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Everything posted by pinout

  1. has anyone figured out how to disable the Office 2003 style GUI (the menu bars) ?
  2. I don't understand why would a registry entry need to be only 8 characters?
  3. Interesting method for viewing NFO/DIZ files - I use a similar method: Add a "Command Prompt" option to the right-click menu: CMD.EXE /K TYPE "%l" Or, if you don't want it to display all at once CMD.EXE /K TYPE "%l" | MORE Then it doesn't have to open with EDIT.COM and it's easier to scroll...
  4. SetupDVDDecrypter_3.5.2.0.exe /S That's the only switch I know of.. does a silent install.
  5. Oh, guess I didn't understand your question oh well.
  6. To put REG.EXE in the system32 directory.. don't think anyone mentioned this method (what I use): Put REG.EXE in $OEM$\$$\system32\ So it will be copied to system32 during the text mode portion of setup.
  7. Yes.. In fact I include this on my unattended CD - the installer is Inno Setup. http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/setup.html Hint for the future:
  8. MHz, I did Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195] (C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp. C:\>REG ADD HKLM /v TEST /t REG_DWORD /d "0x00000018" /f The operation completed successfully C:\>REG QUERY HKLM /v TEST ! REG.EXE VERSION 2.0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE TEST REG_DWORD 0x18
  9. Afterdawn, I do something pretty similar myself. In my $OEM$ directory I have: CMDLINES.TXT: [Commands] "CMDLINES.BAT" CMDLINES.BAT contains: @FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('DIR /A /B /S "%~dp0INSTALL.BAT" ^| FIND /V "$1"') DO START "" /MIN /WAIT CMD.EXE /C "%%i" (List all files matching "INSTALL.BAT", but we don't want to go into the $1 directory for stuff we're installing during the GUI portion of setup, so exclude it using FIND /V. %~dp0 comes in handy, it points to the directory where the BAT file is being executed from, so CMDLINES.BAT will work properly no matter where its called from.) So basically I never have to modify CMDLINES.TXT to add new programs and whatnot. All I have to do is make a directory for the program, and make an INSTALL.BAT with all the commands to install it silently, etc. The main batch file does the rest. And for GuiRunOnce it's pretty much the same thing: WINNT.SIF: [GuiRunOnce] Command1="%SystemDrive%\RUNONCE\RUNONCE.BAT" RUNONCE.BAT: @FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('DIR /A /B /S "%~dp0INSTALL.BAT"') DO START "" /MIN /WAIT CMD.EXE /C "%%i"
  10. REG ADD %KEY% /V FLAGS /D "dword:00000018" /f MHz - You don't need to convert the hex into dec. the syntax needs to be 0x REG ADD %KEY% /V FLAGS /T REG_DWORD /D "0x00000018" /f
  11. Well after a bit of messing around I came up with a method to do what I wanted, this may help others out. I wanted to add the "/sos" switch to my Windows 2000 entry so this is how I did it. You need "CHANGEINI.EXE" which you can get from http://www.thorprojects.com/files/chgini02.zip BOOTINI.BAT @PUSHD "%~dp0" & ECHO OFF @SET BOOTINI=%SystemDrive%\boot.ini ATTRIB -A -H -R -S "%BOOTINI%" COPY /Y "%BOOTINI%" "%BOOTINI%.old" FOR /F "tokens=1 delims==" %%i IN ('FINDSTR /I /R "Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" "%BOOTINI%"') DO ( CHANGEINI.EXE "%BOOTINI%" "operating systems" "%%i" "\"Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional\" /fastdetect /sos" )
  12. I need a way to programmatically add a switch like "/sos" to my Windows 2000 entry in the boot.ini. The entry can vary depending on what drive/partition its installed on, so I don't think just copying over a pre-set boot.ini is a good solution. [boot loader] timeout=1 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect
  13. For IntelliPoint Extract the files from IP5_2Eng.exe START "" /WAIT msiexec.exe /i "IPoint\SETUP\IP52.msi" MM=7 /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress The MM parameter provides the mouse model. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=20283 http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...83entry140181
  14. You actually can use environment variables in the registry. Make the registry value have a type of REG_EXPAND_SZ. Can't do that with REGEDIT.EXE but you can with REGEDT32.EXE. As far as doing it with REG or INF files, you can do it with REG files but its less than desirable considering it shows up as hex and isn't exactly human readable. That's why I prefer to use INF's if I have to use an environment variable. Example: HKCR,"CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}","LocalizedString",0x00020000,"%USERNAME% / %COMPUTERNAME%" 0x00020000 is REG_EXPAND_SZ This will store, literally, "%USERNAME%" and "%COMPUTERNAME%" and won't expand them until they are actually used. And if you were wondering, that entry I used as an example will display the current username and computername as the text for the "My Computer" icon rather than just saying "My Computer" Hope this helps.
