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Everything posted by Francesco
What program is best to control my pc via internet
Francesco replied to eyeXpose's topic in Windows XP
just use windows xp professional built-in remote desktop software, it's very fast, you can find it's client in all windows xp (accessories->communications->remote desktop) and it also transfers sounds! To enable it first must set up a password for your user and after go in control panel's system properties and enable it in the "remote connection" tab. -
Display driver to ATI Radeo 9600 on Dell Inspiron
Francesco replied to Treefingers's topic in Windows 2000/2003/NT4
I think that you also need to install drivers for your display in order to have the correct resolution showing in the display properties. If you have problems installing ati driver, then try uninstalling the windows default driver from the device manager, then reboot in vga mode and try to install the ati driver again (if ati drivers don't work then try using radeon omega drivers (www.omegacorner.com) that usually are more compatible with radeon mobility cards) -
Eeeck!! What's this big edit box about? Something tells me that this is a text box for the post message ... Commander Data, please analize this antiquated device in order to find that out... Stellar Date 12345678910: Dear earthlings, i'm sure you got bored to lose a lot of time to configure all those fresh windows 2003 installations. That's why I, captain of the windows 2003 enterprise edition starship , negotiated with the microborgs for a simpler way to configure your fresh install automatically. All the scripts are made with AutoIT (you can find it easily using google) You can make executables from those scripts by saving them as .au3, right clicking the saved files and using the Compile script function (naturally you must install AutoIT in order to have that function appear) Here they are: This is to set audio acceleration to maximum AutoItSetOption("WinWaitDelay",1000) Run("c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" & " /c c:\windows\system32\mmsys.cpl") ; Change in the following line the "Proprietà - Suoni" string with the title of the sound properties dialog WinWaitActive("Proprietà - Suoni") ; Change in the following line the "z" with the keyboard shortcut key for the "Advanced" button in the sound properties dialog Send("!z") Send("^{TAB}") Send("{END}") Send("{TAB}") Send("{END}") Send("{ENTER}") Send("{ENTER}") This is to set video acceleration to maximum AutoItSetOption("WinWaitDelay",1000) Run("c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" & " /c c:\windows\system32\desk.cpl") ;Change this to display properties window name WinWaitActive("Proprietà - Schermo") Send("^+{TAB}") ;Change the "v" with the keyboard shortcut key for the advanced button in the resolution tab of display properties Send("!v") Send("^{TAB}" & "^{TAB}" & "^{TAB}") Send("{END}") Send("{ENTER}") Send("{ENTER}") This is to APPLY A THEME (I use it for the royale theme (save the theme files in c:\windows\resources\themes before!) AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 1) RunWait("c:\windows\system32\net.exe start Themes") RunWait("Royale.exe") Run("c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" & " /c c:\windows\resources\themes\Royale.theme") ;Change this with the display properties window title WinWaitActive("Proprietà - Schermo") Send("{ENTER}") Here are also various interesting registry settings: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ;Disables CtrlAltDel for logon [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] "disablecad"=dword:00000001 ;Enables audio service [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AudioSrv] "Start"=dword:00000002 ;Enables themes service [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Themes] "Start"=dword:00000002 ;Disables the request of the shutdown reason [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Reliability] "ShutdownReasonOn"=dword:00000000 "ShutdownReasonUI"=dword:00000000 ;Restores image acquisition service [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stisvc] "Start"=dword:00000003 ;Restores imapi (burning) service [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ImapiService] "Start"=dword:00000003 I've also found a way to enable automatically directx acceleration but it's a bit messy, if somebody really needs it i'll post it.
Version 3.5.1 Discussion
Francesco replied to Kelsenellenelvian's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Hello. I don't know if this is the right place where post a feature suggestion however here it is. It often happens that some applications don't work/install under certain windows versions (for example some may install on windows xp and may not install on windows 2003). What about adding a special dependancy expression to require a certain windows version? Thanks in advance and sorry for my crappy english Btw great work -
Oh My Goat! I've got the same problem with files not being found by the 1° part of the setup. I've tried to integrate the drivers in a win2003 cd (I've used nlite on that cd before integrating the drivers). This didn't happen with the previous driverpack base. I've trying setting the files to uppercase but this seems to have no effect: I still get the error.
I agree with buletov statement. Software modems expecially conexant ones have all the same HW IDs and installing the wrong driver would lead to a windows crsh. Somebody may even think that using generic drivers, like the ones in the conexant website, is a good idea but it's not: in fact they have lot of problems (for example on some modems the speaker won't shut up after connection (and I can tell you that desoldering all those modem's speakers is very boring)). Maybe creating a modem driverpack would be a good idea, but attention should be paid for hardware with same HWids unless you want to place a big "unattended crashing cd" label on your just burned install cd. (oh yes I want one!!)
To all ASUS motherboard owners!
