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Everything posted by roytam1

  1. it consists "MailNews" and "Borealis" (a browser-only Seamonkey application forked by (removed due to request))
  2. since it is a front-end of Gecko engine like what K-Meleon does, you will have restrictions from Gecko side no matter what front-end you use.
  3. New build of BOC/UXP for XP! Test binary: MailNews Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20181229-b1a7d10-uxp-83cd9661c-xpmod.7z Browser-only Suite Win32 (removed due to request) source patch (excluding UXP): (removed due to request) No official repo changes since my last build. For UXP changes please see above.
  4. New build of basilisk/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.1.win32-git-20181229-83cd9661c-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.1.win64-git-20181229-83cd9661c-xpmod.7z diff: https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/UXP-xp-gitdiff-20181110.7z PM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.3.0a1.win32-git-20181229-83cd9661c-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.3.0a1.win64-git-20181229-83cd9661c-xpmod.7z Official repo changes since my last build: - Revise lifetime management of IntersectionObservers. (c9d920e9c) - Intersection ratio should be 1.0 for zero-area intersections. (107a68cb1) - Use targetFrame->GetRectRelativeToSelf() as the initial intersection rect. (0626e1cef) - Map intersectionRect to the coordinate space of the target document. (6cfd7509c) - Use content area as the intersection rectangle ... (fa97cddb3) - Fix singed/unsigned type confusion for intersection threshold. (85d43d68b) - [intersection-observer] Calculate areas using int64_t. (7771a8716) - Re-enable intersection observers with WD spec patches. (4319edc1a) - [PALEMOON] Initialize the search service asynchronously from 'about:home' and 'about:newtab' (cb2f0f614) - Merge pull request #919 from JustOff/nsIBrowserSearchService_async_init (bfedd7d40) - Fix crashiness of IntersectionObservers. (3cf7e874f) - Add performance warnings to Deprecated module. (202e78b73) - Add UXP Coding Style guideline document (WIP) (83cd9661c) My changes since my last build: - update libaom to git rev 9b1252eab0616d2c1f6d7990c6256441c0b6483f
  5. Its javascript engine requires SSE2, it will output SSE2 instructions to processor even you don't use SSE2 to compile it.
  6. New build of BOC/UXP for XP! Test binary: MailNews Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20181222-b1a7d10-uxp-ba81aaf07-xpmod.7z Browser-only Suite Win32 (removed due to request) source patch (excluding UXP): (removed due to request) Official repo changes since my last build: - Fix l10n string for changes in https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP/pull/688 (3049e7e) - [INSPECTOR] Make domi build on its own or as a bundled extension - Part 1: moz.configure (38bfa3e) - [PROFILE_SWITCHER] Make Profile Switcher build on its own or as a bundled extension (a4679e9) - [MAIL] Backout accidental commit of bundling profile switcher (92ae30f) - Update issue templates (aaf7a82) - Update issue templates (4ea8582) - Revert "Update issue templates" (3985980) - Update issue templates (d4d07f4) - Update issue templates (e474e53) - Update issue templates (62f1dd6) - Update issue templates (b1a7d10) For UXP changes please see above.
  7. New build of basilisk/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.1.win32-git-20181222-ba81aaf07-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.1.win64-git-20181222-ba81aaf07-xpmod.7z diff: https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/UXP-xp-gitdiff-20181110.7z PM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.3.0a1.win32-git-20181222-ba81aaf07-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.3.0a1.win64-git-20181222-ba81aaf07-xpmod.7z Official repo changes since my last build: - Update NSPR to 4.20 (09ef48bd0) - Update NSS to 3.41 (74cabf794) - Clobber for NSPR+NSS update (c2478b9e1) - Update HSTS preload list (f0fe6b69d) - Issue #910 part 1. Don't navigate when location.protocol is set to anything other than http or https. (aa130641c) - Issue #910 part 2. Strip ':' and anything following it from the string passed to the location.protocol setter. (871c1d78c) - Issue #910 part 3. Throw SyntaxError from Location::SetProtocol on URI parse failures. (d0b9276f2) - Remove AndroidMediaDecoder and friends (ec2346967) - Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP (8b017fb09) - Remove OMX related options from configure (ea6cc74f2) - Remove omx-plugin 3rd party libs (5104ad6ac) - Stop including a dummy dll on Windows for broken old versions of WebSense. (ff8b573a6) - Merge pull request #911 from trav90/code-cleanup (7457ca4ac) - Stub out FxA context menu functions. (6f3a1803c) - Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP (680c3eadb) - Fix false positives in the preprocessor-checker (b7fac3839) - Make sure channel-prefs.js is packaged into MAR files. (d24869a15) - Update SQLite lib to 3.26.0 (aa771e77e) - Merge pull request #914 from JustOff/PR_preprocessor_fix (e91f221f2) - Return an empty set if getting recipes for host fails. (76c942b1d) - Replace status bar download overlay glow arrow with SVG. (ba81aaf07)
  8. Note: there is no build(or build can be done but no uploads) in upcoming weekend as I'm not available, builds will be deferred to 23, 25 or 26 Dec.
