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Resolution size problem

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I want to know if its normal for the resolution settings in my winnt.sif not to work on a VMware with no VM tools installed on the virtual machine?...( I think i read something like that on this forum somewhere)...Anyways if it is true, how do i get the resolution settings in my winnt.sif file to work if you can only install VM tools after windows is installed on the Virtual machine. If it is not true,

how do i get the resolution settings in my winnt.sif file to work?
(it's fun Quoting myself... :P )

The reason for this question is because i can't see all my Application installing window because the res is screwed.


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This is happening because you don't have the video driver installed.

You can add the VMware drivers to your Unattended CD just as regular one

Extract the VMware drivers in the ISO you will find installed in the WMware Program folder:

Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\windows.iso

Open the ISO file and extract the drivers you will find here:

CD\program files\VMware\VMware Tools\Drivers

Thanks to prathapml for pointing that out to me! :thumbup

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I had the same problem, not only with winnt.sif but with using the 1395VidChng program available on UA guide downloads... I fixed it by using a refresh rate of 1 and it worked like a charm. give that a shot with your winnt.sif... id be interested in hearing the results

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