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Posts posted by sleepnmojo

  1. What you could also try is through sysoc.inf, as this should give similar results.

    Can you explain in more detail how to do this?

    Since you like gosh's tutorials, you can check his.



    You can also check RyanVM's update pack, he does the same in there.

    Can you put a little sample?

    I would assume this would work for your next question

    HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","mommy",,"rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection Extras.Add 128 ..\Windows\Inf\RunOnceX.inf"

  2. I understand what you are doing now.

    Have you tried placing it in the RunOnce section instead? This would hide any window, and I wouldn't see a conflict arising with the RunOnceEx section.

    As for the T-12, I was assuming you were doing this in command lines, but I can see why you are doing it the way you are. What you could also try is through sysoc.inf, as this should give similar results.

  3. I was gonna reply to this, but not having the time to test it right now, I can only speculate.

    I'm guessing you import the Prepare section at T-12. After your first login, I can see 2 scenerios. The first is that it processes the first entry, goes on with life, and adds the next entries for next login. In doing so, it may delete old entries, and the title may be one of them.

    The next scenario would be it processes the first entry, and then goes onto the next one you just imported. Since it would be after 00, it would logically go onto the next step, thus not rendering the title properly.

    Until I can get some time to test this, I can't answer you. You could always fill me in on what is going on. Have you tried moving the title section up to the Prepare section? Also why don't you use the RunonceEX variable in that section as well? You can remove the flags key if you are using XP, as that stopped working in 2000.

  4. Just tested out the program. Works pretty nice. Had one file it couldn't get, said it couldn't find a handle.

    Ended up using the ForceDel posted here by someone else. That did the trick. I guess I will have to test them out some more, and may add one to my unattended cd

  5. As he said there are many other references not documented in neither os those documents.

    I saw them once but i cant find them now.

    I should probably clarify, the ref.chm file has all the supported information in the winnt.sif. This means the unsupported ones may or may not work, and can be removed with any update.

    As for the location, check on the windows cd. Look for a deploy.cab. I believe the website explains where to get it also.

  6. Aren't A and B the same option?

    I would say yes. You should be able to replace the HD. Depending on how old the computer is, you may be limited on size. If it is newer, I wouldn't worry about it, and you can find HDs that are less than 50 cents per gig. My best advice would be to read the manual that comes with your computer. It should show you how to replace the hard drive. If you don't trust yourself, find a 13 year old kid to do it, or a computer repair shop.

  7. Does anyone know what this -ira switch does?

    This is supposed to disable the RunAppX sections in the installer, but I don't think it is really needed anymore. I usually leave it, in case they decide to update the installer.

    And my extensions won't install. What am I doing wrong?

    This is part of my RunOnceEx.cmd:

    REG ADD %KEY%\070 /VE /D "Firefox" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\070 /V 1 /D "%PP%\FF\FF.exe -ms" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\070 /V 2 /D "\"%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla\Firefox\firefox.exe\" -CreateProfile default "%USERPROFILE%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\071 /VE /D "Firefox Extensions" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\071 /v 1 /d "\"%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe\" -install-global-extension %PP%\Install\FF\XPI\1.xpi" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\071 /v 2 /d "\"%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe\" -install-global-extension %PP%\Install\FF\XPI\2.xpi" /f

    Firefox installs fine, but not the extensions.

    Is the profile-creation done right?

    (I don't want to make a SFX with a ready-prepared profile, I'd rather do it this way..... if it's possible..)

    There could be a couple problems. I know some extensions have issues, but its usually rare. If you are doing this on a slower computer, or VMware, it could be taking its time making a profile, or installing old extensions. I would check to make sure the profile is made. Then for the extension, I usually add the start /wait, otherwise it seems to jump to the next one, creating problems. I usually consoladate the installing of extensions in a batch file, which I have posted in another thread.

  8. I have edit config.ini

    Look for this

    -ma: Run setup in Auto mode.\n *

    -ms: Run -setup in normal fashion.\n

    change to

    -ms: Run -setup in Silent fashion.\n

    I know I haven't downloaded the file, but please tell me those aren't the edits you made to make it silent, because that shouldn't. That is the usage string, ie when you use the /? this is what is shown.

