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Everything posted by SunLion

  1. Oh yes, Microsoft removed the download! I have it in DEU and ENU and I will upload these files. Can anybody offer this file - Windows-KB909520-v1.000-x86-XXX.exe - in other languages? here version ptb: http://www.mediafire.com/?o02a6ichv65g5su
  2. Hi Mr X, I used this WindowsUpdateAgent with the hfslip normally and, in my testing with VirtualBox this don’t occurred. After the installation has been completed, I visited the Windowsupdate and wasn't prompted to install another activex. Take this opportunity to thank everyone for the excellent work!
  3. Hi MimO, This is version 7.6.7600.256 of WindowsUpdateAgent, created with the script of the -X-, our Patron. The integration worked very well with HFSLIP. If it is of interest to you and other users, here is the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?8zmc8u9lyhdvbia
  4. Thank you, I will do it! Kel Is the best suggestion. Once again, congratulations on the excellent work you do! Cheers
  5. Sorry, I'm ataching the file. Config+script.rar To update information: I made a new attempt using the script below to install the office hotfix and also put the Dropbox to be installed last at WPI: @ECHO OFF cwnd /HIDE @ SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION PUSHD %~dp0 FOR %%A IN (*.MSP) DO ( Start /Wait %%A /quiet /norestart ) EXIT With that, everything worked fine! Maybe the previous script has some conflict with the WPI (?)
  6. Hi Kel, this error occurred after I did an installation in VirtualBox and among the applications at WPI was Dropbox, who was insisting on not closing the last window ... I believe that is what caused the improper closure of WPI. Then I tried again to install the hotfix from office2003 using a script of Solor (mydigitallife, annex). I don't know if there is something wrong with the script, but it is not working when I try to install on XP Pro SP3, in VirtualBox. To install these hotfix put all .msp files in a folder along with the installer.cmd and add this file cmd to be executed at WPI.
  7. How to resolve this type of error? When I run the application installation via .cmd file, is appearing this error message: "A previous WPI instance has not been closed correctly. Please close WPI correctly to allow the internet Explorer debugging keys to be propertly restored" I started and closed the WPI several times, but the problem persists.
  8. Hi Kali, Thank you very much for the quick reply.
  9. Hi, could you share your Geej modified by DarkMadness CabMaker 3.3? It would be very helpful! Appreciated.
  10. Hello chrisbraines, Maybe this helps. I used TotalUninstall to scan all installation processes and changes in the registry. After I used the files installed in C:\Program Files\BenVista\PhotoZoom Pro 4 + reg file and've rebuilt the installer using InnoSetup. Works well for me.
  11. Thanks Kels and crash1977, also was with the same problem and now everything is fine
  12. link: http://www.virtualltek.com/downloads/redirect/3
  13. Thanks, Mimo!!! Very good work.
  14. Thanks Escorpiom!
  15. Thanks Mim0!
  16. hi mimo, I can't download the file HFSLIPFC v.2011/01/10 with XP-update-list v.2011/04/12. Is giving error... Am I doing something wrong?
  17. I use the configuration below with the register, logon as administrator: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ;IE9 Preferences [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main] "DisableFirstRunCustomize"=dword:00000001 "Check_Associations"="no" "Friendly http errors"="no" "Show image placeholders"=dword:00000001 "Start Page"="about:blank" "UseSWRender"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MINIE] "AlwaysShowMenus"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PhishingFilter] "EnabledV9"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes] "DefaultScope"="{52ADEEAA-7118-4D93-944B-4C284B1DD322}" "DownloadUpdates"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{52ADEEAA-7118-4D93-944B-4C284B1DD322}] "DisplayName"="Google" "URL"="http://www.google.com/search?q={searchTerms}&rls=com.microsoft:{language}&ie={inputEncoding}&oe={outputEncoding}&startIndex={startIndex?}&startPage={startPage}" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TabbedBrowsing] "Groups"=dword:00000000 "NewTabNextToCurrent"=dword:00000000 "NewTabPageShow"=dword:00000000 And work fine.
