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Posts posted by sleepnmojo

  1. Does anyone know any fixes? I've read somewhere about a bootable floppy disk that will erase a password could work. Is this true?

    Yes, I know a linux disk that can do it here. Read the warnings though.

    btw is the AutoLogonCount necessary? since I don't have it, is this the root cause?


    The AutoLogonCount is not necessary. It is used to limit the number of logins. I for example, have mine set to 1. On that login, the administrator installs all the programs, and sets up my users. If I needed another one, I would set it to 2. Since I usually just walk away on the install, I don't want it to log in as an Administrator, and give someone free reign of the computer.

    This loop was caused by the incorrect instllation - some important file such as the files concerning/relevat to pruduct licence and product activation are wrong(wrong files or modified, or missing).

    Solution: rebuild your cd, but only with original MS CD and authentical service packs, no  third party "patch-packs"! Use only verified install scriptings.

    Thats what I would say too. I have had one problem though where I installed a regtweak which had the same effect. In my testing it didn't have a problem, just on one system.

    To discover the problem, I started with a clean cd, with just the winnt.sif file. If I didn't have the problem, I would add on more stuff. Did half my programs, checked for problems, till I eventually came to the conclusion it was a regtweak. Repeated the same procedure with the regtweaks, till I found the culprit.

    does anyone know what the AutoLogon does?

    like does it add something to the registry?

    It logs you in, automatically :P Yes, it makes a registry edit, which can be found in the ref.chm on your xp cd.

  2. Offtopic: what do you mean make your runonceex "on the fly"

    how do you do that? care to explain?

    I have a batch file which parses the %INSTALLDIR%. It will look through each folder, and look for a file which has all the commands to install the program.

    I say "on the fly" because I don't add the runonceex entries till I am ready to install. This allows me to keep my program installation fairly modular. Rather than remove files, and then having to edit the runonce file, I can just move a folder out of my %INSTALLDIR%. The file that I keep the commands in, is fairly easy to read, much like a command file. Also updating is simplier now, as I just copy the updated program folder over, and run the batch file.

    I posted an old version of the file a while ago. I'll have to dig up the thread.

  3. I'm using Maxthon now. Does Firefox much better than it?

    I use firefox as my primary browser, and maxthon as my backup.

    However, I suggest you try a couple browsers. Firefox is great, as long as you have all the extensions. There were some features in maxthon that I liked, but didn't really think about them when I was using firefox. Once I got the extensions, I can say I'm happier about my experience with firefox. So you may not know what you really want until you see it in another browser.

  4. For me, it is the last thing to do before reboot.

    I can't show you what my runonceex looks like, because it makes it on the fly, but this is the command I call.


    That file looks like.

    CMDOW @ /HID
    TITLE Installing Reg Tweaks

    SETLOCAL & PUSHD %~dp0
       FOR /D %%d IN (*) DO CMD.EXE /C %%d\install.cmd
       FOR %%I IN (*.REG) DO REGEDIT /s "%%I"
       FOR %%I IN (*.INF) DO RUNDLL32.EXE setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 %%~fnxI

    It recursively goes through my regtweaks directory looking for any reg and inf files, and installs them. This allows me to easily split up the files for different programs, HKLM, HKCU, file associations, etc.

  5. How are you installing the extensions? Via command line, or profile? Sounds like you might be doing both.

    If you install via command line and want to update; you should uninstall the extension, then install the updated extension via command line.

    Never heard of the bookmarks problem, but it could be a problem with how you are installing everything.

    I would recommend starting with the normal setup, and install just your extensions and themes. If you are doing more, then I say you are doing to much.

  6. It looks like you are applying the tweak while the user logs in. Do you do a restart afterwards. I would assume a logoff/login would fix it.

    Some programs look for keys, then load the programs on login. If you overwrite those keys, the program is still running. Since run/runonce/runonceex all run at login, I would say the program is already up and running. Easiest fix would be log off, and log back on after applying the tweak.

    If it sticks around, then I suggest you just do a removal of the tour for all users. If you are only trying to remove it for one user, it seems kinda pointless to make a regkey for it, when you could just close it, and never see it again.

  7. I have a batch script that downloads all the files for you, and will make a rar sfx file. I don't really use it anymore, because Ryan has a pack with more updates that aren't publicly available. I do repack it though, as I'm not a big fan of the switchless installers.

    I can post it, and I can modify it for 7z if anyone is interested.

    There is one prob with your guide. Looks like you forgot to close one of the code tags, so the utf file and batch file are running together.

  8. An ini file is very simple, but usually has no meaning unless used with a program.

    This is the basic layout of an ini file.


    This won't help you with registry modifications though. They have a similar layout, but that doesn't make it an ini file.

