Unfortunately it WON'T work. You have 4 (four) characters available, like \I386, you cannot have \SETUP\XPR3, only \XPR3. As said, you can have a hex edited SETUPLDR.BIN and TXTSETUP.SIF in each of the four-letter folder, and chainload it through grub4dos (or Aerostudio that can use grub4dos) or BCDW, or whatever, cannot say about Easyboot. jaclaz In fact... /XPR3 folder been used for recovery and installation console. All other files must be in folder, where TXTSETUP.SIF defined. \i386 or \Abrakadabra\badabooomm\WindowsXP123 Maybe that was an extrem example, but still it work like that. Soo basicly yo can create too many installation in one media, if your media can contain all of these OS'es.