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Everything posted by roytam1

  1. those win2000 builds are compiled with VC2005, which is not issuing SSE instructions by default, and I don't put "/arch:SSE" in compile switches, so where do SSE instructions come from need to have a look.
  2. New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release: https://o.rths.cf/kmeleon/KM76.1.1-Goanna-20190309.7z Changelog: Out-of-tree changes: * update Goanna3 to git d0444154b..804907cdb: - import changes from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1135903 - OdinMonkey: Check the siginfo si_code field before handling a SIGSEGV (e5452f1ac) - Bug 1112164 part 5 - Distinguish between the FloatRegister code and the encoding on x86 & x64. (7e27e254d) - Bug 1152176 - xpcom: Define linux kernel BLOCK_SIZE if necessary. (4ff9c701e) (804907cdb) * Notice: the cha ngelog above may not alw ays applicable to XUL Runner code which K-Meleon uses. A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76
  3. New New Moon 27 Build! 32bit https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.6.win32-git-20190309-804907cdb-xpmod.7z 32bit SSE https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.6.win32-git-20190309-804907cdb-xpmod-sse.7z 32bit noSSE https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.6.win32-git-20190309-804907cdb-xpmod-ia32.7z 64bit https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.6.win64-git-20190309-804907cdb-xpmod.7z source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27 repo changes since my last build: - import changes from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1135903 - OdinMonkey: Check the siginfo si_code field before handling a SIGSEGV (e5452f1ac) - Bug 1112164 part 5 - Distinguish between the FloatRegister code and the encoding on x86 & x64. (7e27e254d) - Bug 1152176 - xpcom: Define linux kernel BLOCK_SIZE if necessary. (4ff9c701e) (804907cdb)
  4. New build of BOC/UXP for XP! Test binary: MailNews Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20190309-e8e433a-uxp-7e0d3b80f-xpmod.7z Browser-only Suite Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20190309-e8e433a-uxp-7e0d3b80f-xpmod.7z source patch (excluding UXP): https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/boc-uxp-src-xpmod-20190223.7z Official repo changes since my last build: - [COMMUNICATOR] Platform Services (a541fcb) - README.md edited (b3047cb) - [CALENDAR] Remove Sunbird code (ed7fb2f) - {CENTRAL] Export current git branch from mach stub (ce3cb98) - [MAIL] Reinstate license wizard page in installer (8798702) - [MAIL] Remove unused unstable branding (093410b) - [COMM] Add a helpful readfile command to Communicator.jsm (d554bc0) - [COMM] Do error handling with Communicator.readfile (4ad210d) - [COMM] Add the basic UI for the eula component (4a8024e) - [COMM} Init Communicator.jsm in the eula component (3647b6e) - [COMM] Remove errent dtd from eula.xul (08121c2) - [COMM] Complete EULA (c5307fd) - [MAIL] Add EULA (c6c62f9) - [COMM] Remove init from Communicator.jsm (742680b) - [PLATFORM] Update commit pointer (d387e7b) - [MAIL] Make license branding dependent (3ac11c0) - [COMM] Include toolkit.mozbuild in communicator.mozbuild (eda9260) - [NAVIGATOR] Do /some/ unofficial rebranding (adfb407) - [NAVIGATOR] Add EULA to navigator (7ecdbbf) - [COMM] Fix remaining style issues with eula (3b8908a) - [PLATFORM] Update commit pointer (9148795) - [COMM] Set pref to false onCancel for eula (c76f3bf) - [COMM] Use a common function in Communicator.jsm to invoke the license window (42359ba) - [COMM] Fix license window (85dfa8f) - [MAIL] Add final EULA (0f5e33a) - [MAIL] Use the unwrapped version of the license (c994e32) - [NAVIGATOR] Add about:logopage (3fd8195) - [NAVIGATOR] Upgrade nsAboutRedirector js component (de8980d) - [NAVIGATOR] Part 2 (c8d2e85) - [NAVIGATOR] Maybe hopefully finish unofficial branding (4b9d0ad) - [NAVIGATOR] Fix preprocessing and config fallout from unofficial branding (26965bb) - [PLATFORM] Update commit pointer (3a8c4c9) - [NAVIGATOR] Make license branding dependent (3ecf640) - [COMM] Move download manager to communicator toolkit (17c459e) - [PLATFORM] Update commit pointer (ef2b12b) - [COMM] Downloads Manager stuffs (e8e433a) For UXP changes please see above.
