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Posts posted by Idontwantspam

  1. Woops sorry i meant Windows XP is easy to breach, Im having a hard time getting into W2K :P I jus want to be able to access the admin account or a power user... Just to prove to him i can actually do it lol. Brute forcing isnt much of an option either... seing as it takes ages to breach, and im thinking my dad probably used numbers, jus 2 make it a bit trickier.

    So... you're trying to break in to the admin account just to prove yourself? :unsure: Sounds like fun! :thumbup Sort of. But if we tell you how, you are proving your research and asking skills, not your computer cracking skills. Right? :whistle: I;d suggest you try on your own some more, and if you don't have it by this time tomorrow, come back and we'll see what we can do for you. I'd head over to google if I were you. Not to be mean or anything, but you'll never learn if you just ask people to do it for you! Good luck. :hello:

    And by the way - XP isn't that easy to crack, either. It's built on Windows 2000, and when configured properly, can be just as secure or better. Maybe you're thinking of windows 98 or something.

  2. OK, now you're confusing me. He changed the password to see if you could break in? That doesn't make sense. :wacko:

    And actually, Windows 2000 is not "easy 2 breach". Or do you have some proof? :P So what is it you need to do? Gain Admin access? What do you need to do with your admin access?

  3. oh now why didnt u just say O'Reilly before! lol. i had the same problem when i was doing a database with a name entry system a few months ago :)

    Sorry. :blushing: I guess I didn't give a good example. Oh well, thanks for trying anyway!

    ..And no, my name is not O'Rielly. :rolleyes:


    Now I have a new question. How can I make a link to a file so that it will download the file rather than open it in the browser? For example, if there's a PDF document on a site and I link to it using the standard <a href="... method, it just opens in the window specified by target=. Is there a value for target= that will specify download, or some other option like that? Thanks in advance. ;)

  4. I'm not sure I understand your reply. This happens with any form element getting processed in any way by php. Here is a full-document example.


    <p>This is an example.</p>
    <form action="example.php" method="post">
    Your name is: <input type="text" value="" id="yourname" name="yourname" />


    <title>My name is <?php echo $_POST["yourname"] ?></title>
    Hello, <?php echo $_POST["yourname"] ?>. Welcome to this example page!

    Now, say for example, someone's name is John O'rielly. Well, example.php would display the html code as follows:

    <title>My name is John O\'rielly</title>
    Hello, John O\'rielly. Welcome to this example page!

    What I want to do is prevent it from showing that backslash. Does that explain it better? I hope?

  5. OK, here's my problem. I have a php form that submits an email with the text the user specifies, and it works fine except that all of the \ symbols and ' symbols have a \ before them. Is there any way to stop this? It happens with any form element submitted to a form. For example:

    This is part of "form.html"

    <form action="example.php" method="post">
    <input type="text" value="" id="example1" name="example1" />
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" id="example2" name="example2" />

    The text field "example1" gets filled in with

    Example: \ '

    And then there's example.php:

    <?php echo $_POST["example1"] ?>

    Which will display:

    Example: \\ \'

    How can I stop this???

  6. Google Desktop. It indexes every file on your computer when its not in use, so get fast results when actually searching for files.

    Don't use google desktop. It slows your computer down and has many processes running that get in the way, and does weird things. I don't like it.

  7. OK, I've figured out the uxtheme.dll patch, and putting it in WINDOWS/resources/themes, and double-clicking on the .msstyles file, but is there any way to make it show up under all users by default, the way Windows Classic and Luna do? I think there's somewhere in the registry that I have to poke around, but I'm not sure where. Thanks in advance.

  8. I also work for DoD...USAF to be specific. The security settings that are on your laptop now are part of the Federally mandated Standard Desktop Configuration (SDC). The Air Force started this initiative almost 2 years ago and it has now been signed into law by the president for all US Government organizations.

    The settings that are on "your" laptop now will be near to impossible to undo. Not only are the settings enforced by Group Policy, but part of SDC incorporates applying a security template directly to the workstation/laptop.

    Wait until they start enforcing the LUA (limited user access) portion of SDC. When that happens anyone who isn't a systems administrator will no longer have admin access to any workstation, laptop or server. Period. As a matter of fact...those of us who are systems administrators have two accounts; one for day to day tasks (email, web browsing, Office apps, etc) and another for sysadmin purposes.

    I will say that I don't know where they got the notion of Symantec AV being unsecure. We're using (and are required to use) SAV Corporate Edition 10.

    Hmmm. Will this affect all U.S. Government computers or just USAF? Do you know where I can find more info on this, like a PDF or official website or something? Google doesn't appear to turn up anything specific. As for the guy asking the question... if you work for the gov, don't screw with their computers. Let them do what they want, or else you'll be the one in trouble.

  9. I'm going to post some pictures maybe. But I haven't even gotten around to downloading them yet, so we'll see. And I don't want to upload too many or you'll know who I am. :ph34r: But yeah, eventually maybe.

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