  9. its javascript stopped working in pm27: 17:14:04.693 SyntaxError: class is a reserved identifier 1 https://openusercss.org/_nuxt/vendor.af0c95bb7228d4d66349.js :2:1087548 17:14:04.700 TypeError: e[n] is undefined 1 https://openusercss.org/_nuxt/manifest.bdc8c1a7989b38b23d20.js :1:405 and in 45esr+tff: 17:18:56.672 SyntaxError: missing = in const declaration 1 vendor.af0c95bb7228d4d66349.js:2:1417211 17:18:56.681 TypeError: e[n] is undefined r() manifest.bdc8c1a7989b38b23d20.js:1 .T23V() app.b90414e318e505e5f45d.js:1 r() manifest.bdc8c1a7989b38b23d20.js:1 window.webpackJsonp() manifest.bdc8c1a7989b38b23d20.js:1 <anonymous> app.b90414e318e505e5f45d.js:1 1 manifest.bdc8c1a7989b38b23d20.js:1:406
  10. confirmed, but since there is no new official basilisk release, we can't test on official build. have a look on change sets but find no clue on what causing this happening.
  11. New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release: https://o.rths.cf/kmeleon/KM-Goanna-20181215.7z Changelog: Out-of-tree changes: * replaced download manager component in browser\omni.ja with PM27's one * update Goanna3 to git a6bf60af2..c581f09b3 - replace NSS with stock 3.36.6 and reapply VC2013 patch and follow nss patches: bug1449160, bug1451936, bug1453505, bug1460409, bug1463379, bug1464224, bug1464616, bug1464618, bug1464971, bug1465186, bug1465241 (d5ad11df8) - import changes from wicknix/Arctic-Fox: - new attributes useful for updates (332ff7f30) (partly applied) - do not use id as ivar, since it is a reserved Obj-C word and confuses the compiler (0ea1f06a8) - backport SnprintfLiteral from FireFox (f6a739f86) - upgrade libnestegg to FF 49 version and remove custom allocator (33aa4fca7) - complete nestegg update as per 84b4b7e346b8 (f389029cf) (8b697dad5) - import changes from wicknix/Arctic-Fox: - backport of Mozilla M1499028 (c60dccc45) - backport of mozilla fix M1510471 (3c5b4fb0e) (ce627dff6) - import changes from wicknix/Arctic-Fox: - best possible (for now) backport of Mozilla M1487964 (7f48c9cd3) - upgrade ContentPolicy to InternalContentPolicyType and ExternalContentPolicyType (61759ab90) (d8ef91cce) - import changes from wicknix/Arctic-Fox: - Backport of Mozilla Bug 1500759 - Root parameter dictionaries in AesTask::Init() r=keeler a=abillings (1cddfcec4) - Better scoping for code in IDBObjectStore::GetAddInfo. (bcfce71cb) - backport of Mozilla Bug 1507907 - null check result of CFDateFormatterCreate (a68b23bec) - backport of Mozilla Bug 1505181 - Use canonical function in TypeNewScript::rollbackPartiallyInitializedObjects (ffc7b3714) - Backport of Mozilla Bug 1506640 - Trace wrappers rooters during sweep phase (16af4fd05) - Backport Mozilla Bug 1245024 (b399b918f) - Backport mozilla Bug 1279303 - Implement change to O.getOwnPropertyDescriptors and update tests (314c7cc76) - Backport of mozilla Bug 1416774 - Ensure that imgRequestProxy::CancelAndForgetObserver removes itself from the cache validator + Some necessary other dependent backports (a0faf6ec4) - emable hasInstace among well known symbols (bfd9210d5) - add InstaceOfOperator (3c391b52c) - provide ReportValueError for newer code retaining for now js_ReportValueError (279617b0b) - backport of Mozilla Bug 1054906 - Implement ES6 Symbol.hasInstance (b778ff1d0) - add testfile for Bug 1278599 - Function[Symbol.hasInstance] should return false when called with a non-callable 'this' (782d21b60) - Mozilla backport Bug 1252228 - Fix heuristic in PropertyReadNeedsTypeBarrier to avoid bogus type information (2415d5ecf) - refactor js_ReportValueError to ReportValueError as FF code to better import patches, the actual function itself needs some updating (7029d375b) - Backport of Mozilla Bug 1492823 - Ensure user input suppression works correctly even after document.open. (e915368c5) - Backport of Mozilla bug 1496340 - make sure each nsISupports is an nsIX509Cert in nsNSSCertList::Read (45af216f3) - Backport