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Everything posted by zulu9812

  1. I'm having great difficulty moving files across my home network, from my Windows 7 computer to my Windoes XP computer. The Windows 7 file copy box will spend a few seconds "discovering" the file, and then tell me the amount of seconds to go until the copying is completed. However, the progress hangs, locks up my network connection and I have to use the Windows Network Diagnostic tool to reset my LAN adapter. I thought that it was my AVG Internet Security suite causing the problem, so I uninstalled it. Still get the same problem. I thought that I might need to turn off Remote Differential Compression, so I did. Still get the same problem. Curiously, it only happens when moving large files, say greater than 500 MB. This is driving me up the wall. Can anyone advise?
  2. So, you're saying that I would get no noticeable benefit from 4GB of RAM under a 32-bit OS?
  3. I currently run Windows XP Pro SP2 and I am buying a new computer. I still intend to run the same OS on that system, but I might change to Vista 64-bit at some point down the line. My question is this: would I be better off with 4GB of slower speed RAM (800 MHz) or 2GB of faster RAM (1066 MHz)?. I intend to use the PC primarily for documents, internet access and gaming. Some things to consider: I gather that a 32-bit OS (i.e. what I'm running now) will only allocate a maximum of 2GB to any one process a ta time, whilst a 64-bit OS can allocate more (in application space). I further gather that a 32-bit Windows OS only has a maximum of 2GB in kernel space to allocate between all running programs. Can one assume that a 64-bit OS would, again, be able to use more? Even if my Windows XP can only allocate 2GB of RAM to an application at a time, presumably I could run 2 demanind apps at the same time, with each using 2GB?
  4. Well, actually, this happened before. I reformatted and now just a few days later the same problems have occurred. Thus, I don't want to do a reformat without understanding what's gone wrong - chances are it'll just happen again. Incidentally, I was able to fix the 193:0xc1 error I was getting when trying to start Remote Procedure Call by going into the registry and looking at the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > RpcSs and changing the ImagePath from a relative one (%SystemRoot%\system32\svchost.exe -k rpcss) to an absolute (C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k rpcss). I have been getting the same error code when attempting to start the following services: Terminal Services DCOM Server Process Launcher I tried changing their ImagePaths to absolutes as well, but that had no effect. Can anyone help? Or direct me to somewhere else?
  5. I've included a description of my original problem, which I am now on the road to fixing. Windows XP Pro SP2, full updates AVG Antivirus 7.5.476 COMODO Firewall Pro First of all, logging in takes an unusually long time, with a relatively lengthy period when there is only a blank desktop - no icons, no taskbar, and only 12 processes running. After a while, the desktop icons and the taskbar appears, more process run (totalling 22, which seems normal) I have no audio, only system bleeps. Device Manager says that the XiFi sound card is working properly, but the Control Panel says that I have no audio device. My Computer shows the presence of a floppy drive, but there is no floppy drive. I mean: there is no floppy physically present in the case. There are several problems with Windows Explorer. Open Windows (from any program) don't appear in the taskbar. I cannot copy or move files (but I can delete them). Initially, quick launch had been turned off in the task bar, but I was able to re-enable it. My anti-virus is AVG. Upon logging into Windows, AVG tells me that "Alert Manager connection to component failed". When I open the AVG Control Centre and do anything, e.g. right-click on something, I get a further error message "Email scanner is not fully functional". I ran a full virus scan, which detected on trojan, which was moved to the vault. In terms of the internet, I am connected. Internet Explorer won't run, and thus neither will Windows Update. Opera will run, but cannot access any page. Only Firefox is able to access the internet (it's what I'm using now). In Control Panal > Administrative Tools > Services, the extended tab is blank. The standard tab does show the windows services. Alerter, Clipbook, Human Interface Device Access, Messenger and Telnet are disabled (all others are either on manual or automatic). I can start some services (maybe a case of working out dependencies), but I cannot right-click on any of them or go to their properties, and thus can't change if they're Disabled, Manual or Automatic. Noteably, I cannot