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Everything posted by angel0104

  1. is there any way that i can't prevent my dsl connection get lost? sometimes the ppp status get disconnected and i still have to reboot the modem manually by turning the power off. or is there any program out there that can do it for me? e.g. automatically restarts the modem in case of connection lost. thanks.
  2. hi does anyone have a generic working driver for vimicro webcam for x64? tnx.
  3. hi friend. microsoft has just issued msurp1. when will 5.1 be released?
  4. does windows 2000 server support hyperthreading? if i convert it to pro by using tweaknt, will it still enable hyperthreaing? just wondering...thanks...
  5. hi. i have an old scanner that uses parallel port. i currently have the setting EPP 1.7 on my bios. the site say's that the scanner supports ecp. what mode should i use? i also have the bi-directional option & normal. my old printer is connected to the scanner. i have the asus p4s800d-x board. i always have the error not connected... or parralel port is in use by other application... what should i do? please help... thanks.
  6. hi! i'm currently having trouble burning a file which i've downloaded. it came with an iso and an elf file. what program can i use to burn the elf file to make a successful working disc? it's about 3mb. and by the way, what is the .elf extension? thanks.
  7. by the way will this work? del *.jpg /s /q how do i silently run it? thanks
  8. thank you guys for your help...
  9. hi can someone please help me --- how do i create a batch file which would run on xp and can delete jpg/jpeg files on all drives/partitions. e.g., it will search every drive and folder and delete those files. really need it badly. thanks.
  10. i have a 120gb divided into 3 partitions. i've accidentally damaged my 2nd partition. the 1rst and 3rd partition was successfully recovered by scandisk. please help? what free prog can i use to recover it? explorer recognizes the drive but it says that it is corrupted/unreadable and on the property it says raw. can i delete the partition and recover it again? thanks.
  11. i have my encarta 205 installed which runs cd/dvd based. i updated it. i'm just curious where does encarta store the updated files that i've downloaded. please help. i just don't want to download again in case i reinstall my windows. thanx.
  12. i've downloaded it from ryanvm's site. i've also tried the one attached on the uxtheme forum. still no luck. i just continued the installation - i got into windows and to my surprise i was able to change my visual style to an unpatched one. i just don't understand why there's a message like that. would it be okay if i revert back to uxtheme 2180?
  13. i get an error during the text portion of xp setup saying that uxtheme.dll is not a valid xp system image. could it be that there's something wrong with my txtsetup? can anyone help me...
  14. in sound pack A, can you make these packages: nforce realtek cmedia via in one package because most boards have these in common... 'cept for the nforce... thanx...
  15. which would you recommend? a Pentium 4 3e or Pentium 4 2.8 LGA 775?
  16. can i use my vlk xp instead of the disc1 from mce05? mce 05 depends on the cd key right?
  17. got the 2800+ n ocd it to 2g. i'll try oc more higher l8r.
  18. hi! my ua cd doesn't seem to show the add user wizard after install. i've just checked it using vpc and it didn't show up. how do i enable the wizard? or is this caused by ryan's new pack 1.2? 'coz the old pack that i had work with no probs.
  19. then would p4 2.8 lga 775 or p4 3e - prescott & HT be a wise choice?
  20. hi! i'm currently running athlon xp 3200+ and i'm planning to upgrade, would the athlon 64 2800+ be a wise choice because it's currently the only processor available here where i live. and also the board that they have is asrock... msi - out of stock....
  21. hi! i have xp mce w/ sp1 integrated. i also have the mce 2004 disc which contains the update and wmp9 w/ some fixes. is there anyway that i can create a single disc out of the two? how? and can i integrate xp sp2 after that?
  22. nope 'coz m using my unattended xp to install on two different pc. so it jsut would be nice if i could get the wizard back... thanks.
  23. thanks but no thanks...am already using it. i just want to use it for checking my mail - which i like it's kinda itegrated. silent install of msn 7 would be nice if integration is imp.
  24. how do i slipstream the old msn explorer 7 on xp sp2? is it possible to copy the files over from xp sp1 to xp sp2? what are the files needed? thanks.
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