of Mozilla Bug 1492524 (b0b14f5d4) - backport of mozilla Bug 1423278 - Correctly instantiate proxy authenticator with a lowercase schema (6acbed687) - Backport of mozilla Bug 1487098 - Reorder boolean expression to take advantage of short-circuiting (92ac69111) - Backport of Mozilla Bug 1493347: Drop DataChannelListener on Destroy() (2469aad46) - first add _setCanonicalName and then apply Mozilla Bug Bug 1236638 - Add JSFunction::setAtom and use it in _SetCanonicalName intrinsic to fire the pre-barrier (3405e66a5) - Backport of Mozilla Bug 1226762 - Add support for getting original builtin constructors and prototypes in self-hosted code. (a67be4304) (b75f004e8) - update Twemoji font to v11.2 based build. (c581f09b3) * Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.
  12. New Palemoon 27 Build! * This build is beyond official 27.9.4 build. 32bit https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.1a1.win32-git-20181215-c581f09b3-xpmod.7z 32bit SSE https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.1a1.win32-git-20181215-c581f09b3-xpmod-sse.7z 32bit noSSE https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.1a1.win32-git-20181215-c581f09b3-xpmod-ia32.7z 64bit https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.1a1.win64-git-20181215-c581f09b3-xpmod.7z source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27 repo changes since my last build: - replace NSS with stock 3.36.6 and reapply VC2013 patch and follow nss patches: bug1449160, bug1451936, bug1453505, bug1460409, bug1463379, bug1464224, bug1464616, bug1464618, bug1464971, bug1465186, bug1465241 (d5ad11df8) - import changes from wicknix/Arctic-Fox: - new attributes useful for updates (332ff7f30) (partly applied) - do not use id as ivar, since it is a reserved Obj-C word and confuses the compiler (0ea1f06a8) - backport SnprintfLiteral from FireFox (f6a739f86) - upgrade libnestegg to FF 49 version and remove custom allocator (33aa4fca7) - complete nestegg update as per 84b4b7e346b8 (f389029cf) (8b697dad5) - import changes from wicknix/Arctic-Fox: - backport of Mozilla M1499028 (c60dccc45) - backport of mozilla fix M1510471 (3c5b4fb0e) (ce627dff6) - import changes from wicknix/Arctic-Fox: - best possible (for now) backport of Mozilla M1487964 (7f48c9cd3) - upgrade ContentPolicy to InternalContentPolicyType and ExternalContentPolicyType (61759ab90) (d8ef91cce) - import changes from wicknix/Arctic-Fox: - Backport of Mozilla Bug 1500759 - Root parameter dictionaries in AesTask::Init() r=keeler a=abillings (1cddfcec4) - Better scoping for code in IDBObjectStore::GetAddInfo. (bcfce71cb) - backport of Mozilla Bug 1507907 - null check result of CFDateFormatterCreate (a68b23bec) - backport of Mozilla Bug 1505181 - Use canonical function in TypeNewScript::rollbackPartiallyInitializedObjects (ffc7b3714) - Backport of Mozilla Bug 1506640 - Trace wrappers rooters during sweep phase (16af4fd05) - Backport Mozilla Bug 1245024 (b399b918f) - Backport mozilla Bug 1279303 - Implement change to O.getOwnPropertyDescriptors and update tests (314c7cc76) - Backport of mozilla Bug 1416774 - Ensure that imgRequestProxy::CancelAndForgetObserver removes itself from the cache validator + Some necessary other dependent backports (a0faf6ec4) - emable hasInstace among well known symbols (bfd9210d5) - add InstaceOfOperator (3c391b52c) - provide ReportValueError for newer code retaining for now js_ReportValueError (279617b0b) - backport of Mozilla Bug 1054906 - Implement ES6 Symbol.hasInstance (b778ff1d0) - add testfile for Bug 1278599 - Function[Symbol.hasInstance] should return false when called with a non-callable 'this' (782d21b60) - Mozilla backport Bug 1252228 - Fix heuristic in PropertyReadNeedsTypeBarrier to avoid bogus type information (2415d5ecf) - refactor js_ReportValueError to ReportValueError as FF code to better import patches, the actual function itself needs some