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Everything posted by ilko_t

  1. Try the attached, grub4dos supports gzip compression so may not need to extract it, just amend winset.lst accordingly. Just tested it with XP SP3 on an old laptop up to the partitioning screen, winvblock files are from today or yesterday. winvblk.ima.gz
  2. I would start with reading the FAQs (frequently asked questions) which topic is made pinned on purpose: Especially Q3. If you still can't figure out what to do, mention in your next post what method,guide or program you are using.
  3. That's a great USB stick, and reporter, I fancy them both Here we go- below is how (using what string) ParentID Prefix (bolded) is generated for each stack/level (in red) in case no serial number is present The Volume DevID is used in Mounted Devices key, for Windows 2003 and below.Since with no serial number generation starts from the DevID string of the USB host controller, and also each USB port on it has different DevID, there is no way to generate Mounted Devices key on one machine and use same one on another, unless both machines has the same USB controllers and USB stick is plugged in the port with the same DevID. I bet the migrate.inf which worked was generated on the same machine where it worked. In the other machine MountedDevices key is completely different since the host controller is different. In addition- the Serial Number reported by Chip Genius (167ABEC4) was wrong, you could see that string in Ctrl DevID. To compare, with a stick with serial number, under Windows 7: How MountedDevices key is generated: Vista and above: Drive DevID is used itself 2003 and below: Drive DevID string is used to generate yet another ParentID prefix, used in Volume DevID which is then used in MountedDevices. I hope the mystery about migrate.inf is fully revealed. Hope you can help with the other one, the 2GB barrier, to rephrase: 1) Try using migrate.inf generated on your machine on the other one, the one with nVidia chipset 2) Try using migrate.inf generated on your machine on the same 3) Try without migrate.inf at all on your and the other machine
  4. @ZaPbUzZ Repartition and format the stick with either of the tools included, RMPrepUSB or BootIce: @Robou Quite interesting news coming from you and our no longer unnamed hero which will help us gain some more knowledge Long story short- when there is a serial number Windows prior to Vista calculates ParentID prefix based on PNPDevID & serial number to construct MountedDevices key. Vista and above use the PNPDevID string for MountedDevices. I used the same technique to produce migrate.inf, gaining compatibility with Vista and above, not reading MountedDevices at all, as MkMigrateInf.cmd does but can't work on Vista and above. Never got a chance to get my hands on stick without serial number in order to find out how MountedDevices key is made in this case, now hopefully this would happen with your precise help. It'd be surprising if a "wrong" migate.inf really leads to the BSOD you mentioned and this 2GB barrier. Can you test to confirm- use WinSetupFromUSB prepared migrate.inf, one from MkMigrateInf.cmd and without the file at all.
  5. Yes. Use the latest beta version.
  6. Can you attach the new migrate.inf along with the output of ListUsbDrives.exe -d ? http://www.uwe-sieber.de/files/listusbdrives.zip If you have a chance to produce the same way migrate.inf and output of ListUsbDrives.exe on either Vista, Server 2008 or 7 machine it would be great. I'd like to figure out how exactly ParentID Prefix is calculated when there is no serial number. In case one is curious about the subject:
  7. Can you run MkMigrateInf.cmd against the drive letter of that stick, put the resulting c:\migrate.inf in \winsetup\XPpSP..\I386 replacing the existing one and test what drive letter the same USB stick is going to get during text mode. No need to install, just get to the disks/partitions screen. MkMigratgeInf_c.cmd H: c:\migrate.inf Replace H: with the drive letter of the USB stick. I'd love to find out if drive letter of such sticks without serial number can be preserved via migrate.inf.
  8. @Robou Couldn't get this part- does the drive letter change if you plug the same unknown brand USB stick into another USB port on the same computer and no other USB sticks were plugged meanwhile? What happens if you unplug this one, plug another one and plug back the first one in another port?
  9. You could use cfadisk with a generic PNPID, search cdob's topics with keyword cfadisk. You could also use dummydisk.sys, it does not require PNPID and does work during Text mode. As for the drive letter of the unknown USB stick- I guess it doesn't have a serial number, let's confirm: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/usb_devices_view.html Does it show a serial number? Does this stick get a new drive letter when plugged into another USB port on the same computer? If that's the case..hmm, changing USB port might also mean a new ParentID Prefix/MountedDevices key, perhaps also a new drive letter, look at section USB serial number: http://www.uwe-sieber.de/usbtrouble_e.html Would have to figure out how Vista/7 deal with these cases too. No such USB stick around to play with, but interesting issue to be studied further. Thanks cdob for pointing the right track.
