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Everything posted by pinout

  1. Need a little help with this: Codec Installation Package for Windows Media Player 6.4 http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/6...ef/wmp6cdcs.exe I use this START "" /WAIT wmp6cdcs.exe /C:"setup_wm.exe /Q /N" /Q:A But it still reboots after it installs. I've tried it with /R:N at the end too.
  2. I use this link http://www.macromedia.com/go/fl_sw_exe_installer which is an EXE installer for Flash and Shockwave. Doesn't seem to contain any Yahoo Toolbar. run with: mm_fl_sw_installer.exe /S
  3. hmm.. I like my method (FOR %%x IN (AdbeRdr*_enu.exe) DO START "" /WAIT "%%x" /s /v/qn) because all I have to do is drop the ORIGINAL installer executable into the directory and not have to modify any files or copy over the MSI and whatnot.. I like doing everything from original files Plus when a new version comes out I can just drop it in the directory and not modify anything else. But the problem I seem to have with this method is that the START command does indeed wait for the AdbeRdr70_enu.exe process to finish, but when its done it passes the rest of the install onto msiexec.exe - so it doesn't really wait for the complete install before moving onto the rest of my commands.. like removing the 'Adobe Reader 7.0.lnk' from the Desktop. Any ideas? and please dont suggest using a sleep command for x numbers of seconds, thats a dirty and inaccurate method Is it possible to perform an Administrative installation via command-line from the AdbeRdr70_enu.exe file? So I could create an admin install point and then install the MSI from there?
  4. QuickTime Alternative and Real Alternative use Inno Setup, http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/setup.html for command-line switches. for QuickTime Alternative I use: /VERYSILENT /COMPONENTS=qt,qt\codec,qt\directshow,qt\plugins,qt\browser For Real Alternative I use: /VERYSILENT /COMPONENTS=real,real\codec,real\directshow,real\browser To discover what the component names are, do a normal install and then look in the registry entires: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\QuicktimeAlt_is1 and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\RealAlt_is1 for value "Inno Setup: Selected Components" I only have those components install so that I can exclude Media Player Classic from installing, since I have it install separately.
  5. My method (simple!) Download Adobe Reader 7.0 Basic version: http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/read...beRdr70_enu.exe Batch file: START "" /WAIT AdbeRdr70_enu.exe" /s /v/qn
  6. Theres no full package of 6.0.3 ? And also, anyone know why on http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/alternate.html there is a ENU version of "Adobe Reader 6.0.2, full version" but not for "Adobe Reader 6.0.2, basic version" ? there is an english version, but its "Central European" (ECE)
  7. Alanoll, I don't think it does... I'm pretty sure long ago I tried taking bootcfg from XP and using it on 2000 and it wouldn't let me run it. Maybe I'll try it again.
  8. BOOTCFG only works for XP, anyone know something similar for 2000?
  9. START "title" /WAIT "path with spaces\app.exe" See http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=19994
  10. I've read this entire thread and I don't understand what registry setting to change to make it so the activation prompt doesnt pop up. Is there even a way?
  11. Yes, these are typically unix commands (wget/awk) but there are versions available for win32: ftp://sunsite.dk/projects/wget/windows/wg...lete-stable.zip http://www.openetwork.com/awk.exe
  12. Here's what I do for some applications that use the same filenames for every version (acdseepowerpack.exe, aawsepersonal.exe & defs.ref, GoogleToolbarInstaller.exe, putty.exe, etc): place a batch file named "UPDATE.BAT" in the same directory as the program (you need to have wget installed on your system and in your PATH. The batch file does this: Example: @PUSHD "%~dp0" WGET --timestamping "http://files.acdsystems.com/english/downloads/acdsite/acdseepowerpack.exe" That will change the current directory to the path where the batch file is located and then wget the latest version, the "--timestamping" option is for "don't re-retrieve files unless newer than local." This simplifies the task of updating some of your applications before you burn a fresh install CD. And if you want to get even fancier, make a batch file UPDATEALL.BAT in the parent directory to all of your applications, in my case it is in my $OEM$ directory - which contains this: @PUSHD "%~dp0" & ECHO OFF FOR /F "tokens=*" %%x IN ('DIR /A /B /S "UPDATE.BAT"') DO @"%%x" This batch will look through each directory and execute the UPDATE.BAT if its found, so to update all of your programs you just click a single batch file. For applications that use a different filename for each new version, I came up with a solution but its not as simple and clean, and wont work if the page layout for the download link changes. Example for Nero: @PUSHD "%~dp0" & SET URL="http://nero.com/us/download_demo.php?pak=1" @wget -O- %URL% | awk '/.*If your download does not start.*/ { split($9,url,"\""); print url[2] > "current.txt"; }' That will wget the page that contains the link to the latest Nero EXE and pipe the html into 'awk' and spit out the url to 'current.txt', from there you can use IF statements in a batch file etc to see if you have the same file, and if not, wget the latest one. I just though I'd share some of my tricks and such that I've come up with, and if you have any suggestions or tips for ideas, I'd like to hear them.
