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Everything posted by wimb

  1. The version of binifix2.cmd will not yet be able to replace the use of bootfiles\boot.ini because then the signature problem with 20 sec bootdelay described in my post #141 will return: Also the availability of the Repair Install option of Windows XP Setup from a bootable USB-stick still requires such a multi-entry boot.ini But in most cases one does not need this Repair Install option and one can change boot.ini if needed. Actually I had no problem with the value of rdisk. The GUI-Phase of Setup always made the correct value of rdisk(0) in boot.ini For me the problem was that the default entry was set to signature(87538753)... entry, which gives bootdelay. So I am a bit confused about the purpose of the present binifix.cmd [setupParams] runs at T-9 and that seems a suitable moment to use binifix.cmd, but I am not sure. I remember that ilko_t observed that boot.ini is changing many times during setup. Testing of the final version of binifix.cmd will be necessary to determine if this moment is right, or that we use [GuiRunOnce] at First Logon. @jaclaz After changing drive W: into C: the binifix2.cmd was tested on two boot.ini files All boot.ini files were modified correctly and the problem of trailing spaces is solved. It is nice that a backup of boot.ini is made now as well. After some modification for unattended use, it will be interesting to use the final version of binifix.cmd in a real Install of Windows XP from bootable USB-stick.
  2. @jaclaz As fas as I know there is no boot.ini example with a line where the "=" sign is used on the left of the "main" "=" sign for description. The standard boot.ini of Microsoft is a case where more than one "=" sign is used (besides the "main" one) multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect In my posts #255 and #257 I indicated that the script does not work for the well known boot.ini of folder BOOTFILES that we all use in the procedure for Install of Windows XP from a bootable USB-stick, as reproduced here: 7. Create a folder BOOTFILES in USB stick root, and copy NTDETECT.COM, NTLDR and create there your custom BOOT.INI, which will be copied on hard disk later, during the first logon. Set them system, hidden and read-only in advance. BOOT.INI CODE [boot loader] timeout=15 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="XP Professional 0 1" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="XP Professional 0 2" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(3)\WINDOWS="XP Professional 0 3" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="XP Professional 1 1" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(2)\WINDOWS="XP Professional 1 2" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(3)\WINDOWS="XP Professional 1 3" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect It is not easy to find, why the script does not work for this paticular boot.ini But when you select the boot.ini you can see there is a trailing space in the line with the entry default. It is this trailing space which causes the problem, because it becomes part of the seach string !DefaultEntry! used to determine EntryDesc according to: IF "%%A"=="!DefaultEntry!" SET EntryDesc=%%B Due to the trailing space, the search gives no valid result for EntryDesc When I was writing this result in my post #257, your post #256 was not yet on my screen visible, but came up after submitting the post. So this explains why I missed your request at that time. But anyway I indicated in my posts #255 and #257 that the script does not work for the well known boot.ini of folder BOOTFILES.
  3. The second part of the script needs also some adjustment FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims==" %%A in ('TYPE %source%') DO ( IF /I "%%A"=="Default" SET DefaultEntry=%%B IF "%%A"=="!DefaultEntry!" SET EntryDesc=%%B=%%C IF /I "%%A"=="Timeout" SET Timeout=%%B ) ...... ...... FOR /F "skip=4 tokens=1,2,3 delims==" %%A in ('TYPE %source%') DO ( IF NOT "%%A"=="!DefaultEntry!" ( ECHO %%A=%%B=%%C>>boot.txt ....... ........ A problem occurs when trailing spaces are present in the !DefaultEntry! string. This occurs for the boot.ini in folder BOOTFILES The traling spaces must first be removed.