updating (7029d375b) - Backport of Mozilla Bug 1492823 - Ensure user input suppression works correctly even after document.open. (e915368c5) - Backport of Mozilla bug 1496340 - make sure each nsISupports is an nsIX509Cert in nsNSSCertList::Read (45af216f3) - Backport of Mozilla Bug 1492524 (b0b14f5d4) - backport of mozilla Bug 1423278 - Correctly instantiate proxy authenticator with a lowercase schema (6acbed687) - Backport of mozilla Bug 1487098 - Reorder boolean expression to take advantage of short-circuiting (92ac69111) - Backport of Mozilla Bug 1493347: Drop DataChannelListener on Destroy() (2469aad46) - first add _setCanonicalName and then apply Mozilla Bug Bug 1236638 - Add JSFunction::setAtom and use it in _SetCanonicalName intrinsic to fire the pre-barrier (3405e66a5) - Backport of Mozilla Bug 1226762 - Add support for getting original builtin constructors and prototypes in self-hosted code. (a67be4304) (b75f004e8) - update Twemoji font to v11.2 based build. (c581f09b3)
  13. New build of BOC/UXP for XP! Test binary: MailNews Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20181215-659730c-uxp-023af95ab-xpmod.7z Browser-only Suite Win32 (removed due to request) source patch (excluding UXP): (removed due to request) Official repo changes since my last build: - [MAIL] Set the compatible by default preference to 1.0 (9cd86cd) - [PLATFORM] Update commit pointer (bf281e3) - Commit basis for extrunner (4b38c79) - [PLATFORM] Update commit pointer (1c4c5f4) - [MAIL] Make the blocklist marginally easier to deal with (c6ecf6e) - [MAIL] Not our job to be a CA (c21540f) - Issue #55 - Reset the UI Language and Disable all langpacks via UI Version (4eea320) - [MAIL] Update Blocklist regex for langpacks (99bf1da) - [MAIL] Add blocklist URL (659730c) For UXP changes please see above.
  14. New build of basilisk/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.1.win32-git-20181215-023af95ab-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.1.win64-git-20181215-023af95ab-xpmod.7z diff: https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/UXP-xp-gitdiff-20181110.7z PM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.3.0a1.win32-git-20181215-023af95ab-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.3.0a1.win64-git-20181215-023af95ab-xpmod.7z Official repo changes since my last build: - Import Tycho weave client (0c47c83e1) - Update sync client for JS changes. (18473f184) - Update constants.js for array assignment. (04ebf989f) - Make Everything Work™ (eae3be4cf) - Fix error in locallyModified. (83e8906aa) - Teach Sync history engine about TRANSITION_RELOAD visit type. (a02c44648) - Merge branch 'master' into Sync-weave (579881ffb) - Merge branch 'master' into Sync-weave (26412bcab) - Pass exceptions directly to logger. (768a1b945) - Update constants. (bfc390405) - Prevent form sync error when there's nothing to sync. (ec3829bf7) - Merge branch 'master' into Sync-weave (088c3cf89) - Merge branch 'master' into Sync-weave (9a673b996) - Bump Weave client version (f85205515) - Remove FxaMigrator module (e156a64a5) - Remove healthreport telemetry module from Sync + tests (3d2dbf279) - Remove telemetry calls from sync (b3586bb4b) - Remove get/setFxAMigrationSentinel (c11450651) - Remove fxAccountsEnabled() (9c966a087) - TPS logging: use app name (07f9cb868) - Remove FxA BrowserIDManager auth (5ec8aef6c) - Fix status.js (1bfe172f7) - [BASILISK] Enable the "legacy" panels for the sync preferences. (c09487c09) - Restore missing broadcaster strings (11d1af7af) - [BASILISK] Make Basilisk front-end use Weave (caba7e406) - [BASILISK] Make CUI's PanelUI work with Weave. (aaaa4564b) - Revert "Restore missing broadcaster strings" (b4cc0a062) - Juggle some strings. (dd13d3ac4) - Remove Rust files from media gtests (d6867e583) - Remove files and comments related to MP4Reader (9ba2b33da) - Remove the old MP3FrameParser (eb6fdca18) - Remove separate