  15. I wanted an alternative method for finding the drive letter of the Windows install CD, so rather than checking for a certain file on drives A-Z, wouldn't this work on 2K/XP ? Theres a value named "SourcePath" stored under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" Works on 2K at least... Basically it'll query the SourcePath value and just to ensure that the correct disc is in the drive it'll look for the file "CDROM_NT.5" - that's the file for 2K, not sure what it is on XP - adjust it to whatever you want. @ECHO OFF @SET KEY=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion @SET TAB=<insert tab character here> FOR /F "tokens=3 delims=%TAB%" %%i IN ('REG.EXE QUERY "%KEY%" /v "SourcePath" ^| FINDSTR /I "SourcePath"') DO ( FOR /F "tokens=1 delims=\" %%j IN ("%%i") DO ( IF EXIST "%%j\CDROM_NT.5" @SET CDROM=%%j ) )
  16. Yes, I do know there is a version 10 - but what does that have to do with my question? I obviously don't want to use version 10
  17. I apply Windows Media Player 6.4 hotfixes silently: For instance: wm320920_64.exe /Q:A /R:N The /R:N switch is supposed to prevent a reboot, but according to Q320920, "NOTE: If the file or files that are being replaced are in use, the /r:n switch may be ignored." Any idea how to prevent the reboot? When I apply this patch, the reboot is not avoided. Doesn't make sense to not be able to avoid the reboot.
  18. I'm new to using AutoIt for doing this stuff, and I need to be able to automate the task of selecting a font in the Font dialog box... Not sure if I'm not doing it correctly or what: The dialog in question: What AutoIt Spy shows when I put the mouse over the combo box list of fonts: The code I've tried: ControlCommand("#32770", "", "ComboLBox1", "SelectString", "Terminal") ControlCommand("Font", "", "ComboLBox1", "SetCurrentSelection", "Terminal")
  19. Oh, wow.. I just tried the latest version of 7-Zip and it worked (7z.exe), guess maybe I didn't try the correct EXE before or maybe they added support in a newer version. Who knows. 7z.exe worked, but 7za.exe didn't - whats the difference? Anyways, that is what I was looking for.. its a single self-contained EXE and only 96KB
  20. Nope, I have tried the InstallShield unpackers before, too. When I look at the file Properties > Version under Original Filename it says "stub32i.exe" which is an InstallShield PackageForTheWeb.
  21. Of course I realize I can unpack the EXE and store it on the CD or recompress it with something else.. But thats not what I asked I like keeping everything original files, that way when a new version is released I can just drop the new file in the directory and thats it. My batch files do the rest (most of the time, assuming the program uses the same type of installer, etc).
  22. For my Microsoft IntelliPoint drivers I store the IP5_2Eng.exe file on my unattended CD, then use WinRAR with command-line options to decompress it to a temporary folder, and execute the MSI from there... Anyways, I can't find a (free) non-gui utility to decompress the EXE. What I have figured out is that WinRAR uses the file cab.fmt from the Formats directory to decompress IP5_2Eng.exe. But programs like CABARC and EXTRAC32 won't decompress it, it's a different type of CAB. I tried 7-Zip too. The file in question is http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/c...77/IP5_2Eng.exe
  23. I think your first problem is this: "%SystemRoot%\Resources\Icons\txt.ico",0 should be "%SystemRoot%\Resources\Icons\txt.ico,0" If you do it with an INF file you can read the value as plaintext rather than hex values.. [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" [DefaultInstall] AddReg = Add.AddReg [Add.AddReg] HKCR,"txtfile\DefaultIcon","",0x00020000,"%SystemRoot%\Resources\Icons\txt.ico,0" 0x00020000 is REG_EXPAND_SZ (which isn't too readable when exported to a REG file)
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