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About keul

  • Birthday 02/12/1979

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  1. prathapml: is your oemlogo displayed when you use the autounattend file submitted in your 1st post ? Mine doesn't as windows stores the path in a REG_SZ key instead of a REG_EXPAND_SZ mc: I use a modded version of prathapml's autounattend file, set network as "home" and never get network page on 1st startup. And now that I use sysprep with a second xml file with network set a "home", I don't get it either... Tell me if you need more information.
  2. I apply reg tweaks during first login (with autologon), then install apps and finally execute sysprep (with copyprofile). It seems that first login is the best way to apply tweaks because if you do it before, HKCU won't be imported for default user. However, I can't exactly mimic what I used to do during XP unattended install : whatever I do, some reg tweaks keep being erased by windows : HCKU\Control Panel\WindowMetrics\PaddedBorderWidth HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Superhidden These settings seem to be overwritten when an account is first logged (ie when windows does its pseuso RunOnceEx things -> "Configuring Desktop", "Configuring Internet Explorer" ...). I managed bypassing this issue by importing reg tweaks in a runonce key so that it's done after first account configuration. Then, at first logon, Administrator account has all tweaks applied. But this only moves this issue one step beyond : when sysprep executes, copyprofile is successfully done (new user accounts got nearly all tweaks applied), but one more time "Configuring..." erases some of them for this new account. Can't remember if I already tried re-adding runonce reg import just before executing sysprep so that reg tweaks import would be done for new account as well... Anyway, I find this method pretty much complicated for such a basic thing.
  3. I've got the same issue here and I'm still trying to find an easy way to apply HKCU tweaks for default user (as for now, only hklm tweaks are applied and not even the true Administrator account with autologon inherits from hkcu, only .default has them applied but as it's been said it's only used when no user is logged on so it's of no use anyway) If I understand correctly what I see in setupact.txt, CopyProfile seems to be run before RunSynchronous during specialize pass...
  4. Your problem lies in the fact that you're missing this statement in <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" ...> <UseConfigurationSet>true</UseConfigurationSet> Without this, $OEM$ folder won't be used at all, according to MS.
  5. About "some good ideas" (adding BTS_DP.cab...), I think I found something that may be interesting. During my attempts to use compressed drivers in windows setup, I found interesting (and undocumented) information about winnt.sif with a good disassembler and windows system files. I can't remember well (it's been something like 6 monthes ago), but I think I managed to tell windows to automatically use another cab file in addition to sp2.cab (which was automatically unpacked if I remember well). My notes (which I can hardly read/understand ), mention this entries in winnt.sif : DynamicUpdatesWorkingDir DynamicUpdateAdditionalGuiDrivers UpdatesSources UpdateInstalledDrivers It think the second one had to be set to "1" or "yes" and the first one to... something else (I wrote : "If 2nd one is set, 1st one is concatenated to DevicePath" but I can't remember what it did exactly). Not sure about the third and fourth... Unfortunately (well, not for me ), I found a job at the end of 2004 so I haven't got much time to do some more tests about it, but someone with even medium skill in disassembling should be able to figure out how it works (if it works, of course, I don't even remember why I gave up)... Sorry if my indications are not precise enough to be useful but I thought I had to share this...
  6. If you want to save space with this driverpack, I might suggest removing language files, leaving only english ones (as far as I know, this works well for nvidia drivers and saves a lot of space). But if you want to keep every driver language, to provide real international driver packs, I think it could be useful to give tools to remove languages other than the ones the user chooses. Then, dealing with unattended CD (this makes no sense with DVD), users would be able to recompress 7z archives keeping only their language, which would result in more space on the cd. Of course it would not save any byte of bandwidth for you . I dont know wether this is possible/useful for other drivers in this pack, but a few monthes ago, I made a batch for nvidia that is working pretty well. You can use/distribute it if you want. It's here. And Prathapml made something similarhere. I totally understand you don't want more work and don't consider to develop tools yourself, but the 2 above already exist, so why don't make use of it ? And to finish, I also think it's a good thing to split DriverPack Graphics.
  7. If you try to install non whql drivers, this is totally normal, or in other (microsoft) words : This behavior is by design. Here is the answer from Msdn.