    Registry or .reg files need the program header (REGEDIT4), or the newer version, and it follows similar syntax to ini files, but with some modifications here and there. For reg files, I suggest you look at the registry tweaks sticky at the top. I wouldn't just copy the files, but take a look at how they are structured. It should give you a good understanding of how they work. They are very basic, so it shouldn't be to hard.

    If I have misunderstood you again, you will need to clarify. ini files have no context unless placed with a program.

  9. Let me be the first to say, they look fine. I didn't actually look at any of them though. The best way to know if they work for you is to test them out on your own. You may not like some, and find problems with others on your hardware.

    May I suggest you break them up into smaller files, so its easier to test? Also I wouldn't recommend posting such a big file, because everyone usually just passes it by.

  10. I'm guessing you mean inf, not ini. For inf files, you can look for gosh's tutorial, and the best place would be microsoft documentation.

    Doing a search here, and on google would probably help you the most. I learned most of what I know through the microsoft documentation. If you have a question, you can always post. There seem to be a handful of people who understand inf files around here pretty well.

  11. Since it looks like you have everything right, I'm gonna ask you to post the entire winnt.sif file. Sometimes the problem can lay somewhere in there, and you may not notice it.

    Also I want to clarify if you are doing a cd install or network. Also where are you placing the $OEM$ folder and winnt.sif file?

    It sounds like you did everything right, but it isn't running the OEM parts. This is generally caused by the OemPreinstall missing from your winnt.sif file, or a misplaced folder. Looks like you have both of those, but I just want to double check.

  12. No no

    HKU\.Default is the login session, not the default user. You should rarely have to touch the keys in there.

    By importing it into the default profile, I mean load the registry hive of the default user. This can be done by either regedit or reg.

    In regedit, goto the HKEY_USERS section, then go to File -> Load Hive. Browse to your Default Users directory, and load NTUSER.DAT. Name it something (default is what I would use), then import your key to it. You can unload the hive once you are done with it, but it shouldn't matter.

    In reg.exe, you need the load command. Should look similar to


    then load the key.

    By T-12, I talk about on a clean install, but I think most people know that on this site.

  13. sleepnmojo, what is the timeframe for the re-creation of the automatic startup scan? I have removed it from PCs on my network by deleting the key I posted previously (no need to delete the entire 'Custom Tasks') and been through several reboots and it has not come back, without adding your key.

    If you were to delete the whole Custom Tasks key, then I would say after next login. As for the key you posted, it wouldn't matter. As long as the CreatedUserQuickScan key is there, it shouldn't come back. Since you don't delete it, it won't come back.

    Now you could just import the key at t-12, or import it into the default profile, and not have to delete it at all.

  14. I'll give those a try. I ended up finding one yesterday that SAV couldn't detect, even updated to latest and greatest. I was looking for a link to send it in, but couldn't find one. I do believe it has been discovered though, because I typed some info in google and came up with variants.

    I ran it through VMWare just to play with it, and didn't look like it did much. I could remove it manually, so I felt it was pretty weak.

  15. Well I'll see if I can figure something out, suggestions are appreciated.

    Did you change the default installation path? I could see that messing up the icons.

    Now on pcs installed with my unattended disc, if I download something in Firefox, it gets downloaded to:

    C:\Documents & Settings\ZILEXA\DESKTOP (all in capitals)

    instead of the desktop of the current user...

    How can I change this? it is VERY annoying!

    Check in the default profile for a prefs.js. In there there should be a download directory path, just delete it.

  16. rem * Removing auto-created startup scan to avoid high CPU usage.
    reg delete "HKCU\Software\Intel\LANDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\Custom Tasks" /f

    This is only a temporary solution. You need to add the key I specified in post 43 of this thread. When SAV doesn't see it, it will create the startup scan. The Symantec solution is similar, but adds an extra key, which isn't really needed.

  17. Am I doing something wrong as I get the following message:

    " 'D' is not recognized as an internal or external command "    and " 'Destroy' is not recognized as an internal or external command "

    my script is:

    start /wait %systemdrive%\packages\spybot\spybotsd14.exe /VERYSILENT

    ECHO Spybot Search & Destroy 1.4 Installed!


    what gives??

    Seems it is having a problem with a copy of some sort. Most likely something to do with Search & Destroy somewhere. Doesn't make sense for an installer to have that problem. Are you doing something else that might be related to spybot?

  18. trying with
    @echo off

    start /wait "%systemdrive%\program files\mozilla\firefox.exe" -add-global-extentions %systemdrive%\oem\ffxpi\extention.xpi

    Seams to just start firefox (in browser mode) 

    where the same command (without start /wait)  does install the extention - anyone for comment???

    Make sure you have the right parameter


    Also make sure you don't have another firefox.exe running, as that would cause problems (this is why I insist on the start /wait).

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