  4. I modified the script so that the EntryDesc includes the last part =optin /fastdetect FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims==" %%A in ('TYPE %source%') DO ( IF /I "%%A"=="Default" SET DefaultEntry=%%B IF "%%A"=="!DefaultEntry!" SET EntryDesc=%%B=%%C IF /I "%%A"=="Timeout" SET Timeout=%%B ) This works for simple boot.ini but the script needs more adjustment for boot.ini of BOOTFILES folder or other complex boot.ini
  5. The line to SET Timeout requires also to be changed by adding /I IF /I "%%A"=="Timeout" SET Timeout=%%B But then binifix.cmd does its job OK Due to delims== the EntryDesc misses the last part =optin /fastdetect
  6. I have been testing binifix.cmd and got: C:\>binifix.cmd Drive is C: Source is "C:\BOOT.INI" Druk op een toets om door te gaan. . . DefaultEntry is EntryDesc is Timeout is 4==scsi niet verwacht op dit moment. C:\> Is not working yet, approach is interesting, will try to find source of problem. wimb
  7. Well, this does not help much in correcting it (if needed ), does it? Can you reply to the original topic on boot-land (as to not clutter this one) and tell me more about the problems you had? I tested it on two separate machines, and it worked, but since both PC's are my own, they have very similar setups so they do not represent a good test. I have used your script and was able now to use it successfully ! In Boot-land Forum http://www.boot-land.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2362 is described the solution of the problem I had on first use of the script.
  8. TXT mode worked just fine, GRUB is no longer needed Good to hear that TXT-mode Setup can be added to boot.ini Menu and that GRUB4DOS is no longer needed. I have tested it and everything is OK Launching TXT-mode Setup Windows XP via boot.ini has been added as one of the boot options in my post #5 in 911cd.net http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?showtopic=20036 The MultiBoot USB-stick is becoming more and more versatile with all the new boot options via boot.ini Menu Regards, wimb
  9. Already sometime ago I tried your script, but was not able to use it.
  10. For a MultiBoot USB-stick combining BartPE ( minint folder ) and the Windows XP LocalSource, I found the following solution to make BartPE boot from the minint folder, instead of launching Windows XP setup. BartPE minint folder was installed on USB-stick using peinst.cmd. Booting via ntldr and boot.ini using peboot.bin bootsector and peldr bootloader in root-dir of USB-stick. peldr seeks txtsetup.sif first in root directory, in minint folder next. Hexedit peldr using TinyHexer. Change in peldr the first occurrence of txtsetup.sif in notsetup.sif Now BartPE will boot from minint folder and will not use WinXP txtsetup.sif from root directory. It is also interesting to add to the GRUB4DOS menu.lst on the MultiBoot USB-stick, Puppy Linux (NTFS Read/Write support) and DSL Linux (Knoppix with NTFS Read only support) , according to the procedure described by diddy in: http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?showtopic=18846 DSL Linux is booting very fast in 1.5 minute, whereas BartPE is taking 15 minutes (My BIOS supports booting with USB 1.0 speed only). It is clear that KNOPPIX is able to use the USB 2.0 speed already in a very early stage of the booting process !!
  11. The WriteProtect registry entry in MIGRATE.INF is indeed essential ! Without this rule, I lost a lot of setup files from the $WIN_NT$.~LS folder. Thank you cdob for making me aware of its function. I am sorry for the mistake, that I have made.
  12. The Renaming of the $WIN_NT$.~BT and $WIN_NT$.~LS folders, and the TXTSETUP.SIF file, using boot_ren.cmd and undoren.cmd is a very nice solution for the long-wait problem at T-1. SetupParams executes from winnt.sif at T-9 minute stage, and is indeed very usefull for the temporary renaming with boot_ren.cmd There are some changes necessary in the MIGRATE.INF file ! Adding the "WriteProtect" registry entry and the [strings] section in MIGRATE.INF are no longer needed, because we use now Renaming instead of WriteProtection. If the USB-stick is connected when making the LocalSource on harddisk C: , one can simply keep the USB-stick relevant entry for HKLM,"SYSTEM\MountedDevices","\DosDevices\U:",0x00030001,\ in the MIGRATE.INF file produced in the $WIN_NT$.~BT folder, note its drive letter and change the drive letter to U: as proposed in post #129 , instead of using MkMigratgeInf.cmd. With MkMigratgeInf.cmd you are missing in MIGRATE.INF the registry entry HKLM,"SYSTEM\MountedDevices",,0x00000010
  13. Thank you ilko_t for combining all the experience into one good guide for installing Windows XP from a bootable USB-stick. I think this is very usefull guide for everybody. Link to the guide: http://www.msfn.org/board/boot_install_USB...html&st=199 I am very happy that we can now install Windows XP from a bootable USB-stick and that all problems concerning this subject are solved !
