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Everything posted by iuli_kyle

  1. Well, it worked on vista when i had vista. Had to test it again I will come back with an answer Also, do you use a x64 system or a x86 one ?
  2. What OS are you using (including SP) and which processor architecture ?
  3. I know, but that just got fixed. Can you give me more info about the crash ? Thanks,
  4. The configuration file is incorrect. From what i see, i guess you used AutoIT. 7-Zip (written in C) and AutoIT are totally different things. I suggest you use my little application, SFXMaker which automatizes the process of creating switchless installers. You can find it in this forum or at iSoft Official WebPage
  5. AVG will return most of time for UPXed executables false-positives. There's no point of being afraid
  6. The URL is perfectly working (it is a URL to my download site, not my forum) Thanks and welcome Btw, i'm thinking to replace the original logo of SFXMaker. I suck at Graphics, but maybe someone here can do something about it
  7. Updated first post . Anyone interested in SFXMaker, please join my support forums.
  8. Thnx for good words. As i said, it will no longer be updated here, but on the official forums.
  9. Updated to 1.0 Beta ! This is the last time SFXMaker is updated here.
  10. Hello, Please post requests from now on on official forums. iSoft Official Forums
  11. @Everyone : I just build up a forum. Everyone that is interested in SFXMaker may register to iSoft Forums . Btw, i'm still working to design, layout and functionality.
  12. A new version will be available soon. Working now on directory compression. Yes, little problem with Inno setup in DefaultGroupName. Hmm ... i'm still familiarizing with Inno Setup directives. Will try to fix that It's possible . I will work on this feature as soon as i can. @Everyone : If someone made a translation, please post the .lng file so i can add it to next version
  13. I will add this feature ... maybe in the next version. It implicates some huge changes to code, that why i am "afraid" of implementing it. But it MUST be done, so i HAVE to implement in the near future. Thanks and happy that you like my little tool
  14. Updated to 0.8 Beta ! Huge update, check out the first post for more info.
  15. 0.8 beta is almost ready. A lot of new features were enhanced. Prepare for release
  16. Got some problems here. I'm running Nero Lite 8 (latest version) from T-13 stage at Windows Setup. But it doesn't install. The switches i used are 'nero.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP- /USER="User" /COMPANY="Home" /SERIAL="XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" '. Thanks EDIT : I got it. It doesn't work at T-13. Trying now at first login
  17. For those who think that SFXMaker is malware here is the proof that it isn't. Softpedia tested this application and found it malware free . Take a look here.
  18. Reached to 5335 ! Look here
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