Francesco replied to Bâshrat the Sneaky's topic in The General Stuff
Device Instance ID: PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_0571&SUBSYS_80ED1043&REV_06\3&267A616A&0&79 Matching Device ID: pci\ven_1106&dev_0571 Hardware IDs: PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_0571&SUBSYS_80ED1043&REV_06 PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_0571&SUBSYS_80ED1043 PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_0571&CC_01018A PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_0571&CC_0101 I hope this helps... -
I've tried almost all the most used defrag utilities around and to help out people that are insecure about which one to choose i've made a small list with the pro and cons of them: - DISKEEPER Pros: With its I/O Guard it pauses the defragmentation if the disk usage is high (so you can work without hangs) (only in version 9.0) It's fast and his scheduling system probably is the best around. Cons: The files are not ordered by some criteria (date or access time) like most defrag utilities do. Sorting by access time is very important to speed up booting and application startup time. In older versions when it starts defragmenting big files (isos etc) it slows down everything until the file gets defragmented - PerfectDisk Pros: Very fast and efficient defragmenting engine that sorts the file by access time It has a smartplacement method that is very efficient: it's a compromise between defragmentation time and file sorting. Cons: The scheduling system isn't configurable as the one present in other defrag programs. - Speed Disk Pros: It defragments everything even the mft without rebooting! It's the most efficient and fast defragmenter engine avaiable It lets the user specify the position where files should be placed Cons: Every time you defrag it moves all the files again! ALL THE FILES!! Only a mad person would use a defrag utility that moves all the files every time you start it! it's crazy!! Defragmenting the MFT while windows is running is VERY VERY risky: if your windows crash the partition is lost. The scheduling by defragmentation level is completely buggy - O&O Defrag Pros: Since it moves little pieces of the file at once it doesn't slow the system like other defrag utilities do. It has a very well designed gui and also a good working scheduling system Cons: It's defrag engine sometimes messes up and crashes or hangs even in the newer versions My suggestions: SPEED: Diskeeper or O&O defrag for the users that want to defrag their computers while they're working with it since they don't slow down the system EFFICIENCY: PerfectDisk or Speed Disk for the users that prefer speed and want to defrag their computers while they're not working with them. STABILITY: PerfectDisk or Diskeeper since they use microsoft defragmentation API and are certified by microsoft (I don't know if O&O is certified too)
I had a feeling someone would say something like that. I know this all started right after I defragmented the drive, however I only used the defragmenter that is built into Windows and no other program. I even tried using a data recovery program and not the one you suggested yet, and some sectors were bad when it was being scanned. In this case, if I were to recover my files would I have to reformat the drive again? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't touch that drive!!! there's an acronis utility to recover lost partition !!! It's called Acronis Recovery Expert: with it you can recover all the lost partitions in a drive in a matter of seconds. I don't know if there are freeware tools that do the same job however if you can obtain a copy of that program it should solve your problem. If you can't manage to recover the partition with some windows utilities you could even try to use linux fdisk program: if your partition was using all of your hard drive space and the problem was caused only by a partition table corruption you'll just have to create a new ntfs (or fat32 depending on which filesystem you were using before) on the hard disk with the same dimensions of the lost partition and it should work after. And if using linux fdisk will not recover the partition you can try doing manual recovery with easyrecovery professional or other recovery utilities around (there are a few freeware ones that do the same things): easyrecovery and some of the recovering utilities around rebuild the previous filesystem informations and then recovers the file according to them.
Err did somebody at least notice that norton doesn't even detect a virus if you compress it using freeware programs like exestealth or upx (I don't know if nav 2005 extracts upx/exestealth compressed executables but since previous versions did not I suppose that for 2005 too (also I don't know if something changes with the corporate edition but since the defs are the same I suppose not)) There's no antivirus that can detect all the viruses, however with all those virus variants compressed or encrypted using all those executable compression/encryption utilities that are easily found on the web how can you trust an antivirus that doesn't recognizes them? Even the most basic freeware antivirus like antivir or avast! extract those files and correctly detect the viruses inside of them! Most of the spywares/trojans/viruses/worms that spread in the internet are just the recompressed or encrypted versions of the original ones and symantec has to add new defs for each of them: this makes very difficult for norton to detect all of them. This is not meant to be a flame it's just a way to show that often not all the software is as good as the producers try to make it appear.
Your Video Card Or Drivers Are Not Compatible
Francesco replied to WBHoenig's topic in Windows XP Media Center Edition
Just open regedit and point to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Display Settings Then Add 2 DWORD KEYS called DisableDxCheck and DisableDx9CapsCheck and set both their values to 1 and media center should start without problems and without all those nasty recompiling things Have fun -
Your Video Card Or Drivers Are Not Compatible
Francesco replied to WBHoenig's topic in Windows XP Media Center Edition
i've found a referenge in the assembly to a certain "DisableDxCheck" thing, probably it's a registry key that when disabled turns all the dx9/ram check off... i'm giving a look at this right now i'll post some updates as soon as I can -
Your Video Card Or Drivers Are Not Compatible
Francesco replied to WBHoenig's topic in Windows XP Media Center Edition
I have the same videocard (radeon VE aka radeon 7000 (32mb of ram)), i've done the same things and I'm still getting the same error