  14. or GUI Setup stops at start, complaining about fake setup being executed. Hi ilko, I can confirm that Windows XP Setup from the bootable USB-stick including the BTS mass storage DP method 2, is running fine, both in Fresh and in the Repair mode of Windows XP Setup . I saw in the setuplog.txt file that I have indeed also a long wait of 4 minutes at T-1, when setup is trying to delete all the files of the $WIN_NT$.~LS and the $WIN_NT$.~BT folders. But nothing is deleted and it takes only some minutes extra time. So it is no problem. For the 911CD forum I received an activation email, so now I will be able to reply on your post regarding motherboard and BIOS data for booting BartPE at USB 2.0 speed. Regards, wimb
  15. What is the long delay at T-1 issue? I never noticed such a problem. There is something strange with the CD Forum for me. After my registration, the CD Forum part of CD Forum is read only for me, and remains invisible with automatic log on. Your link is in that case reported as a broken link. When I logoff, then the CD Forum part is visible with your post, but I am not allowed to reply. All the other parts of the CD Forum are behaving normally and remain visible after logon ! I cleared my browser history and cache. No change.
  16. I can see it, it's the first post in USB booting subforum:http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?showforum=37 I am afraid your post is not present anymore. Some days ago I visited the CD Forum and was able to read your post there, but now the 911 CD part of the CD Forum is almost empty .... Regards, wimb
  17. and WINNT.SIF May be it's about time to rewrite the guide once we confirm the results edit: If one uses BTS mass storage DP method 2 and repair install then include the following line in \$WIN_NT$.~LS\I386\PRESETUP.CMD or GUI Setup stops at start, complaining about fake setup being executed. Hi ilko, I can confirm that the Fresh and the Repair Windows XP Setup, when using the new TXTSETUP.SIF file, both run fine without deleting anything from the bootable USB-stick. I have not yet tested the BTS mass storage DP method 2, but will report about that in due time. Congratulations with the result ! Regards, wimb
  18. When the new type of boot.ini with the 6 entries is present on the harddisk, then after booting from the USB-stick, an option to Repair an existing Windows installation ( the 1 1 ) becomes available ( it is the second time when an option R is presented ). I never use such a repair option, but when you select this option R to repair an existing installation, the Windows repair takes place as expected, but with an unwanted effect on the USB-stick ! The result is that $WIN_NT$.~BT and $WIN_NT$.~LS folders are deleted and txtsetup.sif in the root directory of the USB-stick is deleted as well ! Moreover, cmdlines.txt is apparently not executed, so that the boot.ini ends up with the starting default entry: harddisk 1, partition 1. After removing the USB-stick and Restart, Windows is not able to start from this default harddisk 1, partition 1 option. But one can select to start from the harddisk 0, partition 1 so that Windows will start. It seems that the Write protection of the USB-stick with hiveOEM.inf is not used in this case. Maybe there is a solution to overcome this problem: Adding hiveOEM.inf in txtsetup.sif for the Repair case ? When in boot.ini only a single entry with booting from harddisk 0 partition 1 is present, then the Repair option is not presented, so that the unwanted deletion of the Windows setup files on the USB-stick wil not take place.
  19. It seems your post at the CD Forum has been removed ... So I cannot supply there the relevant data of my motherboard for the USB 1.1 boot issue.