MP3 name space (6b6a28ddb) - Move the MP3 code to it's own directory (8a9362ff0) - Add missing #include (45f442a2a) - Only disallow lazy frame construction for direct children of display: contents elements (96258a022) - Merge pull request #903 from trav90/issue900 (1fd53c96e) - Merge pull request #901 from trav90/code-cleanup (d01a5b10f) - Merge pull request #902 from trav90/media-work (fbbda481d) - Restore quota view/warnings to Basilisk. (5df97df2f) - Remove non-functional removal summary from quota dialog. (7d398710b) - Merge branch 'master' into Sync-weave (9697bfa68) - Update Dropbox UAO (5639e1ddd) - Clear weak pointers in VTT shutdown observers. (4f7e43113) - Clear weak pointers in FT2 font list shutdown observers. (67d5558f1) - Fix mistakingly flagged instructions. (f2d4bd1e3) - Merge pull request #898 from MoonchildProductions/Sync-weave (bc8a25f5e) - Use canonical function in TypeNewScript::rollbackPartiallyInitializedObjects. (42766ad06) - Root parameter dictionaries in AesTask::Init(). (195b9d878) - Restrict ExtractLinearSum to find non-wrapping results. (99b534f23) - Avoid useless FrameNeedsReflow call. (d2d004442) - Clear CanvasShutdownObserver::mCanvas when the canvas goes away. (a2638c7b2) - Bump Goanna version for layout code changes. (b62191e06) - Avoid overflow in nsPNGEncoder::WriteCallback. (e80c73602) - Prevent double free in mar_sign.c (2e69b03dd) - Do not report resource-timing subdocument loads triggered by that subdocument. (fea96b452) - Make HTMLOptionsCollection::mSelect into a strong reference. (023af95ab)
  15. because of broken javascript (in pm27's view): 23:49:37.582 SyntaxError: invalid for/in left-hand side 1 app.js:1:234335 and that `for` block looks like this: for(const i of e.split("&")){let[e,a]=i.replace(/\+/g," ").split("=");a=void 0===a?null:o(a,t),n(o(e,t),a,r)} in MDN, it stated that fx < 51 using `for...of` with `const` keyword will cause syntax error. if you have link to userstyles.org, let it load and view source. find "stylish-code" line, click on the css link, copy all and then paste it on new style.
  16. a cross-post from KM forum: While I'm still busy with my $dayjob, wicknix at palemoon forum contacted me: so for the time being while I still don't have enough time on hacking my 45esr+tff or pm28 to be KM-compatible, there is one more source for me to update my pm27 tree.
  17. not really, I just typed the commands to let it build sequentially and start watching anime. it is already fast and reliable enough for me.
  18. for XP-wise, it's not since primetime support is missing.
  19. For error 522, it is because upstream ISP having an emergency maintenance which make my server disconnected from internet. If everything goes well, connection will be restored in evening localtime.
  20. New build of post-deprecated basilisk/moebius for XP! * Notice: This repo will not be built on regular schedule, and changes are experimental as usual. ** Current moebius patch level should be on par with 52.8, but some security patches can not be applied/ported due to source milestone differences between versions. Test binary: Win32 http://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk55-win32-git-20181208-674c9f995-xpmod.7z Win64 http://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk55-win64-git-20181208-674c9f995-xpmod.7z repo: https://github.com/roytam1/basilisk55 Repo changes: - update NSS to rev 77ae602f995a with nss339-vc2013.diff applied (4805331b1) - update nss to hg rev f71285ab64af with vc2013 patch (25bb4329d) - import changes from UXP: - Port WebP decoder changes. (238b430ec) - Bug 1462355 - Part 1a. Make imgFrame animation parameters threadsafe. (807acf738) - Bug 1462355 - Part 1b. Update Decoder and SurfacePipe plumbing to use updated imgFrame methods. (622098073) - Bug 1462355 - Part 1c. Make individual image decoders to use updated Decoder/SurfacePipe methods. (3417e581c) - Fix pasta