start Remote Procedure Call (RPC) at all. I get this error message when i try to do so: "Could not start the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service on Local Computer. Error 193: 0xc1" Upon accessing the Windows Security Centre, I got the following error message: "The Security Center is currently unavailable because the "Security Center" service has not started or was stopped. Please close this window, restart the computer (or start the "Security Center" service) and then open the Security Center again." Needless to say, restarting the computer has no effect. I went into the Services part of the Control Panel and attempted to start the Security Center service, but got another error message: "Could not start the Security Center service on Local Computer. Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start" In terms, of accessing files, it's a mixed bag. Archives, such as .rar and .iso seem to be working normally. Images cannot br previewed in Windows Fax and Picture Viewer, but can be edited in Paint. Windows Media Player cannot play any files - "Can't perform operation, low on memory". Creative MediaSource is similarly disabled - "Unable to open the necessary device(s) for playback. It may be in use or unavailable". WinAmp and GOM Player simply won't launch at all. I tried reinstalling AVG, but got the following error message: "Local machine: installation failed Initialization: Warning: Windows Firewall activity checking failed. The RPC server is unavailable. (1722) Installation: Error: Action failed for file avgemc.exe: starting service.... The dependency service or group failed to start. (1068)" I also ran CHKDSK, which detected and repaired one error. I have also run scans from specialist tools, such as anda Anti-Rootkit v1.08.00, McAfee AVERT Stinger v3.4.9 and MS Malicious Software Removal Tool - all of which have come up blank. Fast User Switching is set to manual, and cannot be started (it's dependent on something else that has also stopped). When I logged in again, COMODO Firewall pro gave 2 errors: "The Comodo Network Monitor is not active. Reinstalling the application may fix the problem." "the Comodo Application Monitor is not active. Reinstalling the application may fix the problem." Since then, I have been able to re-enable Remote Procedure Call, and that got a bunch of other services working again. I configured my services according to instructions found at http://www.blackviper.com/WinXP/servicecfg.htm. I also reinstalled AVG. Most things about my computer are working again, with a few exceptions. I still cannot have 2 users logged in at the same time. Additionally, the welcome screen does not show if a user is logged in. Win XP's built-in CD-burning facility won't work. I can drag files onto the blank CD, but when I go through the finalising wizard, I am told that there is no disc present. I can burn disks with Nero no problem. Windows Explorer is still showing the presence of a floppy drive, when I physically have no such drive. In terms of media files, I normally use GOM Media Player for video and WinAMP for audio. However, double-clicking these files will not launch them (despite the correct program showing as the default player). I can launch both programs and manually open a media file from within one of those 2 programs, I just can't open media files with these programs via Windows Explorer. Note: I can do so if I right-click on the file and select 'play with windows media player' - the file opens in WMP fine. Can anyone help?
  6. you mean the bit where you select your build? yes, I'm curious about that - what are the N versions? EDIT: I'm guessing that's the European version without WMP? But does it have the DRM stuff still?
  7. I'd be interested to know this as well. The DRM stuff is the single bigest obstacle to me buying Vista.
  8. Okay, over in the Application Installs forum I've been figuring it out how to do an unattended install when the serial is normally after install. Can I use N-Lite Add-On Maker to call a .reg file during the installation process? I tried using the following swtiches: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=95147 but when I tried to run the sfx archive I just got 'config failed'
  9. Okay, thanks for your help but it's a bit confusing. First of all I assume you meant install the program on my existing Windows and use regedit to export those reg keys. However, [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TuneUp\Utilities\6.0] does not exist. Secondly, how can I call a reg file during the installation process? Is there a switch for that?
  10. The installation uses Windows Installer. If it's any help, during the installation process the user has the option to check a box to start the program once the installer is finished (the check box is blank by default).