  5. New build of Serpent/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.1.win32-git-20190309-7e0d3b80f-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.1.win64-git-20190309-7e0d3b80f-xpmod.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom NM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.5.0a1.win32-git-20190309-7e0d3b80f-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.5.0a1.win64-git-20190309-7e0d3b80f-xpmod.7z Official repo changes since my last build: - Add hover state arrow images. (c8ef59dae) - Remove updater gunk from the about box. (a61164a88) - Replace about box backdrop. (7f6137983) - Update about box design. (f0c57ac5f) - Fix dynamic addition of build date. (97be0f65c) - [Basilisk] Add Netflix SSUAO to work around blocking behavior for EME DRM-enforcement for later Firefox versions. (fd3692657) - Remove texture layout endian-ness check for Moz2D. (b55a0dd24) - Tweak the about box layout a bit. (a7bca40ad) - Tweak the about box styling some more and clean up styles. (403605efb) - Adjust Pale Moon™ wordmark for better contrast (a49d052af) - Merge pull request #985 from MoonchildProductions/aboutbox-redesign (5dba1ebe8) - Remove e10s code from browser widget. (083d322b7) - Don't include nsDownloadManagerUI if the Communicator version is used (853fe00ba) - [PALEMOON] Fix updatesSeparator id mismatch (baeec92b6) - Revert "Don't include nsDownloadManagerUI if the Communicator version is used" (011610259) - Don't include nsDownloadManagerUI if the Communicator version is used (7e0d3b80f)
  6. I can't tell since I'm TMP user and I use session manager from TMP.
  7. since there are many win10 versions, it is better to show their build numbers ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_10_version_history#Rings
  8. since my binaries are marked "Test", I think people can always test how does navigator/other applications finish (like the old Mozilla M{numbers} ages, and those binaries are still lying in their release FTP site) (If people want something "stable", then they should use Feodor2's binaries instead ) glad to hear that.
  9. and they're making something ugly in {their-prefix}/blob/a541fcbacbc92015c5969234a9b666db318ab88d/communicator/modules/Communicator.jsm#L35 since I'll make a source fork for that, these ugly thingy will be changed
  10. it lies to applications as Win8 if there is no correct supportOS manifest. see above.
  11. after adding manifest: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="*" name="GetVersion" type="win32" /> <description>GetVersion</description> <ms_asmv3:trustInfo xmlns:ms_asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <ms_asmv3:security> <ms_asmv3:requestedPrivileges> <ms_asmv3:requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" /> </ms_asmv3:requestedPrivileges> </ms_asmv3:security> </ms_asmv3:trustInfo> <ms_asmv3:application xmlns:ms_asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <ms_asmv3:windowsSettings xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2005/WindowsSettings"> <dpiAware>true</dpiAware> </ms_asmv3:windowsSettings> </ms_asmv3:application> <compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1"> <application> <!-- Windows 10 --> <supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}"/> <!-- Windows 8.1 --> <supportedOS Id="{1f676c76-80e1-4239-95bb-83d0f6d0da78}"/> <!-- Windows 8 --> <supportedOS Id="{4a2f28e3-53b9-4441-ba9c-d69d4a4a6e38}"/> <!-- Windows 7 --> <supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}"/> <!-- Windows Vista --> <supportedOS Id="{e2011457-1546-43c5-a5fe-008deee3d3f0}"/> </application> </compatibility> </assembly> it shows in win10 1703: GetVersion: 0x3AD7000A GetVersionExA (OSVERSIONINFOA*): dwOSVersionInfoSize 0x00000094 dwMajorVersion 0x0000000A dwMinorVersion 0x00000000 dwBuildNumber 0x00003AD7 dwPlatformId 0x00000002 szCSDVersion[128] "" [00 00 00 00 ...] return TRUE GetVersionExA (OSVERSIONINFOEXA*): dwOSVersionInfoSize 0x0000009C dwMajorVersion 0x0000000A dwMinorVersion 0x00000000 dwBuildNumber 0x00003AD7 dwPlatformId 0x00000002 szCSDVersion[128] "" [00 00 00 00 ...] wServicePackMajor 0x0000 wServicePackMinor 0x0000 wSuiteMask 0x0100 wProductType 0x01 wReserved 0x00 return TRUE GetVersionExW (OSVERSIONINFOW*): dwOSVersionInfoSize 0x00000114 dwMajorVersion 0x0000000A dwMinorVersion 0x00000000 dwBuildNumber 0x00003AD7 dwPlatformId 0x00000002 szCSDVersion[128] "" [00 00 00 00 ...] return TRUE GetVersionExW (OSVERSIONINFOEXW*): dwOSVersionInfoSize 0x0000011C dwMajorVersion 0x0000000A dwMinorVersion 0x00000000 dwBuildNumber 0x00003AD7 dwPlatformId 0x00000002 szCSDVersion[128] "" [00 00 00 00 ...] wServicePackMajor 0x0000 wServicePackMinor 0x0000 wSuiteMask 0x0100 wProductType 0x01 wReserved 0x00 return TRUE gv=0x3AD7000A gvex=A,0,3AD7,2,,0,0,100,1,0