  8. Well... if you think so, read my explanation again carefully, including step 2 : And check the batch file I link to (nvShrink.cmd) Here is the code, for everybody's convenience : @echo off REM nvShrink : Nvidia driver shrinker for unattended installation REM . REM Usage : "nvShrink xx" xx=suffix for language files to keep REM if no argument is supplied, suffix=eng REM ie: "nvShrink fr" will keep french language files REM . REM version 1.0 by Keul for www.msfn.org REM Language Suffix Checking REM ------------------------ set SUFFIX=%1 if "%1" == "" set SUFFIX=eng :checkPacked if not exist nvrs%SUFFIX%.dl_ goto checkUnpacked if not exist nvwrs%SUFFIX%.dl_ goto checkUnpacked if not exist nvcp%SUFFIX%.hl_ goto checkUnpacked if not exist nvwcp%SUFFIX%.hl_ goto checkUnpacked goto begin :checkUnpacked if not exist nvrs%SUFFIX%.dll goto suffixError if not exist nvwrs%SUFFIX%.dll goto suffixError if not exist nvcp%SUFFIX%.hlp goto suffixError if not exist nvwcp%SUFFIX%.hlp goto suffixError :begin REM Expanding files REM --------------- if exist *.??_ expand -r *.??_ if exist *.cf ren *.cf *.cfg if exist *.cp ren *.cp *.cpl if exist *.dl ren *.dl *.dll if exist *.ex ren *.ex *.exe if exist *.hl ren *.hl *.hlp if exist *.sy ren *.sy *.sys if exist *.tv ren *.tv *.tvp if exist *.xm ren *.xm *.xml if exist *.??_ del /Q *.??_ REM Removing setup files REM -------------------- set FILELIST=(data1.cab data1.hdr data2.cab engine32.cab ikernel.exe layout.bin setup.bmp Setup.exe Setup.ini setup.inx setup.iss Setup16.bmp setup.skin setup.ibt) FOR %%I IN %FILELIST% do if exist %%I del %%I REM Removing language files REM ----------------------- ren nvrs%SUFFIX%.dll nvrs%SUFFIX%._dl ren nvwrs%SUFFIX%.dll nvwrs%SUFFIX%._dl ren nvcp%SUFFIX%.hlp nvcp%SUFFIX%._hl ren nvwcp%SUFFIX%.hlp nvwcp%SUFFIX%._hl ren nvcpl.dll nvcpl._dl ren nvcpl.hlp nvcpl._hl ren nvwcplen.hlp nvwcplen._hl if exist nvrs*.dll del /Q nvrs*.dll if exist nvwrs*.dll del /Q nvwrs*.dll if exist nvcp*.hlp del /Q nvcp*.hlp if exist nvwcp*.hlp del /Q nvwcp*.hlp ren *._dl *.dll ren *._hl *.hlp REM We're done REM ---------- echo Done. echo. goto Exit :suffixError echo Error : Some language files with suffix "%suffix%" were not found. Shrink aborted. echo. :Exit So, do you really think the purpose is different ?
  9. Don't you think this method is the same as this one (which was written 2 monthes ago) ? In fact, every nvidia whql driver IS compressed, only beta drivers come already unpacked.
  10. I think 1 file is missing from your driver pack : in 3C\3, there are EL2K_9X.sys and EL2K_2K.sys, but not trace of EL2K_XP.sys, which prevents this driver from installing in Windows XP.
  11. I've noticed a problem with your installer (I don't think it was there with 5.04) : I've just reinstalled windows and installed winamp.msi the way I always did before : Winamp.msi Xlibrary=1 Xintex=1 Xmodernskin=1 Xaudio=1 Xnsv=1 Xvisual=1 Xextra=1 Xregopt=1 Xtray=1 Xname=XXXXX Xkey=XXXXX /QN Everything installs as it should, but when I doubleclick on a mp3 file, winamp is launched but file is not played or even added to playlist (the same goes for right-click + Play in Winamp / Enqueue in Winamp). After a quick look in registry, I found what caused the problem : in hkey_classes_root\winamp.file\shell\play\command the key should be : "C:\Program Files\Winamp\Winamp.exe" "%1" instead of : C:\Program Files\\Winamp\Winamp.exe "%1" (I think the problem lies in missing quotes rather than in the doubled \) Notice that quotes are missing in every winamp key, not just play\command. Am I the only one affected by this problem ? EDIT : Ok, maybe something else caused the problem. I tried the "repair" option from the msi file with no success. But desinstalling/reinstalling was enough to make it work, no need to modify any registry key.
  12. One thing that could prevent Windows from rebooting is a peripheral in a "wait-state" (I had the same problem with a canon scanner until I installed drivers).
  13. And here ? Nondriversigningpolicy BTW, I don't think you can install ATI or any other drivers no WHQL if windows already has one (according to my second post in the above topic). You will need setupapi.dll hacking or inf file removing.
  14. It's been 6 months I'm using PDFCreator in my unattend cd with no problems at all, no need to install GScript or whatsoever (required files are already included), and install file is 7.21 Mo. installation parameters : PDFCreator-0_8_0_GNUGhostscript.exe /verysilent /norestart download location : here
  15. That's what I'm trying to do right now
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