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Posts posted by sleepnmojo

  1. Have you seen the controllers? They are hideous. I'm sure they will have different ones by the time they launch, but who was the genious who decided to showcase those?

    Who cares if it allows 7 controllers too. With limited real estate on a tv, who would want that many? Doubt any game would support more than 4.

    As far as I see all this is just PR. By the time the system comes out, I'm sure they will make compromises, and the system won't be nearly as good as what they advertise. The XBOX on the other hand, is probably final, so they can start manufacturing and selling by Christmas.

    Take a look at some of these specs too. Looks like someone just took the crap that Sony was feeding them, and put it out on paper, much like Fox News and the Whitehouse.

    Output in HDTV resolution up to 1080p as standard
    When did the 1080p come out. Last I checked it was 1080i. I still prefer 720p games, over 1080i.
    Detachable 2.5 inch hard drive

    Much like the elusive hard drive for the PS2. This was a big selling point when it came out, but where were the HDs?

    CPU Cell Processor running at 3.2Ghz with 7 special purpose 3.2Ghz processors, capable of 218 gigaflops of performance

    How much is this system again? I'll believe this when they launch it with that.

    None of the specs even matter. It is ALL about the games. Which system gets exclusives, and plays and looks better on. There are some games I prefer to play on PS2, and some on XBOX, but to be honest I prefer my XBOX over the PS2. The PS2 also had a head start over the PS2, which made it fairly popular. Maybe this will give the xbox the kick it needs.

    Will sony offer a service like xbox live, and for free?

    So far I think both systems look OK, but I'm not putting my money on either system. It's all about what each system has to offer, when it comes out. I'm not going to read the PR bs, I want the hard cold facts. So sad that so many "professionals" here do that for work, but can't for a gaming console? Call me when the PS3 comes out, and then we can see which system is better.

  2. Here is a cut up version of my inf file. I have it set for Zoom player, but you can easily change it to MPC. All that you would need to change is

    """%16422%\Zoom Player\zplayer.exe"" ""%1"""

    to where ever MPC is.

    Signature="$Windows NT$"


    ;Zoom Player-----------------------------------------------
    HKCR, "ZoomPlayer.File", , %REG_SZ%, "Zoomplayer media file"
    HKCR, "ZoomPlayer.File\Shell", , %REG_SZ%, "Play"
    HKCR, "ZoomPlayer.File\Shell\Play\Command", , %REG_SZ%, """%16422%\Zoom Player\zplayer.exe"" ""%1"""
    HKCR, "ZoomPlayer.File\DefaultIcon", , %REG_SZ%, "%16422%\Mega Codec Pack\icons\codecs.ico"

    HKCR, ".bin",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"

    HKCR, ".ifo",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".vob",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"

    ;Matroska video
    HKCR, ".mka",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".mkv",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"

    ;MPEG video
    HKCR, ".mpg",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".mpeg", , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".mpe",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".m1v",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".m2v",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".mp2v", , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".mpv2", , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"

    ;MPEG4 video
    HKCR, ".mp4",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"

    ;OGG Media
    HKCR, ".omg",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"

    ;other media
    HKCR, ".divx", , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".xvid", , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"

    HKCR, ".asx",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".wax",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".wmx",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".wvx",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".zpl",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"

    HKCR, ".avi",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"

    ;windows media
    HKCR, ".asf",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".wm",   , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"
    HKCR, ".wmv",  , %REG_SZ%, "ZoomPlayer.File"

    REG_SZ                = 0x00000000

  3. i use "AND" , "OR" . is not my text there .

    ok . for no more confusion , just one question

    what is the difference between

    A. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.31 <- version above

    B. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.03 <- k-litecodecpack.com

    Sorry, misread your original statement. To answer this one...

    The k-litecodecpack.com is simply an older version. It was a site set up by someone to make money off the hard work of others. There were a couple sites just like it when k-lite was popular, and one for suprnova, if you typed it incorrectly.

  4. Hate to pull up old topics... but does this have any corrilation with windows file sharing?

    In other words, lets say I share out a ton of files from my pc for others on my network to access.  If I have more than 50 items shared (or whatever the default is) should I apply this fix?

    I only ask because Im having major unexplained issues trying to access certain shares on my pc from other pcs on my network.