error (b9003c9c5) - Unrefactor mRawVeggies back to mVBuffMeat ;P (5b821064f) - Split out FrameTimeout into its own header file for re-use. (a51993521) - Fix blank pixel color for truncated GIFs (25f4c75d6) (c994f27de) - add Span.h from UXP, and port changes from UXP: - Update libnestegg from upstream (dad1c31db) - [webm] Store LastSeenFrame dimensions as an nsIntSize (ae3cdb4be) - [vpx] Store VPXDecoder codec as an enum (5a83ed9eb) - Add Span support to MediaRawData (2a00bf126) - Implement keyframe and framesize VPXDecoder helpers (55c6aa422) - Call VPXDecoder libvpx wrappers for WebM (3ec54eeac) - [webm] Treat demuxing errors differently than EOS (632b67483) - [webm] Don't reject seeks with EOS (81c39ba87) - Port the libvpx mozbuild generator to aom (07c17b6b9) - Import aom library (68569dee1) - Generate build description for libaom (a66e91651) - Add --enable-av1 configure switch (99ed16064) - Add AOMDecoder (9aea199da) - Add AOMDecoder to AgnosticDecoderModule (3e0443e4c) - Recognize AV1 in WebMDemuxer (ee2cb65e2) - Add missing includes to WebMDemuxer (e5545e10a) - Add aom to the list of thirdparty code (e8480f8a7) - [aom] Remove 32-bit Mac OS build config (08619db14) - [aom] Enable YASM (f45278950) - Make AOMDecoder actually build (26dc168e3) - Remove aom_codec_stream_info_t sz field references (1036d1fa0) - Add av1 to MediaSource.isTypeSupported (0cc51bc10) - Update aom to slightly newer commit ID (df9477dfa) - Fix typo (build bustage) (4b5e22956) - Add missing includes to FFmpegLibWrapper (dddc2aa9e) - [av1] Clean up duplicate filenames check (afda5e384) - [aom] Add x86-win32-gcc config (857b86f25) - Make aom_config.asm match upstream (ecdaf7930) - [aom] Filter out CONFIG_EXT_PARTITION_TYPES (4121d7571) - [aom] Remove unused option (77887af9c) - Update aom to commit id f5bdeac22930ff4c6b219be49c843db35970b918 (7369c7d7a) - Export aom_config.h (21598d1bd) - [aom] Fix stream info peeking (e394e2049) - [aom] Resample high bit depth frames (4653be960) - [aom] Don't resample 8-bit images (0c98b7165) - [aom] Fix win32 debug build (01eb57073) - Update aom to commit id e87fb2378f01103d5d6e477a4ef6892dc714e614 (ec910d814) - [av1] Fix build issues (464c3130f) - Fix aom compile errors with VS2015 (125aff11b) - Add Python cmake parser (39e842a83) - Add generate_sources_mozbuild.py (5c0c6c73a) - Update generate_sources_mozbuild.sh (b425400e9) - Add aom_version.h (c410f04e8) - Add support for SSE 4.2 to libaom moz.build (14805f6dd) - Update aom to v1.0.0 (bbcc64772) - Do not build aomstats unless examples are enabled (ab5b4462a) - [aom] Fixup moz.build (4f63fc3bd) - Updates to AOMDecoder for aom v1.0.0 (ee1300453) - Add missing : to libaom moz.build (9469bc196) - [aom] No longer necessary to run lint_config.sh anymore (a4d3c59dc) - Update libaom to rev b25610052a1398032320008d69b51d2da94f5928 (b8df135c9) - [aom] Only build stats code if examples are enabled (ba5a1ea60) - Update libaom vendor scripts to account for upstream changes (41fbdea45) - Update libaom to commit ID 1e227d41f0616de9548a673a83a21ef990b62591 (d2499ead9) - Put AV1 codec behind a pref (6ddf66542) - Fix canPlayType/isTypeSupported for AV1 content (e5b30fc95) - Downsample av1 images unconditionally (070c2cb24) - Use larger stack for media decoder threads (47a01617e) - Add support for AV1 in MP4 (29f718ef7) - Ensure we correctly parse the finalized codec string for av1 (23013dda6) - Revert "Add support for AV1 in MP4" (192199b03) - Add support to libstagefright for AV1 FourCCs (df59d06fd) - Add support to libstagefright for AV1 FourCCs (part 2) (4d8b7a376) - Add AV1 support to MP4Decoder. (56c26d867) (f6fa83111) - update libaom to rev 98dae942edd3032c89b0e8bae9b4d50398931405 (without moz.build and aom_ports/aom_once.h) (94be72a45) - import change from UXP: - Change embedded emoji font from EmojiOne to Twemoji. (b4e843aa3) (674c9f995)
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