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Everything posted by Francesco
What about replacing the 32x32 µTorrent icon (that looks horrible when windows uses 48x48 icons) with a nice 128x128 XPized version?
Any hope for a nice smooth progress bar in the install dialog? It requires just a timer that slowly increases the percentbar position to reach the current percentage (the update frequency in milliseconds should be calculated from the difference between the current percentbar position and the real position it should have).
Yes it's the most advanced however other download manager have different features: gigaget has the netgrid technology that searches mirror websites better than flashget's shareurl and also has a better IE integration, free download manager has a video preview etc.
Have you tried gigaget? I switched to it as soon as flashget integrated the google toolbar crap in the installer. There are also plenty of flashget clones around (free download manager, wellget, leech get) however except for gigaget none of them have flashget's low cpu/ram usage.
Please if you find bugs on vista try to report them on MS forums: we risk that those bugs will end up in the final version. As everybody can realize the current builds are still full of pesky bugs everywhere and unless they're security bugs it's very hard that MS will fix them after vista release.
Yes there is and it's SpeedDisk from the Norton Systemworks. However it's quite old (they never updated it since 2001).
I think that's because the newbies don't see the guide in the homepage. Usually people look at the navigation bar or check out the downloads section on the website and can't see the guide because it's in the homepage (and you have to scroll down to see it).
Well now you have the hotfix you can try installing that one too to see if this cpu usage stops.
But In my first post I was talking about system files. I don't care about extra applications at all: when you integrate XPize in the DVD it surely doesn't patch 3rd party applications. The way XPize replace the resources is already flawed: I just made some easy suggestions about implementing my idea surely there are plenty others but since XPero is just using a nsis setup using reshacker.exe and FC.exe seemed the simplest idea to me. At least extracting the resources and comparing them would make XPize safer (less system files replacements).
As long as I know windows the hotfixes replace the entire files. Yes I already know that XPize already updates the resources without knowing if the file is the same it is meant to be patched I just made my suggestion considering that such a practice won't change. However XPero could save correct CRCs of the resources and compare then when they're extracted (there aren't localized resources images as long as I know). So XPize can extract them, compare the extracted resource image files' crc with one stored internaly in the application and be sure the resource it's going to patch is correct. That is probably the best workaround because with CRCs check there won't be messes if the dll is different (another version).
I added 3 other languages (CSY/DEU/NDL) I hope that somebody will send me other languages too.
Where's the problem XPize can just extract the resources with reshacker and it can use FC.exe windows utility to compare them. There's no need of a magician to do such a simple task. But this is not a bug it's a feature suggestion Ehm what application are you talking about? XPize? Isn't that programmed only by XPero?
I'm pretty sure it has to do with something nLite changes: surely it's not an nLite fault it's a MS bug however I think there's something nlite does that triggers that bug. I have clean XP installs that never presented that problem and I also have nLited XP install and all of them had that problem so I suppose that it is a problem caused by an integrated update. The important thing for now however is that we have the patch.
Great news: we have the patch! Thanks to live.com i've found a website (hotfix.xable.net) with a database of HotFixes and the patch for MU cpu usage was there! Look at my first post the download url is there!
You can upload it on RARhost or RapidShare however the first one is better. It should come out 2-3 months after vista however it will just be a collection of hotfixes like the old service packs.
It is slower but it's more accurate. If it's just a version string then the check will be pretty fast: XPize doesn't patch a big number of files. But it's the most accurate way to do that job because XPize can know if each file has been patched. That does what? altering the version strings of the files?
I'm almost sure that the patch I posted in the first post is the only way to fix this mess. There is a bad and a good news: the good news is that I think the problem is caused only by the buggy MSI.dll, the bad is that it could be that a wrong version of MSI.dll integrated by nLite. I'll check this out and report later.
Is your OS nlited? BTW if you have a very fast cpu the 100% cpu usage goes away almost immediately: you should try opening the task manager and visiting MS update to see how much cpu it uses during the check to be sure that you don't have that problem..
It may even be an install and forget app however since people are forced to uninstall it before installing new versions don't patch some files anymore it's an enormous security risk if old versions of the files are restored: it makes the system vulnerable. Also it breaks applications like WMP that do an heavy check on all the files versions. You shouldn't backup the files: you should backup the replaced resources and put them back if the files is still the same you patched when you uninstall xpize. That way you save hd space and also you avoid all security risks because the system files dll/exe code remains the same and only resources are changed. You're wrong. New XPize versions can be installed on top of old ones. No need to uninstall. But you told me in another post that if a newer XPize version doesn't patch a certain system file anymore it won't restore it! If I want the file restored I have to uninstall the old xpize and then install the newer version. For example I install an older XPize that patches a file that doesn't like being patched and starts giving problems: in the new xpize version you may fix that problem by having xpize not patching that file anymore. But users using an older version of XPize if they install the newer version over the previous one will still leave that file patched and the problem will persist: the ony solution is uninstall the old version and install the newer one.
It may even be an install and forget app however since people are forced to uninstall it before installing new versions don't patch some files anymore it's an enormous security risk if old versions of the files are restored: it makes the system vulnerable. Also it breaks applications like WMP that do an heavy check on all the files versions. You shouldn't backup the files: you should backup the replaced resources and put them back if the files is still the same you patched when you uninstall xpize. That way you save hd space and also you avoid all security risks because the system files dll/exe code remains the same and only resources are changed.
What's the "C:\windows\xpize\Backup" dir used for then? Aren't those files restored? You're right. That's a XPize flaw that I've just fixed. XPize Reloader will backup newest files, so when uninstalling you will have latest version of files restored. Coming in next version What happens to those who don't use xpize reloader when they uninstall xpize? Will they still get old versions of the files restored?
I think that a better idea would be to skip all the files that XPize usually integrates in the cd. It won't be the same thing (because it will require XPize to be installed before the hotfixes) but at least it it will make things faster.
Un, dos, tres : Log slipstreamed resources, slipstream the log, read back this log after windows setup. ++ That isn't a good idea because there are some MCE hotfixes that should be applied after windows installation. XPize should be run after the hotfixes and as you can imagine at that point the log won't be accurate anymore. The best idea is to extract the resources and compare them or let XPize change the file version structure adding it's own signature (so it doesn't need to extract all the resources but just the signature to find out if the file is patched or not.
Yes there should be a poll for that but I didn't create the poll well so I can't edit it anymore . Let's hope that the forums admin will re-enable poll editing. I didn't remove any component on the installs where I had those problems. There's something wrong with MU and I got problems with it on all the unattended PCs. **** there must be a way to find out what creates this problem. There's a patch for that so it's a MS bug but there should surely be something triggering all this mess. I didn't need it I didn't remove any component or service.
Please could you let the users edit their own polls? When new polls are created only moderators can edit them