  10. It's weird this 2GB barrier...Could it be the flash drive is faulty or with fake size? Or BIOS? Have you tried on other machines, the same USB stick?As for the extended partition- in this case you'd need to use a filter driver such as hitachi microdrive filter driver or dummydisk in order Windows to see it as fixed disk and be able to show and use other partitions on it. Or to turn the removable bit on the USB stick controller, making it fixed drive. As for the drive letters- what drive letter is the USB stick in question on this machine?
  11. About the BSOD- did you try again to boot it? MS articles also mention corrupted file system or disk as a reason not to be able to mount the boot volume. Can try running chkdsk on that stick? Does it actually work reliably when used for regular tasks? As for the wrong drive letters using the unknown brand- please attach it to your computer and export as a reg file from regedit the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices Let me know what drive letter that USB stick has at that time and attach the reg file.
  12. Please read the first post in this topic for your answers. Hiren's Boot CD is still considered warez, thus no support here.
  13. Wouldn't have guessed. You'd have to disconnect temporarily some of the unneeded ones to get going. Can't properly support more than 6 internal disks + the USB one = 7. One mapping reserved for the virtual CD. Total 8. That's what grub4dos allows currently. I'll put a warning message in the next version if grub4dos detects more than 7 disks.Didn't expect in a real world scenario such configuration. Can you test if everything goes smoothly with some of the disks disconnected? Will ask grub4dos developers if this number can be increased in future release.
  14. Ahh, here we go. BIOS reports 9 hard drives. Menu entries are intended for up to 8. Grub4dos doesn't support more than 8 map slots...http://reboot.pro/12449/page__view__findpost__p__108897 What type and how many mass storage devices are connected? Are there any USB card readers? How many internal hard drives are connected? Is this a laptop? What model? Is it a desktop? What motherboard model?
  15. Can you run the added part in my last post?
  16. Let's try to manually load the setup and see where it breaks. Type one by one: find --set-root --ignore-cd /WINSETUP/XPpSP3.ISO root (hd0,0) map /WINSETUP/XPpSP3.ISO (0xff) || map --mem /WINSETUP/XPpSP3.ISO (0xff) map (hd0) (hd1) map (hd1) (hd0) map --hook root (0xff) chainloader (0xff)/I386/SETUPLDR.BINWould need the output after each command. Capital letters do matter in the last line. It's very interesting what's with this machine, since it works fine in QEMU Added: Before doing the above, please run this one only and tell me the result: calc *0x475 & 0xFF
  17. It's ( in italic font. Try: cat (hd0,0)/BOOTWS/2.lstDo you get the contents of the file printed?
  18. Do root [space]([TAB]What's in [ ] are keys on the keyboard. Again, just in case: type root press space bar type ( press TAB What's the output? What about this one find /usbdrive.tag
  19. Please start from USB again. When you see the menus press "c" on your keyboard. You will enter grub4dos command line. There enter: root ([press TAB key here] ls /BOOTWS/ [ENTER] ls /WINSETUP/[ENTER] What's the output?
  20. Good to know, thanks.And please, keep in mind this forum does not support requests about illegal software. Read forum rules.
  21. That's very weird... Do you have a file usbdrive.tag in root of USB stick? What program did you use to extract the 7z file with the program? If you run the program, select only "test in QEMU", press GO, does the Setup start in the virtual machine?
  22. Please add the following files to a zip archive and attach it with your next post: 1) From USB stick menu.lst and winsetup.lst 2) from program directory- winsetupfromusb.log, if you have used the program after you added that source old logs are cab compressed and moved to \backup folder. Find the relevant ones.
  23. Did you try the latest 1.0 beta7 version?
  24. That wouldn't matter.Let's try something. Boot from USB stick. Press key "c" once you see grub4dos menu entries. You will get grub4dos command prompt. Type: find /ntldr What's the output? If it says (hd1,1) then type: root (hd1,1) chainloader /ntldr boot What's the result? I didn't get straight answer to this one:
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