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Everything posted by COKEDUDEUSF

  1. I am sure there are several people having this problem with pidgin not being able to connect to MSN. I have seen many solutions but I think this one is by far the easiest one to use. http://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/fix-pidgin-msn-omegacontactsmsncom.html#more 1. Download this omega.contacts.msn.com certificate http://webupd8.googlecode.com/files/omega.contacts.msn.com 2. In Pidgin, go to Tools > Certificates and remove the existing "omega.contacts.msn.com" certificate. Then select "Add" and add the certificate downloaded under step 1 and when prompted to enter the hostname, enter: "omega.contacts.msn.com": Now click OK and that's it! Here are some other solutions that I didn't think were as easy to use. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ssl-certificate-problem-in-pidgin-and-msn.html https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+question/134576
  2. Since it took me awhile to figure out how to show blue screen error I thought I would point this out to other people. http://teamtutorials.com/other-tutorials/force-computer-to-show-blue-screen-details Right click my computer, properties, Advanced tab, Startup and recovery settings, System failure and uncheck Automatically restart. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/174630 Regedit, go to this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\CrashControl Change the value data in the AutoReboot value to 0 (zero), instead of 1.
  3. It was using XP when I formatted it and it is still using XP now.
  4. Could I please have some recommendations for Data Recovery of a Formatted Drive. There are so many choices out there that I don't know which one I wanna use.
  5. How do I check if its a SATA disk that's attached to a SATA controller? How do I add the SATA chipset drivers? I'm not familiar with that. The only bit of information I know off hand is it is a netbook. Its a friends computer. I'm trying to help him to get XP running on it.
  6. Could anyone explain why I am getting this message when trying to install XP. "Setup did not find any HD installed in your computer." I have Ubuntu installed on another partition so it makes no sense that XP doesn't recognize my HD.
  7. If anyone is forced to use Microsoft Visual Studio here is a free way for students to get it. I'm not really very fond of the program. I think it is bloatware with way to much stuff in it. I would much rather use a smaller IDE if I really need it. My preferred way of programming is to use notepad ++ and a compiler. Does anyone know of a good small IDE for C and C++? https://www.dreamspark.com/default.aspx?wa=wsignin1.0
  8. Can you convert this to a common registry file??? Or how do you import this to registry?? Open up notepad. Copy and paste the code below into notepad. Then save the as whatever.reg and change the save as type to All Files.
  9. Thx for setting this up for me . I voted Comodo. It seems to do a decent job, but it gives way to many warning messages sometimes.
  10. Has anyone had any luck with any of these tools? Since F-Secure is the only thing that been able to help me at all I think I may try F-Secure Rescue CD. http://www.techmixer.com/free-bootable-antivirus-rescue-cds-download-list/
  11. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=0D5F9B6E-9265-44B9-A376-2067B73D6A03&displaylang=en Why doesn't this patch give you an error message if you already have it installed? I installed this patch 3 times in a row with no error message. Does this patch not support slipstreaming? I slipsteamed it into my XP disc.
  12. Can you put that in a reg file? That is not the format I used to seeing. I'm used to one of these formats. reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\1" /v "Flags" /t REG_DWORD /d 219 /f Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDownload]
  13. Thx for adding that. Does MSFN have Title length restrictions? My original title was "Show Close Button In Last Tab and Keep the window open when you close the last tab in Firefox".
  14. I only have one machine. No one uses my computer but me. Also no virus scanners can find the bloody thing at all.
  15. Even after applying this patch I am still having this same problem. Does anyone have any other ideas? I just reformatted my computer and installed this patch before even connecting to the internet and I still have this same problem .
  16. Here is another way to take care of this problem. Registry Option: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesAttachments Set SaveZoneInformation to 1. NOTE: 0 = Not Configured 1 = Enabled 2 = Disabled You can also set this via Group Policy at the User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Attachment Manager node. Enable the "Do not preserve zone information in file attachments" setting. http://searchwindowsserver.techtarget.com/expert/KnowledgebaseAnswer/0,289625,sid68_gci1271199,00.html
  17. I'm sure this has annoyed other people besides just me, so here is the way to fix this problem. http://joe-riggs.com/blog/2009/07/show-close-button-in-last-tab-with-firefox-3-5/ http://mozillalinks.org/wp/2009/07/disable-tab-tearing-and-six-other-firefox-3-5-tab-tweaks/
  18. Does anyone know how to disable this message from the registry? I'm aware of how to do it with gpedit.msc, but I prefer to do it from the registry.
  19. What is everyone's favorite program for Burning Bootable Iso's? Imgburn has been my favorite program for a long long time, but it is really p***ing me off that it completely ignores me when I give it a write speed. I tell it to burn at 4x but it burns at 24x for some unknown reason.
  20. Can someone explain this. I don't see %username% or %computername% in the code they gave. http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/registry/35/
  21. I'm curious what is everyone's favorite Process ID Viewer for Windows. So far I like this one quite a bit. I am of course curious if they are any better ones out there. http://www.beyondlogic.org/consulting/processutil/processutil.htm
  22. Does anyone know how to disable flashing in google chat through your browser? I'm not talking about Google Talk. I'm talking about when using google chat through your browser.
  23. Crappy Dell Video Cards and Good Gaming Video Cards. That link doesn't help me in any way for my second and third question.
  24. How would you add warning messages to open a program? I'm sometimes stubborn about using newer programs because the older ones are better, but eventually they do become obsolete . So I wanna force myself to really think about it before I use an older version of a program.
  25. What exactly is Video Data Rate? If you have a cheap video card can you see a difference between 450 kbps and 700 kbps? If you have a good video card what kind of differences can you see between 450 kbps and 700 kbps?
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