  12. you may need adding supportOS manifest in order to show correct windows version. see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26151534/whats-the-supportedos-guid-for-windows-10
  13. should be caused by this commit: https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP/commit/dd418226c6a91301002134f699117ba00f1e0804
  14. New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release: https://o.rths.cf/kmeleon/KM76.1.1-Goanna-20190302.7z Changelog: Out-of-tree changes: * update Goanna3 to git 2e31415af..d0444154b: - import changes from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1129223 - Remove local mozAfterRemotePaint events (a9aec8f51) - override -> MOZ_OVERRIDE (2de5b532c) - Bug 1129223 - Introduce new, more efficient mozLayerTreeReady event (9a363c950) - Bug 963921 - Clients of the JS API should use JS_DefineElement where appropriate (912f064c0) - Bug 1133746. Allow DOMProxyShadows to communicate to the JIT whether the shadowing is done by the expando object or not. (dbe537f12) (301eae9eb) - aboutDialog: always show build date (e2ac38931) - import changes from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1112164 part 0 - PrintUse: Use AnyRegister::name method for printing the name of Fixed register uses. (996f68005) - Bug 1112164 part 1 - x86/x64 lowerForFPU: Do not reuse the input register if the MIRType are different. (8722bfc62) - Bug 1112164 part 2 - Rename ReturnSimdReg to ReturnInt32x4Reg and ReturnFloat32x4Reg. (158171a74) - Bug 1112164 part 3 - Add {Float,}Register::Encoding to represent what can be decoded from the assembly. (64a7488e8) - Bug 1112164 part 4 - SimdReinterpretCast: Do not use redefine as the MIRType of the input & output are different. (441077b2b) (e9a10fb1a) - configure: remove restriction of redist DLL location (ba8924b6e) - import changes from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - add X11 flags to allow building on NetBSD (72667df53) - Bug 1122856 - OdinMonkey: Split out the flag that says "bounds checks are unneeded because of signal handling" (36bb96c9e) - Bug 986981 - OdinMonkey: Optimize addresses with constant offsets on x86 and x64 (e0fd22c6e) - Bug 1138205 - use a reinterpret_cast instead of a static_cast after bug 986981, fixes build on OpenBSD/amd64. (5e1dd72a1) - Bug 1138180 - Make --disable-ion compilable again. (f835126ba) (d0444154b) * Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses. A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76 ** Notice: Due to a rewrite of git history, old goanna3 git commit hashes are not matched. Please use corresponding commit message to search back the hash. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  15. New New Moon 27 Build! 32bit https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.6.win32-git-20190302-d0444154b-xpmod.7z 32bit SSE https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.6.win32-git-20190302-d0444154b-xpmod-sse.7z 32bit noSSE https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.6.win32-git-20190302-d0444154b-xpmod-ia32.7z 64bit https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.6.win64-git-20190302-d0444154b-xpmod.7z source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27 repo changes since my last build: - import changes from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1129223 - Remove local mozAfterRemotePaint events (a9aec8f51) - override -> MOZ_OVERRIDE (2de5b532c) - Bug 1129223 - Introduce new, more efficient mozLayerTreeReady event (9a363c950) - Bug 963921 - Clients of the JS API should use JS_DefineElement where appropriate (912f064c0) - Bug 1133746. Allow DOMProxyShadows to communicate to the JIT whether the shadowing is done by the expando object or not. (dbe537f12) (301eae9eb) - aboutDialog: always show build date (e2ac38931) - import changes