  13. Well, looking in the registry and comparing the registry before and after making those settings in Nero, there doesn't appear to be anything in the registry for those settings. Those settings don't even get saved. The registry key that stores the "CD-ROM (Boot)" settings is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\IsoBootDoc What you could do is use CDRWIN (which saves the settings you need) or use CDIMAGE.EXE (command-line) I prefer to use CDIMAGE.EXE because I just have a batch file: BUILDISO.BAT @PUSHD "%~dp0" CDIMAGE.EXE -lW2PFPP_EN -h -n -d -bBOOTSECT.BIN -yt07C0 -m <PATH_TO_YOUR_FILES> "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\W2PFPP_EN.ISO"
  14. How about this? Don't even bother taking the MSI from the "Downloaded Installations" directory Just execute: START "" /WAIT "acdseepowerpack.exe" /S /V"/qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress" or whatever command-line options you want to pass to the MSI. And I agree, the whole deal with slipstreaming the updates isnt necessary, just download the current acdseepowerpack.exe - In fact, what I do for a lot of applications that use the same filenames for every version (acdseepowerpack.exe, aawsepersonal.exe & defs.ref, GoogleToolbarInstaller.exe, etc) is place a batch file named "UPDATE.BAT" in the same directory as the program (you need to have wget installed on your system and in your PATH. The batch file does this: Example: @PUSHD "%~dp0" WGET --timestamping "http://files.acdsystems.com/english/downloads/acdsite/acdseepowerpack.exe" That will change the current directory to the path where the batch file is located and then wget the latest version, the "--timestamping" option is for "don't re-retrieve files unless newer than local." This simplifies the task of updating some of your applications before you burn a fresh install CD. And if you want to get even fancier, make a batch file UPDATEALL.BAT in the directory above all of your applications, in my case it is in my $OEM$ directory - which contains this: @PUSHD "%~dp0" & ECHO OFF FOR /F "tokens=*" %%x IN ('DIR /A /B /S "UPDATE.BAT"') DO @"%%x" This batch will look through each directory and execute the UPDATE.BAT if its found, so to update all of your programs you just click a single batch file.
  15. If you want a blank file instead of a directory just do: COPY /Y NUL "blankfile.txt" By the way, I don't know if this file is necessarily an issue, you think its being sent back to their servers or something?
  16. I was recently working on a silent install for Sound Forge 7... What I was able to figure out: If you have the Sound Forge installer thats packaged as a single EXE, its made with "Sony's Self-Extracting Packager" which has these switches (found by passing "/?" to the EXE): -run <path> Run the application and skip the wizard. -nosetup Skip the setup program. None of these switches seemed to help me at all, so I just ran the EXE normally, it asks you where to extract the files (Defaults to \Program Files\Sony Setup\Sound Forge 7.0). Let the program install and afterwards you'll have the setup files in that directory, which uses an MSI. Install like any other MSI. Would be nice if there was a way to install from the single EXE, its cleaner that way.
  17. Looks like the /q switch works again in 2.0.113
  18. I ran into the same problem, manually install the toolbar and make a copy of the file %PROGRAMFILES%\Google\GoogleToolbar1.dll Make your batch file copy that DLL to wherever you want it then run regsrv32.exe /s path\to\dll\GoogleToolbar1.dll dirty method but it works.. we'll have to manually install the toolbar every time a new version comes out and copy the new DLL until they put the switches back. Wonder why they dont work anymore??
  19. You do not need to extract the MSI - just run Acro-Reader_6.0.2_Update.exe /s /v/qb Acro-Reader_6.0.2_Update.exe is an InstallShield with an MSI, /v passes parameters to the MSI
  20. big poppa pump, are you using the 'MM' switch?
  21. Yes, it was with the unmodified MSI (Something wrong with quoting? against the rules? I dont think I ever read the rules)
  22. Additional note... I tried the MM switch with the original MSI file, and it appears to work.. So it appears that modifying the MSI may not even be necessary.
  23. Where it says could not write value Model to key... It is trying to write the mouse model, as selected in the dialog, to the registry. This needs to be set (its a property set via a custom action.) Here at work, most of our systems use the same model mouse, so I just pre set it in a transform. but here are the values I pulled out of the MSI for various models: Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer 2.0 (With Tilt Wheel) = 16 Wireless Optical Mouse 2.0 (With Tilt Wheel) =15 IntelliMouse Explorer 4.0 (With Tilt Wheel) = 14 Basic Optical Mouse = 13 * No 12 listed * Optical Mouse = 11 Wireless Optical Mouse = 10 Wireless Wheel Mouse = 9 Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer = 8 Wheel Mouse Optical = 7 Trackball Optical = 6 Trackball Explorer = 5 IntelliMouse Web = 4 IntelliMouse Optical = 3 IntelliMouse Explorer = 2 Microsoft Mouse = 1 IntelliMouse = 0 This HAS to be set. Now I said I added it into a transform, but you could probably just add a public property for it to the property table of the MSI, that would allow you to set it from the command line. The property MM is being set via a custom action right now, but there shoudn't be any reason you couldn't add MM to the property table, then just add that as a commandline option like so: IP50.msi MM=3 (This probably wouldn't work by default, you would have to modify the property table.) Let me know if you need more help. Hey thanks a lot Joe User 99, using the MM switch worked without any additional modifications to the MSI. 100% working now
  24. I have a cleaner solution! Diskeeper is packaged using InstallShield "PackageForTheWeb" which means you can use the "/a" switch to pass switches to the underlying SETUP.EXE. No need to extract anything from the original DKprofessional.exe : START "" /WAIT "DKprofessional.exe" /s /a /s /v"/qb" Other solutions work just fine, but I have a fetish for preserving original files (plus it makes it easier to add a new version, just drop the downloaded EXE into the directory.)
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