    What is everyone's obsession with silent, switchless installers? I group that together with a trojan. Leave the switches in there.

    It looks like the installer is larger than the normal (english) installer. I'm assuming the swedish would be around the same size. Are there other changes to the installer? If all you want to do is make it switchless, you are adding a lot of extra space for something so trivial.

  9. I do something similar to this with my 7z sfx files. I usually remove the gui as well, because I keep it strictly for compression. The thing that should save the most space is removing any bmp and icons. You can get rid of the smaller ones as well, as window will just take the largest one, and scale down accordingly for color and size.

    @Cartoonite I know with the command line tool it doesn't matter. Sorry that is all I tested it with before I switched over to 7z.

  10. surely someone out there uses SAV CE 9.x/10.x and uses the virus scanner for something....All I need to know is what file (exe) to use and then I think thats it...I've tried a few, but nothing seems to happen...

    Anyone out there help... :}

    Thats why I have my auto protect on. Don't see a need to scan it twice. Once the file is finished downloading, it should be scanned by auto protect (at least when I save to desktop).

    Thats how I do it, and don't have a problem.

  11. 1) install firefox

    2) create profile

    3) install extensions

    Thsts how I do it.

    This is my syntax for creating the profile.

    "%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla\Firefox\firefox.exe" -CreateProfile default "%USERPROFILE%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles"

    Then my batch file to install extensions.

    PUSHD %~dp0
       FOR %%I IN (*.XPI) DO (
           START /WAIT "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla\Firefox\firefox.exe" -install-global-extension "%%~fI"

    I recommend the START /WAIT option so you know all extensions get installed before the next.

  12. I have an installer which does all but 2, 3, and 6. This is all using the default installer.

    2. This is just a pain in the arse. There would be to many modifications to both the extension and installer. I usually prefer to do this via command line, and I see no simple way to integrate the many different extensions easily. Good luck with that one.

    3. These are similar to extensions, but I haven't checked. Themes would seem easier, but I only run the default theme. If I could ever find one that looks halfway decent I would try to integrate it, but still, there is the command line.

    4. Have it, and it is selectable in the installer

    5. Don't really have it, but you could copy in your bookmarks.htm file into the installer. Which would be simple.

    6a. I have this, and only installs the desktop link if there is a user, otherwise it is the pinned icon. I haven't tested it, and I have it deletable. Though I wouldn't mind someone checking it for me.

    6b. You have two 6s. This would be user dependent, or machine specific. This may also require an extension, but I haven't looked into it to much.

    I could post my installer, and you can dissamble it, and try to add the parts I won't do.

  13. No, that shouldn't be a problem.  Its not the number of shares, but the number of concurrent sessions open (limit 10).

    I already told you once that's incorrect. It's not the number of concurrent connections that are limited, it's the number of incomplete TCP/IP requests that are limited. You can have 100 concurrent connections so long as they're not all trying to make the connection at the same time.

    We are talking about two different things. You are talking about connections to the OS, I am talking about the limitations of XP's windows shares. With windows shares you can have 10 concurrent connections max, unless you have server 2003 standard or better. I understand what you are saying, but you need to understand what I am saying.

  14. What is the WinRAR SFX header, and is it required? If so does it have a function?

    If you are talking about the *.sfx files you use to make one; yes it is required. That has all the executable code for the sfx. So the gui that you see is in there, and the code to decompress is in there.

  15. Hrm.. so lets say I have like 5-7 (def no more than 10) shares setup on my main pc, of which has numerous folders inside of each share, but only accessing these shares from 2 PC's max.  Should this limitation have anything to do with random folders not appearing under some of my shares?

    No, that shouldn't be a problem. Its not the number of shares, but the number of concurrent sessions open (limit 10).

    Right click on my comp, click manage. Open Shared Folders, and click sessions. Make sure you have less than 10 connected there.

    If this doesn't fix your problem, then I suggest starting a new thread, as this doesn't appear to be a tcpip.sys problem. As I stated earlier, the modified tcpip.sys is more for p2p programs which need more connection/sec than normal.

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