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  • Birthday 03/20/1965

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  1. You can use DISKPART too, I feel it's a better tool for this type of thing: C:\> ECHO LIST VOL | DISKPART | FIND "NTFS" Volume 1 C System NTFS Partition 20 GB Healthy System Replace NTFS with CDFS to find the CDROM's. You'll have to do some parsing of the results, but this is cleaner and quicker than most methods.
  2. Just download the latest full installer versions from Adobe: Firefox Plugin Internet Explorer ActiveX Install with /S switch. It's really simple, and the above installers don't have that "Ask Toolbar" or other spyware riddled crap.
  3. From my experience this would be a bad thing to do. Syspreping with ANY applications installed is a bad idea. The problem is that Microsoft's Sysprep utility does not change SIDS and CLSID's that it is not aware of. There are also registry permissions that would get fouled up. If attempted, it may even "seem to work". However, you are very likely to have a PC that crashes unexpectedly all the time. I am a firm believer that Syspreping in this manner is the main reason Microsoft Windows is seen to be "Unstable" by many people. Windows is exrememly stable if installed properly.
  4. That's a great list, thanks 03GrandAmGT
  5. You can't find it in plain text in the registry, you need a KeyFinder to decode it for you.
  6. Thanks for the info Mr Jinje! I'll definitely try the RSAT and report back.
  7. It doesn't make sense though. In Windows (with the exception of terminal server) you can't have multiple sessions of the same user account active at the same time. And separate accounts all have separate temp directory locations. Am I wrong here? I'm only asking this because I was running in to a huge problem installing ESET Remote Administrator on a newly installed pristine Windows Server 2008 box. The installation program was using the user settings from the registry and the modified one with the appended directory. This caused it to bomb out big time. I finally fixed the problem by setting the user tmp/temp variables to point to the appended temp directory.
  8. Does anyone know what's going on here: In Windows Server 2008 and 2008R2 The TEMP and TMP directory settings are set in the System Properties (like previous versions). However, when I open a command prompt or open explorer in the %TEMP% directory the setting is appended with a subdirectory. The subdirectory is a number and seems to correlate to the session you are currently working under. For example, if I have the user TEMP variable set to C:\TEMP in system properties and I open a command prompt window and type, "ECHO %TEMP%" the result will be C:\TEMP\1\ (see screenshot). Why is Windows doing this, and how do I turn it off?
  9. You make a script that is used to launch the program, instead of directly pointing to the exe file. The script could use tasklist.exe to see how many instances of the program are running and react accordingly.
  10. The only way I know id to check the security log on the domain controller using event viewer. Do a search for the users logon name.
  11. [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* EncryptedAdminPassword=NO AutoLogon=Yes AutoLogonCount=5 OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=004 OemSkipWelcome=1
  12. Wow! BCD's are really registry hives? ... I got to check this out.
  13. MrJinje, you are my hero! I knew there had to be a way to easily add default user profile settings! This is fantastic news! I don't have enough exclamation points to convey my joy! I've been trying to get an answer on this from Microsoft, and it seems even their "experts" are ignorant. Check out the bottom of this thread where I ask Microsoft's "Deployment Guys" about this (last comment). Now I can go back to recursively loading reg files, like I used to do at T-12 in XP/2003.
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