  20. Maybe Bart Lagerweij can make the USB2 driver being earlier effective in booting BartPE. I have just registered in the CD forum, and will ask him there if this is possible. I will also present there the relevant data of my motherboard and BIOS. The motherboard of my Medion MD6100 laptop is equipped with: BIOS Version PTLTD - 6040000 PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0 Ver 1.00PARTTBL BIOS Date 01/26/03 It supports apparently from the slow (30 minutes) booting of BartPE only USB 1.1 boot. I have used a Apacer HT203 - 1 GB USB-stick which is very fast and allows to install Windows XP from bootable USB-stick in only 30 minutes. So I think in the GUI mode of the setup that USB2.0 is already effective. In Windows XP the laptop supports USB 2.0 My MultiBoot USB-stick is ready and supports now also DOS with Ghost, and booting with BartPE. Everything works fine except for the slow booting of BartPE.
  21. Adding the missing [COMMANDS] tag, solved the problem ! Everything is working now as expected. @ilko_t - Since you have solved also the SATA problem, it seems we are ready for really using the bootable USB-stick as a device for installing Windows XP on the harddisk of any computer, provided the BIOS supports booting from USB-stick. @ilko_t and @jaclaz : I am trying now to make a MultiBoot USB-stick with: 1. Unattended Install of Windows XP on Harddisk with Updates and DriverPacks Integrated http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/index.php?sid=...490d2bd5184b68a and http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/ and http://driverpacks.net/DriverPacks/overview.php 2. Booting from DOS, with Ghost for System Backup and System Restore http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?sho...=19621&st=7 3. Adding WPI for Automatic Install of Additional Programs http://wpiw.net/ 4. Unattended Install of Office 2003 with Updates Integrated http://www.siginetsoftware.com/forum/ 5. Adding WinTools running direct from USB-stick using nu2menu http://www.dirk-loss.de/win-tools.htm For BartPE it seems that booting from USB-stick is too slow (20 minutes) to be interesting, as compared to BartPE booting in 2 minutes from DVD. http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/ Or do you have a solution for making BartPE boot faster from a USB-stick ? It is a great solution, Thanks a lot for everything
  22. I have used and tested the new procedure to overcome the boot.ini issue. I have used the HP USB Disk Format tool instead of PE2USB ( Did you mean PeToUsb ? ) because PE2USB did not remove the MBR installed GRUB4DOS. Why are NTDETECT.COM and NTLDR copied by BOOT_REN.CMD from BOOTFILES to SYSTEMDRIVE ? They will be present there already. I came through the Windows Setup procedure, but obtained a boot.ini with two entries as given below: BOOT.INI on Laptop produced by WinXP Setup Interesting is that the earlier NTBOOTDD.SYS file is absent in this case ! And there is no signature( ... ) ... entry anymore in boot.ini. The default entry does not work: Windows won't start due to disc geometry problem. But the second ( normal) entry works fine. So the new procedure is not yet perfect, but works for me, and it remains confusing for me how and when this boot.ini was made ... Because according to the BOOT_REN.CMD , I would expect something else appearing.
  23. My setup files are slipstreamed with RVM Integrator. A search for VEN_1039&DEV_5513 in the TXTSETUP.SIF for my slipstreamed and my generic XP SP2 CD gives the same result: the entry is not found. The entry can be found in the pcidevs.txt file http://members.datafast.net.au/dft0802/downloads/pcidevs.txt Your solutions for the SATA problem and the boot.ini issue are very interesting. I will let you know the test results for my case as soon as possible.
  24. I have used a Medion laptop MD6100 with SiS PCI IDE-controller: PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_5513&SUBSYS_55131039&REV_00\3&61AAA01&0&15 with Hardware-id's: PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_5513&SUBSYS_55131039&REV_00 PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_5513&SUBSYS_55131039 PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_5513&CC_010180 PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_5513&CC_0101 Thanks a lot also jaclaz for al the information on how to determine this value. Regards, wimb
  25. ilko_t wrote: I have used a Medion Laptop type MD6100 with a Medion Motherboard with Intel Pentium 4 processor. The Chipset is from SIS: SIS648 CPU to PCI Bridge and SIS963 South Bridge. How can I determine the PID and VID ?
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