  11. Aah, yes - you're right. Thank you and sorry.
  12. Okay, so I want to slipstream Tuneup Utilties 2007 onto my Windows XP DVD. I more or less know how to use switches to create unattended installers that will input the serial during installation, but that won't be helpful for this program. The installer for TuneUp Utilities 2007 is a demo and the serial is entered after installation if you want to activate it. When you run TuneUp Utilities, the first screen is a splash screen asking if you want to check for updates and the second screen is a 'Trial version reminder' splash screen that asks me if I want to order the product, input a serial or continue with the trial. I would want to input the serial. Ultimately, what I want is for the installer to run, the program to start, my serial be entered automatically and the program to close again - all completely in the background, with no screens at all. How can this be done?
  13. This does not work for me. Add-on Maker isn't actually writing my switches to entries_jre.ini For example, what I'm looking for is this: [general] builddate= description=This installation was built with Inno Setup: http://www.innosetup.com language=English (United States) title= version= website= [EditFile] I386\SVCPACK.INF,SetupHotfixesToRun,AddProgram [AddProgram] nero- /SILENT /NOREBOOT /SN=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx /WRITE_SN but what I get is this
  14. OK, none of the files in the WPIScript folder are read-only and I have the correct user permissions.
  15. No, I mean that I've ripped the CD onto my hard drive, and placed the WPI folder within that root XP folder.
  16. When I start wpi.hta and go the the Options menu I get the following error message: "Could not open '.WPIScripts/useroptions.js' Using default settings" Clicking OK on that then produces the following error: "Could not save ./WPIScripts/useroptions.js" Similarly, I can't save to the config file: "Could not save ./WPIScripts/config.js" I'm assuming that I've set this up wrong. The whole WPI folder is in the root folder of my XP setup 'CD' (files on my hard drive), which i think is right. I've checked to see if the files in question are write-protected, which they're not. I've tried replacing .WPIScripts with %wpipath%/WPIScripts - but no joy (WPI just says that it can't save that either).
  17. I wasn't using any package from the nvidia site. I used the package from the motherboard site. No. My burner is fine, as proved by my next point. You obviously have a CD/CD Burner problem. Check your CD Burner or burn a new CD with lower speed. I considered this in light of what you said to me. I copied my original Windows disc to my computer, recreated it as a bootable ISO and burned that disc. The same scenario repeated. To summarise so far: 1. If I integrate nForce drivers via nlite to make a slipstreamed Windows XP disc, Windows setup will complete, but crash to BSOD after final reboot, and continue to crash to BSOD every boot thereafter. This implies that the initial installation is using the nForce drivers, but that they are being overwritten with 'safe' windows drivers during the GUI part of the install. 2. If I put those nForce drivers on a floppy and install the drivers manually in conjunction with an original Windows CD by pressing f6 and then specifying the location of the drivers, I get a successful Windows installation and subsequent usage, with no Device Manager issues. 3. If I use the method in #2, but replace the original Windows CD with a 1:1 copy I burned myself, I get a successful windows installation as in #2. This implies no problem with my CD burning capabilities. 4. If I use the method in #2, but replace the original Windows CD with one I slipstreamed using nlite, Windows setup will not load the drivers from the floppy. This implies a problem created by the slipstreaming process. I feel very secure in saying that it is not a problem at my end. Simply put, if I don't slipstream I can install the drivers and thus can install Windows. If I do slipstream, I can't.
  18. Now, this is interesting. As I said, I can install Windows using an original, non-slipstreamed disc and nForce drivers on a floppy. This lead me to think that nlite was not integrating the nForce drivers correctly. When I created a slipstreamed disc (a hotfix pack, .NET 2.0, Acrobat Reader and Open Office 2.03, with WMP, IE, Messenger, Windows Messenger, MSN Explorer, System Restore, Automatic Updates, Imapi, Fax Services, Tour, Help, System Error Reporting, Event Dump Log, Security Center and Service Pack Messages all removed - NO DRIVERS INTEGRATED) and tried to use that in conjunction with my floppy, then I would run into problems. I would be able to boot from CD into setup mode, press f6 to say that I wanted to install 3rd party SCSI/RAID drivers, be able to load the nRAID Controller and the nForce Storage Controller (they're not called exactly that, but something similar) and Windows would then start copying files (this is all before the GUI part of windows install). The installation would then tell me that it couldn't load these nVidia drivers, even if I hit Enter to retry. This leads me to think that there is something in the nlite slipstreaming process which is interfering with installing nForce RAID drivers, no matter of they're integrated or on a floppy.