  18. Hi Cyberyeye Here updated language portuguese (ptbr) for ASC [PTBR] BtExec_txt=Iniciar MenuF_txt01=&Arquivo MenuF_txt02=Criar Instalador MenuF_txt03=Sair MenuC_txt01=&Idioma MenuC_txt02=Avira MenuC_txt03=ASC Gui MenuH_txt01=? MenuH_txt02=Sobre ASC MenuH_txt03=Licenca MenuH_txt04=Faq MenuH_txt05=Commandline Label1_txt=Veja abaixo os passos para a criacao do Instalador step_txt01=Clique em 'Iniciar' para criar o novo instalador: Avira.exe ! step_txt02=Passo atual: Descarregando Avira setup ! step_txt03=Passo atual: Extraindo arquivos do Avira setup ! step_txt04=Passo atual: Descarregando arquivos de definicao de virus mais recentes ! step_txt05=Passo atual: Extraindo arquivos de definicao de vírus ! step_txt06=Passo atual: Empacotando todos os arquivos agora (7z) step_txt07=Passo atual: Criando o novo Instalador do Avira... step_txt08=Finalizado ! Novo instalador criado: Avira.exe Unp_txt01=Descompactando Avira agora... Unp_txt02=Descompactando arquivos de definicao de vírus mais recentes... Pack_txt01=Comprimindo novos arquivos agora... Crt_setup_txt=Criando agora o novo arquivo instalador do Avira: Avira.exe av_txt=Descarregando Avira... avdef_txt=Descarregando arquivos de definicao mais recentes... av_old=ASC - Apagar ou salvar o arquivo Setup do avira original? av_old02=Voce deseja apagar os arquivos do Avira descarregados nesta pasta? av_old03=Arquivo: av_old04=Arquivos de definicao de virus: vdf_fusebundle.zip av_old05=Opcao recomendada: Sim av_old06=Nota: Servidores de descarregamento do Avira as vezes estao muito lentos ou 'inativos'. av_old07=Neste caso tente outra vez mais tarde ou descarregue manualmente o Setup do Avira av_old08=de outro website: chk_dsk_txt=Criar um icone no Desktop chk_sm_txt=Criar uma pasta no Menu Iniciar cfg_title=Avira AntiVir Personal 10 (PTBR) cfg_prompt=Este instalador inclui arquivos atualizados de cfg_prompt2=.\nClique OK para iniciar a instalacao! cfg_extract=Extraindo arquivos, aguarde... cfg_cancel=Cancelado cfg_finish=Instalacao do Avira concluida! cfg_help=Comando para instalacao silenciosa com barra de progresso: -y option=Opcoes Opt_Light=Criar Instalador Light (Asc Light) Opt_Light_tips=See Faq: ASC Light (apagar alguns arquivos originais para a versao light do Avira.exe) CheckFileTxt=Verificar servidores do Avira CheckFileTxt_Tips=Verificar se todos os arquivos estao disponiveis no servidor do Avira! BtCheckSrv=Verificar Regard, Sunlion
  19. I created addon with the version “3.00-Slim” and he did not install chrome… I used the /S command.
  20. My opinion is of that the updates must consist of script the integration of all, also the optional ones, that they could be added for in agreement integration the interest of each user. Cheers
  21. bphlpt, How excellent notice! All we will be very grateful for this its initiative. Also, we will look for to help in what it will be to our reach. Success! Cheers
  22. someone help me In relation to NDP30SP2-KB982524-x86, with iexpress you it will have to create two new installers (EXE), using two archives MSP its interior: NDP20SP2-KB976576.msp and NDP30SP2-KB977354.msp. Put the two new installers in the folder of the SNM. It does not place in the same folder the original archive NDP30SP2-KB982524-x86. With me it functions very well.
  23. For the archives below, it uses tutorial of iexpress in this post: NDP20SP2-KB2418241-x86 NDP30SP2-KB982168-x86 NDP30SP2-KB982524-x86 iexpress tutorial.pdf – download: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=30257 In the case of the NDP35SP1-KB2416473-x86.exe, you to only add it in the folder of the SNMsynth, that it will be processed normally. It is not possible to integrate Net 4 with this method, therefore it does not consist of script of strel.
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