look like in the Add/Remove Programs panel:
Great Job!!!
I just downloaded your installer and it worked like a charm. No issues installing or uninstalling. Passed the verification tool with no errors or issues.
Appreciate your finding the earlier problems and making the corrections. Your one step closer on the long road to USP5.2.
Keep up the good work. I know you have alot on your plate.
Thank you!!!
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I'm happy to help in testing. I appreciate all your work in this.
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I think that this is very mysterious!!!What do you think?
It's not a problen to reset the errorlevel but why didn't I have this wrong message?
Why does this script behaviours different on our PCs? Could it be caused by differents OS's? I'm running the FC on Win XP SP3!
Not to belabor this point but what "wrong" roots update did you use?
I'm running FC on WinXPSP3 also.
Just curious if I can find a reason to your querry.
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I'm sorry, but I think I need more info. I've done the folloing:...
It happened on the previous version of the file checker and on the current version also.
Screenshot using old or wrong version of rootsupd.exe:
- Get my HFSLIP-folder absolutely correct - file-checker says all is OK.
- Than I copied an older rootsupd.exe to HF
==> The message from the file-checker is correctly!!! Nothing with UPHC...
Where's the difference? Hmmm....
I believe I've found the problem here.
In the File-Checker where you check file size for Flash, Roots, and UphClean if they are not correct you set errorlevel to 1 and display the error message.
In my case Roots is wrong so errorlevel is set to 1. When UPHC comes the errorlevel is already 1 so it "thinks" it wrong (even tho it's correct!) and displays message.
If you reset the errorlevel to 0 (which is default i.e. correct), after an error, then UPHC will display "ok" because it's correct.
What do you think?
P.S.: The updater works great now. Thanks for the fix.
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Thanks for the new version of the file checker, HFSLIP, and SWFLASH.CAB.
For some reason the update function did not update. I've provided a screenshot below.
Hi! could you tell me in which version of the file-checker you found that bug? In the current version I checked the code - found nothing. I tested it with a wrong rootsupd.exe - no error (I checked console-output and log-file).Just wanted to point out when you have the wrong Update for Root Certificates file, the file checker says that UPHClean-Setup is wrong even though it's the correct one.
It happened on the previous version of the file checker and on the current version also.
Screenshot using old or wrong version of rootsupd.exe:
Screenshot using Current version of rootsupd.exe:
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Just wanted to point out when you have the wrong Update for Root Certificates file, the file checker says that UPHClean-Setup is wrong even though it's the correct one.
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Running HFSLIPFC v.2011/11/16 at Tue 02/21/2012 19:47:07.78
unknown: HF\IE6.0sp1-KB834158-v2-Windows2000-x86-ENU.exe
unknown: HF\Windows2000-UU-KB831375-v2-x86-ENU.exe
unknown: HF\Windows2000-UU-KB884872-v2-x86-ENU.exe
These updates were added by acus on January 21st. See here.
Please add them to your file checker.
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Just found a typo on the new file checker.
KB2639417 still showing as missing even though it's replaced.
Thanks for all you do.
Server 2008 Updates on Windows Vista
in Windows Vista
Posted · Edited by My2GirlsDad
I'm happy to report that I was able to use the System Restore operation successfully with Oracle VirtualBox 6.0.4