  19. I actually found the nForce CD that came with my 'puter. I've attached the drivers I got from that so you can look at it. EDIT: can't attach, too big apparently. Can I email it to you? Both 1.0f and 1.0 rc8 were complete failures, in the same manner described in my first post in this thread (i.e. installation was successful but crashed to BSOD after final reboot, indicating that the nForce drivers were being overwritten).
  20. Okay, I went back to basics. Used my ordinary, original, unslipstreamed Windows XP Pro disc and put my nForce drivers on a floppy. Installed Windows the normal way. No problems whatsoever. Looks like the problem was caused by nlite not integrating the drivers correctly. Or the drivers can't be integrated correctly. One of the two.
  21. I have the same problem as well
  22. Just to update my progress, I used nlite to delete the SCSI/RAID drivers from a fresh windows source, integrated the drivers from 6.86_nforce_win2kxp_international_whql.exe and burned a new winlite CD. This time, I couldn't even enter setup. Bugger. EDIT: Okay, I created a new slipstreamed disc, this time taking out the SCSI?RAID driver and all the IDE drivers. I was able to install Windows but, again, on final reboot I got that **** stop error. I'm at a dead end now, I've tried everything that I can think of.
  23. I'm running into a brick wall with the tutorial in the first post. It's very informative, but I can't see what is going wrong. In my first attempt I slipstreamed drivers from the file motherboard_driver_raid_nvidia_ck804_bootdisk_xp.exe, which is specifically for the Gibayte K8N-series of motherboards (mine is a GAK8N-SLI) and integrated as TEXTMODE in nlite. I got through all stages of installing Windows, but when it reboots for the final time I get the BSOD with the following stop error "0x0000007B (0xBACC3524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)" I know that this stop error means an inaccessible boot device. On my second attempt (which included deleting the partition, creating a new partition and formating to NTFS), I created a new slipstreamed disc, this time using drivers from the package nForce4_x16_6.85_winxp2k_english.exe from the NVIDIA site, drivers taken from the legacy folder. Same story, same stop error. I know that at least the first stage of the windows install is loading these drivers because I can see it doing so at the bottom of the screen. The only thing I can think of is that Windows is still treating these drivers as unsafe (because they're not digitally signed) and over-writing them with its own default. However, I thought that that was precisely what the method in post#1 was supposed to solve. Any help would be greatly appreciated. P.S. This is a new source that already has SP2 integrated (by Microsoft) and I have also integrated the latest NVIDIA Forceware drivers (91.31) for my GeForce 6600 graphics card, as well as slipstreaming hotfixes from this page (v1.0.5a). Could any of that be causing a conflict? I doubt it, but it's always worth mentioning. P.P.S. I should also point out that I have been able to install windows on this computer before (I'm doing a reformat just to start fresh), but that was using an old Gigabyte drivers package that is no longer available from their site (and I can't find the floppy). The file in question is driver_sata_nf4_boot disk_xp.exe. If anyone has it, I'd be grateful if they could email it to me so I could test it out to see if it will work where the newer package won't. EDIT: I should also add that this is for a single SATA drive, arranged in a RAID array that is set to spanning and that my nVRaid BIOS version is 4.84
  24. Yes, I am. I slipstreamed the two drivers from motherboard_driver_raid_nvidia_ck804_bootdisk_xp.exe (for the Gigabyte K8N-SLI mobo). Windows setup will detect my hard drive, will format the drive and I can even get through the actual installation part (with the windows xp tip screens on the right hand side), but then at final reboot I get the Blue Screen of Death with several Stop errors.
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