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Everything posted by piyasa_sager

  1. here is the for silent install and after making exe file of silent install i used this procedure ADDON METHOD Copy and paste [between the lines] into Notepad __________________ [general] builddate=2006/11/25 description= language= title= version= website= [EditFile] I386\SVCPACK.INF,SetupHotfixesToRun,AddProgram [AddProgram] example.exe ____________________ Change example.exe with the actual switch-less installer name you are using Save this file as Entries_exampleAddon.ini Put the emample.exe into a folder named SVCPACK use rar or 7zip to package the ini file and the svcpack folder together with the same name as the ini file but nlite is not accepting the file for nero i dont know why i do same procedure for msn, itunes and winamp.. successfully added to my xp cd .. but in case of nero the error is as follows Unsupported File K:\Nero.7z can't able to understand.. one thing i want to confirum my procedure .. for making silent install 1st i have to install the main exe file into a folder .. then zip it using 7zip. in ultra mode, and put it into a folder.. after it i have to copy a file named as 7zS.sfx and then write the config file as i upload it .. after it i used this command copy /b 7zs.sfx + config.txt + (whatever the archive name).7z (Installer_Name).exe and one exe file is created that is silent instell kindly tell me is that procedure is right ? plz mention here my mistakes .. config.7z
  2. i have downloaded the file now i want to make an add-on of it ... should i create directly cab file of it ? or doing complete process for making silent install ? or its allready an a silent install file ?
  3. thnx buddy let me check
  4. excuse me guyes ... i have a problem .. i make 7zip files according the procedure define earlier ..than make it cab file .. but as the windows in last stage there is a msg "7.zip The System Cannot fine the file" can any one help me ?
  5. i checked ur link hmmm but i want ask about its switch .. if u use nlite add-on software for making cab file what switch will use for kaspersky
  6. from where i get this file PEiD.exe plz provide the link
  7. Not Found The requested URL /codomain/peid was not found on this server http://peid.tk/ the files is not found ...
  8. its for vista ... i need add-on itune 7.62 for xp
  9. need help for msn switch i have msn 8.1 and also switch for Kasper sky also want to install its key.
  10. i tried its working thank you ilko_t
  11. i want to make kaspersky add-on includding its key, can any one help me ? and i also want to ask about swtiches, as i want to make msn messenger add-on from where i got it's switch
  12. i want to add my Creative Audigy 2 drivers in my xp cd, how can i do this ?
  13. hmmm ya i saw it now .. thnx
  14. hello all here. i am a new user. this is Ali from Pakistan. I am really happy to found this forum, u can say i have no idea about any thing here but i want to learn alot , i hope u with all ur support i'll me able to learn many good things here.
  15. how do we know that any application need swtiches or not ? and from where i get msn swtich ? can any one guide me about that ?
  16. Hello ... i want to make an add on of office 2007 for xp.. is it possibe ? and is there any serivce pack for office 2007 ?
  17. hay guys i got it... its successfully run by the usb thank you i have one more question left that if by using nlite include some addon in xp and burn a cd .. and that cd is used as for xp source and make a usb bootable xp... so the add on added in the cd will also be in usb ? can they also be installed from usb with xp ?
  18. as u said "When using Nlite did you select Operating System Options-->Manual Install and Upgrade for removal? You must NOT in order to install from USB" i did'nt select operating system option i just add sp3, some drivers and remove windows help and support and some languages by using the given options of nlite nothing else ... and in my xp in folder of i386 i have file of winnt32 file present. my xp is in english language .. i have also complete the setup and successfully bot from usb ... now how to install xp from usb ? and pardon me about my confusing question
  19. ok i got about HDD2 now i just want to install xp from my usb drive as we do from CD. i read about its procedure and download the usb_multisetp8 file and create a usb drive by following its instructions ... now how can i run xp windows setup from my usb as we can run from xp cd. guide me plz i think now i clear my question and i am sorry about the post in windows xp i am new here i saw latter this thread of Install Xp from USB.
  20. is it possible to include msn yahoo nero office all these software in xp using nlite ? as xp install all these softwares are also preinstall by xp .. is it possible ?
  21. well i have download the file named as usb_multi boot_8 when all the usb multi boot file trying to copy files there were one file not found names as bootfont.bin which was failed to copy ... is it cause any type of error ? and for what reason it'll not be able to copy .. as i have image to xp cd which was my source.. and this xp has sp3 and i also remove some fonts when i was using nlite to make this cd .. is that error for this reason or any other ? and one more error occures .. as i finised all job i boot with my usb its works .. but in 3rd option which hi INSTAL WINDOWS XP FOR HDD2 ... as i select this .. there was an error ... unable to read from HDD2 check the location or some think like that ... need help .. One thing more my usb have file sytem FAT16 and C: is NTFS ... plz plz kindly help me .. i want to run xp setup from my usb ... i'll be really thankfull to all ... kindly tell me how to get rid of it ...
  22. Hello Alls. .. i am new here .. i need a help. My problem is that i am trying to boot from usb but its creating many errors... well i tried different ways.. here i want to say first that my i have GCNL intel motherboard completely supporting usb boot and having corsair 2 gb flash drive ... for making is boot able 1st i format it using FAT system by HP USB DISK STORAGE FORMAT TOOL after that i copy three bot files from main root of C: named as boot.ini ntdlr and ntdetect.com and copy to flash root then i used a third party software named as BartPE follow the instruction and make a boot able usb .. after completing when i boot my system .. as it start booting there is a black screen with blinking courser nothing else no more activity .. now on other hand i use BartPE bulit command for making boot files on my usb called as pe2usb -f <usb drive> when i complete this there was 4 files in my usb named as winnt.isf ntdetect ntdlr and BartPE.iso, after completing the procedure i tried again to boot my system from usb but this time the error was different .. it boots from usb but there was 2 lines on a black screen remove distake or other media press any key to restart as i press any key the system runs no normal mood as normaly xp boots from C drive .. in short i tried alot but unable to get success now i need ur help kindly guide me for this .. looking fwd for replies ..
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