from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1112164 part 0 - PrintUse: Use AnyRegister::name method for printing the name of Fixed register uses. (996f68005) - Bug 1112164 part 1 - x86/x64 lowerForFPU: Do not reuse the input register if the MIRType are different. (8722bfc62) - Bug 1112164 part 2 - Rename ReturnSimdReg to ReturnInt32x4Reg and ReturnFloat32x4Reg. (158171a74) - Bug 1112164 part 3 - Add {Float,}Register::Encoding to represent what can be decoded from the assembly. (64a7488e8) - Bug 1112164 part 4 - SimdReinterpretCast: Do not use redefine as the MIRType of the input & output are different. (441077b2b) (e9a10fb1a) - configure: remove restriction of redist DLL location (ba8924b6e) - import changes from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - add X11 flags to allow building on NetBSD (72667df53) - Bug 1122856 - OdinMonkey: Split out the flag that says "bounds checks are unneeded because of signal handling" (36bb96c9e) - Bug 986981 - OdinMonkey: Optimize addresses with constant offsets on x86 and x64 (e0fd22c6e) - Bug 1138205 - use a reinterpret_cast instead of a static_cast after bug 986981, fixes build on OpenBSD/amd64. (5e1dd72a1) - Bug 1138180 - Make --disable-ion compilable again. (f835126ba) (d0444154b) * Notice: Due to a rewrite of git history, old git commit hashes are not matched. Please use corresponding commit message to search back the hash. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  16. New build of Serpent/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.1.win32-git-20190302-e64dae886-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.1.win64-git-20190302-e64dae886-xpmod.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom NM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.5.0a1.win32-git-20190302-e64dae886-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.5.0a1.win64-git-20190302-e64dae886-xpmod.7z Official repo changes since my last build: - WIP fix 1 (c962e2051) - Move default-enable pref to application. (c08b490c5) - Update Basilisk FE code with HTTP Auth DoS protection. (f227feb6e) - Make the Auth prompt DOS protection a browser-element opt-in feature. (c1ece93c2) - Improve the http basic auth DOS protection heuristics. (e64dae886)
  17. It's not all-over, and I just finished my side of effort and doesn't know the other side yet. I'd like to have a poll for the names, is it possible in the forum? BTW, can the posts related to "the incident" be split as separated thread?
  18. /me wants to sleep as hell due to this incident made me didn't sleep well for 2 days, but it is $dayjob working time now.
  19. both download index and release note posts should be free from "the names". lets hope he will have positive feedback.
  20. for these, I don't know how to "remove": projects/extrunner/app/module.ver:WIN32_MODULE_TRADEMARKS=Borealis and Binary Outcast are trademarks of Matt A. Tobin. projects/mail/branding/official/locales/en-US/brand.dtd:<!ENTITY trademarkInfo.part1 "Interlink Mail &amp; News, Binary Outcast, and all branding assets are copyright or trademarks of Matt A. Tobin"> projects/mail/branding/unstable/locales/en-US/brand.dtd:<!ENTITY trademarkInfo.part1 "Interlink Mail &amp; News, Binary Outcast, and all branding assets are copyright or trademarks of Matt A. Tobin"> projects/navigator/app/module.ver:WIN32_MODULE_TRADEMARKS=Borealis and Binary Outcast are trademarks of Matt A. Tobin. I wonder if I mask them out will work? for *-history repo, his name is removed. Thank `git filter-branch --env-filter` for the job. for my UXP and pm27 repo, people may need to reclone due to rewrite of git history, sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  21. there are no references in my binary packages(unless he put his names into source code)
  22. even mozilla doesn't provide complete tree for every tinderbox compiles, instead, they provided a repo. if I use a repo to keep track the changes, your name will be appeared because you fill your name in author field, no matter if I click the "fork" button or take my time to cherry-pick every commits (not to mention if you put names in source files). I actually don't think removing names is something reasonable now and you're trying to make things difficult.
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