    This wouldn't have anything to do with your problem. This would be for something like a p2p program which connects to many clients. I believe the main reason for its create was to combat spam, from zombie computers.

    As for your problem, it may be limitations of windows shares. I believe they only allow 10 connections at once. So if many people are connecting that way, that may be your problem.

  5. Tried that. No Go. Must the dword be 1 (on) or 0 (off)?

    As I've stated the problem is with an offline defrag after restart. It usually start even before the GUI part or any login. I've also deleted the automated startup scan job. In what batch file does WinXP put pre-gui startup jobs?


    This is to fix a different problem than your defrag problem. One everyone is having a problem with.

    As for the defrag problem you are experiencing, I can not reproduce it in VMWare, using build 40 of Perfect Disk.

  6. faf4life is correct -

    Regardless of how many tweaks etc... you have, you are only allowed a certain ammount of bandwidth and your limitations. Using stuff like this to completely max out what connection you are allowed could also lead to your connection being capped by your ISP.

    I don't see why they would cap your download for downloading files. This isn't a P2P program, and isn't like you will be download excessively with it 24/7. I use it to download pretty much everything, but the biggest advantages are when it's a large file (like SP2). If a ISP did cap you for reasons like this (what they advertise) then they will be shooting themselves in the foot.

  7. If you have a server, there is more you can do.

    Have each installation look up something unique on the server, and grab the necessary runonce file, users, or any other info you want them to get. If you are sticking with with the same programs; you could leave them on your dvd, but server would be better.

    I'd recommend the MAC address. Have it look in a hidden share. You could even copy individual programs into each directory, and just do a copy over to the computer. To save space look for junction by sysinterals, which makes hard links of files (just be careful of a delete).

    The best thing about all this is that you can write it in a cmd file if you want.

    Then again, if you don't have a server, you could do pretty much the same thing just using the dvd drive as your "server". A server would be cooler though.

  8. Mega includes the quicktime alternative files. You should go to the directory where you installed the codecs, and look for a folder called quicktime. Inside there look for one called browser. It should have the folders you need to copy over.

    I'm doing all this from memory, but it should be close to what I said. Last time I checked, the alt didn't include all the plugins, but that could have changed since then. I'll post my xpi file, which will install them if you want.

    Edit: Doesn't seem to want to let me upload the xpi file. Odd since it is only 246kb. Hit me on pm if you want the xpi file.

    %PATH TO MEGA CODEC PACK%\QuickTime\Plugins has the plugins you were looking for earlier, but not all of the quicktime ones are installed in this method, so you can use my xpi file.

  9. How? Because I'm not sure how to enter the information, because there's 3 fields. What about the middle field?

    I'm not sure how to help you.

    First name, Last name, and email. If you don't know those, you should ask your mother, and isp. As for the code, look at the first post.

    To clear up everything, this is not warez. It is a promotion. I grabbed it from a deal site, which one is stated in the original post.

  10. install.sss should be in the directory where you install ultraedit.

    As for the registration, they did something tricky in one of the later 10.0 versions, but most of the others including 11 use the reg file. If you register and it doesn't create the reg file, then it most likely was the weird version. I have to see if I can find my old notes on the registry entries. It was probably what OdinsKrieger posted, but I will confirm when I find my old disks.

  11. I don't understand what you are talking about rebuilding a profile. I do something similar to what you want, but I'm not using Simon's installer.


    run firefox.exe -CreateProfile temp

    run firefox.exe -install-global-extension for each extension

    You can always delete the profile later, but I normally just leave it. Switch to a different user, it should create them a profile, and all the extensions should be installed. There are some issues still, such as gui problems with the extensions. I think most peoples ways of fixing the problem is just setting up one profile which everyone uses.

    I really don't see a need for an autoit script in this case. Now maybe if it was a plugin packed in xpi, then yeah, but not an extension.

  12. kwpro does this still need the /qb to silently install?

    There is an option to set it to just show the bar, or show a window for install. His file has it set to just show the bar. I hate switchless installers, so I have it show the window, and use /qn for a silent install.

    BTW, the problem still exists in 11b. I sent an email shortly after I started the topic to idm. They sent me an email that they were looking into it. So I would assume this will get fixed around version 12 :whistle:

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